Day 32: Sun Room (2nd shift)

May 16, 2008 13:44

After the couple glasses of water Leon managed to gulp down during breakfast, the mage felt immensely better. He was still a bit tired, but that was nothing a little lounging on one of the sofas wouldn't cure. Stretching his arms above his head, he couldn't help but wish he'd had the chance to grab one of his new doctor's coats before leaving his ( Read more... )

star dragon sword, diva, kyon, qui-gon jinn, axel, anya, anise, tyler, danny phantom, mason, seiya, light, miku, clark kent, zex, angel, claire bennet, shana, peter parker, luxord, kurogane, roxas, subzero, eileen, nakago, peter petrelli, yohji, sync, farfarello, kadaj, yukari, tyki, wolverine, esmeralda, nathan petrelli, lia, rubedo, sanji, rhode, shito, obi-wan kenobi, homura, kenshin, bella, adelheid, kaito, elle, alexander conklin, sora, momo (xenosaga), usagi, luffy, river, leon (so2), reno, albel, claude, keman, amelia, oriya, zexion, harry osborn, javert, max, roland, harley, brook, ren, yuber, hanyuu, ling, kimbley, armand, reid, allelujah, roy, frey, wesker, cloud, sylar, leon magnus, yue, daemon, aidou, brooklyn, statesman, john connor, eddie brock, rangiku, hisoka, shadow, subaru, sanzo

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Comments 868

manhattan_red May 16 2008, 19:52:30 UTC
[Awaiting the other wing-ed one, a.k.a. Keman]

Brooklyn left the lunch room feeling particularly sorry for one Danny Phantom. Despite the fact that he'd been nearly beaten to death by glowing green energy the night before last, it was hard to stay angry at someone when they hadn't been completely responsible for their actions. And he was so young! It was going to mess with him terribly, having to deal with the aftermath of what he'd done then. At least Vlad seemed forgiving, and he'd been hurt far worse.

The gargoyle made himself comfortable somewhere he'd be easily noticed. That patient who was supposedly a dragon outside of the Institute had wanted to meet him this shift, and far be it from Brooklyn to disappoint. He couldn't help but wonder what a dragon turned human would look like. Probably huge and muscular with deep brown skin. Could you really be a creature like that originally and not still look fearsome even when you were made human?


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manhattan_red May 16 2008, 21:57:41 UTC
"You're...?" Brooklyn sat up straighter, giving the other boy a once-over. So much for the 'big and muscular' theory. Maybe once he got older... "Ah, yeah. That's me. I'm Brooklyn. And don't worry about it! It's cool." He'd made a couple small attempts to claim he was simply human, but really - with all the strange people and creatures turned into people here there wasn't much point. The problem was getting anyone new to believe you.

He patted the seat beside him. "So what was it you wanted to talk about? I don't know how much in common gargoyles have with dragons, really. We don't breathe fire or sleep on mounds of gold..." A weak chuckle followed that statement. He didn't even know if Keman fit the usual dragon stereotype.


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misterprince May 16 2008, 20:10:36 UTC
Well, Brook had been just as energetic as he remembered. Sanji had no doubt at all that he and Luffy would get along fine - whether the musician was a skeleton or not. He still wasn't sure what to think about what revelations Brook had provided them about their future, but he was going to try not to dwell on it too much. He hadn't said anything negative, and that was just fine with him.

Taking a seat at one of the tables, he allowed himself to stretch his legs out and just relax. The wounds on his back ached in protest at this, but they'd healed just enough by now that he could ignore it. His eyes roamed the room, trying to pick out Nami but not seeing anyone. Perhaps it was just too early.

She had to be all right. He'd gotten over his fever, hadn't he?


transgenix May 17 2008, 14:11:19 UTC
[Hope you don't mind pestering? Otherwise I can delete.]

Max was restless still after last night, and after a quiet breakfast, she entered the Sun Room looking for something to do. Finding a young man sitting by himself at one of the tables, Max headed in his direction and paused at his side, cocking her head to the side curiously as she regarded him.

"Waiting for someone or am I interrupting your nap?" she spoke in greeting, wondering if he minded company.


misterprince May 17 2008, 18:35:41 UTC
[Not at all! I just slept in way too late.]

The chef looked up, blinking in surprise, before letting his mouth widen into a grin. Here was another woman approaching him all on her own, and he wasn't even so obviously wounded this time! He just had the charm, that was it - even done up in this ugly gray ensemble.

And while he had technically been waiting for someone, far be it for him to deny another young lady the chance to take a seat beside him. "No, I'm not napping! Feel free to sit. How are you?"


transgenix May 17 2008, 23:25:39 UTC
[It's a weekend] ;)

"Well enough," she replied with an easy grin, sinking down in a chair beside him. She held out a hand in greeting.

"That name's Max."


roses_bleues May 16 2008, 20:14:50 UTC
Mmmm, Diva remembered playing this game sometimes… Picking people out of the crowd by the echoing taste of their blood, thinking whether they’d make a good Chevalier, a regular Chiropteran, or a test subject for Amshel. Just like how some kids would amuse themselves by picking out signs or vehicles on a long road trip, it was something that had made Diva laugh. Carl and Nathan enjoyed playing.

It was a secret between her and James, but every once and a while he would play with her too--his suggestions were usually about who might taste good to Mama.

For now, it was the game Diva found herself playing: listening to heartbeats, wishing for her children, watching for openings, thinking about nightfall. Night time would benefit her, it seemed. She had yet to come across anything that could subdue her during the night. Then, she’d use the results of the game to feed and find a suitable Chevalier.


deathbymidget May 17 2008, 21:05:02 UTC
[Hope it's okay?]

Somehow, Hiei's nurse found a new way to annoy him each time he saw the woman. Now she was going on about how so very proud she was that Hiei had held a conversation over breakfast, and how he didn't try to hit Simon, and didn't he want to try that more often?

About then, all Hiei wanted to try was stabbing the woman in the face, but sedation wasn't worth the effort at the moment. Besides, it would be much better to wait until night, when the demon could freely move about without having to worry about the chipper humans and their needles.

That didn't mean Hiei was going to listen to the woman a moment longer than he had to, however, and the small demon set a fast pace to the Sun Room. Without her prompting, he headed towards the first single person he saw, deciding that even if he only stayed long enough to make the blasted woman go away, it was better than being hounded for another moment longer.

Of course, that didn't mean Hiei had to actually talk. He sat on the couch without a word, barely sparing the ( ... )


roses_bleues May 17 2008, 23:01:51 UTC
For a while, Diva didn't say anything either, or even acknowledge someone had come near her. With her eyes closed, and a soft smile on her fact, Diva breathed in the life around her. So many different colors, different tastes. Some human, some not, some sort of human? It was what made the game interesting and bleed into minutes, rather than keeping her attention for a few scant seconds and sending her off on another search for entertainment soon after.

When Heat had come sat beside her, in much the same way, she hadn't really been in the mood to play. There was one obvious similarity between that and this, though: there was a hot taste.

"Ne, but you," started Diva, opening her eyes. Her fingers were daintily linked under her chin while she faced the room, and she was not quite interested enough to do more than look sideways at Hiei, the one in question. "You're not the same. Why?"


deathbymidget May 17 2008, 23:09:36 UTC
Hiei had been content enough to ignore and be ignored. He'd leaned back against his side of the couch, closing his eyes. Maybe if the woman had stayed quiet, the demon could've taken a nap. But no, she had to talk, some random words that made no sense out of whatever context her apparently warped mind had come up with.

"Not the same as what?" Hiei wasn't one to indulge stupidity, and his impatience showed in his voice. "And why is it any business of yours? I'm only here so that human nurse will leave me alone."


sixth_scents May 16 2008, 20:19:33 UTC
Following Naminé's advice about the bulletin board, Zexion had asked his nurse to take him to the Sun Room. It had been a pleasant surprise to find that the Sun Room was the location where he would be spending his time next. It wasn't hard to locate the bulletin board; it was placed in the middle of the east wall.

He walked over and studied the board. The process seemed very clear; one wrote a message and then stuck it on the board. After reviewing the various posts, he added his own to the mix. Trusting Naminé was correct about the bulletin board's reliability, he started to read the other posts, seeking anything informative about the institute.

[Unbeknownst to him, he's waiting for the Melodious Nocturne, Demyx]


sitard3d May 16 2008, 22:30:50 UTC
Whether or not eating was actually necessary for a Nobody, Demyx tended to opt for it, since it felt more normal and he'd done what he could to preserve a semblance of a normal life since he'd lost his. That he'd missed breakfast had actually been entirely accidental, as his increasingly-frustrated nurse had spent the better part of an hour fielding her charge's baffled questions(several of which were repeated multiple times with only minor changes in wording, simply because Demyx didn't believe or couldn't comprehend the answers). It had only been once she'd mentioned joining the other patients that he'd finally been prepared to leave his room at all, and that was primarily because he was hoping to find someone more cooperative to interrogate ( ... )


sixth_scents May 17 2008, 01:30:48 UTC
Whether it was the less compact nature of the room, or the fact that the other patients mostly gathered in groups far from the bulletin board (with the exception of a few patients gathering nearby), but Zexion was able to detect Demyx's presence by the fresh-rain scent permeating the air around the other Nobody.

"Hello, Demyx."

He didn't turn around; he knew his comrades' scents by heart (or to the Nobody equivalent of the missing organ), and Demyx was no different. IX hadn't been mentioned as one of the present members, though it sounded like new patients continued arriving, so it wasn't out of the question that Demyx may have just arrived.

He continued to study the board, back to his subordinate.


sitard3d May 17 2008, 01:54:04 UTC
Demyx did his best not to deflate. True, Zexion had hardly acknowledged him, but that wasn't exactly unexpected. Even under the strange and uncertain circumstances, expecting anyone else - especially Zexion, who was even more standoffish than most of the others in the Organization - to feel relief similar to his own at seeing a familiar face was way too much to have hoped for.

"Uh..." Opening gambit having fallen flat, it took Demyx a second to recover and remember his purpose for having approached Zexion in the first place. "Do you have any idea what's going on?"


31st_of_china May 16 2008, 20:27:33 UTC
Sanzo's first impulse was to scan the room, looking for that familiar black hair and eyes. He wouldn't put it past Homura to enjoy what happened yesterday's breakfast shift. The fucker would probably gloat about it too, probably thought that he'd even "won" that round ( ... )


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