Day 28: The Twin Pine Restaurant

Nov 06, 2007 20:32

[ from here ]

The detective almost crushed the slip of paper in his hand with excitement. He hadn't eaten the miserable breakfast that'd been issued to every patient, too miserable himself to actually realise he was starving. Not that he had the slightest idea why; wasn't like he'd done anything strenuous last night, unless gathering enough ( Read more... )

raine, axel, dairine, thursday, usopp, kairi, gumshoe, reinforce, light, leon magnus, jj, rukia, kaoru, wolverine, kratos, hikaru, renji, l.a.

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Comments 210

bulletofjoy November 7 2007, 08:40:35 UTC
JJ let out a snort of genuine laughter, one of his first since his arrival here. Someone else might've questioned just how inappropriate it was that he was enjoying himself in such a situation, but that wasn't really JJ's style. He was happy and so was Gumshoe, and he wasn't going to complain about either of that.

He was about to answer Gumshoe when one of the waitresses approached. She held two menus in her hand and with a cheery, "Oh, you boys must be new in town," led them to a table inside.

JJ sat down and fiddled with the corner of the menu. "I have to say, this would make a good case to talk about back home, don't you think? It's like a really great mystery."

Which was the way JJ preferred to think of it., right? Even if it really wasn't. But he'd rather not look at it like that. Too depressing and JJ hated feeling depressed.


ham_fisted November 8 2007, 05:05:36 UTC
"Afternoon, ma'am!" Gumshoe happily greeted the waitress, following her as she showed them to their table. He flipped the menu open, index finger helping him keep his place when JJ spoke. He glanced over at the other man, considering the outlook.

"I guess so," he sighed, shrugging. The only mystery here was the question of why on earth he'd been signed up to a mental institution, and whom by. "Except we're in the middle of it."

He practically flinched when he gazed at the lunch list once more, suddenly assuming a very serious tone as he called for service, passionately slamming a hand on the table top.


bulletofjoy November 10 2007, 07:26:15 UTC
JJ blinked once as Gumshoe attacked the table with his fist. He was about to tell his friend to maybe try not to frighten the teens working here, but then one of them popped up right by his shoulder with a notepad in her hand. She somewhat resembled the other girl helping another set of customers not too far off. Sisters, no doubt.

She smiled. "And what can I do for you gentlemen today?"

JJ peered down at his menu, having not really taken his choice yet. After a second, he waved at Gumshoe.

"Him first, I think."


ham_fisted November 10 2007, 08:31:59 UTC
... Maybe he went a bit overboard there.

The waitress appeared on cue, and while Gumshoe felt slightly self-conscious now, letting his enthusiasm run his actions in as public a place as this - it was, after all, the most thrilling, mouth-watering choice he'd recently found on the menu - he merely gave the young girl a lopsided smile, as well as an instant reply.

"I'd like a steak, please," he managed in a civil voice.


totallytheseme November 7 2007, 23:29:18 UTC
[from here.]

Hikaru and Kaoru walked to the restaurant arm-in-arm. It attracted them a few stares here and there, but nothing they weren't used to.

Hikaru knew that he was supposed to be Kaoru right now, so he made sure to stay in character. Everything from his mannerisms to the way he walked were exactly perfect. It had to be. Even though no one else could tell them apart, it was important to him that he be as true to Kaoru's image as he possibly could.

And he'd had a lifetime of practice.

The inside of the restaurant was kind of kitschy and cluttered, but it seemed like a five star compared to the "Tasty Burger" he'd seen down the street. Plus, it had an A in the window. He was familiar enough with American restaurants to know that this place was, at least, clean. Not like he couldn't sue if he got food poisoning, of course, but it was comforting not to have to think about rat droppings in his food (or whatever).

Kaoru was him right now, so he'd let him be the assertive one.


hangenki November 8 2007, 23:26:31 UTC
Kaoru led 'Kaoru' over to a secluded little corner and sat his brother down. He picked up the menus and passed one to his brother.

"Let's see if they have anything we like. It's a little sad this place, isn't it? Like it wants to be a decent but... it can't afford it. Plus it's in the wrong area... Everything here's so dull."


totallytheseme November 9 2007, 01:15:25 UTC
Hikaru studied the menu for a little while. Twin Pines seemed awfully fond of its 'country fried steak,' but...fried...steak? Augh. That was a heart attack waiting to happen. It raised his cholesterol just thinking about it.

"Totally boring. What about this...turkey pot pie? Didn't they serve something like that for dinner a few nights ago?"


damned_town November 10 2007, 07:20:06 UTC
Customers were finally drifting in. And all new faces, it looked like. She'd been told they would be coming. And that they were apparently from wasn't too far off from here--the entire town had been talking about their visit--but the main thing Jackie's mind was that these boys were sorta cute, if a little young for her.

Notepad in one hand and a water pitcher in the other, she headed over to the boys' table, her heels clicking as she went. Her ponytail bounced.

"Welcome," she greeted with a charming smile, filling up their glasses with the ice water. "What can I get for you today?"


ol_canucklehead November 8 2007, 04:01:42 UTC
[from Main Street, in a round-about kinda way.]

Stepping through doorway, Logan took in the sight of a very homey, very cozy looking restaurant, just like one would expect to see in any small American town. Too perfect, he thought, gotta be jus' another part o' tha whole grand illusion.

There were four other patients here that he could see, standing out like sore thumbs in horrendously mismatched clothing. Two of them appeared to be identical twins. Strange tha' they'd both end up in this mess. Or maybe not...He declined to converse with any of them for now, preferring to eat alone. Within seconds of entering the joint, a fresh-faced, attractive young girl in a clean white apron approached him. "Hi there! Table for one, sir?" He grunted an affirmation in response and followed her as she led him to a quiet corner and handed him a menu, leaving him to it for the time being ( ... )


1imited_edition November 10 2007, 14:30:58 UTC
[[From Wicker Street.]]Rein entered the Twin Pine behind Raine and alertly scanned the room for any sort of hidden danger. It wasn't the town that she was worried about so much as the patients... the run-in with The Bride at the beginning of the excursion hadn't helped her paranoia on Raine's behalf in the least, and she was currently making a minor spectacle of herself with her swings between cheerful banter and bodyguard-type behavior towards the half-elf ( ... )


per_ardua November 10 2007, 19:41:07 UTC
Raine nodded to the man, but she was occupied with looking around the place curiously. This building didn't have anything she found too unusual (sadly), but getting something to eat was more of a concern by that point anyway.

She did see Kratos, but decided she'd talk to him later... maybe.

She was getting a little tired from walking around so much, so it was nice to sit down. All right, at this point I don't care if I get all the Gel ingredients I need together or not. I'm healing myself as soon as Nightshift starts. It would lessen the pain at least a little, and let her actually use her right arm a little more... she'd had the day to try to let the pain fade, now it was time to speed that along.


ol_canucklehead November 11 2007, 00:06:56 UTC
Logan was lost in reverie, thinking about everything and nothing all at once when he was suddenly jerked back to (reality?) his current surroundings by the arrival of two very young and quite particularly attractive girls. He was taken back immediately by the paleness of their hair, but his surprise was fleeting; there were far stranger hair colours in Landel's that he'd seen.

The one who spoke carried a faint air of familiarity. Tha's right. She was there at tha start o' last night. 'Nother o' Cole's 'acquaintances'.

He shrugged at her request. "Be my guest, darlin'," He said nonchalantly as he motioned to the seats opposite his with a half-wave of his hand. "Don' believe I got yer name las' night. An' I don' recall seein' yer frien' here at all before. I'm Logan. Who might I be havin' tha pleasure o' spendin' this fine afternoon wit'?" His tone was light, his features friendly (or, at least, as un-feral and un-threatening as they could be. After what Cole had said about Recluse, he decided that it was probably more advantageous ( ... )


spandexorgtfo November 9 2007, 05:37:42 UTC
((coming from here))

Kratos followed Leon leisurely up to the restaurant entrance, starting a bit in surprise as the younger man stepped abruptly to the side after opening the door. The surprise was gone in an instant, however, replaced with a faint smile. It seemed as if old habits died hard, and Kratos couldn't blame Leon. He would have done the same had he been in that situation.

And then Leon had held the door open for him. Therein was another slight shocker, and Kratos paused slightly, blinking in surprise. Wasn't it usually men who held the door open...for women? Perhaps the young man was simply being respectful? Or was he simply a bit misinformed in the ways of etiquette? Kratos wouldn't have been surprised if it was he and not Leon was mistaken; however, an open door was an open door, and he quickly recovered, striding past Leon into the restaurant with a brief "thank you" as he passed.

The interior was...cozy, to say the least. Not being used to restaurants in the slightest, Kratos felt slightly uncomfortable ( ... )


for_marian November 9 2007, 06:49:19 UTC
Leon had no more experience with restaurants than Kratos did, so he paused awkwardly after following Kratos inside. Shoving his good hand in a pocket, his other hand still hidden in the overlong sleeve of his sweater, Leon looked around nervously. There did seem to be other patients in here, already sitting at tables in pairs or alone.

"Do we just... sit anywhere?" Was it like eating at another person's home? Leon had never really done that, either, though. The staff members looked busy, and that made Leon especially reluctant to ask one for help.


damned_town November 11 2007, 07:54:27 UTC
It was starting to get busy in here, leaving the teenaged girl to hurry from one end of the restaurant to over here. Ah, her parents really needed to hire more people!

Sarah peered at the customers, up at one, and down at the other. They looked a little lost.

Two menus clutched in her hand, she greeted them with a friendly smile. In such a small town, she wasn't used to strangers, but newcomers weren't unwelcomed, either.

"Come with me," she announced, starting to lead them to an empty table. "Our steak here is very popular, but we have a nice selection of other things as well." As she spoke, she poured them both some ice water. "Take your time and call me when you're ready."


spandexorgtfo November 11 2007, 08:25:48 UTC
Kratos sat down without a word, murmuring a word of thanks to the girl as he did so. Their waitress seemed amiable enough, unlike his nurse, whose friendliness always appeared to be a bit forced. The girl's nature seemed to fit in with the general atmosphere of the restaurant: deceptively cheerful. It seemed strange that after only one day at this Landel's, he was already viewing everyone and everything with natural suspicion.

Taking a drink of water, Kratos opened the menu he had been given. What had she said was their popular item? Steak? Perhaps he should try that- after all, he would be fine with anything as long as it didn't have tomatoes...


heartcrown November 10 2007, 23:08:04 UTC
( from here. )

Once inside the restaurant, Kairi peered silently around the small room with wonder. The place didn’t look all that bad, so she figured they would at least be able to eat and then go on their way without a bother.

Turning to give Axel a curious expression, the once princess crossed her arms over her chest. “So, where do you want to sit?”


bond_off_lame November 11 2007, 02:53:54 UTC
"Just because my skin and hair are more soft and fair than yours doesn't mean you should get jealous about it. Some people were just born more beautiful." Axel shot back with a playful sneer, patting Kairi's head lightly before entering the aforementioned restaurant. The redhead's question came as a peculiar one, one that left Axel laughing lightly despite himself.

"That isn't for us to decide." He remarked, and just as he did so a waitress walked over to them, gracing them both with a warm smile before she began to lead them towards one of the empty tables near the window. The place was still pretty vacant, but the Nobody guessed that everyone else was just off doing their own thing. Those muffins must've had enough fiber in them to last for at least most of the day.

It wasn't too long before they were each handed a menu, and Axel was pretty quick to lift it open and check its contents.


heartcrown November 11 2007, 22:11:06 UTC
So she wasn’t exactly used to restaurants where you were seated. Not like it was her fault. Destiny Islands really never had anything like that anyway! At least, that was what Kairi kept telling herself as the waitress led the two of them to a random table.

Sitting down quickly, she opened the menu she had been given and skimmed. Hm, what to get. Kairi chewed on her lip from behind the wall the menu had made, her eyes scanning over whatever was written. Why was it that at places like this she always had a sudden urge to order something with fruit? “Hmm. You know, it’s funny. I know the food at the institute is good, but it feels like forever since I’ve actually had any real food. … Now I don’t even know what to get.”

Lowering the menu slightly, Kairi quirked an eyebrow at her companion. “What about you?”


bond_off_lame November 11 2007, 23:06:44 UTC
"Just like how you haven't seen any real people either?" Axel playfully teased, refusing to let that go for as long as he can still remember. He gave a quick skim over the menu, lining his finger down the surface and stopped when he finally saw something that sounded pretty appetizing.

"I think I'm going to have one of those fried steaks. It looks like they're pretty renowned for it." He answered, gesturing to the various newspaper clippings that scattered the windows. And hell, that much publicity was enough for him. Not like it'd really matter anyway, fried anything got the 'A' stamp on his list.


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