Day 28: Main Street

Oct 30, 2007 21:00

[ from here]

Momo headed down what she suspected was the center street for the town. She noted the various businesses as she walked, as well as the increased staff presence, and kept to herself. If she was going to be wandering around lost in her own thoughts, she might as well get a feel for the town.

Maybe she'd make a map once she had a better idea.

[ to Kelley Street]

sanji, nami, bella, lust, anise, gumshoe, malik, danny phantom, duo, jade, saïx, saetan, luffy, rufus, ashton, seishirou, light, keman, claude, reno, ami, jj, hakkai, hokuto, rukia, shana, luxord, artemis, max, dean winchester, peony, rena, xemnas, hanyuu, guy, usopp, hinamori momo, phibrizzo, byakuya, valyn, zoro, farfarello, fai, cloud, sai, sasuke, aidou, edward cullen, ururu, haku, wolverine, kain, shadow, l, omi, rangiku, citan, sanzo

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