Day 28: Bus 1

Oct 26, 2007 10:10

Zelgadis was not happy, at all. Not that this was any change, but the events of the past few hours had given him more to angst about than usual. Nightshift had been dreadful: first he was attacked by a small green man and then covered in leeches, neither of which lead to warm fuzzy feelings ( Read more... )

diva, jack horner, kenshin, homura, nami, anise, mousse, momo (xenosaga), mason, luffy, reno, ginji, oriya, rukia, roland, max, xemnas, l.a., albedo, yuber, subzero, riddick, kimbley, xellos, armand, heiji, lord recluse, zelgadis, byakuya, roy, valyn, fai, schuldig, masaru, haku, statesman, ashe, wolverine, shadow, omi, renji

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Comments 480

koukakurou October 26 2007, 23:12:28 UTC

It had to be the question of the day. Oriya opened his eyes with a grimace as the woman from the day before bustled in cheerily. It felt as if he had just been beaten... A rare feeling he had not had the fortune to feel since he was much younger and still only a novice with a blade. He could not say he had missed it all that much. It didn't take long for Oriya to figure out why.

Tired and achy, the swordsman paid little attention to the new set of clothing he was given before he was escorted to the buses. He did not wish to be here. He would have rather slept, if only for a little longer. Yet that did not seem to be an option. Oriya dropped into an empty seat before leaning against the window and closing his eyes.


face_of_chaos October 27 2007, 02:28:30 UTC
Yuber had to admit surprise to himself when it appeared that they wouldn’t have the pleasure of wearing their typical charming attire. Instead he had been given a new set of clothing for this apparent ‘outing’ into the little town. Fortunately though for the nurse the clothing given to him had been black, and while they consisted of a t-shirt and long thick material pants, it was still better than the grey mess he usually had to wear ( ... )


koukakurou October 27 2007, 03:27:29 UTC
Oriya had not noticed the presence of another until the other man had spoken. The swordsman blinked his eyes open and glanced towards the source before shaking his head briefly.

"It was not." Despite how much he wanted to do the opposite, Oriya kept his eyes open. To sleep was one thing, but to allow oneself to close their eyes in the presence of another was unforgivable.


face_of_chaos October 27 2007, 03:45:00 UTC
His smile only widened when it appeared the other wouldn’t return back to their attempt at sleeping. It spoke volumes of the level of trust this one had for others - or lack of - and it left the knight with a bout of amused curiosity. Most of the previous night had been set for more business rather than pleasure, and it left Yuber with a slight feeling of being unsatisfied. It was all for a good cause though, but being so inactive in a Chaotic sense never did sit terribly well with the knight.

“How fortunate,” Yuber smoothly responded while he thoughtfully regarded them. There wasn’t much yet to go on, and he couldn’t yet sense if this one held any Chaotic tendencies within them or not. He’ll find out soon enough though.

His expression never once faltered and he faced the front of the bus, although he continued to glance at the other from the corner of his eyes. “Although it seems that I have so rudely disrupted your sleep.”


canieathim October 27 2007, 00:33:56 UTC
Gluttony couldn't remember much of what happened last night. He certainly hadn't gotten anything to eat, that was for sure. Hopefully he'd see Envy or the short tasty looking kid. Lust said he could eat either of them, and that would be good ( ... )


daddyslilkiller October 27 2007, 15:25:30 UTC
Someone who didn't have much of a choice, perhaps?

Omi'd woken up with a groan. He couldn't quite remember what had been happening before he'd 'fallen asleep' last night, but he knew it involved a.. mermaid? Ugh. He'd still managed to get farther on his own than any time he'd been with someone else, though, so he made a mental note to try for the kitchen again tonight.

The nurse smiled at him as she handed over a pile of clothes which turned out to be a t-shirt, a black hoodie several sizes too big, and a pair of faded blue jeans. Not his first choice of outfit, but definitely better than the sweats. She gave him privacy to dress, thankfully, then herded him toward the first bus, which was already filling up. He glanced around but didn't really recognize anyone except by sight, so he took the first available seat he came to, perching on the edge of the seat and poking at the contents of the breakfast bag he'd been given. His seat-mate looked familiar, but he was pretty sure he didn't remember ever actually meeting him. "Um.. hi."


canieathim October 28 2007, 15:33:38 UTC
Gluttony's head swam as his natural regenerative abilities fought against the sedative the nurses had given him, but still he could hear a tasty looking boy sit down next to him. He was probably extra yummy too, but even in his drugged state and as hungry as he was, he knew better than to try to eat him.

"I'm not going to eat you," Gluttony said, his voice slightly slurred. "Lust wouldn't like it."


daddyslilkiller October 29 2007, 14:45:24 UTC
Omi froze, wondering if his seat partner really was crazy. Eat him? Well, that certainly hadn't been a threat he'd worried about before. "Thanks."

Wait.. Lust. Right! That's where he'd seen the man before, lost in a hallway and looking for 'his Lust.' It had been dark enough that Omi hadn't gotten an especially good look at him at the time, but it didn't look like he'd missed much. Hopefully this trip wouldn't take too long.


osakapwnzu October 27 2007, 05:42:58 UTC
Heiji opened his eyes, then sat up with a cry of surprise. Hadn't he just been walking around the darkened halls of the Institute? He had... he knew it. Strange, he didn't feel tired at all. But he'd run around all night! Swung around a pipe! He should be feeling some sort of fatigue, right?

Thoughtful, Heiji pulled out his journal and began to make notes on what he'd discovered so far. He was going to crack this mystery if it killed him.

"Harley~!" His nurse sang, waltzing into his room. He groaned.

"Man, that name is really getting old!"

"You should be proud of your name, Mr. Hartwell," His nurse scolded. She threw a bundle of clothing at him. "Bus number one, on the double!"

Minutes later, 'Harley' sat with his arms crossed and his eyebrows knit on the bus, sulking. Fortunately, he was used to the clothes he was given--loose jeans, a t-shirt, and zip up jacket. If only he could've gotten a hat.


youthfulrocklee October 28 2007, 20:17:48 UTC
To say the least, Lee was exhausted after the battle last night. Not only was he tired, but his brain was switching so much between different ideas, he had trouble focusing. Therefore, when he was cheerfully pulled out of bed by his nurse, who was chattering about some field trip, Lee could not think straight.

He was wearing a light blue sweatshirt over a slight-too tight blue t-shirt with a dragon on it (to Lee's horror), and faded jeans that were a bit too big. After so long, the only thing that was still the same with Lee was his big bushy eyebrows and large eyes. His hair was no longer in the shiny black bowl-cut and green appeared to be hard to come by. Ah well.

Lee sat down beside Heiji with his small breakfast and blinked.

"Where is it that we are going?"


osakapwnzu October 29 2007, 00:32:55 UTC
"Hey!" Heiji immediately took the look of annoyed dismay off his face and grinned his best, friendly grin. "I heard we're going to a town just outside the, uh, Institute! Doyleton, I think," Heiji thought for a minute. "Yeah, Doyleton."

He resumed his grin, "So what's your name?"


youthfulrocklee October 29 2007, 00:53:08 UTC
Lee grinned back. The other had looked so down a few seconds ago...of course, being here would lower the spirits of even the strongest.

"My name is Rock Lee. It is odd that they allow us to go upon this trip. It must be to somehow lower our guards in order to destroy our hope even more. Ah, but my manners have left me. What is your name?"


secret_orchard October 27 2007, 15:00:35 UTC
Awakening was a disappointment. Armand held back from thinking, as usual. Two or three days do not make a routine. He hopped right up and hid what he and Citan had stolen in the night. Then he turned back to see if his roommate, Dr. Birkin, was awake yet ( ... )


iamyourflower October 27 2007, 18:33:23 UTC
She didn't think that she would just pass out and wake up in her room again, when she was so far from her room, but that was just what had happened. At least she was away from that horrifying sight in the restroom, but she was also alone, and she ached for Utena's touch again.

She was given a worn off-white shirt with lace around the collar that didn't quite fit her, and a floral skirt that didn't seem to be made of very good fabric. At least she got to wear a skirt again; she felt secure in it.

She obediently boarded the first bus in the row, and found the nearest open seat. The man sitting there looked uncomfortable, and she felt for him. She felt just as forlorn in this place sometimes. Having been with Utena recently helped her to garner her confidence, and she smiled kindly in greeting.


secret_orchard October 27 2007, 19:53:27 UTC
It took Armand several moments to notice that someone was nearby. He couldn't help smiling back. Here was a pretty young lady, almost exotic with her dusky skin and green eyes. She seemed almost to be hiding behind her glasses. "Do you need somewhere to sit?" he asked, trying to keep his nerves out of his voice.

He might be miserable and half-dressed, but he wouldn't inflict his misery on a girl. And who knows? Maybe faking some confidence would grow into the real thing. "I'm Armand." His recent encounter with modern literature guaranteed he'd be leaving his family name out of most conversations from now on.


iamyourflower October 29 2007, 18:32:02 UTC
"Armand. Oh! Are you the one who wrote on the bulletin about speaking French?" The question was a tentative formality, since there weren't likely to be many Armands in the institute, "I'm Anthy Himemiya." They'd had an interesting conversation, and he seemed like a nice enough person, though with his share of insecurities. (But who didn't?)


icy_demise October 27 2007, 19:33:57 UTC
SubZero was wearing yellow of all colors. He stared at the bright yellow shirt that they had put him in. The nurse had just smiled and told him he would have to put up with yellow when he asked for something blue instead.

He got on the bus and irritably ate his muffing. Nothing had gotten done last night, but at least he didn't have to put up with HK on the bus. He would probably complain about primitive transports or something.


ol_canucklehead October 28 2007, 03:37:28 UTC
Logan awoke with a snap, again. Questions instantly raced through his mind. Did the kids make it to somewhere safe? Did they stop anyone else running into that thing? Do I still have the knife? That last question almost seemed the most important; not only was it a valuable weapon, it was also a symbol of the trust placed in him by Statesman. Loyalty was a valuable commodity, whether it as to a trusted friend, or a stranger with verifiable good intentions. Sitting up, he was amazed to find it still clutched in his right hand. Even curiouser, the wound in his leg had been re-bandaged, and, on closer inspection, even stitched. This place made no sense at all. Not only had they treated the wound that they were inadvertently (albeit indirectly) responsible for causing, they had bot bothered to remove an obviously dangerous weapon from his person, ultimately leaving him with a strange mixed feeling of gratitude and irritation ( ... )


icy_demise October 28 2007, 17:09:27 UTC
His mood had not improved with the small breakfast, or when Logan sat down next to him. It was better than some annoying, crazy, weird person at least.

"Nothing got done last night," Well, something had gotten done? Or maybe just happened. SubZero felt like he was on slightly better terms with HK now. There hadn't been any insults or arguing last night. HK had even been acting nice...

"Otherwise, I'm fine."


ol_canucklehead October 29 2007, 04:22:16 UTC
"Heh, I almost wish I could say tha same thing. Got cut up a real treat las' night. Still, got a few kids outta harm's way, so it was probably worth it."

Having watched SubZero devour his muffin, Logan realised he should probably do the same. He didn't really have much of an appetite this morning, but knew that after a night like that, energy should be considered his number one priority. And whilst he didn't have the option of red meat that would have been far more useful in helping him regenerate, something was still better than nothing.

The muffin turned out to be quite good, and he spoke between mouthfuls as he finished it quickly.

"So I'm guessin' ya know about as little as I do what the hell's gonna go on today? Ya think there'll be any opportunity fer a man o' yer talents ta escape?" His voice was low, adible only to himself and SubZero, unless of course any of the staff had enhanced hearing.


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