Day 28: Bus 1

Oct 26, 2007 10:10

Zelgadis was not happy, at all. Not that this was any change, but the events of the past few hours had given him more to angst about than usual. Nightshift had been dreadful: first he was attacked by a small green man and then covered in leeches, neither of which lead to warm fuzzy feelings ( Read more... )

diva, jack horner, kenshin, homura, nami, anise, mousse, momo (xenosaga), mason, luffy, reno, ginji, oriya, rukia, roland, max, xemnas, l.a., albedo, yuber, subzero, riddick, kimbley, xellos, armand, heiji, lord recluse, zelgadis, byakuya, roy, valyn, fai, schuldig, masaru, haku, statesman, ashe, wolverine, shadow, omi, renji

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osakapwnzu October 27 2007, 05:42:58 UTC
Heiji opened his eyes, then sat up with a cry of surprise. Hadn't he just been walking around the darkened halls of the Institute? He had... he knew it. Strange, he didn't feel tired at all. But he'd run around all night! Swung around a pipe! He should be feeling some sort of fatigue, right?

Thoughtful, Heiji pulled out his journal and began to make notes on what he'd discovered so far. He was going to crack this mystery if it killed him.

"Harley~!" His nurse sang, waltzing into his room. He groaned.

"Man, that name is really getting old!"

"You should be proud of your name, Mr. Hartwell," His nurse scolded. She threw a bundle of clothing at him. "Bus number one, on the double!"

Minutes later, 'Harley' sat with his arms crossed and his eyebrows knit on the bus, sulking. Fortunately, he was used to the clothes he was given--loose jeans, a t-shirt, and zip up jacket. If only he could've gotten a hat.


youthfulrocklee October 28 2007, 20:17:48 UTC
To say the least, Lee was exhausted after the battle last night. Not only was he tired, but his brain was switching so much between different ideas, he had trouble focusing. Therefore, when he was cheerfully pulled out of bed by his nurse, who was chattering about some field trip, Lee could not think straight.

He was wearing a light blue sweatshirt over a slight-too tight blue t-shirt with a dragon on it (to Lee's horror), and faded jeans that were a bit too big. After so long, the only thing that was still the same with Lee was his big bushy eyebrows and large eyes. His hair was no longer in the shiny black bowl-cut and green appeared to be hard to come by. Ah well.

Lee sat down beside Heiji with his small breakfast and blinked.

"Where is it that we are going?"


osakapwnzu October 29 2007, 00:32:55 UTC
"Hey!" Heiji immediately took the look of annoyed dismay off his face and grinned his best, friendly grin. "I heard we're going to a town just outside the, uh, Institute! Doyleton, I think," Heiji thought for a minute. "Yeah, Doyleton."

He resumed his grin, "So what's your name?"


youthfulrocklee October 29 2007, 00:53:08 UTC
Lee grinned back. The other had looked so down a few seconds ago...of course, being here would lower the spirits of even the strongest.

"My name is Rock Lee. It is odd that they allow us to go upon this trip. It must be to somehow lower our guards in order to destroy our hope even more. Ah, but my manners have left me. What is your name?"


osakapwnzu October 29 2007, 06:27:18 UTC
"Th' name's Hattori Heiji! Great Detective of the West!" The teen declared proudly, "Nice to meetcha!

"As for why they're taking us to someplace where they can't keep an eye on us... I still haven't figured that out. You'd think that it'd offer us the chance at escape or riot," Heiji shrugged. "Any plans for anything like that?" The teen smirked at Lee.


youthfulrocklee October 29 2007, 14:25:33 UTC
"Great Detective?! How amazing! It is a great honor to meet you!"

Lee thought about the rest of what Heiji said. " is a possibility, and yet I cannot imagine that they would allow us so easily to escape. There must be more to this. We must be wary of our actions, and yet alert to any openings."


osakapwnzu October 29 2007, 20:28:24 UTC
"Thanks, nice to meet you too!" Heiji grinned. "All this talk of 'actions' and 'openings', y'sound like you're trained in somethin'. Must be really handy for this kinda place."

The teen sat back in his seat, suddenly remembering the plans he'd made with Okita. He was so totally screwed... He'd only practiced kendo as a sport--not as a method of actually killing people! Heiji shook off his apprehension.

"So I'm pretty new to this gig--I'm guessing this is the first time they've thrown this little 'field trip' curve at us?"


youthfulrocklee October 30 2007, 21:14:56 UTC
"Yes, I have trained to be a ninja. As for it being 'handy'...the monsters here are very dangerous. It seems that they are far more strong than expected. It is best to go as a group. As for this trip, it is rather odd."


osakapwnzu October 30 2007, 21:26:39 UTC
"Uwaaah! A ninja, huh?" Heiji grinned appreciatively. His own style not only included kendo, but many of the mechanics of ninjutsu. It was his family's namesake, after all. Not that Heiji could throw pencils, pens, or shuriken with amazing accuracy--he was just more nimble than most boys his age were.

"That's awesome! Hey, y'ever hear of Hattori Hanzo?" Heiji grinned, obviously unafraid of flaunting his ancestry. "He was my great-great-great... uh, I'm related to him!"

Lee seemed like a nice guy--so Heiji wasn't going to hold back. When did he ever? Besides, this was a field trip! He could work on the Landel's case later. Now it was time to meet people and enjoy his trip! Trips were for enjoying oneself!


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