Day 28: Bus 1

Oct 26, 2007 10:10

Zelgadis was not happy, at all. Not that this was any change, but the events of the past few hours had given him more to angst about than usual. Nightshift had been dreadful: first he was attacked by a small green man and then covered in leeches, neither of which lead to warm fuzzy feelings ( Read more... )

diva, jack horner, kenshin, homura, nami, anise, mousse, momo (xenosaga), mason, luffy, reno, ginji, oriya, rukia, roland, max, xemnas, l.a., albedo, yuber, subzero, riddick, kimbley, xellos, armand, heiji, lord recluse, zelgadis, byakuya, roy, valyn, fai, schuldig, masaru, haku, statesman, ashe, wolverine, shadow, omi, renji

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Comments 480

repolarization October 26 2007, 18:24:37 UTC
Ginji was much happier this morning for several reasons. One, he was out in the sunshine! It was day and he was outside and he was going on a trip! Even if it was still under the watch of the staff of the hospital, it still wasn't inside of the bad place! Two, because of the nice person who had come to his room the night before he wasn't in so much pain! He still couldn't walk very well on his own, but a lot of the pain was gone. It was such a nice feeling he couldn't help but smile. Three, his clothes were much happier now. He wore a bright yellow sweatshirt and khaki pants.

He had also heard there was ice cream in the town. His mouth was watering just thinking about ice cream. Oh he couldn't wait! He was going to have a good day today, even if he was still a prisoner. He didn't want to be sad anymore.


intoindra October 27 2007, 01:07:49 UTC
Ironically, the one who found himself in the bus with Ginji was, while not exactly the opposite, quite a bit more gloomy than normal. Last night, not only had he been forced into his demonic form- not that he usually minded, but it was the principle of the thing- but there had been so much blood everywhere. Even during the morning, Roland could smell that scent on his clothing, on his skin... and he had been rather happy with getting a change of clothes.

Said clothing was actually remarkably similar to what he normally wore; a long brown- albeit a bit ragged- coat, military surplus pants and shirt, and boots. The last of which was what made him feel a bit more at ease; the hospital footwear just wasn't good enough for him.

Regardless, there was a long bus ride and nothing to do during that, so Roland decided to at least be partially personable. And who better than that man he had seen before? At the least, he needed to check in on Ginji and see how his progress was. The blond seemed healthier; that was a good sign. So, standing in ( ... )


repolarization October 27 2007, 12:23:38 UTC
Ginji looked up at grinned at Roland. "Nope," he said cheerfully. "Go ahead and sit there if you want." He moved a little closer to the window to give Roland more space.

"I'm happy to see you," he added. "Last night was kind of scary and weird wasn't it?" Even if he had spent the whole night in his room, the changes in the hospital hadn't completely missed him.


intoindra October 27 2007, 16:00:49 UTC
That really was strange, seeing Ginji smiling so brightly. Especially considering how they had first met up, the phrase 'I'm happy to see you' wouldn't have made sense either way. But nevertheless, it was said, and it seemed to be completely honest. Roland, of all people, wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Therefore he eased himself onto the seat, his own smile remaining genuine. "Thank you."

And as for last night... 'weird' was definitely an understatement. "It was very weird," Roland affirmed, "I don't know how much you saw, but... the water in the Institute had turned to blood. I can't explain why, either. Normally, that sort of miracle is God's province, isn't it?" Yet that was said with a lighter tone: turning water into blood was theoretically possible, in several different ways besides the obvious, and from what Roland knew the Head Doctor seemed just the sort of person to indulge in that sort of hubris. A shame that he didn't have the freedom to explore; he wished he could have at least tried to figure out what ( ... )


to_a_boy October 26 2007, 18:52:49 UTC
L.A. had woken up in an entirely different place than where he remembered being last. He supposed he had gone unconscious, been treated, and then put in another room. Maybe it was his room, but how would they know that? In any case, he seemed to be doing all right. He was bandaged up now, and the effects of the scorpion's poison had faded. His injuries had begun to hurt again, but he figured it might just be the sting of disinfectant ( ... )


roses_bleues October 28 2007, 23:18:54 UTC
[Sorry I'm late! I'm just saying screw it to NPCing :O]

It smelled like autumn outside when the Chiropteran queen was led to the buses. There was a hand on each of her elbows, and the stupid little woollen cardigan they'd put on her to keep her 'warm' made her skin itch, and she just couldn't think straight...

Sedation, again, and worse than before.

She certainly didn't remember how she'd been brought back to that little room she'd only just left, but she had, and at the very least when a nurse came in to nag at her, she'd brought a dress with. Of course, Diva was having a hard time remembering what it really looked like. After all, that had been the point where she'd attacked and then... If the humans leading her along were talking, she didn't hear them, or didn't make the words out, or didn't care enough to do so.

She was placed next to a boy, of that she was certain. A boy that was injured. Hmph, strange blood.


to_a_boy October 29 2007, 00:13:02 UTC
[Don't worry about it. :)]

L.A. looked at the girl who'd been seated next to him with the proverbial upturned nose. Would he have to indulge this human in small talk? He hoped not. They never had anything interesting to say, and he didn't want to tire out his ears with their foolish chatter. He turned away from the girl to look out the window.


roses_bleues October 29 2007, 01:26:18 UTC
Diva absolutely hated, hated, hated sedatives and medications and things that were pumped into her body with needles... but it was just so hard to focus. She just hated that feeling.

Turning to the young thing beside her, Diva reached out to touch his hair. Whatever bag of human food they'd put on her lap, it'd long ago fallen to the floor.

"You're an odd one, what a weird taste. Not human, not really," she murmured. "Did Amshel make you?"


muted_flame October 26 2007, 18:58:02 UTC
It was a little odd to fall asleep at night and then actually sleep all the way to morning. Roy wasn't sure what had happened - had Greed just never made it? Or maybe night had "ended" before he had gotten there. It was a bit troublesome, but he couldn't dwell on that too long ( ... )


crimson_handed October 26 2007, 20:56:36 UTC
Kimbley woke up with a start, just about falling out of bed in an attempt to get away from the scorpion that was no longer about to poison him. For a few brief seconds his mind contained nothing but a jumble of what the fuck and where the fuck, but he quickly recovered and gave the intercom hidden in the ceiling a dark glare ( ... )


muted_flame October 26 2007, 21:38:03 UTC
Roy had been eating bits of his muffin and glancing around the bus when Kimbley showed up. He had never seen something like this before, after all. From what he could tell, it was like a train but smaller, and it didn't need tracks. Quite fascinating, really... He wondered how it was even able to move.

When the other alchemist took a seat next to him, Roy had been almost certain that he would make a comment about his clothing. He sighed when he was proved right and nodded. "For once, I'm in agreement with you." At least it was keeping him warm - he really hated the cold.

Kimbley had been a lot luckier in the clothing department, and he didn't appear to be that injured, either. (His hand wasn't even bandaged, which was curious...) Not that Roy was hurt, but this more or less gave Kimbley the proverbial advantage.

He wasn't sure why he always turned it into a competition, but old habits died hard. It didn't help that their conversations were always arguments at worse and banter at best.


crimson_handed October 26 2007, 21:55:10 UTC
"I would have thought you'd tell them point-blank you weren't going to wear something like that. Losing your willpower?" Kimbley looked into the paper bag they'd provided him and frowned at the meager contents. A muffin and ... a box? What the hell ...

Still, they were getting out of that place, even if it was only temporary, and he was sure there'd be more opportunities there. Both for food, and for ... entertainment.

"You don't look like shit for once. Didn't run into anything last night?"


ontheabyss October 26 2007, 19:14:43 UTC
Lyta didn't even care, at this point, that she hadn't done jack shit the night before. She'd slept, and she felt better for it. It was easier to block out the voices and background static.

She didn't know how she was going to handle being in a town. A town. God, when was the last time she was in a town? A normal, Earth town. She had a feeling it would look like one of those historic recreation parks.

Not caring about the clothes - centuries old, they looked like - Lyta dropped into a seat on the bus and leaned back. She was dressed in a simple black long sleeve shirt and jeans with sneakers. That was fine with her. She kept an eye out for Fox, Envy or Kimbley. At the very least some sort of plans could be made today....


outtokillhim October 27 2007, 18:07:52 UTC
He'd slept through the night, and he felt completely fuzzy. Something wasn't right; he'd never just slept through the whole night before. And then he was pulled up out of bed and given a change of very un-cute clothes to wear into town. He got time to think in the midst of arguing with the nurse and bargaining for something better to wear; it was fairly easy to argue with them automatically now.

He didn't trust the idea that they were just going to be let go into town. Something else had to be up.

Fortunately, Lyta was on the bus, and seemed to be not a few seats away from the Flame Alchemist and the mad bomber. Hopefully a little eavesdropping could make up for lost time.

If Lyta didn't ask for an excuse, he wasn't going to give one.

"Get anything interesting from our alchemist friend?" Maybe if she got some of his knowledge, they wouldn't even need his hands.


ontheabyss October 28 2007, 22:38:08 UTC
"Just his alliance," Lyta said, not even bothering to look at Envy. "I like him, though." Not personally. She just liked how he worked and how he thought. He was compatible with them.

"I do plan on keeping an eye on him, though. But that shouldn't surprise you." It wasn't like she made it a secret she didn't exactly trust people very much.


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screwthegods October 26 2007, 22:05:44 UTC
Homura had made sure to sample some of the blood himself before he left with Okita, and to his benefit; there were no bandages on his face that morning, only faint scratches still left of his wounds. And what a curious thing he had woken to: a strange set of clothes laid out for him, though anything was preferable to what he was typically forced to wear.

So they would venture out that day. Homura couldn't help but be concerned, especially given what he'd seen a glimpse of the night before. Just before waking, when they'd found a hall of empty rooms, Hijikata not in sight...

He dressed quickly. Better he find Kenshin before Okita did.

It was fortunate that his assignment put him in the same place as the very man he needed to speak to. Taking a seat beside Kenshin, Homura gave the man a slight grin.

"Be wary of Okita today. Our friend is more dangerous than normal."


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screwthegods October 27 2007, 00:22:08 UTC
"Partially correct." Homura closed his eyes, remembering the scene from the previous night. The timing had been inconvenient to say the least, the night ending just before they could say anything. "We didn't find Hijikata, but there wasn't time to speak."

Of course, the warning could be pointless. Okita had given Homura his word, and there was the chance that even through his grief, the man would keep it. But the demi-god wasn't going to take the risk.

"I'm going to find him when we arrive. I'll talk to him then."


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