Day 28: Bus 1

Oct 26, 2007 10:10

Zelgadis was not happy, at all. Not that this was any change, but the events of the past few hours had given him more to angst about than usual. Nightshift had been dreadful: first he was attacked by a small green man and then covered in leeches, neither of which lead to warm fuzzy feelings ( Read more... )

diva, jack horner, kenshin, homura, nami, anise, mousse, momo (xenosaga), mason, luffy, reno, ginji, oriya, rukia, roland, max, xemnas, l.a., albedo, yuber, subzero, riddick, kimbley, xellos, armand, heiji, lord recluse, zelgadis, byakuya, roy, valyn, fai, schuldig, masaru, haku, statesman, ashe, wolverine, shadow, omi, renji

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Comments 480

i_slay_giants October 26 2007, 16:40:50 UTC
Jack sighed and shifted in his seat. Every so often, he would pick away pieces of his muffin with his fingers and pop the bits into his mouth. It wasn't necessarily a BAD thing that he had managed to sleep most of last night, he kept reminding himself. Indeed, he had been in pretty bad shape and in NEED of rest. Hell, his nose was only a dark bruised color now (no longer needing to be covered) and most of his more serious injuries had healed up to the point where he could move around without feeling as if he was being stabbed. Still, he had hoped for some female company after the friendly response on the message board. Oh well, he had her journal; she would have to come find him to get it back ( ... )


ex_northswai344 October 26 2007, 18:29:38 UTC
The morning came all too soon, and Ashe was unable to answer or speak further with Vaan. It was a pity; the thief - no, Sky Pirate - deserved to know the truth of what had happened in greater detail, and if he spoke the truth, if they really were as close as he'd seemed to think they were ( ... )


i_slay_giants October 27 2007, 02:29:47 UTC
Jack arched an eyebrow. Now this one was a hottie! Where had she been last night?

He smiled mischievously. "Inconvenience? Of course not!"

He looked her over again. "What's your name, babe?"


enigmaticmedium October 26 2007, 17:05:22 UTC
Why a lavender sweatshirt? Did they think it would match his hair well? It wasn't that he found the color offensive, it just... wasn't quite... well, it could be worse. The jeans took a few moments to dress in, since the zipper and bindings were rather different to the sorts of clothes he was used to, but not so strange that he required help.

Thus donned in an unmanly but color-coded fashion, he was herded with his breakfast bag onto one of the large, grumbling vehicles. It reminded him vaguely of dragon technology, which was an unpleasant thought, but certainly could be worse.

Xelloss spied his roommate sitting near the front of the bus, but he was talking to someone already, so Xelloss headed to the back. There he spied another familiar face, and with a wide smile sat down beside Zelgadis, pinning the ex-chimera between the wall of the bus and Xelloss himself.

"Very invigorating weather, isn't it?"


accursed_rock October 27 2007, 03:14:51 UTC
Oh god. His luck wasn't getting any better.

Zelgadis frowned at the "mysterious priest," attempting to glare daggers but finding himself too tired to do so effectively. Looking at the man's clothing did bring him some pleasure-- the shirt Xelloss wore may not serve a dual purpose as shirt and beacon, but it was amusingly similar to the priest's exotic hair color.

"Nice top."


enigmaticmedium October 27 2007, 18:44:44 UTC
"Why, thank you," Xelloss preened, straightening it a bit and picking off an invisible piece of lint. "I picked it out myself. It does look good on me, doesn't it?"

Which was a huge series of lies, but what was a little lying between old friends? Xelloss looked over Zelgadis with closed eyes and critically raised eyebrows, his lips puckering together. "Did you pick that out yourself, as well? It's very... layered. I had never thought of yellow as your color."


accursed_rock October 28 2007, 01:31:18 UTC
Zelgadis smirked, but upon hearing Xelloss' reply, it quickly turned to a frown.

He really wasn't interested in having yet another aggravating conversation with Xelloss, but since they were on this damned contraption together... He may as well make the most of it.

"So, Xelloss, what is your grand scheme this time?"


notmyfather October 26 2007, 17:09:07 UTC
Valyn was surprised and a bit pleased at being given a fresh change of clothes by his nursemaid. The strange, high necked tunic was even dark red. It was a little bit snug, but it was soft and warm and covered up the bandages on his neck. And the fawn colored rough trousers weren't so bad either. The short women's boots.... well, he supposed clothes were just different in this place.

He needed to be helped onto the bizarre metal wagon, and was urged into a seat near the front. It looked like a very large caravan wagon, with nothing to pull it. How strange. How did it move? What was it powered by?

Tucking back his long blond hair, Valyn looked around for any of his three companions. They had a plan, and he was determined to see it carried out - with as little distraction as possible.


valyns_shadow October 26 2007, 20:15:34 UTC
Shadow stared at the metal carriage and was amazed to see that there were no grel or horses in front of it. He didn't understand how it was supposed to move but the nurse assured him that it would and patted him on the back, pushing him onto the steps that lead into the compartment of the "buhs", which is what he supposed the great carriage was called.

He knew he probably shouldn't be surprised, not with the way the night had gone. Shadow was happy to have been warned about waking up in his own room. He would have been frightened if Valyn and Keman hadn't said something the night before. as it was, he was only mildly confused and bewildered at the amount of humans this place contained. Humans without collars. He didn't think he's really get used to the sight ( ... )


notmyfather October 26 2007, 20:20:45 UTC
"It is the color of my House," Valyn pointed out, with a small smile. He still hated the way his voice sounded - so rough and hoarse. He wondered if it would ever improve. At least the ugly wound and bandages were covered by the neck of the tunic.

It was nice, to see Shadow. Almost like it was, when they were never apart. He missed that.

"We aren't usually given anything other than the uniforms to wear," he added. He wanted to say something about last night, wanted to bring up a million things, but he couldn't. Not easily.


valyns_shadow October 26 2007, 20:33:15 UTC
"Which would be why it suits you," Shadow grinned. "And they wear such strange clothing here. Look at this shirt! It's barely a proper tunic."

He pulled back his jacket to reveal a simple white t-shirt. "I don't feel as if I'm actually dressed. But the nurse assured me that I looked fine. 'Handsome' was the word she used. This is all so strange. Do you think the carriage will move? Is it magic?"

Shadow was trying to fill the time with idle conversation. He didn't want to blurt out the questions that were still on his mind. It would just make it awkward, especially since he remembered that Valyn didn't want to talk about how he had died or how he hadn't died. They were difficult questions and Shadow wasn't ready for that yet.


rabastlestrange October 26 2007, 17:10:18 UTC
"But I don't want to go ( ... )


floraltempest October 26 2007, 22:14:01 UTC
[[If you'd rather not be pestered by a realian, please let me know ^^]]

Truth be told, MOMO had nearly forgotten about the field trip, until the nurse came in with some clothes for her to change into. That, needless to say, surprised her, but at least they were somewhat nice. Indeed, the realian was quite comfortable in the navy blue sweater, knee-length skirt (though it was admittably a bit longer than what she was used to), and pair of boots. She was also grateful that the long sleeves of the sweater hid the bites from the dragonflies she and the others had run into the previous night.

After being escorted to a bus and being handed her breakfast, MOMO began her search for a seat. It seemed to be filling up pretty quickly, or perhaps she was just late in getting there. Either way, after failing to see anyone she knew, the pink-haired Prototype paused near a man who seemed to be staring out the window.

"Um... excuse me, sir?" she began politely, putting on a smile, "May I sit here?"


rabastlestrange October 27 2007, 00:08:02 UTC
After being escorted to a bus and being handed her breakfast, MOMO began her search for a seat. It seemed to be filling up pretty quickly, or perhaps she was just late in getting there. Either way, after failing to see anyone she knew, the pink-haired Prototype paused near a man who seemed to be staring out the window.

"Um... excuse me, sir?" she began politely, putting on a smile, "May I sit here?"

It was probably best for everyone concerned that Rabastan had been calmed down by chemical means. Otherwise, the Death Eater would have probably snapped out at anyone who spoke to him right now unless they had been a friend of his. This stranger was not.

A flat gaze moved up and down her before Rabastan's muddled attention went back to his window. If Jack was here, he wanted to see him, not to mention any of his other friends. Surely one of them had to be around, right?

"If you wish," Bast mumbled through a yawn, re-seating his radio in his arms. If this was what the nurse called a 'bus ride', it wasn't too terrible.


floraltempest October 27 2007, 01:21:55 UTC
For a moment MOMO thought the man would tell her 'no', or simply ignore her. In which case, she would've willingly moved on (and maybe look harder for people she already knew next time). Therefore once he replied, the realian's smile brightened slightly.

"Thank you very much," she said, taking the available seat. It was only after she was seated that she really took notice to the object he was holding in his arms. It seemed a little... well, odd to see someone carrying a radio during the day; as far as she knew, it was only really useful at night. Of course, it wasn't her place to question another persons preferences.

"My name's MOMO," the realian piped up after a moment, deciding to at least try and introduce herself, "May I ask yours, sir..?"


not_rly_fai October 26 2007, 17:24:57 UTC
Odd as it might sound, Fai was used to wearing strange clothing. They had to keep up with what others were wearing in whatever world they found themselves in, so change was frequent and often odd. Anything was better than those drab uniforms.

He wore plain pants, a tan color with pockets on the sides and a blue shirt that had once carried a logo on the front, but much washing and wear made it hard to even make out. On top of that, a tattered cream jacket with graying bits of fluff still clinging to the hood and collar.

He smiled and hummed softly to himself as the nurses escorted him onto the bus and handed him his breakfast. This place had to be one of the strangest that he'd visited thus far, but maybe he'd be able to catch sight of the others somewhere in town since he hadn't found them in the institute just yet.


faithful_frost October 26 2007, 18:24:16 UTC
((ooc: Hope you don't mind. Let me know if you do.^^;; ))

Haku stood (the wheelchair was thankfully not in sight) and stuffed his hands in the pockets of hsi coat. Old cotton pants, once black and now grey, hung baggy on his small frame. The white t-shirt under the old grey coat had faded words written on it that had taken a moment to work out. What on earth did "FEISTY and NON-COMPLIANT" mean?

Haku managed to get onto the bus without much pain, his ribs re-wrapped tightly once more and took a seat beside a pale man with a smile. He smiled and bowed his head in greeting.


not_rly_fai October 26 2007, 18:31:52 UTC
Fai's smile warmed as his new bus-mate arrived. They had a pretty face, though, which made it difficult to tell the gender, not that it really mattered one way or another.

"Good morning," he said brightly, scooting over slightly to give the other more room. He fiddled with the juice box in his hands, "I'm Fai. And you are?"


faithful_frost October 26 2007, 18:48:17 UTC
Haku smile warmed back. "I'm Haku." He bowed his head once more, settling into the seat and placing his own bag on his lap. "It's a pleasure to meet you Fai."


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