Day 28: Bus 1

Oct 26, 2007 10:10

Zelgadis was not happy, at all. Not that this was any change, but the events of the past few hours had given him more to angst about than usual. Nightshift had been dreadful: first he was attacked by a small green man and then covered in leeches, neither of which lead to warm fuzzy feelings ( Read more... )

diva, jack horner, kenshin, homura, nami, anise, mousse, momo (xenosaga), mason, luffy, reno, ginji, oriya, rukia, roland, max, xemnas, l.a., albedo, yuber, subzero, riddick, kimbley, xellos, armand, heiji, lord recluse, zelgadis, byakuya, roy, valyn, fai, schuldig, masaru, haku, statesman, ashe, wolverine, shadow, omi, renji

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face_of_chaos October 27 2007, 02:28:30 UTC
Yuber had to admit surprise to himself when it appeared that they wouldn’t have the pleasure of wearing their typical charming attire. Instead he had been given a new set of clothing for this apparent ‘outing’ into the little town. Fortunately though for the nurse the clothing given to him had been black, and while they consisted of a t-shirt and long thick material pants, it was still better than the grey mess he usually had to wear.

Making his way towards what the nurse called a ‘bus’, the black knight paused in his movements as he regarded the contraption. It was an interesting design and it reminded him of the large ships the humans of his realm constructed, but with the wheels placed at the bottle of the vessel, Yuber wondered if it was closer to being a carriage.

Urged forward by the irritant female behind him, the knight shot her a sharp warning glance back over his shoulder before he began to make his way onto the bus. It was a rather odd design once he stepped within, and as his attention shifted over the various patients occupying the seats, his gaze fell on one in particular as they sat by themselves.

Sauntering his way down the isle, Yuber’s tall frame easily slid into the free space beside the other man before he amusedly murmured, “I do hope this seat wasn’t taken.”


koukakurou October 27 2007, 03:27:29 UTC
Oriya had not noticed the presence of another until the other man had spoken. The swordsman blinked his eyes open and glanced towards the source before shaking his head briefly.

"It was not." Despite how much he wanted to do the opposite, Oriya kept his eyes open. To sleep was one thing, but to allow oneself to close their eyes in the presence of another was unforgivable.


face_of_chaos October 27 2007, 03:45:00 UTC
His smile only widened when it appeared the other wouldn’t return back to their attempt at sleeping. It spoke volumes of the level of trust this one had for others - or lack of - and it left the knight with a bout of amused curiosity. Most of the previous night had been set for more business rather than pleasure, and it left Yuber with a slight feeling of being unsatisfied. It was all for a good cause though, but being so inactive in a Chaotic sense never did sit terribly well with the knight.

“How fortunate,” Yuber smoothly responded while he thoughtfully regarded them. There wasn’t much yet to go on, and he couldn’t yet sense if this one held any Chaotic tendencies within them or not. He’ll find out soon enough though.

His expression never once faltered and he faced the front of the bus, although he continued to glance at the other from the corner of his eyes. “Although it seems that I have so rudely disrupted your sleep.”


koukakurou October 27 2007, 04:27:29 UTC
It was not that Oriya didn't hold a certain level a trust for those around him, it was more a matter of pride and respect. While it would have been easy enough to close his eyes and sleep, it would have been disrespectful, let alone shameful. A warrior did not rest, regardless of how tempting it was, merely because he was tired.

That and it could also have been because he didn't trust those around him. Who knew.

Oriya shook his head once more. "You have interrupted nothing." His brow furrowed thoughtfully moments later. This was another strange one, it was impossible to tell just what he was.


face_of_chaos October 28 2007, 00:55:57 UTC
Chuckling softly at their reply, Yuber remained silent for the few moments he regarded the other man beside him. They seemed rather polite in their manner of speaking, but such politeness didn’t automatically mean that their personality dabbled on the side of Order. He’d met far too many in the past that were aligned with Chaos, and who were more polite and honourable than those of Order.

“So what realm did you leave behind in order to come to this fabulous institution?” The black knight murmured with a hint of amusement tinting his voice.

Pulling his gaze away from the other, he chanced a quick glance around the bus as he attempted to search for Gremio. He hadn’t seen the blonde yet this morning, but considering the fact that the patients seemed to be separated onto the three buses, it didn’t end up surprising the knight. He would give allowances for one day, but if the little human didn’t report to him soon he’d be left with no choice but to seek the other out.


koukakurou October 28 2007, 19:56:50 UTC
"Japan," Oriya replied simply, ignoring the soft chuckle that came from his companion. While he was quite capable of being polite he was in no mood for games. The same went for whatever happened to amusing the other man at the moment.


simpleastherain October 29 2007, 06:15:16 UTC
Orihime was content eating her breakfast alone on the bus. The morning presented a pleasant distraction from the night before, and it was much easier to be distracted with the knowledge that Ichimaru wasn't on this bus with her. This wasn't necessarily a good thing, since it meant he was on some other bus but from what she understood the nurses kept a very strict watch during the day. The others weren't defenseless either. Orihime chewed her lip and let her thoughts wonder to the town.

She'd only just arrived and already they were leaving on some kind of field trip. She wondered if the rest of this world would be the same as the institute, or if it was brighter just beyond the walls.

She didn't really mean to eavesdrop on Neko-san, sitting just ahead of her. In fact, she missed much of the actual conversation except for the fact that he sounded vaguely irritated. Should she interrupt?

She raised up a bit and rested her arms on the back of their seat to keep from falling over. "Good morning, Mibu-san, stranger-san."

If it was really nothing they could always kick her out of the conversation.


face_of_chaos October 29 2007, 11:49:31 UTC
“Japan hmm?” Yuber murmured as he tested the name out on his lips. He hadn’t heard of Japan before and the knight tucked that piece of information away into the back of his mind as he found their conversation interrupted. Glancing up at the female peering over from behind their seats, the black knight raised a slender brow at the reference to him. San, it was a rather odd suffix he’d heard from time to time, and it left Yuber assuming that it had something to do with status. It wasn’t a system they used in his realm.

“Good? Well that would depend on ones perception.” Yuber said with a subtle hint of amusement colouring his tone. Smiling far too politely to be taken in any sense of honourable context, the black knight turned his mismatched gaze down onto his moody companion as he continued, “This one here seems to be having a rather bad morning by the looks of it.”


koukakurou October 29 2007, 22:57:49 UTC
Oriya was tempted to hit this man. The temptation was fleeting, but the swordsman was sure it would have been satisfying. His terrifyingly short temper was practically nonexistent today and even the other man's inexplicable amusement grated on Oriya's nerves. He fought back a sigh.

"Grettings, Inoue-san."


simpleastherain October 30 2007, 02:31:07 UTC
Maybe that was because Mibu had come from a particularly long night. Orihime didn't know him well enough to guess yet. She rested her head on her arms and gave the blond man a little nod, seemingly oblivious to his sense of humor. The interaction (or lack thereof) between the two didn't look very happy. Still, she smiled at the greeting. "It's really nice out today, isn't it? Maybe the fresh air will do us all some good."

She cupped her hand by the side of her face and whispered conspiratorially to the stranger. "He might be tired. Lots of people are grumpy when they don't get enough sleep. It could be annoying if we keep talking over his head while he's trying to rest."


face_of_chaos October 30 2007, 12:19:12 UTC
The other’s annoyance was easy to pick up on, and it left Yuber with a subtle hint of smugness over the fact. A small victory maybe, but considering the ease that they were irritated the knight had to find some enjoyment during this little trip together. To leave elsewhere on this bus now would entirely defeat the purpose as well.

This female’s optimism was rather disconcerting, and without her even uttering another word the knight was more than well aware of exactly which side this one fell on. They reeked the stench of Order and it took all that he had not to wrinkle his nose up in disgust. What was it with those of Order being so bright and optimistic? It was a habit that he loved nothing more to do than slice out from beneath them, and he momentarily contemplating doing as such before pushing the thought away moments later.

Now was hardly the time, and it was better for those he’d contracted himself to that he keep a relatively low profile… at present anyway.

Glancing up at her from the corner of his eyes, Yuber smile resembled much like that of a snake as he smoothly murmured. “Such weaknesses of others are not my concern, Inoue was it?”


koukakurou October 30 2007, 16:39:54 UTC
Oriya had to shake his head. Did the girl really think he could not hear her? The man sighed, ignoring Yuber's comment about weaknesses. It wasn't as if it wasn't true, an addiction to opium could easily be considered a shortcoming, but the way the words were said... Oriya knew enough silver-tongued reptiles to last him a lifetime, it would have been impossible not to see this man for what he was.

"I will be fine in due time, child," the swordsman replied calmly. "How was your night?"


simpleastherain October 31 2007, 00:25:07 UTC
Orihime's eyes narrowed very slightly. Her expression wasn't hostile but it was defiant, almost sad. She'd seen so many of those sharp smiles in the last while she thought she was going to be sick from it. She caught herself saying 'Yes' to the man in a flat tone, offering no more and no less than what she was asked.

"W-" She hesitated, suddenly not wanting to talk about her friends in front of the man. It didn't help that he didn't feel human. "- I didn't get very far from the hallway. I think I'd get lost anyway. Did you have much luck?"


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