Night 58: Main Hallway 2-West

Sep 08, 2011 22:17

[from here]Snow reached the top of the stairs within moments. This was the part where he was supposed to start raising hell and kicking in doors. If he had still been as infuriated as he had been when first leaving his room, he probably would have done that immediately. Right now, there was a slight delay. Maybe it was just an after effect of... ( Read more... )

zero, byrne, guy, stefan, scott pilgrim, rose (tvd), two-face, terra branford, rapunzel, castiel, gren, hijikata, sesshoumaru, indiana jones, trickster, ippo, claude, woody, daemon, peter parker, claire stanfield, ema skye, snow

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Comments 58

ultimagi September 11 2011, 07:02:47 UTC
[from here]Soon the jagged climb was at an end, and the pace of her footfalls slowed as she stepped out of the narrow corridor. While her companion moved a few steps ahead of her, the girl looked over her shoulder with a sweep of her flashlight, trying to memorize the look of the stairwell where it nested. They'd eventually need to find their way back down, after all ( ... )


princeofthemoon September 11 2011, 17:51:14 UTC
Terra cared about their path, and being able to return ( ... )


ultimagi September 11 2011, 20:00:26 UTC
The girl shook her head, ponytail swaying in the motion. "This is the first time I've come up here." Her voice was quiet for the late hour and the silence of their surroundings. "But I've been told some things."

Now, what all had Edgar said? With so few memories in her head, pulling up something that happened only hours before was incredibly easy.

"Something called 'sleep studies' are done on this floor... where they perform experiments on us." She frowned, taking a few more steps away from the staircase. "A chapel... 'store rooms for general goods, a closet for cleaning supplies, and the like' ... a file room."

She gave her companion a curious look. "Do you know this place?"


princeofthemoon September 11 2011, 21:57:55 UTC
"... hn." Sesshoumaru's voice sounded interested and somewhat thoughtful at the news - sleep studies. Experiments. A corridor of locked doors, where patients were brought.... "The experiments did not seem...

"I came to this floor last night. There is a passage full of locked doors down the left hallway, where experiments are performed; I know not whether they are the 'sleep studies' you refer to." He blinked thoughtfully, considering.

"Little of worth is likely to be gained from examining it again." And he moved forwards.


broodings September 11 2011, 16:41:01 UTC
[from here]

As expected, it wasn't empty up here, but considerably less crowded than the wide corridor downstairs. Stefan dodged around the other night travellers, keeping out of sight as skilfully and naturally as he'd been doing for the past century and a half, ever since he'd turned into a vampire. He hadn't quite known stealth in the beginning, but sneaking up on a victim was easy when you could move faster than the human eye could follow. In the intervening years, when he'd become less careless and less bloodthirsty, that he'd learned how to hide in the shadows. Even without his full strength and speed now, Stefan still knew how to move without a trace.

So he slipped past the few waiting figures, unseen except for perhaps a glint of light reflecting off the knife in his hand, and disappeared down the main hallway.

[to here]


broodings September 13 2011, 07:16:54 UTC
[from here]

He didn't care who noticed him. And for anyone who did see the teenage boy running through the halls, Stefan was going too fast for his red eyes and dark veins to appear more than strange shadows at a glance. Still, he had the presence of mind to keep his knife close by side, and dodge smoothly around the wanderers in this part of the hospital. Too many people. The last thing he wanted was to hurt someone.

Keep going.

[to here]


nobleobliged September 12 2011, 07:44:46 UTC
[ roll out the red carpet! ]

Foolish, perhaps; to be so pleased, to allow herself a feeling of victory, merely for having gotten to the second floor on her own. But, she had chided herself enough, had let this place weigh on her, then assisted it with her own scorn. She held fast to the feeling, preserved it, kept it close to stabilize and strengthen. Not to become foolhardy and too bold with it. Thus, her smile faltered and her forward stride stopped short as, when walking into the hall, the light immediately fell on the back of a man - presumably - crouched a mere handful of steps ahead. It gave her a good jolt, but not so much as to cause her to lose her bearings or drop the flashlight. Training and experience had taught her better.

She had heard of the sort of creatures who walked the halls at night, monsters shaped like men. But, as odd as it was that he wasn't moving, posed as if to lunge into an offense, he seemed to be wearing the same uniform as she. A possible trick; her hand tightened around the flashlight's shaft.

A ( ... )


heroesdontshave September 28 2011, 02:08:20 UTC
It's funny. Even with him all poised and ready to deal with whatever felt like pouncing out at him, Snow somehow still managed to get caught off guard. His attention had been entirely focused on the space ahead of and around him, trying to make out any sounds coming from the darkness. He wasn't really prepared for a beam of light to suddenly shoot out from behind him. It startled him. ...Startled as in, he whipped his head around immediately to look over his shoulder at whatever it was that was there ( ... )


nobleobliged September 28 2011, 03:59:26 UTC
The cycle of surprise: her jump at an unexpected figure crouching in the dark, his abrupt look at her address, the suddeness of his movement causing Natalia to, once again, start. It shouldn't have; of course her approach, with the unnanounced light, would prompt shock. At least, this last round was mild, a bit of blinking. Not only due to his head turning so quickly, but because--

She knew him. Running into a familiar face, a fellow prisoner one might have spotted during the day, might typically, only, elicit a sense of deja vu. But this face had a more concrete memory to it, though they had not yet spoken. (Where had the time gone? That lasting question). As such, though his mood and the atmosphere remained serious, as he began to speak, Natalia could not help but smile, the expression gaining and pressing into her cheeks. Doubtless, she looked as though he was reciting an excellent joke, that or she looked half-mad, having to stop herself from blurting out an interruption ( ... )


contentincloset September 12 2011, 17:58:35 UTC
[from here]

It had been some time since he'd gone through the second floor hallways, and each time had been worse than the previous. Talking shadows, Solitary, the Morgue... it somehow made it feel as though the first floor might have been the safest of the whole place, if there was a safe area outside of the room areas. Once you left that area, nothing was certain anymore.

After a lingering glance towards the long hallway that contained the Counseling rooms and Morgue, Kurogane took a turn towards the right hallway, gripping the handle of his hammer tightly in preparation. In a moment he'd be in an area that he'd not yet traveled during the night hours. He knew better than to assume it would be the same as any other hallway.


contentincloset September 12 2011, 18:30:23 UTC
[gone here]


terriblehaiku September 12 2011, 18:06:50 UTC
[From here.]

There wasn't much to see once he stepped out into the hall. A few people around, but that was it. Thankfully, there didn't seem to be any fights taking place or other danger lurking around, so he ignored the others and moved on towards his goal. Just one hallway stood between him and it, if the directions he had were accurate. He steeled himself a little, and moved forward.

[To here.]


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