Night 58: Main Hallway, 1-Center

Sep 08, 2011 04:50

[from here]Turning the corner, Vino found that, in fact, he was very much early, it seemed. Huh. There was no one yet in this central hallway, though if he looked back towards the west side of the building, that strange person with the unnatural-looking white hair had gone down that end of the big hallway. He could still see the whiteness of their ( Read more... )

anise, nigredo, gumshoe, izaya, damon, rita, ritsuka, edgar, indiana jones, maya, mikado, alaric, yomi, guybrush, taura, claire stanfield, lana skye, gant, l

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Comments 57

selfnighted September 9 2011, 00:23:16 UTC
[skipped a hall from here]

Nothing yet. Anticipation was such a terrible emotion to experience. For all Maya was aware, the general had simply wanted his entire staff to reproduce Swan Lake for the night.

Maya paused for a moment in this corridor to collect herself. Her grip on the pipe hadn't decayed (though how she'd use it she couldn't imagine), and there was no universal creed that declared she could only be ambushed if she weren't moving, was there?

Now to settle where she was headed tonight. Her little theory had been tested (rather, she couldn't test it until she woke up and reviewed when her explorations at night had stopped), which left her without another goal. Mail Room? Medical Wing? Whatever else could be found upstairs? Hmm.



sheepwood September 13 2011, 07:40:05 UTC
[From here- so sorry this is late! Let me know if this isn't workable.]Unfortunately, Guybrush's flashlight had plans other than working for the night. As he progressed through the corridor, the beam flickered once, then twice, then refused to come on at all. Shaking it did nothing, as did banging the device on his hook and into the wall, and cursing its entire family- the light remained off, leaving the Mighty Pirate™ alone in the dark (in a non-copyrighted way, of course ( ... )


selfnighted September 14 2011, 00:14:07 UTC
[It's fine. <3]

Now she was curious. Just what type of monster roamed the halls at night? She'd heard a few reports, but had neglected to ask where they occurred. What with the hallways, Maya would have to be careful regardless, but either she had had very good luck, or there was a method to the monster occurrences. Would one come to her if she stood here long enough?

No... Last night she'd not made an progress at all, despite meaning to. Inhibiting Maya's movement was not a gesture consistent with 'motivating' progress by way of a 'monster' (monstrous creature at the least, she supposed). could vary with the patient in question. Maya had been in quite a hurry to get out tonight despite the implicit warning from the intercom man, had she not? How clever, if it had indeed been intentional ( ... )


sheepwood September 14 2011, 01:13:59 UTC
As he approached what he hoped was another patient (because if it wasn't, the monsters had learned to use flashlights and that was another world of trouble entirely), Guybrush found himself suddenly bathed in light, the stranger having turned their flashlight on him. His eyes slammed shut, dots already dancing in his field of vision.

"Whoa, fellow patient!" he called as he took two steps back, holding his arms up in front of him in an attempt to look non-threatening. Whether or not he managed to accomplish that while wielding a sword and wearing a sash made of underpants was yet to be seen. "My flashlight isn't working. I promise I'm not wandering in the dark for my health or anything. Or sneaking up on you, though that's not much of a testament to my innocence."


gald_digger September 12 2011, 02:32:09 UTC
[from here]

It was this way, right? Since the Medical Wing had never been open before, Anise had never really gone there - or even around it, much.

She realized as she was walking that she'd forgotten to take her two braids out. Oh well! Changing her look once in a while could only add to her cute appeal, right? (Did the meat tenderizer in her hand detract from it, though...?) In any case, it was probably fine. With Tokunaga on her back and her yellow ribbons tying the ends of her braids, she still looked very much like the usual Adorable Little Anise.

The crowd was starting to thin out as she walked away from the west side of the hall. A couple people seemed to have stopped, either to wait for someone or to get their bearings, she guessed. Anise continued walking, though she slowed to a more cautious pace. If she was going to be the first one reaching the east side that night, then it meant she had to be extra careful about monsters.

[for Gumshoe!]


ham_fisted September 14 2011, 15:27:52 UTC
[from here]Gumshoe made sure to keep his eyes and ears open (as always!) as he passed THAT hallway. He wouldn't lie; he'd thought about going to look for the two of them, but the chances of actually finding their rooms before they left were slim to none, and that was if they weren't unconscious in the infirmary (he'd check it out tonight!). At least with Ms. von Karma, there wasn't as much ground to ( ... )


gald_digger September 14 2011, 23:50:38 UTC
More and more people were coming the same way, which made Anise feel a little safer. If there were monsters lurking around, then it was possible they'd spot someone else before her, or if one did come after her, someone would be nearby to help. Well, assuming they weren't all jerks ( ... )


ham_fisted September 15 2011, 05:31:01 UTC
Gumshoe thought he heard a girl scream, and it was then that the stranger pointed their flashlight in his face. "Ahh!" His boots skidded loudly on the floor before he came to a halt in front of them, probably seconds away from crashing into them. Now he knew how Ms. von Karma had felt!

He raised a hand over his eyes and squinted down at the shadow. Wait a minute. Didn't he know that voice? He opened his mouth to voice the thought, only to be shut down at the last second by the girl's tone. It made him flinch, and his jaw dropped as he fought the urge to start backing away as well. "I-I'm sorry!" he stammered. "I didn't...!" He heaved a sigh. Come to think of it, this was exactly how they'd met all those weeks ago, wasn't it? "I mean, what are you doing here on your own, pal? Where are you going?"


spandexorgtfo September 12 2011, 09:10:45 UTC
[from here]

The next section of the hall was mostly empty, which would usually be to his preferences, were it not that the silence meant that the voices came through more clearly.

Hey, Dad, what do you think you're doing?

Lloyd's voice, so perfectly pitched and so innocuous that he initially thought it real. Kratos looked abruptly toward the wall, expecting to find his son leaning against the wall with a grin on his face, but belatedly realized that it had been a trick. He was proving remarkably susceptible to all of this, something that would have been unfathomable a few weeks ago. Perhaps it was something about the drug's composition, or perhaps his own physiology was to blame...anything, anything except admitting that after a month, he was starting to tire ( ... )


madeinthehrl September 12 2011, 18:11:50 UTC
At least this time their destination wasn't as far away as the mines had been. Soma was about to make some pointless comment along those lines when Kratos looked up suddenly. She followed his gaze to the wall--nothing.

Baffled, she looked back to Kratos, but he beat her to the punch.

"I went last night," she said, frowning slightly at the memory. "I was curious about those drugs Aguilar mentioned."


madeinthehrl September 12 2011, 18:12:53 UTC
[to here]


bodhiandspirit September 13 2011, 06:56:08 UTC
[from here]

Rita continued down the hallway at a brisk pace, not looking to see whether or not the stranger was following her. She wasn't particularly concerned about getting his help.

As she walked, though, she realized the hallway felt a lot cooler than usual. Did someone leave a door open somewhere...? No, that wasn't important. She had to keep moving.

Her pace began to slow, however, as she became aware of more things that seemed a bit off. There was a tingly, almost numb feeling in her fingers, one that she thought would soon go away, but instead... it seemed to be spreading through her body. Another effect of the drug...? No, maybe she was imagining it. The coldness could be a delusion as well. It took a moment to realize she had been staring at her hand for a while now, and once she became aware of it, Rita quickly shook her wrist and started walking more quickly.


promisedawhale September 13 2011, 23:29:29 UTC
"W-would you now ( ... )


bodhiandspirit September 14 2011, 01:55:48 UTC
"It's nothing," Rita replied automatically, but then she paused, both in her speech and in her walking. Actually... maybe it was better to say something. If she ended up suffering from severe delusions, it would help to have someone to tell her what was real and what wasn't. She really didn't want to have to rely on a stranger, but if it came to that, she'd rather that stranger be somewhat aware of what was going on.

She sighed with annoyance at the situation, then turned her head to look back (and up, as Brook was considerably taller than she was). "Just before dinner today, they... injected me with something. I think it was the same drug that Aguilar was trying to get people to try last night. I don't know what's going to happen, but right now my best chance is to try and find something that can counteract the drug's effects."

If such a thing even existed, anyway... But damn it, Rita wasn't going to stand around idly and let the military have its way. She had to do something"... Rita Mordio," she added as an afterthought, then ( ... )


promisedawhale September 15 2011, 00:59:34 UTC
"Are you sure...?" Brook tried again, just as quickly as the girl had replied. He knew that such a quick response usually meant that it was most certainly not "nothing". People were always trying to hide their vulnerabilities in this place.

Just as he was about to content himself with simply following along, the girl came to a stop and turned to explain better. With how he'd seen some others respond to getting injected with things, Brook knew that needles were not good things in this place. In fact, they were items that he had no desire to have anywhere near him or others. Especially not when they were such young children. He could not imagine what the young girl had done to earn getting stuck with a needle and injected with anything"That sounds absolutely terrible! Are you sure you should be moving around? I mean, wouldn't the drug move quicker or something...?" Brook asked in a rapid fire of questions and concerns, thinking about what the best actions were for this kind of situation. He had a brief moment of wishing that Chopper ( ... )


Later. train_tracer September 14 2011, 20:31:06 UTC

How long had he been waiting again?

Vino didn't know, but he decided that he really, really didn't do the 'waiting patiently' thing. Standing around and waiting was never his plan of action, ever. Could it even be called a 'plan of action' if he wasn't even moving anywhere? Probably not.

Eventually, he had stopped being the only one in the hall. Vino had watched, making sure the kid didn't accidentally pass by and miss him, or something. But he’d seen no one even close.

Sometime during the course of his extended wait, he'd started switching the flashlight on and off, on and off, because he'd seen someone else do it when they passed by toward the other hall where the white-haired person had gone. Then he'd gone to swinging the metal bar around, perhaps drawing odd stares by people who passed by, but Vino didn't care. Hey, it was practice, right? And he was boredBut it looked like the kid was going to be a no-show. How disappointing. And rude, but right now, Vino's more distressed by the fact that it seems he won't get to ( ... )


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