Day 53: Lunch

Nov 30, 2010 15:05

There was little to be said of the daily business that went on. He allowed himself to be shuffled, mind embedded too deeply in things he shouldn't be dwelling on. The night was over, the shadows had vanished, and there was little more than bad memories to be left in their stead. This was logic, pure and simple, and should have been reassuring but ( Read more... )

leela, kirk, s.t., badd, anise, england, sam winchester, amaterasu, niikura, taura, franziska, claire bennet, peter parker, snow, lunge, ruby, mello, brainiac 5, xemnas, the flash, minako, stefan, watson, peter petrelli, soma, mele, damon, kanda, two-face, tomoe, isaac, erika, edgar, neku, maya, zack, kratos, l, sechs, scott pilgrim, gumshoe, aigis, izaya, sora, claude, guybrush, elena gilbert, dean winchester, gant, buzz, grell, guy, kairi, gaara, depth charge, kibitoshin, ilia, rita, lightning, castiel, fai, yue, sasuke, claire stanfield, ema skye, mccoy, the master, scar (tlk)

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Comments 432

longlivetehking November 30 2010, 21:39:26 UTC
At least thinking of measurements to make sure the lovely head doctor would face certain consequences for his infuriating actions had been entertaining. The additional stress the man appeared to be in while announcing lunch only seemed to add to Scar's shameless schadenfreude. At least his mood had improved since morning, which was quite the accomplishment.

He left a rather messily written note (well, one could hardly blame him for his lack of 'writing' experience...) for the Scarecrow on the bulletin regarding his still-missing torch before entering the cafeteria to eat lunch. Or the human variation thereof. He hadn't eaten this morning, so he found himself having little choice but to put up with whatever ridiculous thing they had for lunch. Today, it was what they called 'pizza'. Oh, he knew what that was by now. That circular thing with all the random ingredients thrown on top of it, which made for a rather...peculiar smell on it's best.

He possibly couldn't have been more thrilledTaking a random seat in a relatively empty ( ... )


divinebrushwork December 2 2010, 02:05:24 UTC
When her nurse announced that it was lunch time, Amaterasu practically ran to the cafeteria. Ritsu had once again left her exasperated and her temples were tingling with the start of a headache. She knew it wasn't his fault; that was just the way he was. Still, the goddess was in desperate need of a solid meal to cure her of her mood ( ... )


longlivetehking December 2 2010, 19:05:56 UTC
When someone kindly took the seat beside him without so much as asking, Scar considered interrupting his disdainful look to glance at the poor fool who had just joined him to be somewhat appropriate. Not necessarily out of politeness (though he supposed it helped), but there were certain advantages to knowing with whom he was to have this obligatory social interaction with. Said glance revealed a female offering a smile. Along with a question. Hnn.

Perhaps he was merely being cynical, but were there things that somehow could not be wrong in this place?

Unfortunately, she was apparently being quite serious. In favor of not necessarily antagonizing the entire patient populace by ignoring them (even though the option may have been preferable sometimes...), he supposed an answer was required.

He faked a thoughtful look. "Well, I am still trapped in this dreadful place, I have a head injury on display, my night was remarkably degrading at best, and I am forced to put up with the head doctor's cryptic ramblings and this utterly ( ... )


divinebrushwork December 2 2010, 23:25:13 UTC
Wow ( ... )


scintillatingly November 30 2010, 22:11:26 UTC
As expected, speaking with Kairi was pretty much an instant cure for any bad feelings that Sora had about what had happened the night before. Even if the girl couldn't do anything to change what had been said to him by that imitation of the Anti-Form, she was just so sincere that it left him feeling better. He was still worried about Riku, of course, but he also knew his friend was strong enough to work through it. He'd been taunted about the darkness in him countless times in the past, so this wouldn't be any different ( ... )


composers_proxy December 1 2010, 07:51:29 UTC
After how bizarre last night had been, today was turning out pretty much average. At least for what was expected at the institute average. Talk to some noobs, check on people via the bulletin (texting would be so much more efficient), and engage in some idle chatter with people he'd met a couple of times before. Minako was alright enough for conversation, if excitable and in need of some new brand names.

Lunch brought some familiar junk food, even if there weren't many pizzerias around Shibuya. And the offerings? Not even a seafood pizza. He wasn't surprised; most of what he'd seen was painfully American, but he had to admit, he was a little disappointed.

Neku still grabbed a few slices that smelled appealing, some juice, and since the nurse was giving him the evil eye, a handful fruits and vegetables. There weren't very many people just yet, so it was easy to spot Sora and set his tray down opposite. He turned the phones down a few notches, looking at the other quizzically.

"Waiting for anyone, or just chillin'?"


scintillatingly December 1 2010, 20:44:38 UTC
Even though Sora had been hoping that he might run into Riku just so he could check on him in person, he couldn't turn down Neku when the boy showed up. It was still weird, especially during the daytime when he could see all of his features so clearly, to note how much they looked alike. Sora didn't know if there was any meaning to it, but it was probably better not to get hung up on that idea ( ... )


composers_proxy December 3 2010, 17:40:58 UTC
Neku took a seat and once again someone was asking if he was alright. The concept that other people might be concerned for him was still a little foreign, but not unwelcome. A bare smile and a nod in reply.

"Sore mostly, but they patched me up pretty well," he replied, rolling up a sleeve to where the bandages on his shoulder started. It sucked, of course, but Sora knew that just as well as he did. And as far as emotionally, yeah he was confused by a lot of what went down, but took some solace in the fact that the guy they'd fought had been a pretty big jerk in the first place.

"What about you?" If anything, his look-alike was kind of on the other end of the spectrum as far as attitudes went. He'd probably taken the whole thing a little harder than Neku, but it was hard to say for sure.


allroadslead November 30 2010, 22:13:48 UTC
Talking with Ruby left him slightly uneasy, which wasn't often the case, and he wasn't sure if it was the sheer factor of being here or...something, but either way, there it was.

And he further couldn't tell if she'd deliberately misinterpreted his words there at the end, or if she'd honestly read him wrong. Experience with Ruby tended to have him lean towards the former. Because it wasn't about what he could or couldn't do with his abilities, it was about what he was or wasn't willing to do. He'd seen enough of the other children to know just how far he could go. That was the crux of the whole damn problem ( ... )


theroadsofar December 2 2010, 13:10:01 UTC
Dean hauled ass through the cafeteria, tray in hand as he scanned the room for his brother. Didn't take long to see Sam. The kid was kinda hiding off to the side, which would've worked except one, Sam was still tall enough to stick out without even trying and two, it wasn't like this was some diner where he could duck behind a booth. Dean went right for him, determined to get to Sam before anyone else beat him to it ( ... )


allroadslead December 3 2010, 06:07:34 UTC
Dean was easy to spot coming a mile away and Sam wasn't sure what he was bracing himself for, but it was something. The sad truth was, he was really kind of used to Dean being pissed at him; when you spent that much time together, it tended to happen. Frequently. But this was a hell of a lot more complicated than their usual arguments. This was all on Sam to fix because he'd started it in the first place. Even if Dean had no idea that that was the case ( ... )


theroadsofar December 3 2010, 17:36:36 UTC
Dean almost stuttered to a stop at the news Ruby had apparently been killed - or almost killed, which right now he wasn't even sure which was which since Sam wasn't exactly being real helpful on that front. And it wasn't just last night, it'd been two nights ago? Why hadn't Sam told him? Dude, this was kinda important to know. He wasn't even sure how he was supposed to react to the new that by the way, that chick Sam thought was dead? Totally wasn't dead anymore. He had to scrub at his face before he really launched into his brother, trying to keep it cool. Well, fine. Half-assing the cool. It was really hard not to demand what else Sam was keeping from him. What was next? Dad from the grave too?

"Okay." Dean said, dropping his hand. He repeated himself, "Okay. First of all, it’d be nice to know this kinda stuff when it’s not after the fact.” He held up his hand before Sam started getting defensive on him. “So what’s the deal with her if she’s not dead ( ... )


human_sponge November 30 2010, 22:26:19 UTC
While having to see Mohinder in the state that he was in no longer ruined Peter's day, it still gave him food for thought. He'd given up on the idea of being able to get through to the man just by talking to him. No matter what he said, the switch that had been turned in Mohinder's mind just wasn't going to be turned back in the right direction. He had to figure out what method they'd used to make him that way and then reverse it, that was all ( ... )


ham_fisted December 2 2010, 12:06:06 UTC
Gumshoe was a man on a mission. Nothing could stop him now ( ... )


human_sponge December 2 2010, 23:43:12 UTC
With all of the different toppings on the pizza, it was no surprise that when he took a bite it was basically like an explosion of flavors and textures in his mouth. That sort of thing could be overwhelming, but it was always good to try for a change every now and then. Considering that their week was scheduled out down to the letter (during the day, at least), Peter liked to do what he could to break things up every now and then ( ... )


ham_fisted December 3 2010, 04:42:41 UTC
Gumshoe's shoulders, which he'd been forcing back, leaned forward slightly when the guy gave him a smile, and in his relief he couldn't keep himself from smiling back. They were off to a good start, which was more than he could say for some of his past experiences with witnesses. Getting a name right off the bat was another thing he knew to be grateful for; in dealing with the oddballs that regularly got themselves tangled up in Mr. Edgeworth's cases, that was the hardest bit of information to get out of them sometimes ( ... )


itneverwas November 30 2010, 22:45:58 UTC
The head doctor's rushed announcement didn't quite escape his notice. For the whole day the announcements had been spoken by rushed and tired voices. Was it a crack within the head doctor's perfectly maintained world? Or was it, perhaps, part of the plan? To provide an illusion of weakness that would grant the weak-hearted a false sensation of hope, only for it to be extinguished? It was certainly an interesting thought; after all, why else would the man willingly display such weakness? Weakness that may have been tied to the man's possession of an existence, perhaps. Be as it may, Xemnas could create little else but theories. Its purpose would present itself in due time ( ... )


doctorbadtouch December 4 2010, 02:16:51 UTC
Someone was having a busy morning. Muraki had to wonder if last night had gotten out of hand after all, or if tonight's events would interfere with his current plans. There wasn't much to do but wait and see, he supposed. He hadn't been horribly inconvenienced yet, and things so far were going according to plan.

Well, what little semblance of a plan there was. He was establishing himself. Patiently laying down roots. After that, things would really start to get interesting. Before that if he ran out of patience. He had to admit, sometimes he thought it would be fun to do exactly as he pleased and let nature run its course, kill until he himself was claimed by violence. Muraki smiled slightly to himself.

He stopped by the bulletin long enough to note that there would be a large group with them tonight. The more witnesses the better, especially when they were disposable. Hopefully they would bring some supplies. That night hadn't gone according to plan at all ( ... )


itneverwas December 4 2010, 19:29:08 UTC
More patients entered the cafeteria, acquiring their meals before selecting their seats. Considering the nature of this place, it would only be a matter of time before one would join him. Unwillingly, as the case turned out to be for the man standing nearby the table, offering him a polite smile once the nurse had left. Xemnas raised his gaze to meet the one of the stranger, lingering longer than what may have usual. But an empty being such as he could not hope to care for what may have have been usual or polite.

The Superior nodded before he gestured towards the vacant chair. "You may," he answered calmly, his face nor voice betraying annoyance -- or anything at all. Instead, he merely continued to study the other man before he returned the introduction with a name of his own:

"I am Xemnas."


doctorbadtouch December 5 2010, 19:14:33 UTC
There was something odd about the way the man's gaze lingered. It wasn't predatory as far as he could tell, simply empty of any obvious emotion. Not a very good mask, if that was what it was. Hiding one's intentions was only a part of the charade. Playing at emotions was just as important, and sometimes even a part of the fun.

But no matter. There were other kinds of connections he could establish in this place. He let his gaze linger a little longer than might be polite. Xemnas was an interesting man, quite handsome, younger than his hair might have led some to believe. There was an air of calm authority about him Muraki didn't encounter very often.

"A pleasure." The doctor replied, inclining his head briefly. He curled his fingers beneath his chin, picking at the salad with his free hand. "What is it you were writing? I didn't mean to interrupt."


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