Day 53: Lunch

Nov 30, 2010 15:05

There was little to be said of the daily business that went on. He allowed himself to be shuffled, mind embedded too deeply in things he shouldn't be dwelling on. The night was over, the shadows had vanished, and there was little more than bad memories to be left in their stead. This was logic, pure and simple, and should have been reassuring but ( Read more... )

leela, kirk, s.t., badd, anise, england, sam winchester, amaterasu, niikura, taura, franziska, claire bennet, peter parker, snow, lunge, ruby, mello, brainiac 5, xemnas, the flash, minako, stefan, watson, peter petrelli, soma, mele, damon, kanda, two-face, tomoe, isaac, erika, edgar, neku, maya, zack, kratos, l, sechs, scott pilgrim, gumshoe, aigis, izaya, sora, claude, guybrush, elena gilbert, dean winchester, gant, buzz, grell, guy, kairi, gaara, depth charge, kibitoshin, ilia, rita, lightning, castiel, fai, yue, sasuke, claire stanfield, ema skye, mccoy, the master, scar (tlk)

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itneverwas November 30 2010, 22:45:58 UTC
The head doctor's rushed announcement didn't quite escape his notice. For the whole day the announcements had been spoken by rushed and tired voices. Was it a crack within the head doctor's perfectly maintained world? Or was it, perhaps, part of the plan? To provide an illusion of weakness that would grant the weak-hearted a false sensation of hope, only for it to be extinguished? It was certainly an interesting thought; after all, why else would the man willingly display such weakness? Weakness that may have been tied to the man's possession of an existence, perhaps. Be as it may, Xemnas could create little else but theories. Its purpose would present itself in due time.

The cafeteria was relatively empty when the Superior entered it, though he noticed the Keybearer to be among those already present. He saw no reason to interact with the boy however, instead selecting a vacant seat by random after he had acquired a slice of pizza. He would allow another to take the initiative.

As he idly took bites of his lunch, he flipped open his journal and began writing. The shadows had not been the only curious occurrence of last night; the creature defined by light had been remarkable enough to warrant the act of taking notes. Though much of its nature was still part of the unknown, its radiance had seemed different from the one that was contained by the heart.

Like the darkness in this institute, too, seemed different from the one giving birth to the Heartless.



doctorbadtouch December 4 2010, 02:16:51 UTC
Someone was having a busy morning. Muraki had to wonder if last night had gotten out of hand after all, or if tonight's events would interfere with his current plans. There wasn't much to do but wait and see, he supposed. He hadn't been horribly inconvenienced yet, and things so far were going according to plan.

Well, what little semblance of a plan there was. He was establishing himself. Patiently laying down roots. After that, things would really start to get interesting. Before that if he ran out of patience. He had to admit, sometimes he thought it would be fun to do exactly as he pleased and let nature run its course, kill until he himself was claimed by violence. Muraki smiled slightly to himself.

He stopped by the bulletin long enough to note that there would be a large group with them tonight. The more witnesses the better, especially when they were disposable. Hopefully they would bring some supplies. That night hadn't gone according to plan at all.

He expected the nurse to leave him alone by the time he made it into the cafeteria and claimed a selection from the salad bar, but the woman seemed to have gotten it into her head that his choice of company was 'inappropriate'.

"Ah, here we go. Mr. Shiro, this is Mr. Sheen."

"I'm sure we'll get along fine. Thank you." He narrowed his eyes slightly, nearly scowling. The nurse was mostly unphased. He could rip her throat out, he really could.

Wisely, she backed off when he made no attempt to leave, and Muraki turned to the other man, offering a polite smile. "Muraki Kazutaka. May I join you?"


itneverwas December 4 2010, 19:29:08 UTC
More patients entered the cafeteria, acquiring their meals before selecting their seats. Considering the nature of this place, it would only be a matter of time before one would join him. Unwillingly, as the case turned out to be for the man standing nearby the table, offering him a polite smile once the nurse had left. Xemnas raised his gaze to meet the one of the stranger, lingering longer than what may have usual. But an empty being such as he could not hope to care for what may have have been usual or polite.

The Superior nodded before he gestured towards the vacant chair. "You may," he answered calmly, his face nor voice betraying annoyance -- or anything at all. Instead, he merely continued to study the other man before he returned the introduction with a name of his own:

"I am Xemnas."


doctorbadtouch December 5 2010, 19:14:33 UTC
There was something odd about the way the man's gaze lingered. It wasn't predatory as far as he could tell, simply empty of any obvious emotion. Not a very good mask, if that was what it was. Hiding one's intentions was only a part of the charade. Playing at emotions was just as important, and sometimes even a part of the fun.

But no matter. There were other kinds of connections he could establish in this place. He let his gaze linger a little longer than might be polite. Xemnas was an interesting man, quite handsome, younger than his hair might have led some to believe. There was an air of calm authority about him Muraki didn't encounter very often.

"A pleasure." The doctor replied, inclining his head briefly. He curled his fingers beneath his chin, picking at the salad with his free hand. "What is it you were writing? I didn't mean to interrupt."


itneverwas December 6 2010, 18:54:10 UTC
An echo of a smile spread on Xemnas' lips, as if there was but a faintest glimmer of amusement at the presented question. Still, as the Nobody continued his unwavering observation of the man seated across him, the smile appeared to be lacking a certain something that would be difficult to define for those ignorant of his true nature. But it was none of his concern, unlike the man's words.

Unfortunately for Muraki, Xemnas was not a man of straight answers.

"Something that is, perhaps, no more important than the writings of another," he commented as equally calm, yet the smile didn't quite leave his features.

"Or, would such statements only serve to increase your curiosity?"


doctorbadtouch December 7 2010, 05:51:09 UTC
The question hadn't exactly been subtle, but he gained far less from the answer than he'd expected to. Evasive, yes, but for what reason? Muraki's interest sharpened, his lips thinning briefly before curling up into the suggestion of a smile.

"There are ways to increase my curiosity." He replied neutrally. His fork broke the skin of a cherry tomato, though he didn't seem to be paying attention to it. "But that isn't one of them. I've always found the most cryptic people simply have the least to say."


itneverwas December 8 2010, 22:55:06 UTC
"Is that so?" he answered, completely unfazed by the comment. 'Cryptic' was a reoccurring keyword if one would describe the words that he spoke, but providing clarity had never been among the Nobody's interests. Evasiveness and secrecy were irrelevant when it came to the simple words as those he had written down only a moment ago, but he saw no efficiency in satisfying the curiosity of a man still shrouded by veils of the unknown. Even if Muraki told him otherwise; Xemnas did not possess the measure of existence necessary to care whether the curiosity had increased or not.

Still, the comment was an opening. After all, the Superior held little interest in pursuing a needless discussion about his notes. "Then, what about you? Would you define yourself as one who does have anything to say?"


doctorbadtouch December 9 2010, 20:15:38 UTC
Not even a twitch. The man was remarkable, at least in this respect. No matter how bluntly rude the comment, he evaded without the hint of irritation.

"That depends on where your interests lie," He set his utensils down entirely, lacing his fingers in front of him. "And whether or not they coincide with my own. Leaving here, for example, isn't a priority at the moment."


itneverwas December 9 2010, 22:45:43 UTC
For the first time this conversation, Xemnas' facial expression finally showed something, but nothing more than mild interest in Muraki's words. So this man, too, did not wish to leave. Was it because he had nothing to return to, or a different reason altogether? Hmm, the answer for this would have to wait, for there was something that held more importance.

"I see," he answered, nodding slowly, before his gaze once more returned to watch the patient seated across him. An unwavering yet piercing gaze. "Then, I shall admit it is among my immediate concerns as well. Not when there is so much more to grasp."

He left it at that, leaving his words up for interpretation.


doctorbadtouch December 10 2010, 20:54:55 UTC
The man's emotions seemed to run quite shallow, but his gaze belayed a kind of intensity. An odd contrast, not entirely unpleasant. There were few people who could meet Muraki's eyes like that even while he played the part of perfect doctor.

He met the man's gaze, his own eyes belaying clear interest.

"There is," Muraki agreed. He could admit it was a brilliant system, smooth and intricate beneath the surface. Common language, suppression of various magical systems, teleportation, illusion, accelerated healing... and that was just a fraction of what it did for the 'patients', passively, every day and night. A part of him wondered if it could even wake the dead. "And so little waiting in the outside world. Does your interest lie in studying it, then?"


itneverwas December 10 2010, 22:29:41 UTC
Muraki had already granted him an answer; so there was little awaiting the man's return. Interesting. Xemnas filed away this information for further use. There was something that held far more essence; namely his interest in this remarkable place.

Studying it, yes. Examining it, taking it apart until he had acquired the answers he required, had estimated its use and seized all there was to bring him further towards his goal. But speaking of his goals was not required, but his interest in this place would be a useful tool in leading this interesting conversation along.

He nodded, his gaze unwavering even when the other met his own. Muraki was a sharp man, having caught along so quickly. "It is indeed among my interests," he spoke. "Its nature is, after all, a remarkable one in many ways."

The Superior trusted the other patient understood the meaning of his words.

[ooc: fail on my part. I obviously meant "I shall admit it is not among my immediate concerns as well." As in Xemnas not having interest in leaving just yet. I think it's clear anyway, but here's a retcon. orz]


doctorbadtouch December 11 2010, 21:20:03 UTC
[It's cool, I got it! ♥]

Muraki nodded, the feline smile on his lips surprisingly genuine. Xemnas might be frustratingly difficult to milk for information, but he was a scientific mind, and the doctor wasn't one to discount that among the plebeian masses. Maybe he wouldn't be as spineless as Satomi. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't lack ambition.

"The potential applications, too, are remarkably diverse, but so much of it is nearly inexplicable for now." For now. It was an enigma waiting to be solved and reaped. "Since I'm also interested in the nature of this place, perhaps sharing information would be a benefit to us both. At the least, it wouldn't be a hindrance."


itneverwas December 12 2010, 22:17:58 UTC
"So it is, but as you've said we cannot yet fully grasp its potential. What we perceive is likely but the slightest fragment of its nature," Xemnas agreed, a convincing smile once more appearing on his lips. Indeed, it was a mystery that would be unveiled in due time, would be seized once enough information had been acquired.

"As we indeed appear to have common interests, it would be a shame not to make use of such convenience and share our findings. A fortunate occurrence indeed."


doctorbadtouch December 16 2010, 01:55:12 UTC
Xemnas was right, of course. Though the institute itself had already accomplished something unfathomable, they were only scratching the very surface of the technology. It was...exciting, in a way. He put a hand to his chest, quite without realizing it.

He could imagine life rising out of the ash where his lab had once been, and rising again every time after he broke and brutalized and stamped it out. Total control over life and death, no matter how forgone... if this technology couldn't accomplish it, none could. He would never again see anything so advanced.

But first, he had to understand it and convince Xemnas to share what he knew, if anything at all. The man seemed more willing to part with information once he offered his own, so he brushed aside his own annoyance and steepled his fingers in front of him, nodding once.

"Have you been here a long time, Xemnas? I would hate to bore you with repeated information."


itneverwas December 17 2010, 14:03:06 UTC
Indeed, the Superior would prefer the other to take the initiative, for he wasn't one to share his own findings so needlessly. Perhaps, it was better to say that he wanted proof that this would indeed be worthwhile. That Muraki had seemingly caught onto this was certainly a positive sign, if not a convenience.

"This would be my fifth day," Xemnas answered, recognizing that - indeed - sharing information the other already knew was inefficient, therefore, the answer was a necessary one. He paused at that, waiting for the other man to continue.


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