Volume 002, Issue 001.2: Supernatural Crossover Fiction

Jan 17, 2007 22:06

Here are the Supernatural crossovers (yes, there were enough of them for their own entire post, you prolific authors, you!) for the dates of November 23, 2006 to January 13, 2007. Enjoy!



shiverslala wrote A Christmas-y Revelation for Sam, PG, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Dean
larilyn wrote A Typical Tuesday Night in November, PG, Supernatural/B:tVS, Buffy/Dean, Sam/Dawn
starhawk2005 wrote A Welcome Distraction: Part 2/? & Part 3/?, R, Supernatural/House, Dean/Cameron
ignipes wrote A Year in the Life, PG-13, Stargate Atlantis/Supernatural, Sheppard/McKay
scoob2222 wrote A Zombie Christmas, PG-13, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Dean
krazykid197 wrote Abstraction, Adult, Supernatural/Medical Investigation, Dean/Miles
tthjinni wrote All Hell Breaks Loose, PG-13, Supernatural/Dark Angel
tthjinni wrote All Powers Are Not Created Equal, PG-13, Supernatural/Veronica Mars
shadow_one wrote Always, PG, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Dean
tthjinni wrote Angel's Smile, Devil's Eyes (Normal Sister), PG-13, B:tVS/Supernatural
laniew1 wrote Appearances Can Be Deceiving: Part 3/?, PG-13, Supernatural/Smallville, Dean/Lex Luthor
art_of_mayhem & candygramme wrote Auld Lang Syne, NC-17, Supernatural/X-Files, Dean/Alex Krychek


tthjinni wrote Back Into You, NC-17, Angel/Supernatural, Lindsey/Sam WInchester
tthjinni wrote Backtracking, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Dean
xtremeroswellia and shadow_one wrote Bars and Christmas Classics, PG-13, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Dean
claudia_lexan wrote Beginnings, PG-13, Supernatural/CSI:New York, Dean/Danny Messer
exposed1 wrote Behind the Door, PG-13, B:tVS/Supernatural, Buffy/Dean
brynwulf wrote Being: Sexual & Being: Sentient, NC-17, Anita Blake/Supernatural, Dean/Jason, Sam/Dean
tthjinni wrote Better Than You, Better Than Me, PG-13, Supernatural/Dark Angel
tthjinni wrote Better With Three?, PG-13, Dr. Who/Supernatural, Ten/Rose
sierraphoenix wrote Beware of Botts Dots: Part 1/?, NR, B:tVS/Supernatural
ladydraherm wrote Big Damn Heroes, gen, X-Men/Supernatural
tigriswolf wrote Blood Kin: Part 1/2 & Part 2/2, R, Supernatural/Devour
welshchicky wrote Bringing Him Home: Part 1, R, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Dean
exposed1 wrote Burning Memories, R, Supernatural/B:tVS, Buffy/Dean


kaylashay81 wrote California Dreaming, G, Supernatural/B:tVS
poisontaster wrote Chapter and Verse, PG-13, Angel/Supernatural, Sam/Dean, Dean/Gunn
liptonrm_fic wrote Chase the Stars Across the Sky, PG, Battlestar Galactica/Supernatural
halfway2home wrote Chosen Family, PG-13, Veronica Mars/Supernatural, Dean/Veronica
starhawk2005 wrote Cream, Adult, Supernatural/House, Dean/Allison Cameron


lisaroquin wrote Dangerous Undertaking, PG-15, B:tVS/Supernatural, Dean/Xander
tthjinni wrote Dawn's Night of the Living Dead, PG-13, B:tVS/Supernatural
ignipes wrote Dead Man Walking, PG-13, House/Supernatural
skinarol wrote Dean Doesn't Do Babies, PG-13, One Tree Hill/Supernatural, Dean/Peyton
atana_blackfox and paintercrow wrote Death in Appalachia: Chapter 26/?, NC-17, Supernatural/Ballad Novels, Sam/OMC, Dean/OFC
faithintheboys wrote Define: Normal, PG-13, Supernatural/B:tVS
houses_on_fire wrote Detour, PG, Supernatural/Millenium
danamulder wrote Dinner Plans, PG, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean
savage_midnight wrote Dirty Girls on Dirty Sheets, PG-13, B:tVS/Supernatural, Dean/Faith
mahoni wrote Don't Fear the Reaper, G, Supernatural/Discworld
tthjinni wrote Duty (Avenging Jess), PG-13, B:tVS/Supernatural


avamclean wrote Ease Up, FR21, B:tVS/Supernatural, Buffy/Dean
ladyjanelly wrote Every Time I Look in the Mirror, R, Supernatural/Boondock Saints


xtremeroswellia wrote Fade Away, PG, Supernatural/Smallville, Dean/Chloe/Sam
tthjinni wrote Final Exam: Basic Slaying 101 (Normal Sister), PG-13, B:tVS/Supernatural
scoob2222 wrote Fishnet Stockings, NC-17, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean
thassalia wrote Floodlights on the Highway, NR, Stargate SG-1/Supernatural
astrothsknot wrote Four Times They Fucked in Mettalicar (And One Time They Didn't), NC-17, Supernatural/B:tVS, Dean/Faith
skinarol wrote French Fried Mourning, R, One Tree Hill/Supernatural, Dean/Peyton
scoob2222 wrote Friends with Benefits, NC-17, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Dean
whisp wrote Fuck-up, PG-13, Supernatural/Dead Like Me


thomasina75 wrote Geek Bonding, G, Angel/Supernatural, Fred Burkle/Sam Winchester
tigriswolf wrote Genetic Codes, R, Supernatural/Devour, various
poisontaster wrote Getting in the Game, Adult, Angel/Supernatural, Dean/Gunn
impalalove wrote Good Morning, Sweeties, PG-13, Smallville/Supernatural, Dean/Chloe/Sam
clarksmuse wrote Goodbye and Hello: Part 1/4, PG, Supernatural/Smallville, Sam/Chloe
tthjinni wrote Guardian Angel with Devil Horns, PG-13, B:tVS/Supernatural
clarksmuse wrote Guide You Home: Part 1/2 & Part 2/2, PG-13, Smallville/Supernatural, Dean/Chloe


clarksmuse wrote Haircutting, PG, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Sam
mhalachaiswords wrote Hey Little Sister, PG, Supernatural/Stargate Atlantis


ajr_playground wrote I Am Your Puppet: Chapter 2 & Chapter 3, R, Supernatural/Girlfriends, Sam/Lynn, Dean/Cassie
kellifer_fic wrote I Dreamed of Flying, PG, Supernatural/Heroes, Dean/Sam, Peter/Nathan
mhalachaiswords wrote If You Go Into the Woods: Part 2/6, Supernatural/Anita Blake, Anita/Sam/Dean
lyra_wing wrote Il Libretto di Fuoco, PG, Supernatural/Good Omens
spinnyroses wrote I'll take a deep deep breath/But I'll come back to haunt you if I drown, PG, Sandman/Supernatural
tthjinni wrote In My Time of Dying, PG-13, Supernatural/Dark Angel
xtremeroswellia and shadow_one wrote In the Back of a 67 Chevy Impala, PG-13, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Dean
tigriswolf wrote In the Genes, R, Supernatural/Devour, Ellen/Will, Gordon/Cade
tthjinni wrote In Together, PG-13, B:tVS/Supernatural, Sam/Willow
laniew1 wrote Interlude in Five Parts, PG-13, Supernatural/Smallville, Dean/Lex
laniew1 wrote Invincible, PG-13, Supernatural/Smallville, Dean/Lex
danishafer wrote It Never Counted: Part 2/6, NC-17, B:tVS/Supernatural, Buffy/Dean, Faith/Sam
art_of_mayhem & candygramme wrote It's a Wonderful Life, NC-17, Supernatural/X-Files, Dean/Alex Krychek


regala_electra wrote Kidney Punch, R, B:tVS/Supernatural, Dean/Faith
abyssinia4077 wrote Killer Bunnies From Space, G, Stargate Atlantis/Supernatural
claudia_lexan wrote Kiss, PG-13, Supernatural/CSI:Miami, Dean/Timothy Speedle
tthjinni wrote Kitten, PG-13, B:tVS/Supernatural


remember_nomore wrote Late Night Meetings, PG, Angel/Supernatural, Lindsey/Lenore
femmenerd wrote Little Green, R, Supernatural/B:tVS, Faith/Dean
embroiderama wrote Looking in a Mirror from Long Ago, PG-13, Supernatural/Dark Angel
pheebs1 wrote Lost Words and Lookalikes, NC-17, Supernatural/Gilmore Girls, Sam/Lorelai


spastic_visions wrote Manmade Monsters, PG-13, Supernatural/Dark Angel
clarksmuse wrote Memories, PG, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean
nu_breed wrote More You Understand, R, Supernatural/Heroes, Sam Winchester/Peter Petrelli


tthjinni wrote Never Again, All Over Again, NC-17, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Dean
sparrowwritings wrote Night-Time Crossing, FR-21, Supernatural/Harry Potter, Dean/Harry
laney_1974 wrote No Deals, FR13, B:tVS/Supernatural
tthjinni wrote No Mind Tricks Here (It’s All Skill), NC-17, Supernatural/various
tthjinni wrote Not the Golden Child: John Remix, PG-13, Supernatural/Dark Angel
embroiderama wrote Nothing Like Billy, NC-17, Supernatural/X-Files, Ellen/Fox Mulder
lostakasha wrote Objection Overruled, PG-13, Supernatural/The Blair Witch Project


cheryljluv wrote Of Boys and Men & Men Will Be Boys, PG, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Dean, Chloe/Sam
skinarol wrote Oh, Christmas Tree! & In Merry Measure, PG-13, One Tree Hill/Supernatural, Dean/Peyton
skinarol wrote Once is Enough, PG-13, One Tree Hill/Supernatural, Dean/Peyton
mhalachaiswords wrote Outskirts of Normal, R, Supernatural/Gilmore Girls, Sam/Lorelai


claudia_lexan wrote Paralysis, PG-13, Supernatural/CSI:Miami
tthjinni wrote Perfect Imperfection, NC-17, Dr. Who/Supernatural, Sam Winchester/Rose


mhalachaiswords wrote Reap What You Sow: Part 1, R, Supernatural/Anita Blake
claudia_lexan wrote Red, PG-13, Supernatural/CSI:Miami, Dean/Horatio Cain
frayen wrote Redemption Leaves a Stain, R, Supernatural/Angel, Dean/Lindsey
mackeygenius wrote Replacement, NC-17, Supernatural/Heroes, Dean/Nathan, Sam/Dean, Nathan/Peter
laney_1974 wrote Reunion, FR13, Supernatural/Stargate SG-1
whisp wrote Routine Stop, PG-13, Supernatural/Dead Like Me
impalalove wrote Rubik's Complex: Part 1/?, PG-13, Supernatural/House
pandoraiam wrote Rude Boys on the Run, R, Supernatural/Veronica Mars, Dean/Logan, Sam/Dean


spiritofkt wrote Same Ends, Different Means: Part 2, NC-17, Supernatural/Heroes, Dean Winchester/Peter Petrelli
femmenerd wrote Sex or Pancakes?, NC-17, B:tVS/Supernatural, Faith/Dean
nu_breed wrote Share of Bitterness, R, Supernatural/Heroes, Sam Winchester/Peter Petrelli
scoob2222 wrote Sing to Me, PG-13, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Dean
mf_luder_xf wrote Slash and Burn, Return, Listen to Yourself Churn, NC-17, Heroes/Supernatural, Peter/Dean
trademarkdamsel wrote Slouching Toward Bethlehem, PG, Supernatural/Dead Like Me, Sam/Dean, Dean/OFC
xtremeroswellia and shadow_one wrote Snow, Pie and an Open Fire, PG, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Dean
tthjinni wrote So Much For the Long Haul, PG-13, B:tVS/Supernatural
smurfyfredels wrote Some Dance to Forget, PG-13, Supernatural/B:tVS, Dean/Faith
moire2 wrote Soul Eclipse, NC-17, B:tVS/Supernatural, Buffy/Dean
spinnyroses wrote Staring Up at Where the Moon Should Be: Part 1/?, Part 2/?, Part 3/?, Part 4/? & Part 5/?, R, Dark Angel/Supernatural
elizayabanci wrote Stars In The Twinkling Foam, NC-17, Supernatural/Torchwood, Dean/Captain Jack Harkness
lilacbeauty wrote Study Break, FR21, Supernatural/B:tVS, Dean/Dawn Summers
dancinbutterfly wrote Supernaturally Eerie: Part 6/?, NC-17, Supernatural/Eerie, Indiana, Marshall/Dean


killerweasel wrote Taking a Chance & Catching Up, R, B:tVS/Supernatural, Lindsey/John Winchester
strangecreature wrote Territory, PG-13, Supernatural/Angel
xtremeroswellia wrote The Beginning of Everything Else, G, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean
tthjinni wrote The Consequences of Our Actions, PG-13, Supernatural/Dark Angel
poisontaster wrote The Dreams of Incubi, G, Sandman/Supernatural
clarksmuse wrote The First Time Sam Kissed Chloe, PG, Supernatural/Smallville, Sam/Chloe
art_of_mayhem & candygramme wrote The Hunter and the Hunted: Parts 13/21, 14/21, 15/21, 16/21, 17/21, 18/21, 19/21, 20/21 & 21/21, NC-17, Supernatural/X-Files, Dean/Alex Krychek
impalalove wrote The Lawrence Crew: Part 1/?, Part 2/? & Part 3/?, PG-13, House/Supernatural, Dean/Cuddy
xtremeroswellia and shadow_one wrote The Little Things, PG-13, Supernatural/Smallville, Chloe/Dean, Sam/Sarah, Clark/Lois
mcee wrote The North Side of My Town Faced East (And the East Was Facing South), PG, Supernatural/Gilmore Girls
tthjinni wrote The Reluctant Sacrifice, NC-17, B:tVS/Supernatural, Sam Winchester/Dawn
ladyjanelly wrote The Space He Invades, PG-13, Supernatural/Dark Angel
incrowder wrote They've Found Dad, Adult, Supernatural/Grey's Anatomy, Denny(John)/Izzie
xtremeroswellia and clarksmuse wrote Those Three Words: Parts 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16a, 16b, 17, 18 & 19/19, NC-17, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean
phantisma wrote To Winning, NC-17, Supernatural/B:tVS, Dean/Sam/Spike
charming_syrai wrote Trip My Wire 5: Inside Your Head, R, B:tVS/Supernatural, Faith/Dean
disanddat wrote Triple Play: Second at Bat, NC-17, Supernatural/X-Files, Dean/Alex Krychek
everything_inme wrote Tripping on Raindrops, PG-13, Supernatural/One Tree Hill, Dean/Peyton, Sam/Brooke

xtremeroswellia and clarksmuse wrote Two Guys, a Girl and a Chevy Impala # 1: The Demons We Hide, Chapters 1/5, 2/5 3/5, 4/5 & 5/5, R, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean
xtremeroswellia and clarksmuse wrote Two Guys, a Girl and a Chevy Impala # 2: The Grey Areas, Chapters 1/7, 2/7, 3/7, 4a/7, 4b/7, 5/7, 6/7 & 7/7, R, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean
xtremeroswellia and clarksmuse wrote Two Guys, a Girl and a Chevy Impala # 3: Gno-Man's Land, Chapters 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5 & 5/5, R, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean, Sam/Sarah
xtremeroswellia and clarksmuse wrote Two Guys, a Girl and a Chevy Impala # 4: The Ties That Unbound, Chapters 0/5, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5 & 5/5, R, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean, Sam/Sarah
xtremeroswellia and clarksmuse wrote Two Guys, a Girl and a Chevy Impala # 5: 33.1, Chapter 1/?, R, Smallville/Supernatural, Chloe/Dean, Sam/Sarah


clarksmuse wrote Under the Mistletoe, G, Supernatural/Smallville, Sam/Chloe
alizarin_nyc wrote Unhappy the Land that Has No Heroes, NC-17, Angel/Supernatural, Angel/Dean, Angel/Dean/Faith, Faith/Dean
savage_midnight wrote Until the Last, G, Supernatural/Smallville, Sam/Chloe


mhalachaiswords wrote Wasted Potential, PG, B:tVS/Supernatural
spastic_visions wrote Weak Spot, PG, Supernatural/Harry Potter
skinarol wrote Wearing the Inside Out, R, Supernatural/One Tree Hill, John/Karen
sevenfists wrote Weight and Motion: Part 1/3, Part 2a/3 & Part 2b/3, NC-17, Supernatural/Firefly, Dean Winchester/Malcolm Reynolds
spastic_visions wrote What Comes Round, PG-13, Supernatural/Dark Angel
killerweasel wrote What Lurks Within, R, Angel/Supernatural, Lindsey/Sam Winchester
spastic_visions wrote What You See, PG-13, Supernatural/Dark Angel
tthjinni wrote Whiskey Kisses, NC-17, B:tVS/Supernatural, Faith/Dean
magus_69 wrote Without Warning, PG-13, Heroes/Supernatural


mhalachaiswords wrote Zoned, PG, Supernatural/Gilmore Girls

As always, we don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter, or with content we have overlooked.


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