chlean drabble, A christmas-y revelation for Sam

Dec 24, 2006 16:18

Ok, so I’m french, english is not my primary language. I hope it doesn’t suck too bad! ;-) I'm nervous, this is the first ficlet I ever wrote in english....

Chlean drabble, ‘A christmas-y revelation for Sam’
 rating: PG, some big words like 'ass' but no biggies when you know Supernatural
disclaimer: spn and sv are not mine
note: to all the members of the Winchullivan community and the wonderful authors that light up my days when they post ! you guys rock!

« Oh God ! This is highly embarrassing ! » Dean groaned, trying to hide himself from the door and everyone’s eyes.

“No, it’s ...” Sam stopped, looking at him, “Ok, it is, but to look on the bright side of things, your ears are lovely now and you can wear all that manly earrings you want!” Sam cracked while touching the fake elf’s ears of his brother.

“Shut up geek!” Said Dean,batting away Sam's fingers with his hand. Sam just giggled like a schoolgirl at his antics.

“Is everything ok?” Asked Chloe, a bottle of champagne in her hands.

“Yeah! Just...peachy honey!” Told her Dean with a well faked enthousiasm.

Chloe gave him her 1000 mega watt smile that he adored so much and lightly kissed him on the lips. He still tasted her apricot lip gloss when she went to welcome her cousin and Clark.

He looked at her accross the room, marveling at her joyful laugh. He knew he got it bad to actually wear something as ridiculous as this hat upon his head, but it was christmas and Chloe was happy, and so was he...the ring was burning a hole into his pocket though. He started to feel nervous and slightly nauseous.

After a few seconds, he felt Sam’s stare; he turn to him and asked, “What is it, dude?”

“You. Are. So. Whipped!”

Dean took a deep breath and touched the ring box through the denim of his jeans. No, he wasn’t going to ruin Sammy’s face right before eating the turkey because he knew it would somehow destroy the nice romantic mood he wanted to set - that and Chloe would probably hold out sex for awhile and that was, like, unthinkable or something.

So he thought really hard about those zen bald guys dressed in their crazy orange weird-ass sheets and imagined little children and puppies singing christmas carols in front of a fire. With cookies.

Sammy was impressed of his self-control, he could tell when his face was awed and a little ‘wowwww!’ passed his lips very softly.

“Man...I think...” Started to utter Sam, “I think...but this is impossible, I’m not sure but...”

“Spill it out already shit-face!” Ok, so Dean wasn’t doing the all violence thing, but he still could voiced his animosity, that was good.

“You’re growing up or something!” Said Sam, totally floored.

Dean scoffed. Growing up! Riiiight!

“Are you possessed? Show me your pupils!”

Dean batted Sam’s hands away from him for the second time that night.

“Don’t make me kick your ass, Sammy! Go get drunk or - or do something nerdy you love so much but don’t ruin this night for me, got it?!”

Sam was still and feared to move a muscle. He wanted to scratch his nose but thought against it; it wasn’t wise to flout in front of a very excited wild animal. Sam knew his Discovery Channel’s documentaries.

Dean didn’t wait for an answear; he spotted Chloe, took her hand without warning and took her away inside the reserve room of the Talon.

Sam was worried, but after five minutes he heared a squilling and a happy shout, his brother’s shout. Then...moans. Lots of them and a familiar rythmn you’d recognized if you were usually sleeping not far from their room in motels.

Red faced, Sam turned around, not daring to look at the reserve’s door and smiled awkwardly at the guests.

“Um...young love on christmas eve, you know?” Then, he took a sip of champagne.

God, all grown up Dean was scary, thought Sammy.


drabble, ficlet, english, chlean

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