Saturday - Blast from the Past

Apr 27, 2014 19:21

*slides under the timezone barrier* Sorry I'm a little late, RL can be a pain, and so can LJ coding :D soo without further ado ...

Dorsum ad Dorsum
kellifer_fic | Gen| Adult
Summary: “Something happened,” John says, gripping the wheel hard. “I need… I need to know what happened.”
Seventeen years ago, a small family survives a terrible fire. Later, the mother disappears, taking the youngest son with her. Over the intervening years, Dean, the oldest son watches their trail go cold and his father sink further and further into despondency. Now he hunts alone and will learn that the only thing worse than never finding his family... is finding them.
Written for the 2009 SpnJ2 Bigbang challenge this is a take on the question what would have happened if Mary lived...and this version is just as angsty as what we get on the show today.

cjmarlowe | Gen| R
Summary: Three years after he turned in his horse and scattergun for frock coats and textbooks, Sam Winchester is tracked down to upstart Stanford University by his estranged brother Dean, who arrives with the news that their father has gone missing. His disappearance turns out to be only the first of a series of events that takes them all the way across an alternate America circa 1905, from the death of Sam's girlfriend to a haunting in Nebraska, from demonic omens to spiritualists to hijacked airships, and inevitably a long-delayed trip home.

John Winchester isn't anxious to be found, but his sons are convinced that the family is stronger together than apart and don't let anything stand in the way of their pursuit. Especially once they realize that pursuing their father means staying on the trail of the demon who killed their mother. A demon who isn't finished with the Winchesters just yet.(A steampunk re-imagining of Supernatural season one.)
Another fic written for the 2009 SpnJ2 Bigbang challenge and set during the early 1900's I loved this imagining of Sam and Dean in a steampunk setting.

derryderrydown | PG-13 | Truckzilla/Metallicar | crackfic
Dean gets woken up at ass o'clock by his cell shrilling some bimbo pop tune. He glares at Sam, sprawled practically off the edge of his bed, and swears to get his own back as he fumbles the cell to his ear. "What?"
"We need to talk."
Dean blinks a few times and sits up. "Dad?"
"About the car."
Oh, fuck. "You're not having it back."
"It's not that." There's a long pause. "My truck."
"You wrote off the truck?"
The pause is even longer and Dean starts to think they've got cut off by the time Dad speaks again. "Your car got my truck pregnant."
Okay. "Dad? Have you been hitting the booze? Because you're the one who told me to stay away from the bathtub gin and I think that was probably good advice."
So starts a wonderfully cracky fic about John's truck and Dean's impala that you just have to read to believe :D if you need a pick me up, this is it lol.

What to Expect when your Impalas expecting
epeeblade | Gen | Impala/OMC | crackfic
Summary: The Impala may be pregnant, but that's only the start of Sam and Dean's problems.
this is just as much fun as the fic above with a new twist on the car!preg idea lol. If you enjoyed Grandcars, you'll love this one too.

Wife first part of the SamCakes!Verse
bitchandjerk | R-NC17 | Sam/Dean |
Summary: Sam and Dean have to take a break from hunting while Dean recovers from a broken arm, so Sam rents a house to stay in.
This is the initial premise (but the fic is SO much more) that drew me in to bitchandjerk's writing, and kept me there through the Samcakes!verse and his other epic Mikey!verse (recced below). He writes with humor and his love for the boys shines through in every part.With other canon characters, Oc's, a cool ghost and two adorable weiner dogs in later chapters, this is one of the ultimate curtain fics in fandom and just leaves you feeling good. Currently at 30 chapters (last updated in 2009) don't let that deter you, as the latest chapter could work as an end to the verse or could be continued if the author so chose. I'd love to see more of the verse so maybe renewed interest could get bitchandjerk to continue :D

Ten Months. first part of the Mikey!verse
bitchandjerk | Ratings range from PG and up | Sam/Dean |
Summary: Sam disappears after a fight and Dean finds him ten month's later in a hospital. Dean has to work to put their relationship back together while dealing with a major change in their lives.
This EPIC LENGTH FIC started with a tiny 8,400 words of fic in 2007 and as of now, stands with a word-count of  3,588,900 words (as of Dec 2013). It diverges from Canon and is generally AU but still elements and characters of the show remain. This was a fic that I remember everyone was getting excited over back in the day, especially when the newest 'Mikey!Verse' fic was posted. Dean has a wonderful voice, and his relationship with Sam is just too cute for words. Though don't let it fool you, it does have some truly angsty and heartbreaking moments too. With a cast based on show characters and some OC's as well, this is one of the fics that I still re read, although I have to admit with a huge wordcount like this, you might wanna get your school/work reading done first lol.

An unhealthy attachment

rivkat | Mature | Sam/Dean |
Summary: The Catholic Catechism describes Purgatory as a way to purify a soul from “an unhealthy attachment to creatures.” Sam and Dean don’t necessarily see it that way.
Sam finds Dean in Purgatory. Things go better than you might think.

phantisma | NC17 | Sam/Dean | Warnings at the masterpost
Summary: Sam finds Dean, and buys him back from a man who specializes in selling slaves.
Anything was the first part of this fic ever posted (see the summary above) and it became an EPIC dark fic (80ish parts)! The brokenverse link above that, will take you to the Master post listing all the prequels the main fic and all parts thereafter. If you like dark!fic and torture, slave fics, BAMF Dean and Sam, then you'll love this epic, just remember to take note of any warnings for content. A/N This is dark, angsty, psychological stuff. It involves rape and torture, and a violence even darker that most Supernatural stuff. There is evil here that has nothing to do with the supernatural...and there are consequences. The verse got it's name because there isn't a single character involved that doesn't get broken at least a little, and the three Winchesters? Shattered. It's rated NC-17 because even when there isn't sex or violence there is the memory of sex and violence as well as it's aftermath.

What Remains
walkawayslowly | NC17 | Sam/Dean
Summary: In Jefferson, Texas a man ends a generations-old curse and saves all the town's children, but completely loses his memory in the process. When it's discovered that he's a wanted criminal, the town comes together to conceal him out of gratitude for what he's done for them, giving him an apartment, a job and a whole new life. It takes seven months for Sam to find Dean, and when he finally does, he has to adapt to being around a man who has no idea that he used to be Sam's brother.
Heartbreaking but oh so good, this fic explores how Dean would act if he lost all memories of himself and his life as a hunter.

Things I Learned My Freshman Year of College College!verse (32 parts+)
aleia | Overall NC17 | J2 | Jensen/Jared, also feat. Michael Rosenbaum, Chris Kane, Sandy McCoy and Alexis Bledel.
Summary: Jared's freshman year is really going to be interesting.
Starting with Jared's freshman year and then continuing with Second Verse (Not Quite Same As The First) (45 parts+) this series of fics is awesome. There are timestamps, added back-story fics etc too. If you haven't read it yet what are you waiting for?

True Colors
munibunny | R | J2 | Romance. Written for
j2au Summer Love Songs Fic Challenge. 'True Colors' by Cyndi Lauper
Summary: Jared is a mentally challenged young man with a very special gift. Jensen is an executive with nothing in his life but work. They meet by accident and discover a connection that defies explanation.
This gorgeous fic was inspired by the novel 'Tim' by Colleen McCollough and the movie starring Mel Gibson (1979). It has everything you could ever want in a fic and has even been podficced here.

Love Shack
kueble_fic | NC17 | J2 | Loveshack!Verse can be found here
Summary: Jared gets a job at Hollywood Video and ends up falling for his manager.
A/N "Love Shack is an AU 'verse where the CW RPS (and yeah, a few random actors) live in L.A. and work at one of three places: The Love Shack, Hollywood Video, or the Rattlesnake Smile. The only other thing you need to know is that every fic is titled with a song, and karaoke is the norm." First posted back in 2006 this series takes me back to the heyday of CWRPS fics when everyone on the CW made an appearance in AU fics:D

Jensen Ackles Doesnt Exist
xenodike | NC17 | J2 | mentions of violence - non graphic, mentions of child abuse (not sexual) none graphic, kidnapping.
Summary: In hindsight he realizes that, had he just stayed put, had he not worried about the shoelace sticking out from under the desk where he was hiding, they probably wouldn’t have seen him. But they did.
In the spirit of full disclosure I had a role in cheerleading this fic on, so I could be a little biased, but its also been translated into chinese and spanish as well, so thats gotta be a better recommendation than just me telling you to have a read...  seriously, this fic has it all and it is so worth your time.


A Crash Course in Someone Else’s History (Art masterpost here)
scaramouche Artist:
moonliteknight | PG-13 | fic with art | Dean/Cas
Summary: Castiel is captured inside a trapping circle of holy oil set by Dean and Sam Winchester. The brothers call him "Cas", claiming that he has amnesia and that he is obligated to help them take down Crowley to atone for his betrayal of them. It's the strangest story Castiel's ever heard, and one he doesn't have time for because he's only just raised Dean from Hell and has work to get back to.
Brilliantly twisty mid-S6 fic that is all the more intriguing for being told from the point of view of a Castiel who believes he just raised Dean from Perdition.

Het and Other slash

Our Lady of the Highways
ishafel | NC-17 | Het | Ellen/John Ellen/Bill
Summary: One she loses, one she throws away.
This short ficlet definitely packs a punch. with a word-count of just 682 words, you almost feel like you've read a much longer fic.

Walk of Shame
valiant | NC-17 | Het and slash | Sam/Dean, Sam/Sarah
Summary: Sam is so totally not the type to kiss and tell. At least, until Dean gets a hold of him.
A/N S1-ish fic, operating on the idea that they do swing back through New York so Sam can visit Sarah.
Dean is so good at getting Sam to spill the beans, but he really should think about it more next time :D I mean Sammy is just such a sneaky little shit and he really knows how to push all of Deans buttons! The dirty talk alone!


Let it Rock
missupernatural@YouTube Uploaded on Feb 17, 2009 | Gen | Character study, Dean Winchester
Vidders Note: I've always thought that Jensen would look great back in the good ol' days of B&W films.
This was the video they used to intro Jensen at the 2009 All Hell Breaks Loose 1 Convention in Australia.

I can be anything you like (Supernatural Gag Reel)
Ash4897@YouTube Uploaded on Oct 6, 2007 | Gen | J2- S2 Gag Reel set to Grace Kelly by Mika.
Nice, funny video that brings back all the memories from the early gag reels

blast from the past

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