CW RPS: Jared/Jensen, NC-17

Oct 04, 2006 13:22

Title: Love Shack
Fandom: CW RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,945
Summary: Jared gets a job at Hollywood Video and ends up falling for his manager.
Notes: This is entirely kashmir1's fault, and I love her for it. We were throwing out random AU ideas (rodeo clown, video store) and she made me write the video store one. I want to thank neroli66 for her amazing and speedy beta job. Check out the whole Love Shack 'verse.

You might want to check out the Cast Picspam to see how I pictured everyone.

And here's a Soundtrack to the story.

“I know it’s your first day, but you should know we are allowed to smile around here.” Jared blinked and sat up straighter, turning to see who was talking to him. It wasn’t that he was a lazy or unhappy person, but he just hadn’t expected the video store to be so slow. How did they make any money if only a handful of customers came in?

“Hey,” he said when he saw his manager, Jensen, standing next to him. “Is it always this busy?” Jensen shot him a grin, and he couldn’t help joining in.

“It’s Tuesday. Mid week tends to be pretty quiet around here. But really, let’s get to the important stuff,” Jensen said as he hopped up on the counter. He dangled his legs over the edge, completely ignoring that the other cashier, Tom, might have need of his work space. “Favorite movies?”

“I thought I already passed the interview when I got the job,” Jared drawled out.

“With Eric, but he’s the owner, doesn’t know shit about good movies. You have to pass the Jensen Ackles test in order to be fully accepted. But you are kinda cute, and I might be willing to overlook any shortcomings. I mean, Welling over there admitted that Fried Green Tomatoes is his favorite movie. If I can forgive that, I can forgive anything.” Jensen gestured at Tom, who was blushing, and chuckled under his breath.

“Don’t ever get drunk around Jensen,” Tom said with a hint of laughter in his voice.

“I’ll try not to,” Jared told him, though he wondered if he’d ever have a reason to be out drinking with Jensen. Apparently the Hollywood Video staff was pretty close.

“Stop dodging the question,” Jensen said, waving a hand at Jared.

“Um…favorite movies,” Jared trailed off and looked at his hands, suddenly worried about his usual answers. He’d hate to learn on the first day of a new job that he could never hope to fit in. Plus, his manager looked pretty good in his khakis and polo shirt. “Clue, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and Psycho,” he said, locking his eyes with Jensen’s.

“Original or remake?” Jensen asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Oh god, original.”

“You’re in,” Jensen told him as he held out a hand. Jared shook it, surprised by Jensen’s strong grip and the way his hand tingled long after they’d stopped touching.

“What about you?” Jared asked nonchalantly, trying to cover up the fact that passing whatever odd test Jensen had was pretty damn exciting.

“Original Star Wars Trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and Serenity. We’ll talk once you can tell me you’ve seen them all,” Jensen smirked and Jared knew he’d be taking the last movie home with him that night. Damn, he hadn’t been this eager to prove himself cool since middle school.

Interesting he thought as he watched Jensen wander away. He’d taken the job hoping it wouldn’t distract him from his studies once school started up again, but he thought maybe he wouldn’t mind the kind of distraction Jensen might provide.

He smiled his way through the afternoon, humming a bit while he organized the shelves and rang up the few customers who came in.


Jared totally wasn’t disappointed when he showed up for work the next day and found some redhead in Jensen’s place. Nope, not even a little. He also wasn’t willing to admit that he’d spent the previous night in a state of daydreams, grinning like a twelve year old girl whenever he thought about his manager. He also did not have a crush. He was a man, damn it, and pretty boys with crooked smiles didn’t phase him. He nodded, as if that would make his thoughts true, and headed towards the girl.

“You must be Jared!” she said, waving as he approached the counter. “I’m Alyson, the other manager. I think you met Jensen yesterday? Anyway, Tom called in, so it’s just you and me today. Don’t worry, though. It’s Wednesday and usually ridiculously slow. Thank god Jensen’s not in…though you’ll figure out why he loves Wednesdays soon enough.”

“Um…hi,” Jared drawled out, not quite sure what to make of Alyson. She was bouncy, but seemed cute. Her shoulder length red curls reflected in the florescent lighting of the video store, and if he had any leanings towards women he could have gotten lost in her bright smile. “What’s so special about Wednesday?”

“You’ll find out next time you’re scheduled on one with Jensen,” Alyson told him with a wink. “And I know you didn’t get that twang from anywhere in California. Where are you from?”

“Texas originally. We moved here a few years ago because my dad got transferred,” Jared said, blushing a bit.

“Aww, you’re such a sweetie. You know, Jensen’s from Texas, too. Be sure to ask him about his modeling stint sometime. Anyway, I gotta make a few phone calls. Watch the cash register.” Jared watched Alyson walk into the back room, wondering why he hadn’t picked up any sign of a Southern accent in Jensen’s speech. He laughed at himself, figuring he’d just missed it while concentrating on being cool. He was willing to bet that even Meg was more suave around cute guys than he was. He shook his head and turned his attention to the customer who was walking through the door.


Jared sighed as he slid the last movie onto the shelf. He smirked at the cover, wondering why anyone would want to rent a piece of crap like House of Wax. He was about to head back to the counter and check for more returned videos when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned, nearly tripping over his feet when he saw Jensen smiling at him.

“Come on,” Jensen said quickly. He gestured for Jared to follow him and left the store.

“What? Where are we going?” Jared called out and followed him. He glanced at the clock on his way out the door, realizing he was late for his break.

“You were supposed to go on break ten minutes ago, and I’m the manager. Let’s let Tom handle the store for a bit and head next door. You have to meet the rest of the crew.” Jensen tugged on his sleeve again, pulling Jared to the store next to theirs.

“The crew?”

“Yeah. If you’re gonna work in this strip mall, you have to know who you can and can’t hang out with. Basically anyone who works at Hollywood Video or this store is fine. Everyone else is either creepy, fucked up, or both,” Jensen told him as he gestured to the store they were standing in front of. Jared looked up and was almost overwhelmed by the hot pink lettering that read “Mike’s Love Shack”. He snorted, but quieted down when Jensen glared at him. Jensen pushed through the double doors, and Jared had no choice but to follow.

“Hey fucker!” the guy who was standing behind the counter hollered as they entered. He was tall and lanky, and the way his short cropped hair stuck up made Jared think it used to be shaved.

“Mikey,” Jensen said with a nod as he approached the cash register.

“Oh! And you brought me fresh meat. Who’s the little guy?” Jared bit his tongue and resisted the urge to say he was anything but little and waited for Jensen to introduce him.

“Jared, meet Mikey. Mike, Jared. He’s new at the store,” Jensen said as he waved his hands between the two men.

“Don’t pay any attention to Jen here, it’s Mike,” Mike said and held a hand out. Jared shook it, surprised by his crushing grip, and smiled as he pulled his hand back.

“Nice to meet you,” he mumbled, looking down at the counter. “Is that glitter?” he asked, bending down to study the pink and purple flecks that were underneath the glass covering of the counter.

“It’s the Love Shack,” Mike said with a nod, “If I actually had a front porch, it’d be fucking covered in glitter.”

“Mike here likes his boys covered in glitter, too,” Jensen said. He grinned at Jared and ignored the glare he got from Mike.

“At least I have a boy,” Mike taunted, sticking his tongue out at Jensen. “Why don’t you bring this tall drink of water around my place next Friday?” Mike waited until Jensen nodded and then jumped a bit when the phone rang. He snatched it up and waved a hand at them, apparently done for now.

“Come on, Jare,” Jensen tugged on his arm, and Jared didn’t have the heart to tell him he hated nicknames. They ended up in the pop section of what was apparently a music store. Jared tilted his head and listened to the music piping out of the speakers. George Michael begged him to wake him up before he left. Smiling, he watched Jensen flip through the racks, gathering up an armful of CD cases. “You take Britney, I’ve got Backstreet.”

“What?” Jared asked, accepting the armful of Britney Spears CDs. He nearly dropped one and was adjusting his grip when he saw Jensen hush him.

“Voice down,” Jensen said. “Just walk around, and anything that looks remotely cool should have Britney in front of it, ok? Last week Mike came in and scattered porn around the kiddy section. I owe him.” Jared nodded and started browsing. He covered up half the “Best of Southern Rock” section before heading towards the local performers rack. He slid a copy of “In the Zone” in front of some singer songwriter chick who was apparently taking LA by storm. He was about to set another case in front of a random CD when Jensen slapped his hand away, causing him to drop a few CDs.

“What the hell?” he asked, more frustrated than mad. He glared at Jensen and dropped to his knees, gathering up the cases he’d dropped.

“Dude. No one fucks with Kane. I know those guys,” Jensen told him, his fingers running over the cover of the Kane album. “One more thing and then we can run for cover. Hurry, it looks like he’s almost done with the phone call.” Jensen put his hand on Jared’s lower back and guided him to the stereo. He cracked open a copy of Britney’s first album (which Jared shouldn’t admit to knowing) and put it in.

He was laughing as they hustled out of the store, Mike’s loud, “Fuck you, Jenny boy!” mixing with the opening strands of “Baby One More Time.” Jared joined in as soon as his feet hit pavement, figuring they better get the hell out of there. That Mike guy didn’t seem like the kind of person you messed with.

“Brilliant!” Jensen cried out, clapping his hands together. Happy looked good on him, and Jared couldn’t stop staring at the way the sun hit his eyelashes. He looked away before he started waxing poetic about the smattering of freckles that may or may not have haunted his dreams for the past two nights. “Don’t worry, Jared. I’m sure he’ll have forgotten all about this by next week. Just…don’t drink anything he gives you, ok?”

“Next Friday?”

“Yeah. You heard Mike tell me to bring you along. You’re coming, right?” Jensen asked, and Jared could swear he looked nervous. Chalking it up to the sun’s harsh rays, Jared pushed the thought aside.

“Of course,” he said, shooting Jensen a grin. When they entered the video store, he was already planning his outfit in his head. Christ he though, mentally laughing at himself. Why didn’t he just ask Alyson to pass him a note in study hall? He glanced down, taking in the beauty that was Jensen Ackles ass before heading back to his place behind the register.


The first thing Jared noticed when he entered the Love Shack was Tiffany’s voice, telling him they were alone now. He wondered if Mike had heard of anything recorded after 1990 and headed towards the pop section. Meg owed him the biggest favor ever. He was going to be riding this favor for years to come. He frowned when he saw an entire display set up for the album he had to buy and quickly snatched one and raced to the counter.

“Hey tall, dark, and handsome,” Mike said with a wave. Jared just smiled and set the CD on the counter. “Didn’t peg you for a Claymate,” Mike commented, raising an eyebrow as he rang up the CD.

“It’s for my little sister,” Jared said, not sure why this guys opinion mattered to him. He handed over a twenty and vowed to make Meg do the worst thing he could possibly think of.

“Sure, that’s what all the good little gay boys say,” Mike tossed the CD into a bag and handed it to Jared.

“Is there a rule all gay guys have to love Clay? Because I must have missed the memo,” Jared said as he tried to slide the bag inside his sweatshirt. The damn thing didn’t fit, and he silently cursed Meg again.

“Yeah, it was in the last one, right after the part about wine charms.” Mike’s laugh was actually pretty damn infectious, and Jared couldn’t help joining in. “You are though, right? I’m never off when it comes to things like this.”

“Gay? Yeah,” Jared said with a nod. “Thought you were with Tom, though.”

“Oh, I am,” Mike said, his smile growing, “Just checking for someone else.”

“Tell your friend to meet me by the bleachers after school,” Jared joked.

“He’s a little lame,” Mike admitted. “Anyway, you’re coming on Friday, right?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there. Jensen’s giving me a lift.” Jared tapped the CD case on the counter and nodded at Mike. “I gotta get back to the store. Don’t want Jensen riding my ass about being late. See you Friday!” Jared hurried out of the store, but thought he heard Mike shouting something about riding Jensen’s ass as he walked through the doors. Damn, that Rosenbaum was a big freak. Fun, but a big freak nonetheless. Jared was smiling when he walked back into Hollywood Video, though.


By the time Wednesday rolled around again, Jared had almost forgotten Alyson’s warning about Jensen’s mid week antics. The store was just as empty as it had been the week before, so he jumped--nearly falling out of his seat--when the bell at the door chimed and Mike from the Love Shack bounced up to the counter. He was singing as he walked, and Jared couldn’t help mentally joining in. You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht…

“Jared, right?” he asked, tapping his fingers on the counter. He waited until Jared nodded before grinning at him and asking, “How’s the Clay Aiken treating you?”

“Told you it was for my sister.” Jared silently cursed when Carly Simon kept on singing in his head. He vaguely wondered if Mike had an apricot scarf before focusing on the man in front of him.

“Yeah, and if I told you Jensen was hung like a horse would you believe me?” Mike asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Jared gulped and tried not to picture his manager naked, not even caring how hung the guy was. He had a job to do, and it wasn’t like he could duck into the back room and release a little tension while he was on the clock.

“And you would know how?” Jared managed to spit back.

“Tequila. Lots and lots of tequila. Anyway, it’s Hump Day…is Jensen in the back?” Mike looked around, thankfully not saying anything about the blush Jared could feel spreading across his cheeks.

“Yeah, said something about finding something interesting for the TVs,” Jared told him, pointing towards the back of the store.

“Oh yeah!” Mike said, his voice suddenly higher, “This is your first Wednesday with Jensen, isn’t it? Have fun, kiddo. Today’s my choice. Enjoy!” Jared furrowed his brow and watched Mike walk through the shelves. He grabbed a pile of returned videos and started wandering through the racks, putting them back in their place. Odds were no one would be coming in anytime soon, and he felt better when he was actually earning his pay instead of lounging behind the counter.

Jared placed the last kids’ movie on the shelf, absentmindedly straightening the cases around it, when he heard a loud moan echo throughout the store. The first thought that ran through his head was I hope it isn’t Jensen and Mike, but then he realized it was a surround sound moan. He turned the corner and glanced up at the TV hanging from the ceiling.

Heat spread across his face when his mind took in the two muscular guys fucking on screen. Well, they hadn’t actually gotten to the sex, but apparently the kissing and rubbing each other’s backs was really turning them on. He tore his eyes away from the screen when the blonde dropped to his knees and started pushing the brunette’s boxers over his hips.

“Dude, what the hell?” he asked when he got back to the cash register and found Jensen sitting with his feet propped up on the counter. He was chomping down on gummy bears and held the bag out to Jared. “No thanks. What’s this?” he asked, waving frantically at the TVs.

“Happy Hump Day,” Jensen said with a shrug. “The store is really fucking slow on Wednesdays, and it’s become tradition to play porn. Sit down and enjoy the show.” He patted the seat next to him, and Jared sat down with a sigh.

At first he tried not to watch, but it’s hard to ignore straight up porn. After a few minutes he locked his fingers behind his head and slouched down in the chair. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen porn before, and apparently Jensen was laid back about it. Ten minutes into it, around the time the cute blonde was pulling his knees up, Jared snuck a look at Jensen.

He made the mistake of looking at his face, realizing that Jensen had one of the hottest profiles he’d ever seen. It was obscene, to have grunting in the background while he took in Jensen’s long eyelashes and parted lips. He was a bit flushed, and Jared couldn’t help lowering his gaze. He smiled when he saw the obvious swell in Jensen’s jeans.

Then he nearly came in his shorts when Jensen let out a small, nearly silent gasp. Jared dug his fingers into his knees, needing the slight pain, dulled by a layer of denim. He risked another glance in Jensen’s direction and had to close his eyes when he saw Jensen’s teeth biting into his lower lip. Jared snapped his head forward, willing the porn to end soon. Fuck Rosenbaum and his weekly choice. Couldn’t he have wanted some hot straight action?

Where did he go, anyway? Jared realized that Mike had left him and Jensen alone. “Mike usually stay for Hump Day?” Jared asked, thanking every god he could think of that his voice sounded remotely normal.

“Yeah, said he had to go stock shelves or something today,” Jensen said, not turning away from the screens. “I’m usually a bit more witty, too,” he added with a laugh. “Hump Day is for making fun of porn, not getting into it. You should have been here last time. We reviewed a Napoleon Dynamite rip-off.”

“Oh Christ,” Jared choked out. “That must have been frightening,” he added with a chuckle.

“Oh yeah, turns out Debbie did more than make boondoggle at camp.”

“You know, not really sad I missed it,” Jared said, settling back into his chair. He looked up when the bells chimed, ready to jump up and hit stop on the DVD player. It was only Mike, though, so he sat back down. Mike hopped up on the counter, half blocking his view, and started muttering about big cocks and athletic thighs. Jared shook his head and waited for Jensen to join in. I had some dreams there were clouds in my coffee he hummed quietly as Jensen started pointing out the lighting problems and Mike questioned the lube application process.


Friday had to be the longest fucking day of the week. Jared knew it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he was going to some party at Mike’s house with Jensen. He did his best to keep his smile bright as he finished ringing up the woman in front on him. When he turned to watch her leave, something smacked him in the back of the head. “What the hell?” he muttered, one hand flying up to rub his scalp. He turned back towards the register and immediately got hit in the forehead with something hard…and kinda sticky.

Rubbing at his eyebrow, Jared looked down on the counter. The next blow caught him in the ear, and he managed to snatch at the dark object before it bounced to the ground. A slightly melted milk dud was resting in the palm of his hand. He wrinkled his nose and stared at it, momentarily forgetting he was under attack. Another milk dud smacked him in the cheek, and he turned around quickly enough to see someone ducking behind a rack in the Action section.

Jensen had informed him about the “already open” rule that morning while helping himself to a box of Raisonettes. Smirking, Jared swiped a bag of gummy bears from the front of the counter and tore it open as he raced into the stacks. He saw a blur of white out of the corner of his eye and knew it was Jensen’s polo shirt. Nearly knocking over a display of Disney movies, he changed directions and grabbed a handful of gummies.

Jared caught up with Jensen by the Comedies and bombarded him with candy. Jensen was chuckling as he made his escape, throwing milk duds over his shoulder as he ran. Not one to give up easily, even in impromptu candy wars, Jared took after him, putting his long stride to good use.

Jared cornered him in the New Releases section, dumping the contents of his bag on the top of Jensen’s head. His manager could only laugh as he opened his mouth to catch the colorful bears. “They were already open,” Jared said lamely as he popped a red gummy into his mouth. That caused Jensen to crack up even more and pelt him with the remainder of the milk duds.

“Dude. You’re pretty good at this. It took Welling three days to figure out what the hell was happening. You should have seen him inspecting the candy racks, trying to figure out how the Whoppers were getting all over his register.” Jensen looked down at the mess of spilled candy and shrugged at Jared. “Speaking of Welling, let’s make him clean this up.” He shot Jared a look of pure glee as he wandered off to find the other employee.

“Dude…you’re evil,” Jared said, laughing as he bent down to pick up what he could. A glance at the clock told him he only had an hour before they could close up, so at least the little war had taken up some time. Plus, Jensen looked hot when he laughed. Jared felt his cheeks burning, and hoped he’d be able to make it through the night without turning into an absolute mess. He made a show of dumping the wasted candy into the garbage bin, grinning back when Jensen winked at him.


Jared walked out of the employee bathroom and immediately felt like a tool. Jensen was leaning against the wall across from the bathroom door and looking like the sexiest man Jared had ever seen. The light green button down shirt clung to his muscles and brought out the green flecks in his hazel eyes. Jared swallowed and forced his eyes to meet Jensen’s, silently offering a prayer to whoever would listen that he be allowed to make it through the night without committing social suicide. He ran shaky hands over the hem of his own shirt, wondering what the hell had possessed him to wear pink stripes. Just because Meg thought they looked hip didn’t mean that older, vastly more cool people like Jensen Ackles and his - admittedly - creepy friend Mike would.

“Takes a real man to wear pink,” Jensen said with a shrug and flipped off the lights. Jared followed him outside the store, waiting while Jensen locked up.

“Guilty as charged,” Jared mumbled lamely, realizing he’d failed at the whole casually flirting thing. He smiled, though, hoping that might make him seem a bit more endearing than the giant dork he felt like.

“Did you tell your girlfriend not to wait up for us?” Jensen asked, and Jared nearly tripped over the curb.


“Yeah, that pretty little thing who picks you up when your shift’s over,” Jensen lead Jared over to a cool looking black car that Jared wished he could identify. He was never that into cars, but the sleek black one in front of him almost made him regret it. He slid into the passenger seat and buckled up.

“That would be my sister. No girlfriend to worry about,” he added with a smirk. Jensen just nodded and started the engine. The blast of rock music that suddenly filled the car caused Jared to jump, and he pointedly ignored Jensen’s chuckle.

“That would be Kane,” Jensen said, waving at the radio as if he were beating notes out of the air. “I used to live with the lead singer and the lead guitarist. Pretty cool guys when they’re not being drunken assholes.”

“I like it,” Jared said, internally wincing at how lame it sounded. “Is this the CD from the Love Shack?”

“Yeah, glad you remembered it. These guys rock out a little bit harder than they party. They’re the house band over at Rattlesnake Smile. If you feel up to it sometime, I could bring you around and we could catch a set or two,” Jensen said, his voice soft beneath the music.

“That’d be cool,” Jared told him, slouching back in his seat and stretching out. His knees hit the dashboard, but the car ride was smooth and relaxing. He figured he could get used to cruising around L.A. in Jensen’s passenger seat. He stole a glance at Jensen, noting how the streetlights chased shadows over his jaw line. Yeah, he could get used to that.


What kind of person had bean bags - honest to god bean bags - scattered around his house? Jared knew he looked absolutely ridiculous sprawled out on one, because as much of his body hung off the chair as stayed on it. He swirled the ice in his drink, not sure what number it was, and tried his best not to pout. Because really, just because Jensen took him to the party didn’t mean he had to stay with him all night, right? Jared had a feeling if Meg could see him, she’d either point and laugh or take pity on him. At the moment, he couldn’t decide which option would be worse.

There was a giggle and a ‘thwap’ to his right, and he turned to find Alyson sitting in the bean bag next to him. She looked good in purple, or at least propped up on it. “You look like you ate too many of the lemon wedges. What’s going on?” she asked as she took the lemon off the rim of her plastic cup and squeezed it into her vodka and diet Coke.

“Nothing,” Jared mumbled, taking another sip out of his straw, “I’m fine. Just chilling.”

“Yeah, and I’m neither drunk nor horny,” she deadpanned. Jared watched through fuzzy eyes as she surveyed the room around them. She stopped and stared at Jensen and some old guy who were talking in the corner. The very dimly lit corner where Jared couldn’t make out things like hands or personal space. “Oh sweetie, you should have told me! Come on, I know what can fix this.”

Jared felt the blush spread across his cheeks, but he figured he could always blame it on the alcohol. Still, he let Alyson pull him out of the bean bag and across the room. Instead of heading towards Jensen’s corner, they ended up next to Mike, who was leaning on Tom and waving a microphone in the brunette’s face.

“You know you want to!” Mike was saying in the most annoyingly cheerful voice Jared had ever heard. Tom shook his head, laughed, and pushed at the microphone.

“You do it,” Tom said before scrunching up his face and quickly adding, “No wait! No one should do that song. Especially not you towards me, ok?” He didn’t seem to mind it when Mike pulled him closer, though, one arm thrown around his neck and a smirk spreading across his face.

“Doesn’t matter, because Jared here’s gonna make his Rosenbaum debut,” Alyson said, snatching the mic and thrusting it into Jared’s hands before he could tell her no.

“I don’t sing,” he mumbled. When she shot him a pointed glare, he shrugged and quickly downed the rest of his drink. If he was going to make an ass out of himself, he’d need all the Jack he could handle.

“Everyone sings at Mikey’s house,” she told him, reaching over to ruffle Mike’s spiky hair.

“Yeah kid, let’s see what you got,” Mike shoved him in front of the giant TV screen and sent him an evil grin before heading towards the controls.

“Don’t I get to pick the song?” Jared shouted over the music. Tom whispered something to Alyson that had them both cracking up, and before he could ask what it was, the opening strands of a song cut into the background music. Jared shook his head and motioned for Mike to cut it off, but the host just shrugged and laughed.

“Ladies and gentleman, may I present to you the pop-filled crooning of Mr. Jared Padalecki!” Mike shouted into a second mic before dancing his way back to Tom’s side. Alyson sent him a thumbs up, and Jared wrapped his fingers around the mic, caught her eye, and started belting.

“I’m doing this tonight, you’re probably gonna start a fight. I know it can’t be right…hey baby come on!” Jared sang, hoping no one would notice he didn’t really need to watch the scrolling words on the screen. Halfway through the song his umpteenth drink hit him and he started to dance, rocking his hips along with the beat. He pictured the video - totally Meg’s influence - in his head and pumped his fist in the air, bopping around and hoping he didn’t sound like a complete, tone-deaf loser.

“Go Jared!” Alyson shouted as she lifted her sweater to reveal the tank top beneath it. Revved by her ‘flashing’ Jared got more and more into the song.

“I don’t wanna be your fool in this game for two, so I’m leavin’ you behind,” he sang, swiveling his hips in a way that would have made Justin Timberlake proud. Grin in place, he started jumping up and down and waved an arm in front of him as he finished off the song with a strong, “Might sound crazy, but it ain’t no lie. Bye Bye Bye. Bye Bye!”

Whistles and shouts rang out when he took a bow and sauntered over to Mike, dropping the mic in his hand. “Not bad for a rookie,” Rosenbaum said, smacking Jared on the ass before heading towards the stage himself. “Now watch how the pros do it!”

“That was kinda hot,” Alyson said with a laugh.

“Yeah, we ought to stick in one of their tour DVDs at work someday and see how you handle the rest of the album,” Tom said as he clapped Jared on the back and turned back towards the screen. Mike held a hand out, crooking a finger at Tom before starting his song.

“Dude…Afternoon Delight?” Jared asked, squinting up at Mike. He was swaying back and forth, still holding a hand out for Tom.

“It’s Mike,” Alyson said with a shrug. “You should try dating him.”

“The two of you dated? I thought he was, you know.” Jared waved a hand in the direction of Mike, who had just succeeded in pulling Tom to his side.

“Mike doesn’t do labels. He’s pretty bad with boundaries, too. It was years ago, though,” Alyson explained. She hooked her arm around Jared’s waist and pulled him away from the stage. “I have my sights set on someone a bit more…mature these days. And since it seems like your man and mine are chatting it up in the corner, we better give them something to worry about. You with me?” Her eyes were full of glee, and Jared didn’t have the heart to tell her he had no idea what the hell she was talking about. He nodded, realizing a minute too late that she wanted him to dance with her. Oops.

“Can we even dance to this song?” Jared asked as Alyson wrapped her arms around his neck and started to sway.

“Think of it less as dancing and more as seduction. Just…not to each other. Send the sexy vibes towards the corner,” she said, tilting her head up to smile at him. Jared rested one hand on her hip and splayed the other over the small over her back. It felt wrong, not just because he wasn’t usually the kind of guy to try and make someone jealous, but because she was so tiny, so feminine. The music kicked up, and thankfully no one else jumped up to sing.

Jared tried to keep his eyes on the girl in front of him, but they kept gravitating towards the darkened corner, focusing on the way Jensen seemed so with whoever it was Alyson wanted. Though, if she was going after him, maybe Jensen didn’t stand a chance. Then he remembered that she used to date Mike, so mystery guy might be every bit as bi as that crazy bastard.

“Less stiff, more sexy!” Alyson hissed against his neck. Jared closed his eyes and tried to find the beat. He was usually a better dancer, but he was usually a few more drinks on the sober side, too. Finally, he settled into a rhythm and pulled Alyson closer. They rocked along with some cheesy 80s song that Jared couldn’t place, and he rolled his hips against hers. She giggled in his ear, but he figured it might look sexy from an outsider’s view. Jared ran his hands over her hips and slid a thigh between hers.

He was about to add a goofy dip when someone tapped him on the shoulder. Almost stumbling, he quickly opened his eyes and turned to face a slightly angry looking older man. He wasn’t old in an elderly kind of way, but definitely older than Jared. He had a salt and peppered, short clipped beard, and the broadest shoulders Jared had ever seen. Actually, he was pretty damn hot.

“I’m cutting in,” he said in a voice laced with sex and attitude. Jared could barely nod before he was shoved aside by Alyson, who wasted no time latching on to the guy. Jared frowned and risked a glance at the corner, only to find it empty. He was about to go off in search of Jensen when two hands wrapped around him from behind.

Then someone’s hips collided with his ass, and he found himself held firmly in place. The hands stroked up his chest, fingertips lightly brushing his nipples before sliding down to hook through his belt loops. Jared tried to turn around, but whoever had him wasn’t having it. Instead, he found himself grinding his ass against the person behind him, and looking for the beat again.

There was a hot breath fanning against his neck, but he could tell the guy was a little shorter than he was. And it was definitely a guy, because he could feel the hard press of an erection against his ass. Fully giving in to the alcohol’s courage, Jared pushed his ass back and reached around to slide his hands over denim clad thighs. The guy let out a low moan in Jared’s ear, and then he felt lips pressing against his neck. It was a wet, open-mouthed kiss right against his pulse, in that spot guaranteed to make Jared shiver.

Jared let out a hiss and tried to spin around, but the guy just laughed into his hair. The hot puffs of air added to his torture, and Jared silently prayed that Jensen was looking now, because there was no way he could look any more seductive if he tried. His body was covered in a light sheen of sweat, and he knew his cheeks were flushed pink, half from alcohol and half from arousal. His jeans were too fucking tight, and at least the guy he was grinding his ass into had the decency to share the same problem.

The song ended and switched to a faster paced one, though Jared couldn’t name it either. He’d have to take a trip over to the Love Shack and have Mike share his musical taste with him. Then those lips were against his skin again and any thought of anything else flew out of his brain. Hands trailed up and down his chest, finally sneaking under the hem of his skirt and Jared jumped a bit when they connected with the taut flesh of his abs. Blunt fingernails scraped across his stomach, and he whimpered as he pushed back harder.

“So damn hot,” a voice whispered from behind him, and then lips closed around his earlobe. Jared bit back a moan as the guy nibbled on his ear, his hands never giving up their exploration of Jared’s belly.

Suddenly the hands and mouth were gone, and Jared felt himself spinning around. The guy manhandled him around until they were face to face, chest to chest, groin to groin. Jensen smirked at him and wet his lips, his eyes dark and dangerous. Jared muttered, “Thank fucking god,” before grabbing Jensen by the hair and crushing their mouths together.

It was just like every horrible 80s movie Jared had ever seen and never admitted to. Time fucking stood still as he devoured Jensen’s mouth. Their teeth clashed once before their lips aligned, Jared’s nose pressed against Jensen’s cheek. Jensen tasted of tequila, lime, and pure adrenaline. Jared thrust his tongue into his open mouth, unable to hold back now that they were finally doing this. Hell, had it only been two weeks since they’d met? Jared made a mental note to thank destiny before he lost any higher brain functions.

Jensen’s hands were trapped between their chests, his thumbs brushing over Jared’s nipples as they kissed. Jared cradled Jensen’s head in his hands and deepened the kiss. He wanted to fucking crawl inside Jensen’s body and never come out. Jensen’s tongue slide into his mouth, and he sucked on it like it was candy. He bunched his fingers in the front of Jared’s shirt and pulled their bodies closer together. Jared bucked his hips, rocking his already aching erection against Jensen’s hip.

They were both panting, fighting for breath, when they pulled back. Jensen’s tongue darted out, wetting his lips, and he nodded at Jared before speaking. “Fuck,” he choked out, and Jared wasn’t sure whether he should laugh or not. It wasn’t as if he’d expected Shakespearian sonnets or anything, but Jensen was the complete opposite of everything he usually went for.

“Yeah…fuck,” he laughed, resting his forehead against Jensen’s. It wasn’t until he stopped to look around that he realized the music had stopped. Cringing, he realized that the lights were on and Rosenbaum was giving them slow, lazy applause. He thought the whistle he heard belonged to a certain redheaded bitch, but he couldn’t be sure.

“Really classy, Ackles,” Mike hollered as he walked up to them. Jared knew his cheeks were on fire, and when he broke away from Jensen, he was almost disappointed to see how calm and cool he looked.

“Fuck you,” Jensen said with a laugh. He patted Jared on the shoulder and then sent Mike a glare that would have melted Antarctica. Mike just grinned wider and handed Jensen a microphone.

“How about you serenade the little lady?” he asked and ushered Jensen towards the video screen.

“Not a chance,” Jensen said as he dropped the mic onto the speakers. Jared couldn’t help but feel a bit of longing at this, because if Jensen sang half as well as he kissed, Jared would be naked and spread out on one of the damn beanbags before the song ended. On second thought, he decided that Jensen singing was a horribly bad idea. Jensen brushed past Mike, who picked up the microphone and started babbling about pussies and their girlfriends, and grabbed Jared by the forearm.

“Let’s get you home. I have to open in the morning,” Jensen said as he pulled Jared through the crowd. Jared could feel his smile freeze as he realized that he’d actually be going to his own house that night. Still, Jensen’s hand was on his arm, and his taste was on Jared’s lips. It had been a good night.

“Thanks for, uh, driving,” Jared mumbled as he hopped into the passenger seat. He knew he was still half drunk, and hoped Jensen was a lot more sober, but figured he wasn’t the kind of guy to get behind the wheel if he weren’t.

“God, I wish I were taking you home tonight,’ Jensen sighed. He started the car and pulled away from the curb, speaking again before Jared could ask why. “I just have this thing about not hooking up with someone the first time while either of us have been drinking heavily, and you look three sheets to the wind, man.”

“Oh…that’s actually really nice of you.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not sure I’m feeling so chivalrous right now. Anyway, you know that bar I mentioned earlier? I’m planning on heading over there tomorrow to catch Kane. You’re welcome to tag along if you’d like,” Jensen said as he turned the volume up.

“Yeah,” Jared said with a nod, “That would be cool.”

“Good. I’ll pick you up around nine,” Jensen drawled out. Jared dug his fingers into his palms, willing his cock to calm the fuck down. There was no way someone’s accent slipping out should get him this hot. Then he had a flashback to Jensen’s lean body pressed against his and had to choke down a moan. Hell, tomorrow couldn’t come quickly enough.


The Rattlesnake Smile didn’t look like much on the outside, just a banged up door and a large wooden sign with a grinning snake painted on it. Inside though, it looked like every Southern bar Jared had ever had the luck to grace. The long bar, alcohol lined shelves, and smoky lighting would have fit in perfectly with the local dives in his Granddaddy’s town. There was a country song blasting through the speakers, but shadowy figures were scurrying about the stage, plugging things in and rearranging stools.

They weren’t two steps into the bar before the man who’d pulled Alyson away from him the night before was grabbing Jensen and clapping him on the back. “Jared, meet Jeff. He’s the owner of this fine establishment,” Jensen said as Jeff let him go. Jared held out his hand, bracing himself for the crushing grip he knew was coming. Jeff didn’t disappoint, and Jared took a second to wonder how Alyson had fared the night before. She was such a tiny thing, and this Jeff guy looked like he could break her in half.

“Nice to meet you,” Jared said as he pulled his hand back.

“Yeah,it’s good to put a name to the face. Listen, I gotta go check some things with the equipment. Alyson’s by the bar, and Steve is already telling me he’s getting you up on stage tonight. And as for you, boy, don’t go thinking you’ll be dancing with Alyson tonight,” Jeff said with a smirk. He patted Jared on the back and wandered off.

“You sing?” Jared asked, turning to face Jensen.

“Only when they force me into it. I’m not much for the spotlight. Chris and Steve have that one tied up,” he said and led Jared to the bar. Alyson waved them over and picked up a jacket that had been spread over the stool next to her.

“Saved you a seat!” she said with a grin. Jensen gestured for Jared to sit and then stood behind him, one arm on the bar and the other resting lightly on his shoulders.

“How’d things go last night?” Jared asked, yelling a bit over the din of music and conversation.

“Let’s just say a good time was had by all,” she replied, licking her lips before taking a sip of the drink in her hand.

“You naughty little girl,” Jensen teased as he waved at the bartender. The guy walked over, his shoulder length hair nearly hidden underneath a cowboy hat. His red flannel shirt looked so out of place in L.A., but he wore it well.

“Jen,” the guy said as he reached for a glass. He began pulling pints as Jensen smiled back at him.

“Chris, want you to meet Jared. Jared, Chris.”

“I just bought your album,” Jared told him as they shook hands. “Really good. Can’t wait to see you play.”

“Jensen’s been pimping us out again?” Chris asked, drawing out the syllables in a lazy manner. He slid two beers in front of them and smirked at Jared. “Enjoy it, because you’re not drinking much tonight. I’ve been told to cut you off at two, though I can’t possibly imagine what that means.” He winked at Jared, and Jared felt his cheeks getting hot. He had planned on playing by Jensen’s rules and not overindulging anyway, but to have some stranger point out the fact that he was most likely getting laid that night made it seem that much dirtier.

“Shouldn’t you be getting ready and not bothering my boy?” Jensen asked, taking a gulp out of his pint. Jared beamed a bit at the “my boy” part, and Jensen ran his fingers over Jared’s neck. He shivered at the soft touch, his skin burning beneath Jensen’s fingertips. There was no fucking way he was going to make it through the set.

“Just for that, you’re coming up tonight. Later!” Chris slid out from behind the bar and headed towards the stage. The rest of the band was in place, and the music started as soon as Chris could grab the microphone. Jared took another sip of his beer and lost himself in a song about driving in the rain. He had images of Jensen and himself on a Carolina back road, rain pelting over their bodies, sticking their clothes to their backs as they kissed. He could almost taste the cool rain in his mouth and had to take a moment to pull himself back to some seedy bar in L.A.

The band’s first set ended with the lead guitarist coming forward and singing a song he introduced as Pinata Novia. Jared watched the blonde sing, enraptured by his gritty, yet powerful voice. He could feel Jensen by his side, a warm heat in an even warmer bar. Jensen’s breath fanned against his neck, and he realized that Jensen was mouthing along to the words. A chill shot through his spine, and Jared hoped that Chris really would drag Jensen up on stage. The thought of him singing was enough to have Jared straining against the fly of his jeans. Hell, Jensen could sing a horribly out of tune version of Twinkle Twinkle and he’d probably still want to climb on stage and fuck him.

The song ended and Jared stood up before he realized it, wildly clapping along side an equally excited Alyson. She put her fingers in her mouth and whistled as the band bowed and left the stage. Chris and the guitarist headed towards the bar and slide behind it. “Steve,” the blond said, leaning over the beer slicked bar to grab Jared’s hand.

“Jared,” he mumbled back, noticing Jensen smile out of the corner of his eye. The idea that Jensen was proud of him for making friends with his friends gave Jared a boost of courage and he was speaking before he could think not to. “You guys are really fucking good. Loved that last song. What are the chances of getting this one up there? I keep hearing jokes about it, but is he really any good?” Jared tilted his head towards Jensen, who started stammering about not wanting to sing.

“Voice of an angel,” Steve told him. “A sexy, slutty little angel, but yeah…he can sing.” Jensen reached over the bar to slap at Steve’s shoulder, and it ended up being more of a punch than a slap. Steve rolled his eyes and headed down towards the other end of the bar. Chris walked up, his hat tipped over his eyes and a fresh lipstick mark on his right cheek.

“Man, can’t keep the ladies off me,” he said, swiping at his cheek. “Christ, I love groupies.” He snatched up Jared’s empty glass and refilled it. “Number two. Try and make it last,” he told Jared as he winked and walked away.

“Ignore him,” Jensen laughed in Jared’s ear. “Chris is the craziest motherfucker I’ve ever met. Also? Don’t trust a word he says.” Jensen reached over and took Jared’s drink out of his hand, casually taking a sip. Jared raised an eyebrow at this, and Jensen just shrugged and took another quick gulp. “If I’m getting up there, I’m helping you finish this.”

“Drink up,” Jared said with a little tap on the bottom of the glass. Jensen set it on the bar and Jared noticed a drop of beer glistening on the corner of Jensen’s mouth. Without thinking, he leaned over and lapped it up, his tongue tracing over Jensen’s lips before claiming his mouth in a kiss. He heard Alyson’s excited squeal behind him, but blocked it out as he cradled Jensen’s face in his hands and thrust his tongue into his mouth.

It was every bit as overwhelming as the pervious night; hot and wet and so damn needy. Jensen rested his hands on Jared’s hips, fingers sliding into his belt loops. He tugged, slamming their groins together as he nipped on Jared’s lower lip. Jared moaned into the kiss, licking into Jensen’s mouth and tasting the bitter flavor of beer and something sweeter that could only be Jensen.

“If you’d all kindly drag your eyes away from the hot spectacle by the bar, we’d like to start things up again,” Chris’s voice echoed through the bar. Jared pulled back from Jensen, eyes widening as he caught sight of Chris’s wink from the stage. Jensen wrapped an arm around his waist and settled in against the bar to watch the show.

“Chris is an ass,” Jensen muttered, lips pressed against Jared’s ear. Jared chuckled, playfully slapped at Alyson’s laughing form, and turned his gaze towards the stage.

If anything, the second set was better than the first. Jeff even got up on stage and got heckled into singing backup on the song “Rattlesnake Smile”, which Chris admitted was a complete rip-off of the bar’s cheesy sign. Jared thought Alyson was going to pass out from all the flailing and harsh breathing she fell into as soon as Jeff’s calloused hands gripped the mic stand.

After the band had been on stage for awhile, Jared realized Jensen hadn’t been pressured into singing yet. He was loathe to give up the feeling of Jensen’s body against his side, but he really fucking hoped Chris and Steve would make good on their promise. He was pretty sure he’d blow Alyson’s little fit out of the water if Jensen actually sang anything.

“Ok, we got one more song for you before we shut down for the night. We’re gonna need a little help on this one, though. Jenny boy, get your ass up here!” Chris smiled, the stage lights glinting off his teeth as he waved for Jensen to come up on stage.

“Dude,” Jensen mumbled, not moving.

“Please?” Jared whispered in his ear. “I want to hear you sing.” He hoped he wasn’t being to forward, but he needed to hear Jensen’s voice for some reason, needed to see if his deep drawl carried over into the lyrics. Jensen pecked him on the lips quickly and then he was gliding towards the stage, hopping up and grabbing a mic. He settled in beside Steve, who had come to the front of the stage again. Chris blended into the background, apparently not needed for the song. Jared could make out Jeff’s form to the right of the speakers, clapping Chris on the back before turning to face the two singers.

The music that started up was softer than most of the other songs, and Steve’s voice rang out, gravelly and smooth at the same time. Jared’s lips parted as he took in Jensen’s nervous form, watched the way his fingers wrapped around the microphone. The first words out of his mouth had Jared hard and clenching his hands at his sides. He heard Alyson let out a soft sigh, but he couldn’t pay her much attention.

Jensen’s voice was smooth and buttery, blending perfectly with Steve’s. He met Jared’s eyes, hazel locking on hazel across the crowded bar. Jared took a deep breath and realized that Jensen wasn’t just singing for him, he was singing to him. Damn glad that the bar was behind him, Jared felt his knees grow weak as Jensen’s voice curled around him.

“It might just be the right time for you and me,” Jensen harmonized, his pink lips glowing in the stage lights. Jared pictured them on his body, pressing wet open mouthed kisses over his tanned flesh. He shivered, nodding at Jensen, who just smirked and started swaying along to the beat.

When the song ended, a little part of Jared mourned the loss of the music, but then he remembered that he was going home with Jensen tonight. Hell, right now if he had anything to say about it. He clapped, eyes never leaving Jensen’s as he climbed down from the stage and sauntered over towards Jared.

Jensen took Jared’s hands in his own, stilling them as he kept moving forward, crushing their mouths and bodies together. Jared slammed into the bar, nearly falling backwards over it when Jensen’s tongue claimed his mouth. He slid his own against it, wishing he could swallow down that amazing voice. Jensen trailed his tongue over Jared’s lips, biting down on his lower lip before tugging gently and breaking the kiss. “My place. Now,” he gasped, and Jared could only nod. He waved bye to Alyson as Jensen practically dragged him out of the bar. He thought he heard Chris’s unbridled laughter chasing them out the door, but he couldn’t concentrate on anything but the way Jensen’s hand was burning into the skin of his forearm.

The drive to Jensen’s was tense and rushed, and Jared sent up a prayer of thanks that they hadn’t gotten stopped for speeding. If he hadn’t been so damn eager to get inside the apartment, he would have joked about Jensen’s driving skills. When they got to the door Jensen fumbled with the keys, probably because Jared can’t help sliding up behind him, trailing hands over his sides as he tried to find the right key.

As soon as the door was shut, Jensen slammed Jared against it, working a thigh between his legs and pressing him back up against the wood. His lips were hot against Jared’s neck, and he moaned into the dark room. “Bedroom,” Jensen murmured, the words getting lost somewhere around Jared’s jaw line. Jared clutched at Jensen, fisting his hands into his shirt as he pulled back; leading them towards what Jared hoped was the bedroom.

Jensen didn’t bother with the lights, just shoved Jared into the moonlit room and then started tugging at his clothes, fighting with the buttons down Jared’s chest. Jared moaned as Jensen undid his shirt, letting go of Jensen long enough to let it fall to the floor. Then he pulled at Jensen’s, fingers digging into exposed flesh as he worked it off. Jeans came off in a hurry, hands not bothering to savor, just needing to be naked as quickly as possible.

Jensen’s eyes were dark, pupils blown as he lowered Jared to the bed. And yeah, Jared knew how he felt because his entire body was on fire, his bones melting wherever Jensen’s hands touched him. He bucked his hips and tugged Jensen down, aligning their bodies as he let out a harsh hiss. Jensen’s cock pressed hard against the hollow of his hip, and his own was throbbing against Jensen’s thigh.

He whimpered, actually fucking whimpered, when Jensen bit down on his neck, tongue sneaking out to lap at the abused flesh. His breath was hot against Jared’s neck, and it was all he could do to hang on, tracing his hands up and down Jensen’s spine as his entire world fell apart. “Jensen,” he whispered, barely getting it out before Jensen’s lips crushed against his own. Jensen’s tongue thrust into his mouth, demanding space and twirling around his. Jared grunted and rocked his hips, his cock leaking against Jensen’s strong thigh.

Then Jensen was moving down, lips dragging moans out of Jared as he kissed and nipped at his jaw line and down to his collarbone. He lapped at Jared’s sweat slicked skin, and Jared brought a hand up to thread his fingers through Jensen’s hair. He didn’t push, just held on with a trembling hand while Jensen slowly moved lower, tracing paths down his chest. He stopped to suckle at a nipple, making Jared hiss when he bit down, tugging lightly before continuing down.

He teased Jared’s belly button, sweeping his tongue inside quickly before licked further south. His hands joined in somewhere around Jared’s groin, fingers brushing through Jared’s pubic hair. Jared cried out when Jensen licked a slow swipe up the length of his cock. He fisted his hands in the sheets and lifted his head up, needing to see those perfect lips as they wrapped around the head of his cock.

Jensen licked at his cock, swirling his tongue around the head before locking eyes with Jared and slowly taking him into the wet, hot perfection of his mouth. Jared groaned, unable to break eye contact as Jensen swallowed him down. Jensen’s teeth scraped lightly along the underside of Jared’s cock, and Jared nearly came right then. Jensen bobbed his head, slurping noisily as he worked his way up and down Jared’s length.

“Dude, stop,” Jared managed to pant out. Jensen raised his head, releasing him with a wet pop, and stared at him in confusion. His lips were red and swollen and glistening with spit. “Too close,” Jared explained with a growl as he grabbed Jensen by the shoulders and pulled him up his body. Their mouths crashed together, teeth clacking and tongues battling for control. Jared gave in and let Jensen own the kiss, tongue fucking into his mouth as their hips rocked together. “Want you inside me,” Jared said, pulling his mouth away from Jensen’s.

“Yeah...ok,” Jensen mumbled against his cheek. He sat up and reached over, digging through the drawer in his bedside table before triumphantly holding up lube and a condom. His eyes were all pupil, and Jared had to tug him down again, kissing him hard as he took the condom from him. He broke the kiss and ripped it open, tossing the wrapper on the floor as he rolled it down Jensen’s length. “Fuck,” Jensen hissed as Jared’s fingers wrapped around the base of his dick.

“Yeah, kinda the plan I had,” Jared said, a soft laugh escaping his lungs. Jensen grinned down at him and popped open the lube, squeezing some on his fingers before pressing one into Jared without warning. He grunted and bucked his hips, fucking himself on Jensen’s finger before he could even think about doing it. Another finger slid in, and Jared clasped his hands down on Jensen’s thighs as Jensen stretched him open.

“Ready?” Jensen murmured against his lips as he added another finger. Jared nodded and kissed him, whining into his mouth as the fingers left him. Then Jensen pushed Jared’s legs open and lined up, the blunt head of his cock pressing in just the right spot. Jared hissed out as Jensen slid in, impossibly big and so fucking right. Jensen kissed him, his lips and tongue soothing any burn Jared felt, and suddenly he was as full of Jensen as he could possibly be.

“Oh god,” he moaned, eyelids snapping shut as Jensen started to slowly pull back out.

“Look at me...wanna see you when you fall apart,” Jensen whispered against his mouth before pulling back and rolling his hips. Sparks shot through Jared’s body and he obeyed, slowly opening his eyes as Jensen picked up the pace.

Jensen thrust his hips, slamming Jared into the mattress with each quick in and out. He licked his lips and grinned down at Jared before his lips parted and a loud moan slid out. He looked down at Jared, almost in shock, as he sped up, unable to hold back any longer.

Jared blinked up at him and dug his hands into Jensen’s shoulders, just holding on as Jensen moved in and out of him. He reached between them with a shaky hand and wrapped his hand around his aching cock. He pumped himself in time with Jensen’s hips, white sparks shooting through his body on each down stroke.

Orgasm snuck up on him, bursting low in his belly as Jensen hissed out a harsh, “Jared” and gazed at him through wide eyes. Jared lost it, bucking his hips as his body tensed, and he spilled himself over his hand, thick strands of come splashing between their bodies.

“Jensen,” he shouted, hoarse and in broken syllables. His bones melted, and all he could feel was the sweet burn of Jensen moving inside of him and the molten, satisfying feeling of his brain erupting out of his cock. He lost himself in Jensen’s body, blind to everything but the quick thrust of Jensen’s hips and the little gaspy moans that tumbled out of Jensen’s mouth.

Jensen bit down on his lower lip and came, his fingers digging into Jared’s hips as he emptied himself. He kept rocking, sliding against Jared as Jared ran his hands over Jensen’s back. Then Jensen’s eyes slammed close and he collapsed on top of Jared, pressing him into the mattress. Jared smoothed his hands over Jensen’s back, nuzzling against his neck as they caught their breath.

“Fuck, Jared,” Jensen laughed against Jared’s neck, his breath causing Jared to shiver. He rolled to the side and quickly removed the condom, tying it off and tossing it aside. “God that was...” he trailed off and closed his mouth over Jared’s. It was a lazy kiss, a gentle sliding over lips, but still managed to send fire through Jared’s entire being.

“Yeah,” he mumbled into Jensen’s mouth. He pushed a thigh between Jensen’s legs and wrapped him in a tight embrace. Then he had a horrible thought and pulled back, shooting a questioning look at Jensen. “I uh, guess I should go?” he asked, hoping this wasn’t going to end like every one night stand he’d ever had.

“No,” Jensen said with a smile. He pressed his body closer to Jared’s and slung an arm around his abs. “You should stay.” His voice was sleepy and fucked out, and Jared smiled in the darkness.

“The night?” he asked, closing his eyes and shifting his hips a little, settling in against Jensen.

“Till you get sick of me,” Jensen said, lips tugging lightly at Jared’s ear. Jared smiled even wider and nodded before he felt Jensen drift off. His last thought as he fell asleep was how much it would take for him to ever get sick of the lean, warm body next to him or the sweet, sarcastic personality that came with it.


Come to Papa: the Jeff/Alyson companion piece.

love shack, jared/jensen, cw rps

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