Friday- Vids/Arts/Icons/Misc.

Apr 25, 2014 22:55


sempaiko | Unrated (G?) | Castiel, wing study
You live like a dragon but you burn like a phoenix…
A very different take on Castiel’s wings than one usually sees. It’s also nicely ambiguous whether the energy he is cradling/protecting is a soul or grace.


pompei77 | G |
Absolutely gorgeous rendition of old west Dean. Hot, hot, hot.

"Miss May, I . . . (think I love you.)"
cassiopeia7 | PG-13 | Dean Winchester/Linda Tran (implied), Kevin Tran - Skin mags and silliness.
Summary: The woman on the old magazine cover looked so very familiar . . .
This art is delightfully amusing and the expressions are perfect!

Crown Upon His Head
chomaisky | NSFW | Warning: will knock your socks off
Reccer's summary: A metaphorical representation of Sam's transformation into a demon king.
How to capture the majesty of this piece in words? It's an awe-inspiring tableaux of Sam transformed by the forces of Hell that recalls a twisted version of The Ecstasy of St. Teresa by Bernini. Pretty much a fanart masterpiece.

becc_j | G | Jared/Jensen
Reccer's summary: Jared and Jensen as government officials/spies in the rain.
This image tells a story you really want to read. Tense, important, moody. (Plus Jared in glasses UNF.)

A Song of Ink and Fire
petite_madame  | R, NSFW | Sam/Dean
Reccer's summary: Tattooed Sam and Dean in a passionate embrace
Beautifully detailed; the kind of piece that you can look at for a long time and keep seeing new stories


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