Massage therapy might help you relax. My dad sees a massage therapist and it seems to help him. Sometimes massaging pressure points helps people to relax and get to sleep. So maybe a massage therapist can show you where they are and you could try that when you can’t sleep.
What a great idea!! I used to get massages all of the time, but that was a corner I cut several months ago. I think it's time to call and make an appointment!! Thanks for reminding me about this option! It sounds like a luxury, but if it works, it's worth it! :)
Hmmm...when I can't sleep I sit down with a nice book, and warm cup of chamomile tea. I know different things work for different people, but you could always try that as well. Oh, or I will go for a walk sometimes that helps.
It sounds funny, but when I get like this, it's like I can't even sit still long enough to focus on the words on the page. I can't watch tv, respond to e-mail, nothing. It's like someone needs to unplug me so I can re-boot! SO frustrating!
I understand sometimes I get like that. It is normally when I am really excited about something or really nervous lol...which happen to be the worst times to get like that, huh?!?
but here I've been telling myself that my anxiety, wacky nightmares about a lack of classroom control from day 1, and constant obsessing about the new year was just my nerves because it is my tenure year. . . and that once i'm less of a new teacher, these things will subside.
well, as you've said many times before, at least i'm not alone!
I wonder if the kids understand how their teachers get anxious about the start of a new year too? They worry about mean teachers, but we worry about out of control kids! I've never had a problem, but it kind of leaves you with a fear of, "is this my year"? You'd think after 12 years I'd be over it, but that always seems to come up. I want to save them all and put so much pressure on myself to have things perfect that I think I lose sight of my ability to go with the flow. I can't think of everything. I can't prepare for all disasters. I can't save every student even though I want to. It all comes down to letting some things go and until I do, my engine revs. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way!
=) funny you should say that . . . after being able to handle 2 years without many "malicious" kids, I have been asking those exact words all summer - "Is this my year?"
It's amazing how the brain works. . . even though I know that school will start and will be much better than my nightmares suggest, I can't turn off the anxiety until I live through that first week. It really is mind over matter.
Well, we can't save them all - but surely the world is better for us having tried!?
Without a doubt, the world will be a better place for our efforts. Like yourself, I eagerly await the first day of school. My life makes the most sense when I'm in school. Maybe that's because I feel that's where I've been the safest and flourished the most. So much of my identity is tied to the classroom. I know you're going to have a great year because your heart seems to be in the right place to make that happen! Good Luck!
You and I are having the same problem. For the past three weeks I have not been able to get a good nights sleep. I feel tired but when my head hits the pillow my mind starts racing. My body is tired but my mind just will not give in to sleep. I know it's stress most likely. Our family has been under tremendous stress lately. I start school in September which is stressful for me. I'm 35 and going back to school. Yikes! How will I juggle school and family? Then the move to Maine has us a little worried about the winter. Oil, the way Mainers heat their homes is over $4 a gallon. That is the buzz up here for everyone. That has us a little freaked out
( ... )
YES, I love my bed too! I have a pillow-top, so it's tall and you just kind of sink into it. The funny thing is I have this huge bed and use like 1/4 of it. I don't move around much unless I can't sleep! Stress is powerful. So many people are struggling right now and it's hard to shut off that reality just because the sun goes down. I try to end each night by doing a mental gratitude journal for all of the wonderful things I have in my life, but sometimes it isn't enough to help my mind to shift gears. But it has to get better. I'm learning to take things one day at a time. Nothing is for sure for long. I think if I worried less I'd be a happier person sometimes! :-
Comments 12
but here I've been telling myself that my anxiety, wacky nightmares about a lack of classroom control from day 1, and constant obsessing about the new year was just my nerves because it is my tenure year. . . and that once i'm less of a new teacher, these things will subside.
well, as you've said many times before, at least i'm not alone!
=) best of luck with the new school year.
It's amazing how the brain works. . . even though I know that school will start and will be much better than my nightmares suggest, I can't turn off the anxiety until I live through that first week. It really is mind over matter.
Well, we can't save them all - but surely the world is better for us having tried!?
Stress is powerful. So many people are struggling right now and it's hard to shut off that reality just because the sun goes down. I try to end each night by doing a mental gratitude journal for all of the wonderful things I have in my life, but sometimes it isn't enough to help my mind to shift gears. But it has to get better. I'm learning to take things one day at a time. Nothing is for sure for long. I think if I worried less I'd be a happier person sometimes! :-
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