Fic - "Might As Well Face It (You're Addicted to Love)"

Jan 08, 2011 23:04

Title: Might As Well Face It (You're Addicted to Love)
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Megamind, Metro Man, cameo from Roxanne. Megamind [dur].
Word Count: 3,554
Rating: R
Summary: Metro Man's first attempt to make the game more interesting gets a little out of hand.
Warnings: Slash, dubcon, breathplay, frot. A spicy combination!
Notes: More ( Read more... )

character: megamind, fanfiction, megamind, character: metro man, dirty little secret

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Comments 53

tripperfunster January 9 2011, 07:29:46 UTC

I am seriously in love with you! That was so fucking fantastic!

Judge Judy vs Nightcourt! I died!
Metz fascination with 'normal' mortals and mundane bodily functions was a great angle!

And the strangling? Ho Jeez! Breath play isn't really my 'thing' but that was incredibly hot and believable!

And I really should have seen the second "What's it feel like?( out of breath) coming, but I totally didn't and it was SO satisfying! I also love the giggling and the languid after glow.


Oh, loved the messy hair btw. It would seems he's not TOTALLY invulnerable.

One crit: (and it's probably just me being dumb): Who touched who's crotch first? Did Metroman touch his OWN crotch? Or did he touch Megz' crotch? That's the trouble with slash, all the 'he' 'he' 'he' can get confusing. (that's the ONLY trouble with slash, mind ...)

Oh, thank you for writing this, it was so great!


tripperfunster January 9 2011, 16:41:51 UTC
Okay, after re-reading, it's quite clear who is touching whom. I think i was just excited and was skipping ahead.

The more I read this fic, the more clever I find it! Some of your vernacular is really outstanding! You must write a lot.


colonel_bastard January 9 2011, 17:55:00 UTC
Awww, yay, thank you so much! Such generous praise! You thrill me. ^_^

I really appreciate that you took the time to pick out some of your favorite bits. I love it when people do that! I'm all about the details, and I'm quite a big fan of that messy hair myself. :D

Hey, I made a promise, didn't I? No fade to black on my next fic, and I intended to deliver. You're very welcome. ;)

Hilariously, I got your first comment early this morning and actually did a quick edit--- I added some possessives to clarify the touching business! So it's not just you skipping ahead the first time, I actually did change it for the sake of specificity. I wanted to thank you for leaving such a helpful note--- it definitely needed to be fixed, and I'm grateful that you brought it to my attention! <3

Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoy it! I'm working to become a writer full-time, so, yeah, it's safe to say that I write a lot, haha.


tripperfunster January 10 2011, 02:59:03 UTC
Oh THANK GOD! When I re-read it today, I was like ... WTF? That is totally clear, why the hell did I not get it last night? (of course, it was 2am, so ...)

also? As I've had some time to think about this fic today, (and God help me, I've thought about it a bit too much) the thought of Metz SUCKING on Megz' adams apple while he's moaning is just about the hottest thing I think I've ever read. Trufax.

What is at about that skinny blue throat that is so complelling?

Oddly enough, I am writing my own MM/MM fic right now. I sat down to write a Warden/Meg fic, and uh ... yeah, it never even got close.

This one is more wangsty than porny, but hopefully it turns out.

WRITE MOAR! You make good pornz


invderlava January 9 2011, 08:08:48 UTC
I don't even really know how to articulate my love for you right now.

But this. Just. This. This is the fic I was thinking of when I walked out of the theatre for Megamind all those weeks ago. This is what I've been waiting for, hoping for, desperate for, and got.

This was gorgeous. It was sexy, it was so in character, and it was amazing to read. Their witty banter was spot on and funny, Mets' fascination with the concept of being out of breath makes perfect sense, and the ending was adorable and perfect.

Thank you so much for writing this. ♥


tehcookiezeater January 9 2011, 15:04:56 UTC

You know I think I'm going to remember this every time I see Megamind (which will be many times over the next few months). It was so wonderful and satisfying...and about damn time too! I've been working on trying to write some Megamind slash but it's so hard sometimes. I'm glad I have some inspiration now!


colonel_bastard January 9 2011, 18:07:43 UTC

The best compliments! Thank you so much! I'm especially thrilled to hear that this has inspired you to write some fic of your own. This pairing needs more love! :D


colonel_bastard January 9 2011, 18:04:39 UTC
I totally feel you. I was shipping these two within ten minutes of the movie starting, and when I saw the lack of fic for them--- well, that was a void that I was all too eager to fill. XD

I am SO glad that you enjoyed this. It was my great pleasure to write it, and I'm always so happy when people love it as much as I do. I'm the most pleased to hear that I was able to keep them in character--- that's always the great challenge!

You are so welcome. Thank you for leaving me such a lovely comment. <3


0o0f January 9 2011, 18:50:14 UTC
<3 That was wonder...

Oh wait, I didn't realize who you are at first. (I've read some of your disney_kink fills) That's no surprise then.

Honestly, while watching the movie, it did cross my mind that Megamind was into something like this (not necessarily breath play, but yeah).


colonel_bastard January 9 2011, 18:59:07 UTC
Oh my, I'm quite pleased that not only do I have a reputation, but I seem to be living up to it! :D

Kitten runs around in tight black leather and spikes--- half the cast remarks that he just misses getting his ass kicked--- I've got a feeling that he likes it rough. I'm glad you felt the same! ;)

Thanks for reading and commenting!


0o0f January 9 2011, 19:14:56 UTC
You're welcome.

And yeah, the movie doesn't make it difficult to read kinkyness into it. (I said no when a friend asked me if the movie was kinky though.)


seiaa January 9 2011, 19:22:22 UTC

Oh my.

I. Um.


a) This pairing needs more love. I love Megamind and Roxanne but REALLY DEAR GAWD these two need LOVE LOVE LOVE.

b) I'm so glad you did this. I was like "I wanna. I wanna I wanna." but nooo drive.

Maybe this will get me off my lazy ass.


-Night Court line. I had to stop reading and bury my face in a pillow to laugh.

-Mets wondering about regular normal people things like being out of breath and oh god the strangling was hot.

-Them falling back into banter and giggling and the awkward goodbye made me giggle and be like "afjdlkfjdf they're so cute~!" out loud. Minus the keyboards smash.

-I just. Unf.


colonel_bastard January 9 2011, 19:33:15 UTC

This comment makes me purr. I'm so happy to have elicited such an enthusiastic response! This pairing is joy of joys--- it's witty banter and yellow roses and "little buddy" and it makes me smile. <3 I like writing Megamind/Roxanne because she knows what she's doing and he can pick up his cues from her. However, I LOVE writing Megamind/Metro Man, because they're both so virginal and awkward that they really are like two teenagers figuring it out for the first time. Hence the giggling. ^_^

Bahaha, that Night Court line came out of nowhere while I was writing--- but anything that forces readers to deploy a pillow giggle guard should be considered a rousing success. :D

Thanks so much for reading and commenting! <3


seiaa January 9 2011, 19:49:17 UTC
<3~! I agree with everything.

This pairing is so much joy. Exactly what you said. Yellow roses and little buddy and witty banter and AUGH.

(P.S. They were so in character I loved it so so so much augh. you I love you)

Exactly exactly exactly. With Megamind and Roxanne, him picking up cues from her is adorable and hot all at once.

With Megamind and Metro Man neither of them are experienced. Megs because no one has touched him like that and Mets because he can't touch anyone like that or well he'd probably kill them.

I loved loved that you put in the line about Megamind being more sturdy than a human because that's exactly how I was thinking about that. They were destined for each other LOL

And also:

Megamind leans back against the pillar, but the bulk of him is still sitting comfortably on Metro Man’s thighs, legs draped lazily around his waist like they were meant to fit there.

I squeed.


colonel_bastard January 10 2011, 05:21:37 UTC
I love you because we are clearly on the same wavelength! :D You love what I love about this pairing, and that is awesome.

They were made to fit together~

I'm glad you squeed when you read it, because I squeed when I wrote it! XDDD


demishock January 9 2011, 22:12:42 UTC
Wooooooooow. I read this on a whim - smut and I have a sort of love-hate relationship, because it is not very often that I see it done in a way that sits well with me afterward. But this. THIS. This this this this this! *points* THIS.

/words failing

The lead-in, the reasoning behind it, and the way they dissolve the tension afterward is just all completely perfect. AMAZING JOB. Perfect balance of humor, drama, character development, and, of course, sexiness. I couldn't ask for better. ♥


colonel_bastard January 10 2011, 04:22:51 UTC
Fantastic! I'm very happy to hear that this was able to get past your smut radar, and I'm even happier that you enjoyed it so much. Your comment is so thorough and generous! I really do appreciate it. Thank you so much. <3


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