Fic - "Might As Well Face It (You're Addicted to Love)"

Jan 08, 2011 23:04

Title: Might As Well Face It (You're Addicted to Love)
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Megamind, Metro Man, cameo from Roxanne. Megamind [dur].
Word Count: 3,554
Rating: R
Summary: Metro Man's first attempt to make the game more interesting gets a little out of hand.
Warnings: Slash, dubcon, breathplay, frot. A spicy combination!
Notes: More ( Read more... )

character: megamind, fanfiction, megamind, character: metro man, dirty little secret

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Comments 53

jjohnson_00 January 11 2011, 03:15:49 UTC
Usually I am not into these types of pairing, but I couldn't resist and omg this was very sexy. I've never liked a story before that featured asphyxiation but you wrote it in such a way that's believable and fits with Megamind's character. The dialogue and the ending were in character and hilarious.

I don't know what else to say- you and Filthy are the only authors who have managed to get me to like Megamind/Metroman smut. I feel so corrupted. ;-;


colonel_bastard January 11 2011, 18:31:06 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for taking a chance on this fic and pairing. Very happy to hear that it was believable and hilarious--- two things that I strive for. ^_^

Filthy and I are on a mission. We're corrupting the world, one reader at a time. XDDD


Cheers! The only MetroMind fic I could find was yours. chainey_clink January 12 2011, 05:11:35 UTC
Then the mist quickly dissipates, revealing him still standing there, slouched to one side, hand on jutted hip, goofy smile on his face.

“Uh,” he mumbles shyly. “Bye.”




How can you have written him so ADORKABLE even after he's just had sex? How? HOW?

And then there's

“What does what feel like.”
“Being out of breath.”
“It sucks!” Megamind spits furiously.

that exchange, which I reread over and over because it made me all happy.


colonel_bastard January 12 2011, 19:42:01 UTC
I think Megamind is permanently adorkable. Pre-sex. Post-sex. Mid-sex. XDDD

Awww, I'm so glad it made you all happy! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. MetroMind = practically canon. Needs more love. ^_^


chainey_clink January 13 2011, 03:25:10 UTC
Needs more love. ^_^

This is entirely too true. I'm surprised there's not more fic of them floating around. Then again, it is a new movie, so hopefully more fic will pop up.


rberryberet January 13 2011, 02:59:08 UTC
I wasn't going to make a habit of reading your Megamind fics before I saw the movie, but then I saw this one, and the 25 comments that went along with it... I knew it was going to be a doozy.

Breath Play! Yaaaay. I've been hoping that you would write some... And ok - I love how your mind works. I haven't seen the movie, so all of the 'not knowing how the body works' stuff is new to me. SO this was like, a new level of corruption. They didn't even KNOW that would happen.... Surprise boners are the best kind of boners! Oh! And your attention to detail regarding MegaMind's pupils I really loved... I loooove it when writers incorporate the body's physical reaction to arousal [Other than the obvious ;) ]


colonel_bastard January 13 2011, 17:25:40 UTC
I don't know what's my favorite phrase in this comment. I was leaning towards "a new level of corruption," because I just LOVE the sound of it--- but the winner can't be anything other than "Surprise boners are the best kind of boners!" XDDD

I'm really glad that this fic remained a doozy even without prior knowledge of the source material! I've been wanting to do a breathplay fic for a long, long time, and when I started writing this one, I realized I had the perfect opportunity. And for me, the best parts of smut fics are anything but the actual sex act. Let's face it, sex is sex, and there's only so many ways to write it! But the details can have infinite variety. The foreplay. The banter. And yes, the various signs of arousal. I was torn between his eyes and his ears for my favorite part. ^_^

It goes without saying that you must see Megamind as soon as possible. :D


hettybobcat January 14 2011, 01:33:43 UTC
Oh my goodness. That was really good. When I was reading it I was wondering how they'd go back to being normal but you did a really really good job.


colonel_bastard January 14 2011, 02:31:04 UTC
Awww, thanks so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :D


iztactli January 18 2011, 06:27:11 UTC

I never thought I will like a MM/MM fic. But, GOD, this is great, I love how you write, and all the details and emotions <3 And it's pretty funny too -and INTENSE.

I love it <3 please, make more ;__; I would love to see what happens next, because OH MY GOD you left us WANTING MORE.

Pretty please?? Do more?? ;___;



sykospark January 18 2011, 09:30:00 UTC
*dies of awesomeness*
please post this on aff! it needs to be in a central location for tons more to enjoy

/faints from teh hotz


colonel_bastard January 18 2011, 16:39:05 UTC
I never knew my awesomeness could kill. I must only use these powers for good. XD

You know, I've never really been out to AFF--- but I might post this over there, only because I've had so many requests for it! ^_^

Heehee, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and commenting. :D


sykospark January 18 2011, 16:57:44 UTC
I so love aff :( I go there all the time but really, just the megamind section. And it's growing daily. :) So it works great as a central repository for teh hottnesss, of which yours not only qualifies, but exceeeeeds


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