Fic - "Masquerade"

Jun 28, 2010 01:13

Title: Masquerade
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Basil, Ratigan. The Great Mouse Detective.
Word Count: 3,964
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Basil and Ratigan attend a masquerade ball, and Basil gets a little carried away.
Warnings: Cross-dressing, sexual tension, general desecration of beloved Disney characters.
Notes: Sixth in the Basil/Ratigan Read more... )

fanfiction, disney_kink, character: ratigan, the great mouse detective, character: basil

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Comments 29

eve_n_furter June 28 2010, 17:54:17 UTC
Commenting in a separate tab as I read. Please pardon my long-windedness, but I need to savor this, and reflecting in between paragraphs helps with that. Yum ( ... )


colonel_bastard June 28 2010, 18:51:02 UTC
Yeah, I definitely got carried away with all the art references--- I couldn't help myself! Phantom of the Opera was my first true fandom (so many years ago! *__*), so the masquerade setting has a special and specific place in my heart. I just wanted their outfits to be perfect! XD ( ... )


eve_n_furter June 28 2010, 19:48:38 UTC
Considering Ratigan's long tongue is certainly not a bad idea. This is Disney KINK after all. ;E

I also want to mention that I enjoyed their first dance as much as I enjoyed the kiss. I really didn't want it to end. It was a wonderful way for Ratigan to show his hand, very romantic. Basil must feel at least a little bit flattered.



colonel_bastard June 28 2010, 20:40:52 UTC
I think, for Ratigan, this has always been a love affair, so I felt that it was time for him to make a truly romantic gesture. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :D

Also, I'm sure Basil will start to feel a little bit flattered--- once he gets over his usual bout of sulking and indignation. XD


became_fire June 28 2010, 18:13:47 UTC
Oh so goooooooooooooood! I was grinning like a fool all the way through this, everything about it was perfect, the setting, the costumes, the dancing, and the kiss most of all *swoon* <3 It was especially great having a dance based story following the fight/dance comparisons in the recent origin story, they were so clearly made to dance with each other in every way!

The line 'Or perhaps the real danger is that he sees the monster and accepts the dance, anyway.' was particularly fab. And 'Tonight he is the Raven, and at the stroke of twelve he has been swept off his feet by Red Death, who, true to his literary counterpart, has proved himself to be as inescapable as he is irresistible.' I also love the idea of Basil wanting to leave his own mark on Ratigan.

Marvellous! :D

(In a completely random aside, the photo you picked for Basil's outfit, I almost certain comes from one of a series of masquerade balls held in Oxford for a few years running, one of which I attended - I recognise the photographers name)


colonel_bastard June 28 2010, 18:56:19 UTC
"They were so clearly made to dance with each other in every way."

That comment made me go "EEEEEE!!" It's so TRUE and PEREFCT!! *___*

Ah, yes, I am quite fond of that kiss myself. I wanted it to be a real doozy, since their first kiss (in Gladiators) was so brief. Glad to hear it was swoon-worthy! :D

Thanks so much for reading and commenting, of course! I'm so happy to hear you were grinning like a fool, that's the best possible reaction I can hope for. <3

(It would have been insane if you were actually one of the people in that photo, haha. As it is, it's still a pretty crazy coincidence that you might have been at that actual masquerade! It truly is a small world.)


anneka_neko June 30 2010, 04:04:02 UTC
OH GOD THAT WAS AMAZING. I just WOW. That was so sweet and romantic, even and especially when I was thinking "THREATEN HIM WITH THE CAT AND DEMAND SEX, RATIGAN! IT'D TOTALLY WORK!"

And um I REQUEST RATIGAN-MARKING FIC PLEASE? :D Pfffft, brain is less than coherent enough for the usual long rambling comment, but you're still kind of incredible beyond belief! <3



colonel_bastard June 30 2010, 05:04:47 UTC

So happy to hear that my incredibility remains intact. ^_^ I wanted to put that Ratigan-marking business in there now, so it's planted in your brains. Now, nowwww, I get to take my time with it. The marking will happen--- but when you least expect it. *lightning flash* *maniacal laughter*



unsettledink July 4 2010, 18:58:50 UTC
Wow. That first paragraph is brutal, painful, gorgeously full of doubt and self loathing and insecurity. I think this is the first time that I've felt fully inside his head, and it hurts (in the best way). And makes this twisted thing going with Ratigan that he won't even admit to himself more than believable - it becomes inevitable.

Awwww, no one wants to walk in with him. Tiny heartbreak.

Poe! Red Masque! PotO! !!!!!

Ratigan, you sneak! I knew he knew from the first moment, and is just having fun, indulging himself. Nice. And “You’re smiling, my dear,” Ratigan notices immediately, not losing a step. “Are you enjoying yourself?” becomes so much more…

Oh Basil, he's so rattled in this, he's so off balance from the first moment. Something's going to come apart here, you can see it coming and you dread it and can't do anything about it, and at the same time you can't wait. I cannot wait for the next one. It's going to hurt. (And I am seconding like amd the prompt of Basil getting to mark Ratigan. I think Ratigan would love it ( ... )


colonel_bastard July 5 2010, 03:26:45 UTC
Basil's head is a very messy place, and if it makes you hurt, then I'm doing my job correctly.

I know. I still can't believe that Basil thought he'd fooled him--- then again, I think Basil was just looking for an excuse. ARGH, BASIL. I think "poor self deluded fool" describes the poor bastard perfectly.

re: Felicia--- I was rewatching the movie and was reminded that Ratigan possesses a gigantic murder death cat that eats people when he rings a freaking bell. That is too good to pass up. XD

Awwww, in tears? Really? That just made my night. Thanks so much for going through and leaving all these wonderful comments. The next installment will be out in the next few days! :D


krissielee July 21 2010, 18:53:00 UTC


OMG this is pretty much the most awesome thing ever. So you know. Which you did already.

That end was ... gah. I love the end. How Basil played the role perfectly to the unsuspecting ballgoers, but Ratigan totally sees through the disguise. And did it on purpose OMFGWIN. And how he toyed with Basil just long enough to get what he wanted before letting it slip that he knew the whole damn time!

As an aside, Basil's goddamn brilliant, and he's right; he's got the best disguise for wandering the floor and seeing what's going on.

But the dance was lovely! And I love your Ratigan like crazy. But I know you knew that. :) Including his little dingly bell of death. And how he obviously loves playing with his nemesis/romantic interest, though Basil can't stand him. I wonder if that's half the appeal to the rat: it's more the chase than the quarry, and if he were to have Basil willingly, would he give up? Hmm.

Also, I see a lot of similarity in Basil's mind to my ( ... )


colonel_bastard July 21 2010, 20:00:09 UTC

I wonder how many more times I can pull the "he did it on purpose!" trick before you guys get sick of it, lol. It's a trick that suits them both to a T, so they're just going to keep pulling it on each other, I guess. ^_^

I love that you love my Ratigan!! <333 And that's quite an interesting point, about him enjoying the chase itself more than any kind of capture. Something for us to explore in further installments...

In regards to Basil's disguise, when the prompt called for him to be in drag, I was determined to justify it logically and keep it in-character. That is the best part about building this series from the kink meme--- it's a challenge for me to fill the prompts to their utmost while simultaneously crafting a coherent narrative! It's so exciting. Best writing challenge I've had in a while. :)

I think we can all see a bit of ourselves in Basil--- I know I certainly can, or I don't think I could write him so well.

Thanks so much for commenting! I knew you'd get to it eventually. XD


krissielee July 22 2010, 21:16:40 UTC

Haha, I doubt we'd ever get sick of it. You keep it novel enough that I don't hardly realise it's happening until it's done.

You're brilliant at your world-building. That's where I have trouble when I write--I can usually come up with one part, maybe two, but after that, I just can't get my world to grow cohesively. So you're brilliant for doing it, and doing it so well, too. <3

This is true. It's kind of scary, but then, I've always known I'm thisclose to a mental breakdown, so I guess it's kind of a given, heh. ^^;;;

I'm halfway through reading the next one. I will comment the second I finish, honest. Because I have nothing else to do for the next few weeks. :D Yay, no school!


colonel_bastard July 22 2010, 23:48:16 UTC
Aww, thanks! <3 I get super carried away when it comes to world-building, which is why I realized I had to make this a series--- I just had too much to say, haha.

Hey, if you're a writer, being borderline bonkers 24/7 is part of the package. That means you're doing it right! XD

YAY NO SCHOOL. Congratulations on completion, and welcome back! <333


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