Fic - "Discombobulate"

Jun 14, 2010 14:23

Title: Discombobulate
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Basil, Ratigan. The Great Mouse Detective.
Word Count: 2,975
Rating: NC-17
Summary: When a trap snaps shut, Ratigan gets flustered.
Warnings: Violence, sexual assault, general desecration of beloved Disney characters.
Notes: Fourth in the Basil/Ratigan series, and if you haven't read ( Read more... )

fanfiction, disney_kink, character: ratigan, the great mouse detective, character: basil

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Comments 32

became_fire June 14 2010, 20:58:09 UTC
I totally need a special icon just for this series.

LOVED how Basil turned the tables right at the end <3 I can't wait to see how things continue to escalate between them :D


colonel_bastard June 14 2010, 21:34:02 UTC
As soon as I realized what I'd gotten myself into, I went out and put together a series-themed set of icons. They're definitely getting a lot of screentime these days! :D

I was so excited when I got this prompt because I'd been itching to write a chapter where Basil gains the upper hand. He's just as diabolical as Ratigan, he just doesn't get a chance to show it very often. Glad you enjoyed it! <3

And as always, thanks so much for reading and commenting!


krissielee June 15 2010, 19:35:29 UTC
*shares icon with you*


eve_n_furter June 14 2010, 22:26:56 UTC
Huh. Topping from the bottom is quite an understatement for this scenario ( ... )


colonel_bastard June 14 2010, 22:58:17 UTC

GAHHHHH. *BLUSH BLUSH* I am SO FLATTERED that you gave this story so much time and attention!! I am also extremely amazed that you've somehow managed to mention just about everything I was trying to achieve with this piece. Since the story is written in third-person restricted POV (from Ratigan's angle), I wasn't sure if Basil's unusual behavior would ultimately make sense. You've totally hit the nail on the head!! I draw a lot of my Basil from Holmes, especially what you said about the goals of the mind outweighing his respect for the body. Really, I'm just so super thrilled that you see what I see. :DDD

And the title, right? Gotta dig the title. Thanks, Sherlock Holmes soundtrack!! XDDD

I am so pleased that you're pleased. This fic wouldn't have gelled together without such a dynamite prompt, so you're as much to thank as I am. Thank you!! <333


eve_n_furter June 14 2010, 23:24:33 UTC
I couldn't not give it my full attention, compulsively checking kink_meme and flist for days, and then being rewarded with such a brilliant, brilliant concoction. I swear I blew a few firecrackers myself.

I love well balanced darkfics. Writing them is a very difficult task, with risks of ugly falls to each side of a very narrow ledge. You manage this seemingly effortlessly.


colonel_bastard June 15 2010, 05:55:03 UTC
Huzzah for firecrackers! That's the best possible reaction I could have hoped for. <333


ankeelv2 June 15 2010, 03:38:11 UTC
I-- okay, so I just only found the kink meme, right? And I clicked on this fic on a whim, and now I'm actually seriously disappointed. Why? Because now I ship it hard and I highly doubt I'm going to find many other fics as delightfully twisted, well-written and ultimately triumphant as this.

Complete props for the ending, by the way, since Basil's ultimate turning of the tables made this fic for me. And I actually really loved the use of the present tense, that added an extra something.

*adds to memories*


colonel_bastard June 15 2010, 05:37:57 UTC
Welcome to the kink meme! Isn't it great? :D ( ... )


chai_footsteps June 15 2010, 06:25:21 UTC
Let me first say that I've been absolutely devouring your stories since I discovered them about a week ago, and by crumbs I shouldn't have waited so long to start commenting. You just don't find gems like this on

I sort of suspected one of two things -- either Basil was playing possum and about to pull off something ingenious, or something terrible had happened to his state of mind -- and was thrilled when it turned out to be the former. He has such a devious side underneath it all; I doubt he'd be such a great detective without one.

And I adore Ratigan's reaction at the can practically see the hearts in his eyes.


colonel_bastard June 15 2010, 13:07:10 UTC
When it comes to commenting, better late than never! Every single comment makes hearts appear in my eyes, so thanks for taking the time to let me know you've been reading. I always appreciate it. <3

Basil is an incredibly sharp character, and he does have a streak of diabolicalness that he works very hard to hide. What I love about writing these two together is that they simultaneously bring out the best and the worst in each other.

As for those hearts in Ratigan's eyes--- that's exactly what I was going for. :D

Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I hope you stick around for more! ^_^


krissielee June 16 2010, 19:02:56 UTC
So. I didn't fall asleep reading this. :D

I was too tired to get on my computer to comment though (I refuse to try and be coherent on an iPod). So, here we go.

First, as usual, you have amazed me with how brilliantly you've written this.

I LOVE how it was literally a trap snapping shut, too--somehow, I totally didn't think of it that way. ^^;; Obviously my idea of traps and mice is different than the rest of the world, lol.

And I ADORE the ending! I kept thinking, "there's NO way Basil's just going to sit there and take it!" and then he did, but that ending was ... gah, perfect! <3

And as I'm between classes and running off to do my anthro assignment (I have to sit at the bowling alley and people-watch), I'll end here with an OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!


colonel_bastard June 16 2010, 19:49:33 UTC
In one of her very first comments, eve_n_furter had joked, "Better watch your tail, Basil! I foresee a mousetrap in your future!" I liked the sound of it so much that I held onto it, and then when she prompted this, it was just too perfect. :D

I'm just so pleased that everyone loves the ending so much! I had a blast writing it, and I hope you were just as surprised as Ratigan when he realized that Basil had pulled a fast one on him. XD

I know you've been super busy with classes and stuff, and I really appreciate that you take the time to read and comment on this series. Thanks so much! I LOVE YOU TOO!! <333


krissielee June 17 2010, 04:46:08 UTC
:D That is perfect! Haha, I just totally had a fail moment about the trap and that he's a mouse. I'm going to blame Vietnamese; it's the reason life sucks right now and only partly because of creepy guy. :o

I loved the ending, and I was surprised! I mean, I just knew Basil had to have something up his sleeve, but I didn't know what, and I didn't know if he'd get his chance this time or in the next one!

I will ALWAYS take the time to read these! <3 I love your writing, and you! If I could say that in Vietnamese yet I would totally say it, but I can't say anything fancy yet beyond "please" (xin loi).


colonel_bastard June 17 2010, 15:13:58 UTC
Well, "please" is a pretty useful one to know, haha! XD

Aww. <3 Best of luck with Vietnamese! And I'm sorry to hear there's a creepy guy. That's never fun. 9_9


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