Fic - "Discombobulate"

Jun 14, 2010 14:23

Title: Discombobulate
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Basil, Ratigan. The Great Mouse Detective.
Word Count: 2,975
Rating: NC-17
Summary: When a trap snaps shut, Ratigan gets flustered.
Warnings: Violence, sexual assault, general desecration of beloved Disney characters.
Notes: Fourth in the Basil/Ratigan series, and if you haven't read ( Read more... )

fanfiction, disney_kink, character: ratigan, the great mouse detective, character: basil

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Comments 32

anneka_neko June 23 2010, 04:00:43 UTC


Gaaaah okay first of all, TITLE IS LOVE. I read that, and I was like RIGHT, TIME TO GO TO ITUNES AND START UP THE SOUNDTRACK! xD

And just gaaaah I love it! The violence kink was PURRING like the whole time with the tail (that detail about the bones was just UNF), and that mention of Fidget mentally fapping, and the whole idea of Basil LETTING this whole thing happen, and that WINK, and at the end when Ratigan's like LOVESTRUCK BY THE STRANGEST THINGS and just GAH IDEK YOU'RE SO AMAZING!


colonel_bastard June 23 2010, 04:52:51 UTC
I had the worst time thinking of a title for this one, and then this track came up on shuffle and I was like YES. It's just too perfect. :D

HAHAHA YAYYYY. <333 I am so glad you enjoyed it so much!! The violence kink is my absolute favorite part about writing this pairing, and as far as that's concerned, this was my favorite installment to write so far. Also, this whole Fidget thing is all your fault, so thanks for that. XD

I'M SO PLEASED THAT YOU'RE PLEASED. As always, thanks so much for reading and commenting!! ^_^


unsettledink July 4 2010, 18:58:12 UTC
I gotta say, I love fics where I read the end and have to go back immediately and reread so I can point at things and go "the layers! The layers! The deciet! GAH!".

Because you totally had me fooled right up until the end. It's strange, but when the trap slammed shut on his tail, my first thought was relief because I felt sure that there would be a way out of it - idk, like you've gone dark but you haven't gone to the edge, and this was so close that it felt like it could be the darkest point of this one, so of course there's a wa out? - but then, maybe it was Ratigan's disapointment in Basil (LOVE. He's so bummed about it!) that turned it around and made me hold my breath, because I suddenly believed that it wasn't going to end well, that there were going to be bodies at the end.

And then they weren't, and I was so glad. (Not that wouldn't have been cool with me, but now there's more, and the ending…)

The ending! Just, yes, of course, my mind is sqealing over him having the knife all along, and I am firmly of the thought that he ( ... )


colonel_bastard July 5 2010, 03:13:38 UTC
I have to admit, this is my favorite installment of the series so far, and I'm so glad it merited a reread for you. :D

And I'm so glad I was able to fool you! It's weird writing a fic with a twist ending, since I already know what happens, and I assume that everyone else will be able to tell right away. When I hear that people were surprised, it just thrills me. I'm thrilled, I tell you! <3

Yeah, Basil's neck-deep in ten different kinds of denial. Poor thing. XD


drabblesindwi July 22 2010, 18:43:53 UTC
YES, oh my god, yes. I loved this. You are amazingly wonderful and genuis with these characters! (but of course, I'm sure you already know that.)



colonel_bastard July 22 2010, 20:21:18 UTC

I'm just so pleased you're pleased. I have so much fun writing these fics, and it's just so great that everyone else is enjoying them, too. Thanks so much for commenting, I really appreciate it!

Don't worry, there's going to be a LOT more. ^_^


(The comment has been removed)

colonel_bastard July 26 2010, 14:58:15 UTC
Thanks so much! You hit the nail right on the head with that line about their mutual "deep desire" to continue the game. Glad to hear you're on board for the rest of it! :D


dedlit January 2 2011, 21:56:00 UTC
You are a genius.... I know I've mentioned it before, but every little detail is so dark and delicate I just have to cheer for you!!!
I love your way of writing, it gives enough away to be more excited at every line, but not enough that that excitement ends..... does that make sense? o.O
I don't know, BUT I know, that you are greatk, like I said, I mentioned it before, but can't be said often enough :D


colonel_bastard January 4 2011, 21:52:42 UTC
Ohhh, what a lovely comment! Thank you so much! "Dark and delicate" is such a wonderful phrase, and I'm so flattered to see you apply it to my writing.

I just want to say, I really appreciate the fact that you went through and left a comment on every fic. A fair amount of work goes into these stories, and it's my greatest reward when people take the time to let me know that they're enjoying them. Thank YOU for being such a considerate reader. ^_^


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