...obviously not all of them dear god I'm not that masochistic. But some major ones! For my reference and so Bart can laugh at me. And anyone who's bored or something can enjoy the way we have none of our original icons at all.
I would like to note omgwtf this took forever and I am retarded for doing it. Also, Kon, you rule for updating cfud_daily and stuff and as a note to all the kids at home: don't do this. Also don't start something not realizing you will stupidly KEEP DOING IT. Until you finish. Because you are AN IDIOT. Yeah. I got nothing.
First meeting! In Buffy's intro post, which sort of amuses me, just because Kon hitting on her was literally one of the first things that ever happened to Buffy in camp. Also wow reading really old threads hurts me.
Kon gets high and asks Buffy out. It should be noted that post happened while I was asleep and it was a very very special thing to wake up to. And he totally got shot down. Which looks amusing with Buffy's happy default icon.
Really a very minor thread with kittens. But I liked it enough that it's a pre-hookup thread I actually remember, which, given my memory, is saying a lot. Also possibly the first time in camp continuity Buffy ever kissed Kon. The first time I remember, anyway. Though they made out a good deal in a ToD, which I am way too lazy to look for.
Speaking of threads I actually remember,
getting older emo. One of the first really serious conversations I remember going on.
Kon's baby name poll always has a special place in my heart because Anne and semi-Buffy totally won.
Kon also went into labor while talking to Buffy. Which was very wtf. Also I forgot how much she used to hug people la la la ignoring old playing. I am too lazy to find the actual birth.
Emooo. I remember this because this was the only emo Buffy had, like, the entirety of Cal's death. Because I was too busy emoing with Anne.
Making out for demon summoning. Yes, the impetus for Kon and Buffy starting to date was a demonic ritual. Good times.
Byfft asked Kon out. Way to show initiative. I'm still not entirely sure why I made this decision. Kon actually didn't give a definite answer, cuz he had to talk to Cal first. Dorama etc.
Included because it gave me a headache:
Anne advises Kon on what to do re: Cal and Buffy. Because of this conversation and Kon and Buffy subsequently hooking up, Anne has always hated Buffy. And probably still hates Buffy, back at Green Gables, when she thinks about it. Go Anne go.
Not actually Kon/Buffy again, but important:
Kon and Cal talk.
Official hookup. This was very confusing.
And Buffy announced it. Go Buffy.
Kal gets eaten. D:
Medical help. I'm pretty sure this is when Buffy moves in with Kon, though the offical "hey I could move in" is later. Ahaha moved too fast bygones!
Threesomeness. Or something. I dunno, hanging out with Bart. We used to be good at that >:
Buffy died briefly. Probably a bad choice, but Kon went D:
Kon wins at love confessions. Another one of those threads that I semi-regret in terms of being IC, but it all worked out and...stuff. I dunno. It was very cute.
World's shortest breakup. Still occasionally comes up, though.
One-month anniversary. Me and Kon and totally spamwhores, yes. And that was the world's most eventful month la la la bygones.
There was lots of Rosebride stuff, but I'll just go with
Kon joyride while Buffy was a car. Check around there for lots of other stuff.
Baby Bart is a win. Can we tell I'm getting lazier?
Kryptonite plot. Again, all around here, I just picked a post.
Second Anniversary. Yes, we honestly did these once a month.
Robin and
Faith. Also Xander. Too lazy to find Xander, and he's not dramatic. Still love you, Xand.
Paper chains. I just always thought this post was really cute, what.
Thirteen. Again, went for several days. Also noting
Buffy's clone post because Kon mentioned liking it.
Three months. wtf why are we so spammy.
Buffy is totally retarded. A decision I actually don't regret, go team me. There was, uh. A lot of fallout for this--again, check around there, this was the first post in various stuff. Woo.
Serious keywords talk. This is another thing that goes around, but I always kinda liked this one.
Buffy's birthday. Ex-virus happens here, Buffy meets Tana, talking, fighting Knockout, not all this post, few days long. Etc. Angel also shows up.
Kon wishes his powers would go away. Multi-day yadda yadda. Followed by
Kon getting triggered, which I was on hiatus for, but still important.
Buffy reaction.
This is included just because Kon's description, "
Kon and Buffy bend time and space for comfort macking" wins.
Kon is dumb. Which gets Buffy pissed at him. And then he disappears and instead we get
Clark and
Lex. This goes for a few days, go team! And Buffy just gets pissier over these few days ahaha.
Six months. I missed a couple anniversaries in there. I'm too lazy to correct this.
Kon is an idiot. Not actually that important, but it's a nice insecurities thread and there are some issues covered that were around a lot, so. I dunno. I'm doing this so randomly now.
Lex and
Buffy fails at listening to cabin assignments.
Puppet Angel. Kon fails.
Easter chocolate. This thread is not important so much as deeply sappy, but if we're covering Kon/Buffy it's important to cover the sap.
Seven months.
Giles and Joyce show up. What, I had fun.
Fight. This is, what, the second one in seven months? Go team. Issues continue with
eight month anniversary and Buffy having Lady issues and
Kon trying to bleach himself. Interesting trivia--for this anniversary, Kon and I were talking OOC and discussed if it would be more amusing to have Kon forget the anniversary or do the serenade, and I voted serenade because Buffy wouldn't much care if he forgot. As a semi-direct result of this, Kon proposed. Yeah.
Hanging out. I just enjoyed this post. Plus, chilling with Bart, always a win.
I love all these meme ones that are totally incomprehensible cuz we deleted our icons.
Muppets, or 'it is completely unrealistic that it took us this long to try to break the sex rule.' Effects last several days.
Serious conversation. I don't really remember what they talked about, but I remember it being important. So lazy with these right now.
Drama with Lex.
Lex leaves here, Kon's sulky various places. Pretty serious Kon and Buffy fight
here. This resulted in Buffy not actually coming home, conversation about that
Nine months? I think nine.
Proposing. Go Kon. No, seriously, what the fuck. Also, lots of threads around here about happy and inane grinning. And
announcement goes here.
Kon's sterile. Ten kids are still in his plans. Okay, not yet. But that first came up
here. Kon I hate that this is an important event.
Ten months.
There's a lot of emo around here.
Here's a thread of it. This was recent and I still can't remember exactly what happened, but there was Kon fighting with Robin and Rey getting broken and Buffy just being generally retarded. She breaks down
here because Kon is retarded.
The world's most awkward dinner party. Go Clark.
Also: interesting trivia!
Here, in a conversation with Anne and Kon, actually, was (as you can see in the comments) the first time it ever occurred to me that Kon is pretty genuinely attractive instead of just cutely dorky. Which was important, because, well. Buffy likes hot guys >: Also,
first time one of Kon's pickup lines actually sort of worked. Okay, it wasn't actually the pickup line. The line was lame. But still.