Spring has sprung! Love is in the air! Soon to be followed by pollen! Romantics rejoice! People with allergies? They can rejoice too, but there will be more sneezing and snot.
In honor of the new season, I decided to do some spring cleaning around the 'ol booth. You'd be amazed how much stuff can pile up over a few months. Some of it I'm fairly sure I don't even remember taking in! Huh.
Anyway, amongst the various useless crap items, I found a whole English alphabet! It's in good condition too! Not one of those used alphabets that's been gone through thousands of times by little kids with sticky fingers. No vowels missing or chewed on. I've seen my share of alphabets, and this one is the nicest by far.
So-- anyone wanna buy a W?
((A day late, but--
Happy Birthday Big Bird!. Click on the link for the most confusing alphabet song ever.))