FIC: "New World" (Chosen, Part Nine) (Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban)

Nov 23, 2009 23:43

Title: "New World" 1/1
Author: Brenda (azewewish)
Series: Chosen (Part Nine)
Pairing: Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Vampires still don't exist. And I doubt Karl or Harry explored America like this, either.
Summary: Karl's clueless, but that's nothing new.
Notes: Originally written in 2005, revised in 2009.

Oath (Part One) | Denial (Part Two) | Rebirth (Part Three) | Treasure (Part Four) | Jealousy (Part Five) | Florence (Interlude One) | Doubt (Part Six) | Taste (Part Seven) | Rush (Part Eight) | Infinite (Interlude Two) | New World (Part Nine) | Tactics (Part Ten) |

"Let me put you on a ship
On a long, long trip"
-- Depeche Mode

**Virginia -- 1681 A.D.**

"Bloody inconvenient way to travel," Harry grumbled as he stepped foot off the gangplank onto the mostly empty dock, and into Karl's waiting embrace. For the briefest of moments, they both allowed themselves to cling to the other, to breathe in a familiar, longed for scent.

"I was worried you weren't going to make it," Karl replied, stepping back to hold Harry at arms' length. "You've lost weight."

"Four months on a very small ship will do that."

"I'd hardly call a ship of that size small, puppy. It's one of the biggest in our fleet."

"After the first three days, it felt minute," Harry groused. "I hope you're not planning on forcing me to go to any soiree or cotillion or any of that social nonsense for the next few days. Right now, I just want a hard ride and a bath. In that order."

"Define ride," Karl replied with a cheeky grin, earning him a cuff to the back of the head.

"If you're lucky, I'll ride you later," Harry said, and hoisted his traveling bag over his shoulder. "First, however, I would see the stables of this 'magnificent' palace of yours."

"Not a palace," Karl corrected, leading Harry to the phaeton. The hazy pre-dawn light was just beginning to shimmer over the horizon, turning everything to silver. "A plantation."

"Whatever you would call it, it's kept you too far from home." Harry settled his muscled frame into the seat and gave Karl a pointed look. "You missed planting season." The again was left unspoken.

"I needed to be here." With a light flick of the reins, they were off down the smoothly worn road that cut through the center of the sleeping town before winding its way to the plantations and farms beyond.

Karl divided his time between watching Harry and the road, noting the still strong shoulders, muscled thighs and clear-set amber eyes, clearly visible to him, even in the weak light. There was a heaviness behind Harry's eyes that hadn't been there before. Karl thought he had a pretty good idea as to the cause.

He slowed the horses to the side of the road, just outside of the freshly whitewashed gate that led to the main house. He twisted in his seat, giving Harry a pointed look. "You may as well say it."

Harry sighed, the sound coming from deep within him. "Must I?"

"Might make you feel better."

"What would make me feel better is for you to be honest. You're not coming back to England, are you?"

"Not anytime soon," Karl admitted softly, and waited.

Harry nodded, and Karl could feel a little more of the weight settling between Harry's shoulders. He longed to alleviate it, but knew from experience that Harry would only let him when he was ready.

"I suppose I should have seen this," Harry finally said, and the defeat in his voice had Karl frowning again.

"It's not so bad here. This New World has plenty of adventure and beauty and challenge..."

"All of which are things you want, not I."

"That's not --"

"I'm a simple man, Karl."

"I know that."

"No, I don't think you do." Harry looked around him, and Karl did the same, trying to see this place as Harry would see it. The sun, just starting to creep through the grove of trees, sent small prisms of light across the dewy grass, and the fields beyond. The land was beautiful and pastoral and peaceful at this early hour. Untouched and full of promise.

"Change is a good thing," Karl began, and Harry scoffed, interrupting him before he had a chance to begin.

"Too much changes," Harry stated. "I've watched the world change more times than I can count. Watched my friends die, my family die, everything around me shift and change and move on. Everything changes while we stay the same. Which is why I need this." Harry gripped tight onto Karl's hand, eyes blazing from within. "And if you're not there, then I have nothing. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"

Karl nodded, ashamed, and more than a little humbled, by the look in Harry's eyes. By Harry's words, and the edge of pain behind them. "A constant," Karl affirmed, his voice small. He felt like a fool and, worse, he knew he had no one to blame but himself and his own selfish needs.

How could he have forgotten, even for an instant, the enormity of his bond with Harry -- flowing with unconditional love, and stronger than the passages of time? Able to withstand anything and everything, as long as they were together. Together, they could conquer mountains.

"I'm sorry," Karl finally offered, even though he knew it wasn't enough. "I wouldn't change you for all the world." With his free hand, he cupped Harry's chin, gazed into amber eyes. "Just say the word, and we'll be on the next ship home."

"I would not change you, either." Karl watched as Harry took another look around them, profile haloed by the hazy light. "As long as we divide our time..."

"Of course." Karl would promise anything, and gladly. "You know I am lost without you." He held tight to Harry's hand, vowing to himself that he would never let go. "All of the wonders in the world would pale if you were not here to share them with me."

"I know. Just as you should know my home is wherever you are."

Home. Harry. So simple, it was almost elemental. Something Karl would feel until the end of time. "I love you."

Harry's smile was a thing of beauty. "I know."

"Still up for that hard ride?"

"Still up for the bath," Harry grinned, tugging Karl forward for a quick, hard kiss of welcome. "After, I'll ride you as long as you want."

"Well, we have been apart almost three years..." Karl mused, lightly. "That's a lot of time to make up for, wouldn't you say?"

Harry's eyes flashed with love and barely concealed passion. "Lucky for you I have stamina."


harry sinclair, karl urban, claimed 'verse, written by brenda, chosen

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