Okay after the storm, but still having trouble sleeping because of pain

Jan 30, 2022 14:17

You might see on the news that Massachusetts had a storm that people are calling a "bomb cyclone" and that hundreds of thousands of people are without electricity.  Although we did get 60 centimeters of snow in one day (that's TWO FEET, my fellow Americans), Norman and I are fine!  It's been windy here, but the super-high winds were south of us, ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

mywitch January 30 2022, 19:21:44 UTC
It's good to hear from you! and I am glad you weren't adversely affected by all that storming.

I saw this and thought of you :D
You've probably seen it before but it's fun enough to enjoy again I think!

... )


chienne_folle January 30 2022, 19:39:25 UTC
It's good to hear from you! I bet you do not ever have to worry about getting TWO FEET of snow in one day. :-)

I do like that picture, although it also makes me sad, because Adam Nimoy went on to write an autobiography in which he blamed his father's preoccupation with his career for all of Adam's own problems, including Adam's addictions to various substances.

I mean, I'm sure Leonard Nimoy WAS preoccupied with his career, but Adam Nimoy and I are close to the same age - he's two years older than I am - and I remember what the standards were when we were growing up. At the time, it was "the man's job" to work hard and support the family, and it was "the woman's job" to raise the children. I mean, I'm glad those standards are crumbling now, but it isn't fair to judge Leonard by standards that didn't exist at the time. By the standards of the time, Leonard was supposed to concentrate on his career, the better to support his family ( ... )


mywitch January 30 2022, 23:39:49 UTC
Oh that is unfortunate! I had no idea. :(


chienne_folle January 31 2022, 00:36:23 UTC
Yeah, it sucks. Don't make your children's lives TOO easy, because it only turns them into whiners. :-)

A friend sent me this picture in email, and since you are the queen of cute and/or funny and/or weird pictures, I thought you had to have it:

... )


francinehibiscu January 30 2022, 23:16:22 UTC
Two feet of snow is a lot of snow! Glad you are mostly okay!


chienne_folle January 30 2022, 23:36:44 UTC
Thanks! I hope you're okay, too.


nocturnus33 January 31 2022, 17:31:47 UTC
I can't even begin to imagine how much snow is that!

I'm glad you are having physical therapy; I hope things improves in that front.


chienne_folle January 31 2022, 17:39:49 UTC
Yeah, 60 centimeters in one day is a LOT of snow! We're very lucky, though, because lots of people lost their electricity because of the storm, and we didn't.

Thanks for your good wishes; I really appreciate them! ❤️ Physical therapy is helping, but rather slowly. Still, going in the right direction is cause for hope!


orlando_switch January 31 2022, 19:33:38 UTC
I am really happy to hear from you and it's a huge relief to know your electricity didn't went out during that storm. Two feet snow sounds horrible and it must be surreal to get that in one day. Did it last a couple of days? Must be very uncomfortable.. Also glad to hear physiotherapy is helping, albeit slowly. But let's hope it's going slowly and steady *throws some silver lining in your direction*


chienne_folle January 31 2022, 20:17:06 UTC
Hi, hon; it's good to hear from you! How are you doing? What's winter like in The Netherlands? Are you in grad school right now, or did Covid put that off?

We're very lucky, because the man next door to us hires a snow removal service, so when they showed up next door, we hired them to do us, too. A small army of guys with shovels spent two hours digging us out; I can't even imagine how long it would have taken to do it if we'd tried to do it on our own, especially since both of us have physical disabilities that mean that we shouldn't spend all day shoveling. The professional snow-shovelers must be in fabulous shape, because they were shoveling VERY quickly. Those shovels were FLYING, and it still took five guys two hours to shovel us out ( ... )


orlando_switch February 2 2022, 22:53:05 UTC
How are you doing?

Actually, I am doing quite ok, just busy. The downside of our social security system is that one needs official approval for everything. The last couple of months I've been busy finding out if I can start as a sort of independend researcher and I've decided to go for it. It's very exciting but requires a lot of trust that everything will work out as well, especially financially. As soon as I am up to it, I'll post something about it.

What's winter like in The Netherlands?Well, we used to have some cold and snow in winter, but due to the climate change, it's now only grey, windy, plus raining or drizzling and around zero and quite humid, which provides a humid kind of cold that I really detest ( ... )


beffeysue February 1 2022, 21:42:09 UTC
I hope you'll soon have less pain to deal with. I've started sleeping in my "easy chair" because although sleeping in my bed is good, it is very painful to get out of the bed. Every muscle in my back and shoulders protest, but waking in my chair is pretty much painless.

Here in central SC my neighborhood got about six inches of snow. It was pretty, but didn't cause problems because I didn't need to go out of my home. 😁 We had a few hours of high (for us) wind and it was very cold (for us), but I just enjoyed watching reruns and reading fanfic.

~hugs~ Beth


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