Jan 30, 2022 14:17
You might see on the news that Massachusetts had a storm that people are calling a "bomb cyclone" and that hundreds of thousands of people are without electricity. Although we did get 60 centimeters of snow in one day (that's TWO FEET, my fellow Americans), Norman and I are fine! It's been windy here, but the super-high winds were south of us, and our electricity never went out. (I'm very thankful for that, since I sleep with a CPAP machine, and it needs juice! No electricity, no sleeping.)
I'm still having trouble sleeping at night because of pain, which is why I haven't been around, but I'm getting physical therapy, and the pain IS declining, even if it's doing so more slowly than I would like. I hope to be sleeping well and doing well enough to participate in the life of the community in another few weeks.