Fic: Broken Chains 19 / 20

Apr 08, 2012 19:02

Author: chickinwhite
  Pairing: Kahlan/Cara
  Rating: PG 17
  Word account: ~5600
  Summary: This adventure starts a good time after tears. It is about old scars and new bonds,  about friends and foes, about confidence and betraying,   
  Disclaimer: Nothing of LotS belongs to me (such a pity!) - no business, just fan-fun

AN:  Unfortunately this one isn´t beated by my lovely friend jolo_65.. - well, RL got in the way, sorry  ;)
AN 2: I know, it´s hard to follow if updates are taking so long. RL as much as personal things get in the way. Though, we are close to the end. The next - and last - chapter will probably be a bigger one, just to say. I´m working on it. I so hope you haven´t lost all your faith in me yet :)

Oh, and for those who wondered about Jona... well, have a look - and tell me if it works for you :)

Pa rt 1;     Part 2;      Part 3     Part 4      Part 5    Part 6    Part 7   part 8    part 9      part 10     part 11     part 12   part 13    part 14    part 15    part 16      part 17  part18

The Confessor´s fingers almost cramped the quill. She had a feeling as if the document stared at her accusingly; she could feel its disgust literally tickling at her mind. Dennee scowled at the letters that seemed to dance on the parchment.

“...that Kahlan Amnell is to be unseated as the Midland´s sovereign. Her title, “Mother Confessor”, as well as the associated rights are to be passed to the remaining Confessor, namely Dennee Amnell...”

It had taken two weeks and still the Council wasn´t completely convinced that this was the only way. But at least it had turned out that poor Prince Devron, who recently lost his life in a deplorable hunting accident, had seeded the right doubts in their minds.

She was so close...

Dennee furrowed her brows, staring at the reproachfully gleaming document. Yes. Of course, she was about to reach her aim through a tremendousness as the Midlands had never seen one before.

But it was not her fault! Kahlan had lost her sanity! To begin with she sent Richard away. Richard! The one, who was born to be the Mother Confessor´s mate; who offered everything a Confessor could hope for! He had loved her...but Kahlan had banned him from her life. This fact alone proved that she wasn´t in her right mind.

And she had grown weak. If it hadn´t been for her, Dennee, Kahlan would have broken down right after she´d lost her child. But there was no time for weakness. A new age lay ahead. Times of compassion and empathy had ruled too long. People needed a strong hand to guide them. Hard decisions had to be made. With Rahl in D´Hara as an ally she would see that the kingdoms would finally unite into one, that the Council would be abrogated, so that no more time would be wasted in endless days of berating. Her word, and her word alone... would be law; to ensure that the Midlands could prosper under her guidance at Hara´s side.

It made her shiver with excitement, thinking about it.

She threw the quill on her desk and raised her hands, thoughtfully watching their slight tremble.

With a huff she stood and walked to the windows, immediately joined by Richard, who gently laid his strong hands on her shoulders, softly kneading her muscles. “You´re looking tired, Mistress. You´re working too much. Let me ease your tension. I´ll massage your shoulders.”

A mirthless smile crossed her face as she waved him off.

He hadn´t disappointed her since his confession. He served with passion, anticipated her every wish. And he was an excellent, if only a little uninspired lover; like all confessed were, following her demands and her every innuendo eagerly and without objection...

If not for his craven submission, which was really boring at times, she would say he was the perfect mate.

“Richard... Kahlan will soon be here.”

He breathed a kiss on her shoulder.

“I´m not interested in Kahlan anymore, Mistress. You know that I only love you!”

She smiled briefly. “Of course you do, silly. You are confessed.”

“Oh, I am sure, I would love you even if confession would leave me an option” he gently stroke her arm. For a moment her eyes followed his hand, before a sigh left her lips.

“You wouldn´t... But that doesn´t matter.

So, you know Kahlan almost as well as I do. What do you think, Richard: will Rahl really be able to control her? What if she stands in front of the Council and denies her betrayal? What if the Council believes her more than us?”

“Don´t worry, Mistress. Wizard Connor has done a good job spreading the rumors. I think half Aydindril sees her as the monster that sold their daughters. The Council cannot flout the people.”

“You may be right. But... You know, she has a special power on people. She always had...”

Richard blew a warm breath to her neck.

“Then, do not let her stay in front of them. See that she can´t speak to the Council.” He shrugged against her back. “Best would be if you send them all to their lands, so that they can´t meet her. And once, Rahl has taken her to D´Hara, you´ll be the only Confessor remaining, and you´ll have the title without further questions...” He beamed at her as she turned, looking commendatory into his devoted brown eyes.

“Does this please you, Mistress?”

She smiled wider, slowly nodding. “It does; indeed; it does...” Then, chewing her lip, she briefly considered another thought... “Do you see her as the monster? Be honest.”

He smiled, happy to be able to answer her.

“Kahlan could never be a monster. She loves her people and abhors injustice. She is the most honorable person...”

She raised her hand to stop him, sudden anger searing into his gaze as she tunred and stared him down. Richard winced instantly, his features contorted in helpless despair.

“Please forgive me, Mistress. I… I thought you wanted me to be honest...”

Scowling as she held his eyes trapped in her own, almost enjoying this moment of mental violence; it made her feel better when he ducked and crouched before her. Not till she could see tears welling up in his eyes her gaze softened eventually. She tugged at his vest, pulling him closer, and hissed with her voice hard:

“Listen, Richard. Everything she does; ever did; and ever will do… is despicable! The mere thought of her is enough to feel awkward. From now on, you will see her as the monster! Will you?” He nodded eagerly.

“Of course, Mistress! She is a monster!”

The Confessor smirked. “Fine. And now you may kiss me.”


“The Council is leaving!”

Benjamin whipped around to Mistress Sanderholt who just entered their hideout, Jona, disguised as a maidservant, on her heels, both carrying big kettles; delicious scents suddenly wavered through the room. The chief of the home guards shook his head as he declared disbelievingly.

“That can´t be! Since days they prepare for Rahl´s arrival. And for the trial on Kahlan.”

The chief cook only shrugged.

“I´ve seen them breaking up. They were in a hurry. It´s said that Dennee announced that their lords, queens or whoever their leaders might be, have called them urgently to report; before they make their decisions...”

She looked around, slightly embarrassed as she found everybody´s eyes on her and muttered sheepishly:

“Is anyone here to help us with these kettles?”

Cara narrowed her eyes on Captain Meiffert, who hit his fist against the wall, grinding his teeth. “Dammit!”

The blonde nodded as she absently clenched her fists around her agiels. “This isn´t good. Kahlan relied on her right to speak to them...” She paced a few steps, her eyes drawing zigzags on the ground; an exasperated hiss came from her lips, while her narrowed eyes spit fire...

“I knew she would try to trap her. She doesn´t trust Rahl´s control over her. She knows Kahlan too well. And she fears her...”

Berdine sauntered over from where she had stood, looking interested, but not worried.

“So, then these are good news after all. Or do you really believe her sister or this crazy wizard aren´t prepared for simply killing her the moment she opens her mouth and speaks the truth in front of the Council? Not to speak of Rahl, who is never hesitating to give the maniac?”

The Mord Sith shook her head. “Besides - if the Council has left, we don´t have to take care of them neither. Who knows how poisoned they already are against the Mother Confessor. That leaves us the space we need to focus on Dennee, on this crazy wizard and Rahl...”

One of Benjamin´s men behind her snorted briefly.

“..and of half the home guards, of Rahl´s men, of probably a dozen Mord Sith , oh, and a troop of - the Creator knows how many soldiers; not to mention the mob in the streets, for no one knows how the people will react, after they´ve been poisoned for weeks with false whispers and rumors. All while our Mother Confessor is held prisoner and bound by a Rada Han...” He glowered around.

“Let´s face the truth guys: we have no great chance to win this fight!”

His Captain´s icy glare met his and made his mouth snap close. Sheepish silence followed his words until Cara rolled her eyes exasperatedly and then let her gaze travel over them with glowing passion, staring into their eyes, one by one, while a disgusted growl came over her lips.

“What are you? Wussy-boys, fearing their own shadow?

Or are you the ones the Mother Confessor trusts with her life?

If she will lose it, then only because YOU abandoned her!”

She finally bored her gaze into the one who had spoken, closing the gap between them, her breath literally scratching over his stubbles, making him duck ever so slightly as her eyes burned into his mind. Somehow her voice had the threatening sound of a lioness´ hungry growl.

“I will not allow that! Do you understand me? You. will do. Everything! to free her! And if you´ll ever stand before the decision - your life or hers - then, may the Creator help you, you´ll make the right ! decision...” The feverish glance in her stare emphasized her words impressively. She waited, not letting him out of her ban until he straightened indignantly and proudly hit his fist to his chest.

“Of course I will!”

Only then did she step back, raising a brow expectantly to the others, who hurried to follow his example.

Mistress Sanderholt grinned and covertly nudged Jona, who instantly shot her a disgusting look in return: “Dear Creator, I´m quite thankful she is on our side...”


“Jackson was right. It looks like Connor has managed to get control over every magical barrier I´ve put out. Aydindril is widely without protection.  And... We have been up the hill and checked on the Keep.” Zedd and Verna had returned from their check and the deep scowl on his face spoke volumes of the results. His pale eyes burned in an angry shimmer. “I don´t know how this varmint got it, but he´s put up some spells that even I can´t pass without being detected.”

Cara´s face had darkened while listening to his report.

“You mean you are too weak to get through!?” She pierced him with rage and all but hissed. “So what happened to that powerful magic you’re always boasting about, wizard?” Her index finger pointed angrily.

“He´s just an apprentice! Your apprentice, as I remember it...” Her voice rained on him acidly.

Sensing the sharp retort that lay on his tongue Verna lay a calming hand on Zedd´s arm and glared at the blonde exhorting.

“Connor is a wizard from the Old World. He might be much more powerful than any of us can assume. He only wears the guise of an apprentice. It´s not Zedd´s fault. If you want to blame anyone, than blame Rahl, ´cause he pulls his strings!”

Cara scowled. Though she knew the elder woman was right. Her fist slammed on the table and she huffed as she stood to start pacing again. Her mind whirled.

There had to be a way to protect Aydindril against Rahl´s troop.

All through the years in Rahl´s service she had grown accustomed to his thinking. He was not one to just have a friendly visit in Aydindril, asking Dennee for Kahlan´s hand and then ride contently away. He had a plan. And since Captain Meiffert had informed her that Dennee´s scouts had announced a bigger troop on its way to Aydindril, she found her worst assumptions well affirmed.

Rahl wanted all: Kahlan.  D´Hara.  AND the Midlands...

- And Kahlan´s stupid sister will deliver it before she recognizes his perfidiousness...

There had to be a way... If Aydindril fell to Rahl…

- Kahlan will rather die than flee and abandon her people...-

The wizard interrupted her strained musing.

“Where is Benjamin? Wasn´t he supposed to be here when he´s not on duty? As things are now, we should ensure that we know exactly where our men are positioned when Rahl arrives. ” Zedd looked around.

“He´s gone to meet his cousin, one of the guerillas in former times.  Apparently he hopes to talk to some veterans of the resistance...”

A brief smile brightened Zedd´s puckered face.

“Why. That´s a good idea.”

Cara shortly rolled her eyes, and then scowled at him peevishly. “I´ve told him there´s no time to listen to the stories of some sentimental old men; but he insisted in leaving. He´ll be back before darkness, he said.”

The wizard raised a brow and smiled leniently. Since their arrival he had noticed Cara´s grumpiness growing with each passing candle mark. She had insisted that he took care of Berdine´s and Raina´s condition, but he hadn´t been able to convince her to have a rest herself. He had a clue that it was concern for Kahlan that was constantly and fiercely nagging at her mind.

- Dear Spirits. Who had ever assumed that the ability to such an amount of love was sleeping behind her masks…-

“Do not judge them before you know them, Cara. There has been a time when Aydindril relied on these sentimental old men... Just wait and see... after all, we can need as many people on our side as there are willing to join us.”

And then he strolled over to join the home guards thathad taken seat around the table and scooped masses of food into their mouths.

Seeing him leaving, Jona approached without a word and handed Cara a dish of her own, something close to a faint smile shyly tugging at the corner of her lips. Cara´s eyes softened ever so slightly as she took the bowl and nodded a light appreciation.

Berdine had a frown on her face as she watched Jona silently walking to the far side of the room to eat alone, as usual. “I wonder who she is...and where you found her.”

Cara followed her gaze and smirked when her eyes met the brown-haired Mord Sith.


Raising a mocking brow Berdine puffed a little air out. “As far as I know, isn´t it Kahlan who should be jealous?”

The blonde´s smirk grew into a sincere smile, a gentle breeze of tenderness briefly sweeping over her features, her answer just a breath “Kahlan can be sure of me. And she knows...”

Berdine eyed her covertly as she stared into the nothing. For a fleeting moment there was an unfamiliar expression on the blonde´s face, something that Berdine had only ever known from Raina so far, something that spoke of dreams and hopes and believing. Something, that she had always assumed to be buried deep inside the blonde and that somehow had finally awakened and now jostled briefly to the surface.

Though as quick as it had happened, the moment was gone and Cara´s face was back to its usual impenetrability. Only Berdine still smiled a little but then she picked up the matter again.

“So, where did you find her? And when did you train her?”

Cara snorted. “I haven´t trained her. Rahl´s lapdogs have.”

Berdine frowned. “Then why does she accept you as her Mistress?”

“Does she?”

“Cara! She´s very much your personal shadow. She serves you without ever questioning. She´s as submissive as I´ve ever seen one. But still she has more strength than a simple pet. So, even wearing these silly clothes, I can see she´s one of us!” Berdine ignored Cara´s quizzical gaze. “And no Mord Sith surrenders to a Mistress if she´s not trained for...”

Cara´s eyes focused thoughtfully on the girl that sat on the bed with her bowl in hands, her back tense, as if awaiting something to happen, her eyes warily flickering to every unexpected sound, such like rough laughter from the men at the table or the clatter of a dish… But Cara knew that Jona was very aware that Berdine was talking of her, she just didn´t show.

“Who said she´s a Mord Sith?”

Berdine frowned and gave her a questioning glance.

“I think she isn’t. Of course she was... trained to be. But she never became one...” Cara finally looked Berdine into the eyes and held her gaze as she drawled lowly.

“I think she´s a chameleon...”

Berdine´s eyes widened as she stared at Cara as if her Mistress had lost her mind.

“A chameleon? Cara, you´ve gotta be kidding! Chameleons do not exist. They are just a tall tale. Which has never been proved...”

“And yet here she is. She joined Rahl´s little troop and was trained and served, but they never realized that they hadn´t been able to break her. All of them saw her as a sister; a weak sister perhaps, but a true one. Even Rahl trusted her enough to have her watch over ME! And do not think that Rahl underestimates me. He never did. But he overestimated his influence on her. You should have seen her, Berdine. I myself thought she´s a sister. She was perfectly adapted to them.

And now she perfectly adapts to me. Trust me. She IS a chameleon.”

Berdine´s eyes had fixed on the girl that had her head tilted, as if listening from afar to their talking.

“But... how is that possible? I thought the selection had grown into perfection over the centuries...”

“It probably has. Girls are chosen carefully; only the softest souls are elected trainees. I do not think that one develops into a chameleon during her training. It is not about revenge or hatred against the sisters. No. I assume chameleons are created long before they are chosen. Garen couldn´t break her... because she´s been broken long before her training even began.”

Berdine turned to Cara, her quizzical gaze causing the blonde to shrug.

“She doesn´t speak a lot. But from the little I´ve heard I can tell that she lived with a monster before the sisters took her away. She´s been abused in the worst possible ways and she´s been flogged all her life. She lived in constant fear and pain ... I think she only survived because she developed a strong sense for what someone expects from her - and the immediate and constant adaption to her surroundings. So she appeared as the soft and kind soul the sisters were looking for, but inwardly there was nothing left to break when her training began. Though, they didn´t capture her, the freed her!” Cara shifted her eyes back to Jona, who still sat expressionless and watched the guards. Berdine didn´t miss the hint of warmth in her green gaze and suppressed a smile.

- Only the softest are taken...

“The day the sisters demanded that she killed her own father must have been the happiest day in her life...”

Berdine let her eyes settle on the girl thoughtfully.

“But how did she survive among Mord Sith?”

“She watched others break and simply pretended to break too. She´s a perfect pretender. You have to look closely to notice that she lacks the passion.”

Her brown-haired friend nodded slowly.

“So you are the first she trusts enough to open herself to you?”

Cara snorted. “I´ve confused her. She thought she knew how Mord Sith are, but then she met me. A Mord Sith who broke the rules and who´s in love with the Mother Confessor… oh, and her Mistress asked her to follow me.”

Berdine frowned.

“Didn´t you just say she wasn´t broken by Mord Sith? How can she have a mistress then?”

“Her mistress didn´t break her, well, at least not the common way; instead Nicci was the first person who offered her some sympathy; I don´t know exactly what happened, but put two and two together - Nicci allowed her to kill her during her many trainings and pretended to be broken after that for a good while when no other Mord Sith had been able to break the sorceress before. That boosted the respect of not only her sisters but Rahl was impressed too, which made life much easier for her. That Nicci´s breaking didn´t hold for long was accepted as due to her particular powers.  I assume that for Nicci it was nothing more than a game, but for Jona it changed everything...

She would do anything for the sorceress.”

Cara straightened and turned, giving Berdine a strained smirk .

“And I am quite sure that means she will do anything for us; ´cause we will free Nicci along with saving Kahlan.”


The troop, some eight hundred men as of late since all the formerly divided groups of Rahl´s men were finally joining their Master on his way to Aydindril, had set camp just outside the walls of the town. Rahl had given order to bring them to him right after reaching the campground. When they met him in his tent his eyes had literally drilled excitedly into hers, enough so that she ducked behind her Mistress as if fearing his slap.

Nicci hadn´t been of any support. She had stood straight, looking at him with her usual arrogance that wrapped her into a blanket of unattainability.

“I´ve known your recklessness, Rahl, but begrudging me even the few moments to refresh after a long day´s ride...that´s rude.”

He ignored her taunting tone and gave her a sultry look over, almost purring.

“Your beauty doesn´t need any refreshment, Nicci. Neither does your pet need it. There will be time for that when you move into your private Palace chambers.” His lecherous eyes settled on Kahlan as he reached out to pat her head as if she were a 5-year-old and leered.

“You mean when I move into her chambers...” the sorceress snapped and nodded to Kahlan who tried her best to show a happy smile at the mention. Rahl laughed.

“You´re mistaken, Nicci, if you expect this to be for your personal pleasure. She´s mine! You better not forget that. And once we are in the Palace... it will be me who lies with her.” He grabbed the brunettes arm, pulling her close. Kahlan´s eyes widened in sudden panic that was not all part of her role as the confessed.

“Mistress?!” The frightened pleading in her voice was met by an annoyed huff from the blonde, as she reached her hand out only to find it wiped off Nicci´s arm like any bothersome fly.

“Shut up, silly goose!” The sorceress hissed and addressed Rahl with a look of appreciation. “Oh yes, please, free me from that burden. She´s nothing but a vexation. And given to what you are used to...” she flashed a sneer towards Rahl, “I truly doubt you´ll find any pleasure in bedding her. I´ve tested her skills... it´s annoying. Beside that she´s lying numb like rotten wood, even for her mistress, she´ll never bring herself to handle your little...handicap.” The sneer had widened into a wide smirk, while Rahl´s face reddened in a short flash of fury. In one pliant motion he released Kahlan´s arm to backhand Nicci forcefully. Her head flew aside and blood trickled from her lips when it came back. Only her smirk hadn´t vanished.

“And there I was sure I´ve already made you regret boiling me alive...” He scoffed with narrowed eyes.

She stared. A world of hatred in her eyes... Finally leaning in ever so slightly and drawling lowly.

“All I regret. Is. That the boiling water didn´t suffice to not only deform your paltry cock and make it a nasty futile little worm, but failed to boil your every guts...” Without any forewarning, his fist landed on her cheek with an ugly sound, sending her to the ground. Kahlan gasped appalled and instinctively threw herself between them before he was able to kick his boot into her ribs. Almost automatically she started begging, her every stance the confessed soul...

“NO! Stop, please stop Milord. Don´t hurt her! I´ll do whatever you want, just please do not hurt her anymore...” She sank to her knees while a sob fell from her lips, “Mistress? I´m so sorry Mistress...” She almost wept while stroking the blonde´s cheek, and when Nicci looked up and into her eyes she found true sorrow in her blue gaze.

Rahl watched them with obvious disgust, rubbing his hands to soothe the pressure he felt. Longing for his fist to land once more on soft flesh... This was so...obnoxious!

To see this formerly proud woman, begging and whimpering for her mortal enemy, was so...wretched; he barely restrained from spitting at her.

Disgustedly he rolled his eyes and stepped back, putting a little distance between his own glory and these pitiable figures that were just coming to their feet again, the blonde´s eyes shooting daggers at him, while her miserable pet ducked anxiously at her side, eagerly arranging the long blonde locks and trying to wipe her black dress clean.

“Well, for now you´ll keep that burden, Nicci; do not forget though, that I´m aware of your every move. If you´ll use your magic in that Palace, your collar will tell me. Just in case you try to take any advantage of being the one to pull the Mother Confessor´s strings... You should be aware that soon I´ll kill you to free her from your will; and time will see then if I find you worthy again to receive the breath of life...” His narrowed eyes easily transferred the murderous consequences as he glared at Nicci. But then he broke into his priggish smile.

“And since she´s so eager to serve you, you will demand her to do as I say. I want her to represent the Mother Confessor while riding through Aydindril...”

So Nicci, her Mistress, had ordered her to be the Mother Confessor; to wear her pride and her unquestionable sovereignty together with her calm Confessor mask as if she still owned it. And she had nodded with beaming eyes, an eager “Yes, Mistress!” dropping from her lips as Rahl had stood aside, watching her with a slyness that made her shudder inwardly.

She knew he looked forward to see her riding among her people, stripping herself of all her dignity on the way, while she literally disrobed in front of their staring glances and revealed the ugly betrayer they would see in her, the one who was in cahoots with the tyrant;

Who had sold their little girls to this monster...


She remembered not many a times in all her life that had felt at least comparable to the helpless pain that this ride home stirred in her heart, but only twice things had hit her harder than this:  the pain she had felt the day the white dragon had come for her. And, even worse than that, only the pain that Cara had left in her wake when she rode out of Aydindril had felt even more unbearable.

But she knew too, that she had to endure it. She had made her decision long ago, to do anything to avoid bloodshed among her people. And though during their journey back to Aydindril her doubts had grown immensely, doubts that her role as the confessed wouldn´t stand against Dennee´s scrutiny, that her sister wouldn´t listen to her; doubts that Nicci wouldn´t turn against her as soon as she regained her Han;

Though she wanted to moan when she thought of Cara, who was right now somewhere out there and risked her life for her;

Though she feared  that her Mord Sith, her friend, her mate, who she missed fiercely with every beat of her heart hadn´t found a way to gather their allies…despite all that she was decided to do what needed to be done to end Rahl once and for all times.

This way... or another...

So she found herself beside a snotnosed Rahl, who had claimed the honorable middle of their row. Nicci rode on Rahl´s left, showing as much arrogance as ever, appearing as though the very thought of making their way to the Palace was the most boring thing she had ever experienced.

Kahlan was positioned to his right, a visible sign of his newly gained highness over her.

She felt lonesome and forsaken on her ride along the walls of icy silence that had built around her people, who stood as if frozen along the streets of Aydindril; some watching with bitterness on their faces, some with deepest disgust; others with nothing but blank despair. A few were openly crying. Which was what cut deepest into her heart.

Though, Kahlan held her head high and smiled, because Nicci had ordered her to smile; but inwardly her heart shattered into pieces, seeing their faces contorted in accusation and disdain;

They had almost reached the Palace when a man suddenly broke through the crowd and thwarted them. He had no eyes for Rahl, seemed oblivious of the home guards who escorted them, nor did he seem to acknowledge the Mord Sith who immediately encircled him with their agiels in their hands, held back by a simple wave of their Master´s hand.

Instead his eyes were glued to the woman in white, beaming in a feverish glance, making her heart wrench in a way that threatened to break the feeble control she still owned.

“What have you done? How can you bring him here? Mother! Confessor!” Tears streamed his face.

“Have you all forgotten? Have you forgotten that our sons, our brothers and fathers died during war? I´ve lost all of mine... They died in battle. For the Midlands... For you! ... Have you forgotten the blood spilling, the slaughter HE brought?...” He stood in the middle of the street; his entire body shaking with his grieves. His voice was near breaking when he continued and she knew she would never forget the despair that painted his features.

“You should be thankful, Mother Confessor; as I am; that your Mother died too early; so she doesn´t have to see the disgrace her own daughter brings to the Midlands, to her every kind! She would turn over in her grave.

Kahlan Amnell! You are... a shame for your kind...”

The Mother Confessor stared at him, mesmerized; unable to avert her eyes from his pain-stricken face. She shook with suppressed emotion but she didn´t dare to let the tears escape, only her eyes shifted, silently pleading the man to move back before Rahl would lose his patience.

But instead, the fool took one more step - and then he spit at her.

As if in trance Kahlan watched his spittle missing its aim and sailing onto Rahl´s boot and it caught her breath as she could sense the wave of rage that swept against her when Rahl, who winked the closest Mord Sith, narrowed his eyes and nodded. In the next moment she saw the man falling to the ground and heard his scream as an agiel kept pressed into his chest, until he didn´t give any reactions at all...

The Mother Confessor barely held back a moan; she bit her lip, hard; her mind seemed to retreat as her powers roared in an irate revolt against that damned collar; but before her wrath washed her senses away the strong eyes of Nicci, that seared into hers behind Rahl´s back, admonishing her with her glare as if speaking aloud, offered an anchor that she thankfully accepted. And though biting her lip and her violently clenched fists showing deep white knuckles, though she shut her eyes fiercely and swallowed against the lump in her throat...she managed somehow to not lose control over her expressions. Cursing him silently. Vowing to make him pay...

When she opened her eyes and her gaze washed over the slight chaos that had broken loose in the first few lines of the audience, she met the dark brown glance of a brawny man, who covertly smiled at her. Ever so faintly. But with warmth. And reassurance. Noticing her attention, he briefly lifted the hem of his vest and his smile deepened.

Kahlan blanched as she saw the little strip on his chest, shining blue over deep red.

The color of Aydindril over the blood they were willing to shed for freedom...

The Mother Confessor stared incredulously. And when he shifted his gaze to his left her eyes followed... and met the gaze of another... and one more... and then some, all wearing a hint of a fierce smile, their eyes filled with deep faith... and suddenly she felt warmth filling her heart, reaching her eyes as her stunned gaze swept over the crowd.

There, in the rows of her people she could watch the resistance coming back to life. Men and women, hidden in the crowd, all wearing their secret signs; decided to fight...

Kahlan shot a brief side glance to Rahl and breathed relieved as he was too busy watching his Mord Sith dragging the corpse away. So she allowed her mouth forming a voiceless “For Aydindril!” and watched their fists flying slowly, unobtrusively, to their chests - before Rahl finally forced them to continue their way.

He didn´t notice that Kahlan sat a little straighter in her saddle when they finally reached the Palace.


on to part 20...

nicci, fanfiction, cara/kahlan, "broken chains", confession, user: chickinwhite, rahl, dennee

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