Fic: Broken Chains 13/?

Aug 20, 2011 12:00

 She found herself lying in a real and comfortable bed when she woke up; the feeling of soft fabric holding her in a gentle embrace elicited an involuntary sigh as her limbs stretched carefully. She had to blink a few times against the many torches that enlightened the chamber.

“Finally! I thought I´d have to wait forever...”

The sound of Nicci´s annoyed voice startled Kahlan enough to let her come to her feet in a rush, almost stumbling as she jumped from the bed to approach the blonde eagerly, her head dropping devotedly to her chest, barely noticing that she was dressed in a thin nightshift that was anything but modest.

“I´m ...I´m sorry Mistress. Please forgive me...” Anxiously she lifted her eyes, watching as the blonde arched an amused eyebrow and the corners of her lips curl, visibly enjoying Kahlan´s endeavor.

Nicci leant relaxed beside the hearth, an elbow propped on its brink, and looked at her, expectantly. An alarming shakiness crept through Kahlan under her stare, not knowing what Nicci was estimating; She felt the prickling urge to look around and see if anyone was here, watching them; but she didn´t dare to abandon the blonde´s gaze and so she waited until Nicci allowed a small grin to settle on her lips, waving an arm as if to invite her to look around, pointing in a seductive voice:

“No need to worry, Kahlan. We are alone!”

Kahlan hesitated only briefly, but then followed the motion of her arm and glanced around, mindfully searching the chamber for any movement. They seemed to be in the guest´s wing of King Sadom´s palace. A swift look to the windows showed the time to be early evening, dusk already setting outside. Slight relaxation settled on her when she acknowledged that Nicci had spoken the truth. They were indeed alone in the chamber, which was richly furnished in warm colors and with some alluring comfortable pieces of furniture.

With a contented little smile she turned to her Mistress, her eyes glowing intensely, staring at the sorceress and feeling a part of the tension fade away, giving way to a much stronger emotion.

Then suddenly her arm lifted, as swift as an arrow, her eyes sparkling blue flames and she slapped Nicci in the face; hard; with all her might.

Though the sorceress had felt a sneaking suspicion of something like that coming, at last she wasn´t fast enough to duck away. With a hollow sound her head banged against the frame of the hearth and Kahlan groaned her appreciation as she noticed blood trickling from a scratch on her cheek immediately.

For a moment both of them stood as if rooted to the spot, staring at each other with beaming eyes; Kahlan´s gaze brimming with fury, Nicci straightening harshly, eying her in a mixture of bored annoyance and bugged lenience, her hand cupping her own cheek, her jaw moving tentatively, ensuring that nothing was broken.

The sorceress scowled as she pulled her hand back and found blood smearing her fingers. Hissing she shot Kahlan an angry glance.

“Silly goose! If that´s your way to express your gratitude, you may rot in the dungeons next time...”

Hissing back, her expression one of deepest disgust, Kahlan snapped:

“What did you expect? A gentle embrace for trying to confess me? Again? You´re a fool! What kind of game do you play this time?”

Nicci stared at her, a hint of a smile crossing her face.

“It´s not a game, Kahlan. Just a very impressive show!” Nicci said with something in her voice that sounded very much like honest tribute.

“Hats off, Confessor! You are a remarkable talented actress... This love in your eyes…” Her teeth blinked as her lips parted for a small, mirthless, throaty laughter. “Even I almost believed I´d confessed you!”

Kahlan couldn´t find it in her to join her amusement. Instead she shook her head, frowning deeply.

"You´re stark raving mad!”

Nicci dropped her gaze for an instant, as she considered the words;

“You may be right...”

But then shrugged shortly and strode slowly to sit on one of the chairs beside the hearth. She shifted her now cold gaze towards Kahlan and waved her hand invitingly to the second chair.

“Now, can we leave that pointless violence behind us? We have to talk.”

Kahlan bit her lip and watched the blonde warily; her hands clenched into fists, her chest heaved with her attempt to control her panting. Her nerves were already stretched to the edge and sitting comfortably beside the sorceress that pretended to have stolen her soul was not meant to calm her. Somewhere in her mind she heard a voice screaming “RUN!”

What if she hadn´t played a game, which Kahlan had no idea what it should serve to, but just had failed to confess her? What if the blonde decided yet to give her confession another try?

The Confessor had the strongest feeling of being caught in a surreal dream. The cruel reality a nightmare.

She could still feel the pain of Nicci´s dacra, slamming into her flesh. Still felt her entire body trembling with panic, anxiously awaiting the moment when her soul was going to be ripped out of her; and she still couldn´t believe that this moment never came.

Kahlan remembered how Nicci had stepped back, pulling the dacra out of her and how she had furiously sought her insides for that all-consuming love and devotion she didn´t feel at all. She remembered the white beaming bliss, when acknowledging that she was the same as before, and then hearing Nicci´s words echoing through her mind:

“It will be much easier if you´ll play along.” Along with her adjuratory stare...

And suddenly she had seen that Nicci offered her the chance to get out of the dungeons and at least win time to maybe somehow find a way to end Rahl´s plans...

And so she had made her decision to play along. Despite her screaming heart when she saw Cara break down in her chains; despite the urgent need to cry out that it was all just a show; she had lifted her eyes with the same hollow love she had seen so often in the eyes of her confessed; with the same soulless devotion she had once felt for the sorceress before;

And she had called her “Mistress”.

Obviously Rahl had been tricked by her performance; yet he had pressed an agiel into her chest, just because he was able to, until she had fainted. But after all she was here, with her wrists dressed and her bruises nursed.

The brunette gritted her teeth. Instinctively her eyes started one more watchful ride along the corners of the chamber, as if expecting an ambush, a sudden act of cowardice. But then again, why should Nicci wanted to murder her when just a few hours ago she had made such a show of confessing her.

It made no sense.

But... did anything of Nicci´s actions ever make sense?

Kahlan looked at the sorceress again, her eyes set into slits, biting the inside of her cheek. She felt like a lioness, penned into a much too small cage, rubbing her skin against rusty bars while moving forth and back, feeling a savage growl scratching through her throat.

Nicci watched her silently; patiently; waiting until she would regain control over her worries and finally take the few steps and alight on the chair to her side; and eventually Kahlan did; though with her back straight and her shoulders stiffened; her regal, calm Confessor mask had found its home on her features.

“Fine.” She huffed. “Let´s talk then, Nicci. I am curious to see how you´ll explain this madness...”

The blonde leant back and pursed her lips, choosing her words carefully.

“You are in an unfortunate position, Confessor. Lord Rahl...” she drawled the title sneeringly, “...has built up an extensive ploy for you. You are trapped. And your prospects are nothing but pitiful.”

Kahlan frowned slightly, rising anger putting a flimsy color to her cheeks. She knew herself that her situation was anything but pleasurable. She didn´t need the blonde to remind her...

“What you don´t know yet, is that my own position is not very much different. I wear a collar like you do. I´m trapped as you are. But in my case, he has found a way to use my magic and to control my every step.”

Kahlan tried to keep her mask, just her eyes narrowed confused.


Nicci ignored her question and continued.

“I´m offering you a deal, Kahlan. A deal that might be your rescue as well as mine. And if we succeed we will all be satisfied and live happily ever after...”

She tilted her head and sent a questioning glance to the brunette.

“In the end you might save your Midlands and return to your tedious Mother-Confessor-Life as if nothing happened at all...” She quirked an eyebrow. “Interested?”

Kahlan stared at her, not quite sure if Nicci had indeed gone mad or if the sorceress was honestly expecting that she´d nod her agreement and that was it...

“I want the whole story.” Her voice was calm and low, but it was an order nonetheless. Nicci´s eyes flashed briefly; a short, angry spark. But she gave in, shifting her eyes to the twitching dance of the fire and sighed.

“I´m sure you remember our last lovely encounter, Confessor? The one an arrow ended so cruel? Well, after your lap dog of a Mord Sith shot me down, and you all had vanished, Rahl and a few of his Mord Sith showed up. He ordered them to give me the Breath of Life, but not before he had put an ugly collar around my neck. He carried me to the south and made me serve as a guinea pig for his Mord Sith. Especially for some newcomers that needed a lot of training for their skills. I haven´t counted how often I died and was revived though... It was no pleasure to meet the Keeper if ever so briefly again and again...Often enough he trained me himself, if he was in the mood.” She looked at Kahlan, in her eyes a hint of bitterness that brushed ever so slightly against the brunette´s mental walls.

The Confessor swallowed it away.

“You do not really expect my compassion?” she growled.

“Oh, you disappoint me. I thought Confessors hearts are made of sheer compassion, aren´t they?” A crooked smile curled her lips.

“Well, to cut a long story short: He did everything and then some more to take revenge on me. Until he found that he might use me and my powers for his own advantage. I think he has read it in one of the thousand books he gathered in the temple we lived in. And some agents of his found the matching wizard in a dark cell in the old world and freed him.”

Kahlan leant in, now listening closely.

“What are you saying?”

“That Rahl, supported by a very naughty wizard from the old world, has created a damned collar that is able to redirect a not too small amount of my Han to him.”

Kahlan inhaled sharply.

“You mean he can use your Han as if it´s his own? How is that even possible? Your Han cannot be transferred to another person if not with your agreement!”

Nicci sighed and looked at her as though she was a schoolgirl, asking silly questions.

“You do not listen, Confessor. It´s not transferred. As I said, he hasn´t taken my Han, he redirects it to him. And not all of it, but enough to scare someone like you with blue flashing pain... For the most powerful effects he still needs my support, that´s why he can´t risk losing me and why his Mord Sith aren´t allowed to lay hand on me anymore.”

The Mother Confessor stared at the sorceress wide-eyed; that Rahl had gained parts of Nicci´s Han was as much fascinating as it was horrifying.

“How does it work then?”

Nicci raised her chin, presenting her the steely collar she wore.

“Do you see this thing? Take a good look at it! You will not find a latch there. Wizard Connor has put a spell on it while it was fused around my throat, end to end, still glowing. It connected to my Han as soon as it connected to my skin. The resting piece then was cut off and set around Rahl´s wrist as a bracelet. These metal bands are made of one, they are magically connected, and the smaller one has taken the knowledge of my Han to him and allows him to use it as if it were his own.”

Kahlan frowned thoughtfully. Her mind travelled to the moment when Rahl had sent a blue lightning into her; there had been a short steely flash as he had lifted his arm...

“That means to disarm him you have to take that bracelet off.”

“This is not possible, because it was fused around his wrist, too. So unless you cut his arm off, it cannot be taken from him.”

“And I assume you´ve already tried to cut his arm off?” It was not so much a scoff. Kahlan didn´t expect Nicci to be prissy if it was about her freedom.

The blonde huffed. “Through the bracelet he can sense if I´m intending to harm him. I have no chance to come close enough to even raise a sword if I´d try. And my magic is useless against him, because the bracelet acknowledges it as its own. My Han cannot harm him, as much as my Han would never harm me.”

The Confessor leant a little closer, an amused look on her face.

“I see. And now you want me to cut his arm off?!” She had meant it as a joke; but her small sneer froze when she watched Nicci keeping her expression deadly grave as she nodded ever so slowly.

“You can´t be serious, Nicci! He would never let me come close enough to do such a thing!”

The sorceress shrugged her shoulders, as if Kahlan did just not see what lay in front of her.

“He wants you! And he thinks you are confessed. Sooner or later he will order me to bring you close to him! And you will have the chance to confess him - or kill him. No wait, you may first confess him and then order him to die; slowly; painfully.” She nodded with a flush of serenity; obviously that image pleased her mind.

Now it was the Confessor who huffed annoyed.

“You forget the very small detail that I´m wearing a Rada Han!”

With a slight sneer Nicci quirked an eyebrow at her.

“That has not to be so forever...”

Kahlan straightened. The prospect of getting rid of the odious collar was more than alluring. Nicci grinned as she saw her reaction.

“Slowly, Confessor. I will not set you free only to have you stab me in my back. But I will do it, if we have a deal: we are working together, at least until we put an end to Rahl´s plans. And to him.”

The brunette eyed her suspiciously.

“I do not trust you. How do I know that this is not a trick?”

“If I wanted, Kahlan, I would have killed you down in the dungeons.” She leant closer, that adjuratory look back in her eyes. “I give you my oath. I will do nothing against you as long as we are working together.”

With an ice-cold blue glow Kahlan stared into Nicci´s eyes, searching for the truth behind her words. Nicci´s gaze did not waver; she allowed her to sink deep into her mind until the Confessor flinched back, a stunned look on her face.

“You´re speaking the truth.” The murmured words evoked a thin smile from the sorceress.

“Then we have a deal?”

The brunette leant back in her chair, her calm Confessor mask settled on her features. She regarded Nicci a few moments quietly, before she finally tilted her head.

“I have one condition.”

The blonde shot her a questioning glare from under furrowed brows.

“Free Cara!”

Nicci stared at her disbelievingly, and then snorted a small laugh.

“Are you crazy? Even if I would want to, and I assure you that I do not, how should I get her out of the dungeons? She is too precious to him. She´s guarded by Mord Sith and, not to forget, there are at least five confessed men who have the only wish to bring her back to their mistress. I´m not a fool! Forget your silly infatuation with that Mord Sith; she is as good as dead...”

Kahlan returned her upset stare with visible regret. At last she sighed and stood, returning to the bed where the small leather bands, which had covered her in the dungeons, lay on the carpet. She stooped to pick them up and started slowly to loosen the bands of her nightshift. Nicci´s eyes had followed her with clear distrust and now her voice came in an angry wave.

“What are you doing?”

Kahlan briefly glanced at her over her shoulder, an innocent expression on her face, but quickly turned away again.

“Oh, I merely change for the dungeons. Since we haven´t a deal I thought you would take me back there...” With a twist of her hand the nightshift fell down and Kahlan gripped one of the bands to wrap it around her hips. “Would you please help me? I have no idea how this thing can be fixed...”

A hand ripped the band from her hips. When she turned she faced an enraged Nicci, whose eyes only briefly swept over her bare breasts, but quickly settled on her face again. She waved with Kahlan´s white dress and jostled her back until she sat on the bed. The white dress landing in her lap as Nicci tossed it towards her. Nicci´s rage made her eyes shoot sparks but Kahlan only set her jaw and raised her chin defiantly.

“Will you free her?”

The blonde rolled her eyes.

“Fine! If it is your heart´s desire, then be it. But I don´t care if she dies with the attempt.”

“And I do not care for what happens to me. So do not forget, that I can always interrupt the show. All it needs is just a wrong look at you and they all can see I am not confessed. I´m very curious how Rahl will take that...”

They stared at each other like two lionesses baring their fangs, menacing, ready to attack. At last Nicci sighed resigned and wheeled. She took seat in her chair again.

“Now that we are clear about that, do we have a deal?”

Kahlan couldn´t help a small smile while she searched for her corset and found it lying with the rest of her clothing in another corner.


Nicci´s lips curled into a tight smile, too, while her gaze followed curiously a naked Kahlan walking regally through the room and gathering her clothes, before eventually dressing into her Confessor´s robe.


Verna observed the movement in the camp, where soldiers and Mord Sith were rushing around, obviously preparing for their departure.

“Looks like your little trick has worked.” She granted Zedd at her side a commendatory smile.

The wizard grinned widely. “Indeed; they do not behave like they are worried about an old wizard and a charming Sister of the Light. You owe me a nice meal!”

Verna chuckled.

Zedd had found the falcon from Aydindril. For wizards, falcons had always been the best way to send notes between their allies, because in difficult times one could never know if a traitor would read the lines in a journey-book. Falcons were raised by wizards and acknowledged them by their magic. They were fast and inconspicuous little messengers. That this one had made Zedd out had been a very lucky hazard. Zedd had given Verna that little note to read; but she hadn´t been convinced that his trick would have the desired effect. Zedd had changed just a few words in the parchment and had sent the falcon off to bring it to Rahl.

Instead of Connor´s warning that the wizard and the Sister of the Light were close to Comorra, Rahl would read now that Zedd and Verna had been arrested in Aydindril. The rest, like the pressing advice to hurry up with their travel, he hadn´t changed. It would be much easier to try whatever a trap they might set while Rahl was on the journey anyway. He had too many allies in Comorra.

Though, Zedd had no idea yet if they would be able to rescue the women during the journey. They needed a plan to free The Mother Confessor and the Mord Sith.

Cara sat on the ground of her cell, scooted close to the wall, her back pressed against the clammy stone. Knees drawn to her chest, she stared into the nothing. Her mind had stopped thinking, as her heart had stopped feeling. If Rahl wanted to kill her, she would appreciate the final stab. The world had lost its meaning to her.

Her life had ended the moment Kahlan had been destroyed by Nicci. And since she had no chance to reverse it, she could as well stop breathing.

The pain, searing through her chest, had been like no pain before; shattering her entire life into a heap of lost hopes.

Her breaking had been fast and furious.

After Rahl had agieled the Mother Confessor until she fainted, they had hauled her away from her; Cara had screamed, had clamored; she had tried to rip her chains out of the walls to strangle Rahl with them. Kicking and biting savagely she had scared even Garen, who had looked at Rahl with a helpless plea for assistance against her fury.

He had simply stopped her heart to bring her down.

The breath of life had brought her back, but she wasn´t the same anymore. She didn´t react to nothing, just crawled up at the wall and there she was.


After studying her perplexed for a while Rahl had left and ordered the young Mord Sith to have a wary eye on her, not knowing what would come next if she regained her reason. Garen was happy to take watch outside the cell. As much as she had enjoyed her little triumph over Cara before, as much had the blonde suddenly become an eerie ghost to her.

Cara didn´t look up when the heavy wooden door opened now. She seemingly didn´t acknowledge Garen who entered, followed by Nicci and Kahlan.

“I´m ordered to assist King Sadom with his nephews. Until I return you are responsible for her. Mistress Nicci here has come to instruct her for the journey.”

The young Mord Sith nodded her understanding and then Garen was gone.

Kahlan didn´t stir beside the door. She didn´t dare to lift her eyes from the ground, afraid that the briefest look at Cara would betray her.

It had been hard enough to make her way beside a ranting Nicci through the palace, the sorceress two steps ahead and Kahlan following closely. Nicci had made a show of her annoyance whenever they crossed someone´s way, barking at Kahlan every now and then. Kahlan had felt all their mischievous stares like needles pricking her skin. Always expecting the sudden shout of someone pointing at them; exposing their lie. With every muscle tensed she had rushed behind her mistress, anxious to be the very picture of a soulless slave. Though, Nicci had been more than convincing in her role. Enough so to make Kahlan shudder with the thought that this could have been reality…

But she wasn´t sure if her strength wouldn´t leave her all in a sudden if she was going to take a look at Cara. Thus she stood as if pierced to the ground. She only noticed that she held her breath when Nicci patted her back in an almost gentle gesture to remind her, her teasing whisper slid into her mind.

“You should take a breath, before you faint, silly!”

And loudly she ordered her to stay at the door, causing Kahlan to nod eagerly with an adoring glance.

“I will, Mistress.” And dropping her head again, the brunette hid her frown behind a flood of dark hair.

Nicci turned and sauntered to the blonde, who cowered at the wall as though the world around her didn´t exist.

The sorceress came to a halt when she reached her, crossing her arms and waiting for a reaction, which didn´t come. Raising an annoyed eyebrow she kicked the Mord Sith´s thigh.

“Hey!” A second kick brought the blonde faintly to life.

In slow motion Cara lifted her head, a slight frown washing over her face as she recognized who stood in front of her. Her veiled green gaze quickly shifted to the space beside Nicci. Though she pulled herself together and snarled blatant hatefully.

“What do you want?”

Nicci snorted a huffed sound.

“That is quite a good question. If only I was able to do as I want, I would probably kill you.”

A wave of dark green detestation surged against her, before Cara´s gaze searched the cell and finally focused on the brunette beside her young guard. For a few moments Nicci watched how her chest heaved heavily, before Cara looked back at her. Her face was empty.

"You already did.”

Nicci eyed her with a puzzled look. She had expected a furious Cara, a Cara who would spit at her, threaten her, promise her to torture her to death… She had been looking forward to a last challenge before she would allow Kahlan to let her in. Now she crinkled her forehead, a few different expressions crossing her face, such as wonder, followed by irritation and then by disgust.

“Is that all? No “I´ll kill you” or “I´ll rip your guts out of you”?” Shaking her head she frowned thoughtfully. “You disappoint me. I don´t know why I thought you a real Mord Sith once. I liked your all-out strength. But… obviously I overestimated you. I should let you rot in your chains…” She stared down at her opponent, stunned at how defeated the blonde seemed. As no answer came, she huffed noisily.

“I don´t even know what I´m doing here...” And with that she wheeled and strode back to Kahlan, who immediately lifted her beaming eyes, brimming with hope and happy anticipation.

Nicci waved her hand impatiently, scowling at her.

“You have FIVE. Minutes!”

For a heartbeat Kahlan was all smiles, but then she hesitated, shooting a brief wary glance to the young Mord Sith, who hadn´t moved yet, and leaning in she murmured questioning:

“Mistress?” Disbelievingly she watched a small smile settling on tight lips, when Nicci lifted her hand to gently stroke the bronzed cheek of the young Mord Sith. For a moment the Confessor thought the moss-green eyes of the girl flashing with the slightest affection, before it was easily swept away.

“Everything is fine, Confessor. If I say so, Jona doesn´t see you and doesn´t hear you. You are not here. Am I right, Jona?” Nicci almost purred.

A hint of a smile, which was in fact just a tiny relaxation of her features, made Jona look as though a sunbeam had touched her clouded soul. It was gone before Kahlan could decide if she´d really seen it; the Confessor frowned, but then just rushed to Cara.

The moment she saw her black boots appearing in front of her, the blonde gritted her teeth to suppress a low distressed moan that welled up in her throat. She closed her eyes, desperately wishing she could banish the sight of her; her fragrance; the sweet sound of her voice.

But the brunette didn´t vanish.

”Cara?” Kahlan´s heart was a clumsy rock in her chest as she looked down at the blonde. She went on her knees and laid a hand on her shoulder, tears in her eyes as the blonde flinched heavily.

“Go away!” The Confessor´s stomach clenched fiercely, hearing her voice low, raw and warped.

“Please, Cara… It´s me, Kahlan!”

In a sudden boisterous move Cara gripped her arm and twisted it painfully, stretching her chains as much as possible to hold her in an almost cruel grip, forcing a brief shriek from the brunette. Blazing jade green seared into her from the Mord Sith´s contorted face.

“NO! You are not! You may look like her. May sound like her. Yes, you may even have her smell written all over you. BUT YOU ARE. NOT. KAHLAN!” Cara pushed her roughly back, a sound like breaking glass falling from her lips; Sinking back to her cowering position she growled lowly.

“Whatever your Mistress wants you to do, it will not work on me. GO AWAY!”

Kahlan looked down at her, a sad smile crossing her face.

- Dear Spirits! Why do I always hurt this woman? She deserves so much better than me… -

She scooted closer and cradled Cara´s cheeks with both of her hands, strongly, holding her even when she fought her hands fiercely, forcing her eyes to her own bright blue ones.

“Look at me, Cara! I am NOT! CONFESSED! I LOVE YOU!” Slowly; adjuratory; piercing Cara´s confused gaze she leaned in, until her lips brushed softly against the blonde´s.

“Are you ready?” Nicci had a certain feeling for the wrong moments. Kahlan growled annoyed and  turned her scowling face slightly to bark over her shoulder:

“NOT NOW!” Her gaze swept back to the Mord Sith.

Looking back at Cara, she bit her lower lip at the sight of her stunned Mord Sith, jade green eyes staring disbelievingly, the shimmer of doubt and hope equally glowing in their depths. Her heart skipped a beat, and all she could do was leaning in, magnetized by the moments intensity.

And then she kissed Cara, pressed her mouth softly against her lips which had parted to gasp as she was bellowing so harshly at Nicci; followed her heart as she felt the blonde moving against her; dipped her tongue shyly into the sweet depth of her mouth, moving ever so gently while stroking her cheeks. And smiled, when a low moan danced along her tongue as Cara answered her kiss.

They parted only reluctantly, the brunette following her retreating lips as if trying to make their kiss last a tiny bit longer.

Frowning,  Cara was surprised to find all her shattered pieces had flown into place again. She felt whole as she watched Kahlan smile brightly, as she lost herself in the abyss of her blue, shining eyes.

The moment stretched; emotions flowing between them like a silky breathe.

Until Nicci raised her edged voice, obviously bored to the bones from watching them.

“You should hurry on, ladies. It is not like we have the whole night…”

Kahlan sighed and Cara rolled her eyes exasperatedly; but then frowned and looked greatly upset.

“Would you. Please. Tell me. What this crap is supposed to mean?” The blonde squirmed in her chains as she involuntarily gestured with her hands.

“Kahlan. I thought you confessed! The way you looked at her…

Damned! What happened? And why is she even allowing you to talk to me?”

“I´m sorry Cara. I know I scared you to death…” Cara raised her brow and scowled, causing Kahlan´s face to brighten even more.

She took a few minutes to explain to her Mord Sith all the events leading up to Nicci´s plan. The plan she had agreed to be a part of.

The Mord Sith listened with an increasing frown. When Kahlan finished, the blonde shook her head and growled disgustingly.

“Of all the stupid plans I was forced to participate in since I met you, this is by far the most stupid I have ever heard of! It is madness! One wrong glance and he will eat you alive! You cannot be serious, Kahlan! This is Nicci! She is a maniac in every way! You can´t trust her.” Her stringent voice was close to breaking. She had locked her gaze with Kahlan, trying to convince her with her draconic stare.

Kahlan sighed. A faint smile settled on her lips. She shrugged briefly, almost apologetically.

“I know. But, see, she wants to use me. So, why not turn the tables? We can just as well use her!” She pierced Cara´s disapproving eyes with an intense blue fire in her own.

“Cara! This is the only way to get out of this madness. And we get the chance to frustrate his plans... I need to go to Aydindril.” And adding a desperate whisper: “I need to see Dennee!”

Cara saw the tears in her eyes and knew, she wouldn´t be able to talk any reason into her. She set her jaw, still scowling.

“And she´s agreed to free you!”

Cara shot her an exasperated glare.

“NO!” Shaking her head she stared at the brunette, making her point that she wouldn´t leave her.

“You must! I need you to get out of here. You are the only one I can rely on!  You must go to Aydindril and gather my allies. Try to find Zedd and Richard and Verna. Together with them and the heart of the homeguards we will have a good chance to end Rahl.

Only you can do what must be done. Please, Cara!”

Groaning the blonde squirmed a little. Of course was Kahlan right. She was of no use if she spent the time hanging lazily in chains. But every fiber in her entire mind screamed at the thought of leaving her, with no one but an erratic Nicci at her side.

But looking into her pleading eyes she couldn´t resist. She huffed defeated and nodded, instantly rewarded by the feeling of strong arms, pulling her close and holding her. A shiver ran down her back as she felt Kahlan´s warm breath brushing against her neck.

When the Confessor retreated, her face was serious.

“Swear to me!”

A questioning look on her face, Cara frowned.


“That you will stay alive! That you will not dare risking too much for any silly attempts to rescue me. Swear it Cara! I couldn´t bear losing you.” Her gaze was a blue glowing, desperate plea. “Everything- but not you! Swear to me!”

Cara clenched her hands into fists. The Mord Sith wanted to shout out that this was nonsense, that she wouldn´t leave, that she would kill Rahl and then Nicci and burn this damned Comorra to free her. That the Keeper himself would not be able to stop her, and that she didn´t care if she would survive, if only Kahlan would be safe….

Under deeply furrowed brows Cara´s dark green eyes locked with hers and her lips moved as if on their own, whispering gravely: “I swear.”

to chapter 14...

"broken chains", c/k, confession, nicci, fanfiction, cara/kahlan

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