Bring Me To Life (Chapter 9)

Mar 24, 2010 10:47

Title: Bring Me To Life
By: changline
Rating: g
Pairing: Changmin and OC
Genre: romance, a little angst
Summary: Aline was getting tired of her life, until one guy made her see that it was beautiful...

(Chapter 8)
(Chapter 7)
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 5)
(Chapter 4)
(Chapter 3)
(Chapter 2)
(Prologue and Chapter 1)

“Did you get all that?” I heard someone ask.

“Yeah I got all of it hyung.” Someone replied. I couldn’t make much sense of what was happening around me. I was still a bit disoriented from the kiss.

“Maybe we should leave them alone. Min doesn’t seem to want to let her go yet.” I heard Yunho-hyung say.

I was too busy trying to calm my nerves and catch my breath that I hadn’t realized that I was still holding her. She didn’t seem to mind much though ‘cause she was still trying to catch her breath.

“Min, you should let her go now. Or else I’ll sue you for sexual harassment.” Yoochun-hyung teased.

“Ah.” I slowly let her go. She looked up and smiled at me before she sat back down. I was still beside her when Jaejoong-hyung told me to help him take the dessert out. Before I knew it we were clearing the table. Jaejoong, Yunho, and Junsu-hyung were washing the dishes, while Yoochun-hyung, Aline, and I were told to choose a movie we would watch after we’ve finished opening our gifts. Yoochun-hyung excused himself, after he’d selected the movie he wanted, to go to the kitchen and prepare the snack we were going to have later while watching the movie. I was left alone with Aline. She was busy looking at all the DVD’s we had. I couldn’t help but stare at her.

“Is this good?” She asked, holding up a horror movie. “I don’t watch horror movies a lot, especially alone.”

“Uhuh. It’s really realistic. You might not be able to sleep for two days.” I teased.

“Really?” She looked at the DVD again and reread the back. “I guess I’ll try and watch it. After all there’s nothing to be afraid of when I’m with five guys, isn’t there?”

“That remains to be seen.”

“I’m sure it will.” I missed this. Missed her smile, wit, and just being with her. I wanted to ask her if her relationship with Yoochun-hyung is really only of that as a friend, a best friend, or if there was something more. But if there was something more to it, wouldn’t Yoochun-hyung have objected about the kiss? They’ve almost, always been together. They share the same room, and then there is the matter of what they’re doing at odd times of the day when they lock the room. Argh. The more I thought about it, the more confusing it seemed. Sigh. Maybe I should just ask her. Right, I’ll do just that.



“I was wondering…”

“Okay! We’re finally done. Time to open presents.” Junsu-hyung suddenly burst in the living room with my other hyungs behind him. Sigh. Sometimes Junsu-hyung’s timing really sucked.

“Okay children gather round here.” Jaejoong-hyung said, indicating the space on the carpet in front of the Christmas tree. He started calling the names of who the presents were for and who they were from. We were all, at that moment, exactly what Jaejoong-hyung called us. Children.

The last gift I opened was the one from Aline. When it was opened, I was surprised to see that what she had given me was the pair of the necklace I gave her. I looked at her and she had the same look of surprise I had. She smiled and mouthed a thank you to me. I smiled back and did the same. She put it on right then and there. My hyungs all liked the gifts she gave them, and thanked her.

When the opening of the gifts ended, we all huddled on the sofa, and the movie marathon began. Aline was seated between me and Yoochun-hyung. As the clock struck twelve, we all yelled Merry Christmas.

During the next few days, all of us stayed at home most of the time, with the exception of Jaejoong and Yunho-hyung who had to open up the restaurant. Sometimes they ask us to help out at the restaurant. During one of these days I felt like eating the chocolate that Yoochun-hyung gave me. I was alone that day with Aline and we were playing Word Factory. I gave her a bar of the chocolate and found out that it was one of her favourite.

And so the days dragged on until it was finally the day before New Year. I had woken up late today to discover that everyone was out. They left me a note saying that they’ll be back perhaps at lunch time. At about 12:00 pm, Yoochun-hyung and Aline arrived. Jaejoong-hyung asked them to buy fireworks and some ingredients that he needed for tonight’s meal. He said that it also had to be special since it would be the last night of Aline’s stay with us. I helped them unload the ingredients and store away the fireworks. They told me that Jaejoong and Yunho-hyung would be back at about two o’clock and that they weren’t sure what time Junsu-hyung would be back, he only told them that he had somewhere to go to.

“Min, could you hand me that paper bag please. The one on the counter.” Yoochun-hyung indicated.

“Ne, hyung.”

“Okay. Let’s eat.” Yoochun-hyung announced after I handed him the paper bag. “Should we eat at the terrace?”

“That sounds good.” Aline replied. Humph. It’s like I’m not even here. “Come on Min. You must be hungry too.”

“Ah, that’s okay. You two enjoy your lunch.”

“Don’t be such a spoiled sport Min. Come on.” Aline said. When I still didn’t move, she grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the terrace with Yoochun-hyung behind us.

Two hours later…

“We’re home.” Yunho-hyung called out.

“We’re here.” I called out from the terrace.

“Oh. What are you guys playing?” Yunho-hyung asked.

“Black Jack.” Aline answered. “The loser has to do whatever the winner wants, Yoochun-senpai is the dealer. Want to join?”

“Maybe later, we still have a lot of preparations to do.” Jaejoong-hyung said.

“Oh come on Jae, let’s relax for just an hour before we begin preparations.” Yunho-hyung said.

“Yeah hyung. Relax for a while; you just came back from the restaurant.” I said. The four of us present pleaded him with our eyes.

“Well, I guess one hour won’t delay us that much. Okay, we’re in.” Jaejoong-hyung replied. We all cheered, and then the game began.

After an hour and a half playing, Jaejoong-hyung declared that we should now begin the preparations. And so we all adjourned to the kitchen.

“Where’s Junsu?” Yunho -hyung asked.

“We don’t know hyung, he just said that he had somewhere to go and he’s not sure what time he’s going to be here.” Yoochun-hyung answered.

“Aish. He’s escaping from food preparations again.”

“Don’t worry Yun, if he can’t help with the food preparations then he’s going to be the only one washing the dishes later.” Jaejoong-hyung said with an evil grin on his face. “So, in line with that thought, let’s use as many dishes as we can. Hahahaha.” I shook my head. Sometimes Jaejoong-hyung can be really evil.

At about 5:30 pm…

“Junsu-senpai’s here.” Aline announced.

“Huh?” I asked.

“I said, Junsu-senpai’s back.”

Jaejoong-hyung, Yunho-hyung, and I went to the living room, and sure enough Junsu-hyung was there; and he had a girl with him. If I remember correctly she’s Aline’s friend Chie.

“Woah. You really are back.” I said in wonder.

“Ya. Aline-ah, how did you know he was back?” Yunho-hyung called in the direction of the kitchen.

“She heard the door open, and judged the footsteps coming in as Junsu’s and… Who owns the other set of footsteps?” Yoochun-hyung asked.

“If my assessment is correct, they belong to Chie.” Aline replied. “Oi, Baaka! Is that you?”

“Who do you think you’re calling Baaka?!” Chie answered.

“Ah so it is you, extract yourself from Junsu-senpai and come here and help us with the meal preparations.”

“Hai. Hai.” She looked at Jaejoong-hyung. “Is it all right if I help?”

“Sure. Ah, Junsu-ah, you’re doing the dishes later all alone.” Jaejoong-hyung said.

“Boh?!”  Junsu-hyung burst out. “That’s not fair.”

“Of course it is. You don’t have to do anything now, just do the dishes later.” Junsu-hyung groaned.

Dinnertime is finally here. The last of the preparations were finished and we were setting the food on the table. Jaejoong-hyung kinda overdid himself this time, especially with Chie’s arrival. He made Fresh Boletus apple salad; Fried Fendikelei oysters with avocado and tomato; Fresh Broad bread and concentrated flavour vegetables stewed crab; Smoked duck breast meat roll with Hami melon; Lyon style baked tomato; seafood casserole; Roast duck breast meat with eggplant wasabi; French style vanilla butter roasted spring chicken; Crispy fried seafood with mustard and cress sauce; Truffe Foie Gras beef fillets; Wellington lamb fresh from New Zealand (with truffle sauce or butter sauce); Vanilla stewing rabbit meat; and Soufflé, Strawberry shortcake, rice cakes, and ChocoMocha crunch flavoured ice cream(homemade by Jaejoong-hyung) for dessert.

The conversation during dinner was lively. When I wasn’t adding anything to the conversation, I watched Aline and Yoochun-hyung. I know it’s sort of unreasonable for me to feel jealous and somewhat angry that most of Aline’s stay here, she spent with Yoochun-hyung. And then there were those times when they would lock themselves up inside their room. Exactly what are they doing during those times?  But I noticed that they didn’t do that for the last three days. Did they suspect we knew? Sigh. I looked at her again. She was laughing at a joke Yoochun-hyung said. When will I be able to make her laugh like that?

“Earth to Changmin. Earth to Changmin. Do you copy? I repeat. Do you copy?”

“Huh?” I looked at them and saw that they were all staring at me. Groan, I think I spaced out again.

“Shim Changmin. If you don’t get your head out of the clouds and back on this dining table, you are going to help Junsu with the dishes.” Jaejoong-hyung threatened.

“Ah. Mianhe hyung.”

“What were you thinking about that you had a made your expression a mixture of sad, longing, and serious?” Yunho-hyung asked. Before I could answer, Junsu-hyung spoke up and answered for me.

“He’s obviously thinking about ‘Al’.” He teased. “I caught him looking at her before he had that expression.” I felt my face heat at what Junsu-hyung said. He hit it right on the mark, but I wasn’t about to admit it.

“Aniyo. I was thinking about something else.”

“Oh really.” Yoochun-hyung said. His eyes said he didn’t believe me even for a second. But I stuck to my story until they left me alone and we returned to eating. I paid attention to the conversation this time.

11:45 pm…

Only 15 minutes left before the New Year. We were starting to set up the fireworks we were going to use. We were on the outside parking lot of our apartment complex.  Everyone was in high spirits, while waiting for the time to strike twelve.

“Only 30 seconds left.” Yoochun-hyung yelled. Yunho-hyung and I were getting ready to light the fireworks.

“5, 4, 3…” Aline said, then we all joined with her in counting. “2, 1…Happy New Year!!!” We all yelled, and then the fireworks we led went off. Everyone’s reaction was the same as the ones who watched the fireworks display during the school festival.

When I looked to my left I saw Junsu-hyung suddenly kiss Chie. And then I remembered the tradition about New Year, where you kiss the girl who’s beside you. I searched for Aline and found Yoochun-hyung had kissed her. I felt a stab of jealousy hit me like a slap in my face. I really shouldn’t feel like it since Yoochun-hyung just did it because of tradition but I still can’t stop myself. I wanted to tear him away from her. Just when I thought of doing just that, hyung broke the kiss. I saw him hug her and then whisper something to her that made her smile. I felt someone touch my arm, when I looked up I saw that it was Yunho-hyung. He and Jaejoong-hyung gave me a hug for New Year.

After a few more minutes Chie said her goodbye to us and let Junsu-hyung take her back to the Dorm. Afterwards we all went inside to get some sleep.

genre: romance, author:changline, pairing: changmin and oc, rating: g, genre: angst, tvxq

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