Bring Me To Life (Chapter 2)

Mar 17, 2010 10:48

Title: Bring Me To Life
By: changline
Rating: g
Pairing: Changmin and OC
Genre: romance, a little angst
Summary: Aline was getting tired of her life, until one guy made her see that it was beautiful...

Aigoo! I really have to adjust my body clock and buy an alarm clock so I won’t be late for class.  Where is my classroom? Aish!

“ 501, 502, 503...” I mumbled as I passed those classrooms.  Hah! 505, finally.  I peeped to see if the teacher was in yet.  Hallelujah! The teacher’s not in yet.  This must be my lucky day.  I found a seat in the third row and sat beside a girl who was busy reading something. She looked vaguely familiar and I couldn’t help but stare at her.  She must have felt it because she suddenly looked up.


“And you.” I was stunned. It was her, the girl I accidentally sent flying the other day and not to mention couldn’t stop thinking about since that time.  Wow! It really must be my lucky day.


“Umm. Hi.” After that she ignored me and went back to reading her book.

“By the way, I didn’t get to introduce myself the other day. I’m Shim Changmin. What’s your name?”

“I’m Tateishi Aline.”



“I thought you weren’t going to answer me since you said that day you didn’t have any intention of telling me.”

“You’re right, but since were apparently going to be classmates I thought that it was reason enough to tell you my name.  I don’t want anyone calling me miss all the time, and it seemed to me that you were going to pester me all the time until I tell you.” She was smart, what she said hit the bulls eye of what I had intended to do. So I tried to act innocent.

“Whatever gave you that impression?”

“It was just gut instinct.”

“Good morning class! Settle down now please.” Sigh! The teacher’s timing sucked.

After class…

“So where are you off to?” I asked her enthusiastically.

“To the cafeteria.”

“Can I come along?”

“Don’t you have a class after this?”

“Hmmm. I don’t think so.” I said as I rummaged my bag for my class schedule.

“You don’t think so.” She stood up after she said it and was out of the room before I could gather my wits and things about me.  I quickly went after her.

“Ya! Wait up!” Woah! She’s a fast walker for someone small.

“What do you want now?”

“Umm. Can I come along? Can I?”

“I guess.”

“Oh! You’re meeting someone?” Did she have a boyfriend?

“No. I’m just not used to having anyone except my roommates eat with me.”

“Oh. So can I?”


At the cafeteria…

This guy is kind of annoying; doesn’t he even sense that I want to be left alone? Sigh! Anyway, he’s kind of refreshing, different from other guys I know. Most of them wouldn’t pester me that much except if it’s connected to school activities.

“So when’s your next class?” He asked. That’s another thing I like about him, he’s always the one trying to start a conversation.


“What subject?”

“Business Management.” I wonder where this conversation is headed.

“When’s your next free time?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I have my reasons.”

“Sorry, but until you tell me for what reason it is I’m keeping my mouth shut.”

“I want to see you again.” What?!

“You don’t have to look so shocked.” He tapped my chin to close my mouth which was embarrassingly open due to the shock. I didn’t expect him to say that.

“Well?” He looked at me expectantly.

“Uh. I’ll think about it.” He grinned at that, he really has a nice smile. Wait! Nice isn’t the right way to describe his smile.  I would think the appropriate description would be, Mind Boggling.


“Hello dad? I’m at school. Yeah dad, I’ll head straight for the dorm after class. Yeah…” My eyes were starting to burn from the tears accumulating there, but I can’t cry here with all these people around and Changmin in front of me.

“Bye dad.” I cut the call and started keeping my things.

“Is everything all right?”

“Yeah.” I kept my eyes averted from him so that he wouldn’t see that they’ve become red from unshed tears.

“I have to go now Changmin or else I’ll be late for class. Thanks for keeping me company.” I got up and quickly left before he could respond.
A/N: So, here's chapter 2...sorry if some details are pretty vague...gomenasai minna...comments please...^_^

(Prologue and Chapter 1)

genre: romance, author:changline, rating: g, genre: angst, pairing: changmin and fc, tvxq

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