Bring Me To Life (Chapter 7)

Mar 24, 2010 10:35

Title: Bring Me To Life
By: changline
Rating: g
Pairing: Changmin and OC
Genre: romance, a little angst
Summary: Aline was getting tired of her life, until one guy made her see that it was beautiful...

(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 5)
(Chapter 4)
(Chapter 3)
(Chapter 2)
(Prologue and Chapter 1)

It’s Friday, I’m early again, I thought to myself as I walked towards my classroom. When I reached it, I took a deep breath first to brace myself. When I popped my head inside the first place I looked at was the seat beside mine. I blinked several times before I believed my eyes. It really was Aline. She’s finally here. I went inside and sat down. I looked at her and wondered if she was asleep. Her head was resting on her arms which were on her desk. She must have sensed that she wasn’t the only one in the classroom anymore because she raised her head and looked at me. She looked a little pale.

“Good morning.” She said weakly. She placed her head on her arms once again, but this time she didn’t close her eyes.

“Good morning. Are you feeling all right? You look a little pale.”

“I’m fine. I just feel tired.”

“Where were you these last four days? You didn’t come to school at all. I asked for you at your dormitory last Wednesday and they said you weren’t there. I couldn’t contact you; I don’t see your friends in campus or at the dormitory either. Were they also absent for the last three days?”

“I just got out of the hospital yesterday, you couldn’t contact me on my phone because its batteries were dead, and no, my friends weren’t absent for the last three days. You just couldn’t catch them at the dorm because most of the time they were with me at the hospital and you couldn’t see them in campus because they’ve been very busy.”

“The hospital? What happened? You were fine last Saturday night.” I said a little bewildered.

“I was running a high fever Monday morning; my roommates took me to the hospital immediately.”

“Are you okay now? Are you sure you’re fit enough to come to school?”  I asked, touching her forehead.

“Yeah. I am.”

3:30 pm that day…

I was headed towards my next class when I heard the commotion three rooms ahead. I heard shouts coming from the room.

“Someone take her to the clinic!”  I heard someone shout. As I was at the door of the said classroom I noticed that most of the people inside were huddled around someone. And then I heard someone say something that made me make my way toward the group without hesitation.

“Aline, wake up. Someone please take her to the clinic. Aline.” I broke through the group and there I saw her. She was paler than she was earlier and on top of that she was unconscious. I pulled out my phone and dialled Junsu-hyung number and placed my bluetooth earphone on my ear. I bent to pick her up.

“Could someone pick up her things and follow me for a moment?” I asked. A girl nodded, picked up her things, and followed me as a walked out of the room and headed for the gate. Come on hyung answer your phone, I thought.

He finally picked up. “Hyung, where are you?” I asked, not hiding the urgency in my voice.

“I’m at the benches near the gate. I’m about to go out.”

I sighed in relief. “Hyung could you start the car and wait for me, it’s an emergency. I’ll explain later when I get there. Please hyung.”

“Okay.” I picked up my pace. When we arrived at the gate Junsu-hyung was waiting for us outside his car. His mouth formed an ‘O’ when he spotted us. He opened the door to the backseat and then went to the driver’s seat. I slipped inside the seat, when I was comfortable enough I reached out my hand to accept her things from her classmate, thanked her, and then closed the door.

Monday, at the apartment…

“Yah! Shim Changmin! Wake u…” Junsu-hyung didn’t finish what he was about to say because I was already up and on my way to the bathroom.

“Good morning hyung.” I said smiling. The look on his face was rich. I laughed to myself as I started my bath.

5:00 pm, at the Garden of Knowledge…


“Moshi Moshi!”

“A-line-chan! I’ll be arriving there tomorrow at 8:00 am.”


“Aren’t you excited to see your best friend again?”

“Not unless he has something for me.”

“Humph. You never change do you?”


“Will you pick me up at the airport tomorrow? You don’t have a class in the morning right?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“So, are you okay now?”


“You shouldn’t have attended classes immediately after you were discharged from the hospital.”

“I know senpai. Anyway I’m okay now.”

“Okay. So I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Okay. Sayonara.”


Back at the apartment, 7:30…

“Yoochun called earlier.” Yunho-hyung said during dinner-time. “He said he’ll be arriving tomorrow at 8:00 am.”

“Are we going to pick him up?” Junsu-hyung asked.

“No, he said we don’t have to. He just said that his room better not be in such a mess when he gets here.” Yunho-hyung looked at Jaejoong-hyung when he said the last part.

“Araso Araso. I’ll clean our room tonight.” Jaejoong-hyung said.

“Hyung, why don’t we surprise Yoochun-hyung tomorrow?” I asked.

“But you have classes in the morning don’t you?” Jaejoong-hyung asked. “Su also has a class in the morning.” He added.

“Yeah, but I could always just not go in for those first two classes. I mean Yoochun-hyung has been gone for a month and half. Right hyung?” I looked at Junsu-hyung for support, since he was the one closest to Yoochun-hyung.

“I guess so. I do want to surprise him.” Junsu-hyung replied.

“Andwe. You two are not going to skip school. Yunho and I will go surprise him, we’ll just tell him that it was your idea Min and that you and Su couldn’t come because I didn’t allow you to skip school. You’ll see him tonight anyway. How’s that?” Jaejoong-hyung said.

“Oh okay.” I said, a little disappointed. But Jaejoong-hyun was right, I shouldn’t skip school.

“That’s settled then.” Yunho-hyung said.

8:00 am, at the Airport…

Yoochun-senpai’s plane just landed a few moments ago. I scanned the crowd of people who had disembarked. Where is he? Maybe he changed his hairstyle again. Ah. There he is, I thought as I spotted him. Well he did change his hairstyle, it looked weird but at the same time it looked good on him. I saw him looking around the area and I waved at him. He smiled when he saw. Senpai sure has a heart-warming smile.

“Okairi nasai Yoochun-senpai.” I greeted him.

“Tadaima Aline-chan.” He replied.

“So, where’s my surprise?” I asked.

He ruffled hair before he replied, “It’s in my bag somewhere. Sigh. Honestly, sometimes I don’t believe when you say you’re 19.”

“And why is that senpai?”

“You don’t act like one.”

“Humph. Says you. So, where are your things?”

“Over there.” He said, pointing at someone behind him, “The porter has them.”

I looked over his shoulder and saw the porter pushing three bags and a big box. “Oh”, was all I could say.

“Shall we?” he asked me, offering his arm.

“Okay, this way. I already got a taxi to wait for us.” I said, leading them in the direction the taxi was waiting. When we got out of the building, two figures entering it caught my eye. I thought I saw Jaejoong and Yunho, hmmm, maybe their friend had arrived. When Changmin introduced me to them, they mentioned that they’ll introduce me to their friend who was overseas at the time.

When we reached the taxi, we loaded in Senpai’s things. He paid the porter and then we were on our way to the mall for breakfast.

“Do you see him Jae?” Yunho asked.

“No, do you think he’s still here?”

“He couldn’t have found his bags and a taxi so fast, his plane landed only twenty minutes ago. Let’s go outside, he might be out there looking for a taxi.”


“Do you see him Yun?”

“No, maybe he already left. If I remember correctly, whenever we travel together he’s always the first one to get his bags. We should go now Jae, the head chef of our restaurant shouldn’t leave his underlings alone for very long.”

“Don’t call them underlings. They’re my apprentices.”

“Okay. Okay. Come on Jae, let’s go.”

1:25 pm, at the gate of the University…

“So I’ll come pick you up at you dormitory 6:00 pm tomorrow and Friday.”

“Roger that Senpai. Bye.”

“Take care.”

“I will.” I went inside the school and headed for my first class with a cheerful smile on my lips.

Friday night that week, at the apartment (9:00 pm)…

“Oi, what’s wrong with Min?” I heard Jaejoong-hyung ask.

“He hasn’t been able to hang-out with Aline for the whole week and he’s depressed.” Junsu-hyung answered. I heard the main door of our apartment open and then Yoochun-hyung walked in the living room carrying a paper bag. He sat down beside me and placed the paper bag in front of me.

“That’s for you Min. Open it.” He said. I looked at him before I opened the bag and discovered a pack of Snickers Almonds. I beamed at my hyung.

“That’s one of your favourite chocolates right? I noticed you were kind of depressed since Wednesday so I bought that for you to cheer you up.”

“Thanks hyung, and by the way this is the only chocolate I like.” Was all I could say.

“So Min, what’s causing this depression?” Yoochun-hyung asked.

“It’s a girl that’s causing this depression Chun.” Jaejoong-hyung answered before I could.

“It’s just that I haven’t been with her much this week and I kind of missed her. She’s always off somewhere with her best friend.”

“His getting kind of jealous because this best friend she’s always off with is a guy. He’s afraid that the guy might be courting her.” Yunho-hyung said.

“Yeah. But I think she’s not going to forget Min that easily especially since he kissed her.” Junsu-hyung said.

“Boh?!” Yoochun-hyung and I said in unison.

“Jaejoong-hyung and I saw you kiss her that night when we went back to call you. We didn’t call you when we found you though seeing as you were otherwise occupied. I even have a picture of it.”

“Boh?!” I said once again. “You better not show it to anyone hyung.”

“I can’t, not yet anyway, I haven’t the time to have it printed yet. But I’ll show it to Yunho-hyung and Yoochun once it’s printed.”

“Hyuuung…” I groaned.

Sunday morning, at the dormitory…

Ugh! Burrr. I feel so cold. The covers aren’t giving me enough heat. My whole body hurts. I can’t move. I continued shivering beneath the covers. The events of yesterday were still fresh on my mind.

‘You are not coming home. You’re staying here until I say you can go home. I do not have a disrespectful daughter who now knows how to talk back.’

‘But dad,’ I sobbed, ‘I wasn’t talking back, I just wanted you to hear my side of it.’

‘Shut up! You demon! I will not have you influence your sister. You are a bad example. You should be ashamed of yourself. You want to be independent?! Well then I’ll give independence. Just tell me. But for now my decision is final, you are not coming home for Christmas. You’ll just ruin it for everyone. Now get out of my car!’

I started to cry again. No sound would come out of my mouth, I was too exhausted and I was sick again. I shivered at the almost unbearable cold I felt. I wish he’d just kill me than make me suffer physically and emotionally. Sob! Sob! I wanna die.


“Hello.” I said weakly.

“Aline-chan, are you okay?” It was Yoochun-senpai.

“Ie. I’m not okay. I want to die senpai! If my body just didn’t hurt so much I’d get up now and jump off this building.”

“Oi, oi. I told you to stop talking about such nonsense.”

“This isn’t nonsense senpai. I really wanna jump.”

“Shhh…Where are you now?”

“I’m on my bed in our dormitory.”

“You’re not home?”

“No, my father said I should just stay here because I might ruin Christmas for everyone at home.”

“Aish! Don’t do anything stupid. I’m coming over.” And then he hung up. I snuggled deeper in my covers trying to lessen the cold I felt.

Ten minutes later I heard shouts coming from outside the door and then a loud knock. I stood up and opened the door and found myself face-to-face with Yoochun-senpai. I suddenly felt dizzy, and I fell into his arms. When I opened my eyes, I saw that some of the dormitory staff were also outside in the hallway.

“I’m not going to rape her, all right. Can you guy leave us alone now?” Yoochun-senpai said to them. They looked at me and left when I nodded that it was okay.  Yoochun-senpai guided me back to my bed. When I was once again lying down, he fixed the covers over me and touched my forehead.

“Do you have a thermometer?” He asked.

“No, but my roommate has one. It’s in that Tupperware on top of her bedside table.” I said. He took the thermometer and took my temperature.

“Where are your roommates?” He asked while we waited for the thermometer to finish its duty.

“Misaki and Utami, went home yesterday, and Chie also left yesterday to join a medical mission.” I answered.

He took the thermometer and then said, “You’re running a pretty high fever. I’m taking you with me; you’re spending Christmas and New Year with me and my friends at our apartment. I will not have you spending Christmas alone. Where is your travelling bag?” I smiled at his demand. When he’s like this there is absolutely nothing I can do to change his mind. If I try I’d just be wasting my breath. So I pointed to a box on top of my closet indicating my bag was in there.

He helped me pack enough clothes for a two week stay at their apartment. When that was done he helped me walk down the stair. I kept trying to hide my pained expressions because he was holding me on a bruised area of my body. When we made it to the car he helped me in the passenger seat and he put my things on the back seat.

“I’m taking you to a doctor first so he can give you medicine for your fever and whatever else is ailing you.” He said as he started the car. “And then when we get to the apartment, we’ll do something about those bruises of yours.”

“Okay senpai.”

At the apartment…

“Hmmm, it seems no one’s back yet. Come on, my room’s this way.” He led me through the living room towards his room. I couldn’t help but admire how neat and clean their home was. Once inside his room he let me sit on his bed. He went on to explain that he shared the room with one of his that’s why there were two beds.

“Why don’t you change into some shorts while I go and boil some water for the hot compress?”

“But what if your friends arrive and they see my bruises? It’s embarrassing you know.” I protested.

“Don’t worry, just stay under the covers while you wait for me, I don’t mind if you fall asleep.”

“Are you sure about that senpai?”

“Yes I’m sure. Now change, just bring out some PJ’s too so you can change into them after we apply the hot compress.”

“Okay senpai.”

5:30 pm…

Junsu-hyung and I just got back from the mall; on our way up to our floor we met Jaejoong-hyung and Yunho-hyung at the elevator. We were all talking animatedly inside the elevator and on our way to our apartment.

“I wonder if Chun is home yet or if he ever went out today.” Jaejoong-hyung said.

“He’s home.” Yunho-hyung replied, “I saw he’s car in the parking area.”

When were inside we realized that Yoochun-hyung wasn’t alone. There was someone else with him, a girl. Her voice was vaguely familiar. We were headed towards the sound of their voices when Yoochun-hyung stepped in from the terrace and waved at us.

“Hey guys.” He walked towards us.

“Whose with you Chun?”  Yunho-hyung asked.

“My best friend. Um, listen guys. I asked her to stay with us; she didn’t have anyone to spend Christmas with. I hope you guys don’t mind.” Yoochun-hyung said hopefully.

“Sure.” Jaejoong-hyung replied, “We’d love to have her with us.”

“Introduce us to her hyung.” I added.

“Okay. Come on.” We went to the terrace. Who we saw sitting on the settee shocked us.

“Al?”  I said not managing to hide my surprise.

“Aline?” Jaejoong, Yunho, and Junsu-hyun said in unison also not managing to hide their surprise.

genre: romance, author:changline, pairing: changmin and oc, rating: g, genre: angst, tvxq

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