so don't you worry your pretty little mind [ 4/5 ]

Aug 21, 2022 21:54

Challenge by 5sentence_ficemis.
prompts / i / ii / iii / iv / v
Completed 20/25 prompts.

blue ribbon.

She was wearing practically all white from her dress to her shoes to her umbrella, with the only other colour being the blue ribbon used to tie her raven hair. The umbrella, which was initially intended to be used as a weapon against the howling wind, did little to no good, and the girl was forced to go back to the convenient store where she got it in the first place. She found a corner in the store's café where she could dry herself, and call her friend to let her know where she's been stranded. She was grateful it wasn't raining, at least, as the wind was cold enough to chill her to the bones. In the end, she relented and bought a warm cup of coffee to help her wait out the windstorm brewing outside.

- Rachel

writing on the wall.

"Was there a kid here, or did one of you finally snapped," Rachel asked, arms crossed and foot tapping - never a good sign, especially during a lockdown where nobody can get out.
"What's going on?" Ryan asked, sitting up, surprised by the tone of her voice.
Rachel pulled the curtain to the side and showed them the sentence on the wall, we will prevail, written in what looked to be permanent ink.
"It wasn't me," Emily and Aaron said, in unison before turning to each other and running off to their rooms to avoid the nagging that was sure to come.
As if on cue, Rachel began to list out the steps on what actually has to be done to clean the writing on the wall and wondering out loud what possessed someone in their twenties to write on the wall in the first place.

- Rachel, Ryan, Emily & Aaron

Achilles' heel.

"We think you should be the one to go in and talk to Ryan," Emily told Rachel, after they've all been discussing about their older friend, who has been glaring and snapping at everything in sight.
"Why me, you should be the one to do it," Rachel protested, "You're his dancing partner and plus, he finds you adorable and always lets you get away with things - you're practically his Achilles' heel!"
"Yes, but I've been messing up during practice so much now, he's already glaring at me the moment I walk in," Emily said, her voice becoming more of a whine with each word. "Besides, after talking about it, we agreed that he's least likely to snap at you, because you get so nervous that he would never be- oh shoot, he's here, go!"
Suddenly, the raven hair found herself being pushed towards the oncoming figure, "Emily, stop- hi, Ryan."

- Emily & Rachel

flat line.

For a brief moment, as the doctor explained to them why they were keeping the red head sedated for a while, the worst possible thing happened, she started to flatline. Suddenly all of them was ushered out of the room as the doctor tried to bring her back. Rachel was starting to feel the tears pricking her eyes once more and Ryan realising this, quickly got her to one of the benches seated outside the wards. Stephanie pulled Connor and Aaron alone as well, with one being shocked and seemed unable to move while the other seemed determined to just stay there. None of them were saying anything, as the reality of the situation was slowly sinking in - Emily had tried to kill herself, and nobody noticed until it was too late.

- everyone


Connor came from a long line of musicians, just as much as Stephanie came from generation after generation of blood sucking business men who had prayed on the weak and vulnerable performers in their family. But by the time his grandfather had told him of their family history, Connor had already played her some of his favourite songs on their family piano. She had sang along, with that sweet voice of her, stumbling over some of the words as she tried to keep up with the melody, her twinkling laughter more than made up for her mistakes. Their fathers who apparently had been having a heated discussion on the performance being held at the opera house the following week, had been appalled at the sight of their kids fraternizing. In spite of being told to never contact each other again, however, both of them would sneak off to a pub a few times afterward somewhere to perform another duet together.

- Connor/Stephanie

rachel, ot7, c ; so don't you worry your pretty littl, emily, ryan, 5sentence-fics, emily & rachel, part 4, aaron, connor/stephanie

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