so don't you worry your pretty little mind [ 3/5 ]

Aug 21, 2022 14:09

Challenge by 5sentence_fics.
prompts / i / ii / iii / iv / v
Completed 15/25 prompts.

hostile intent.

"Be straight with me, when did you realise their plan?" Ryan asked, as they walked away from a group of frustrated people covered in paintball.
"I didn't, not exactly, but it became obvious something was up," Stephanie said. "June just seemed too keen on bringing me to this room, and I figured I needed a backup just in case."
Ryan smiled, and shook his head, "They get worse every time we play with them - especially when Emily and Aaron are involved."
Stephanie huffed and sighed, "Their hostile intent becomes more obvious whenever those two partners up, and somehow we become the targets."

- Ryan & Stephanie

change of hands.

"To the greatest bar in town," Connor said, and they all toasted to the place that had not only become their designated place to hang out, but also became their concert stage whenever any of them managed to grab the mic - drunk or otherwise.
"Don't be too quick to say goodbye," Elliot, the bartender, said, serving them another round of beer and soda for the only one in the group who doesn't drink.
At their questioning looks, Elliot continued, "There had been a change of hands with the bar and now it belongs to me."
Just like that, the melancholy that filled the night was replaced with an eruption of congratulations and excitement. The group of friends stayed together until closing time in which they convinced Elliot to have a round with them as celebration of his new ownership over the bar.

- Elliot ft. others

trial by fire.

"Wow, trial by fire, let me guess, we have to walk across a pit of fire," Connor deadpanned, reading through the brochure one of the lobby staff gave him.
"Once you cross it, you will become a newer, better person," Stephanie said, inhaling deeply with a serene smile - she was going to enjoy this trip.
"Who knows, maybe the fire will make you less of an asshole," Emily said, shoving past him.
Connor wanted to yell something back, something that will show her it was an honest mistake and really wasn't his fault, but his brain blanked and nothing came to mind and instead, he was met with Stephanie's questioning gaze, "I- Em's just a  little mad at me 'cause of you know-"
"Don't tell me, I don't want to know," the blonde girl said, before putting on her sunglasses and sauntering off to where the red head went earlier.

- Connor & Stephanie ft. Emily


Aaron found his red headed friend looking at her phone with a frown on her face, and when he came closer, he saw the familiar telltales of a wedding invitation. Without warning, he grabbed the phone from her, and click yes on the rsvp, "You're going, Em."
"Aaron, why would you do that," the red headed exclaimed, already annoyed with him half hour ago and even more so now. "Do you realise the planning that has to go in this ; the flight, the classes and not to mention all the video shooting that we have lined up - I can't just fly to the other side of the continent for a wedding and miss all that."
"First of all, this is James's wedding, your brother, and second of all, you've worked too much lately and I've talked to the others and they're willing to cover for us when we're gone so let's just go, okay?"

- Aaron & Emily

weighing options.

There is much in life to be decided from the things they do to the people they connect with. Whether that choice benefits in a mentally, physically, financially or any way, really, is highly dependent on the factors that lead to having to make that choice. However, while one is usually told to weigh the options carefully, one rarely do so and instead will choose based on impulse. Even then, there are times the choice is already made as someone else will have already chosen.
Be it fate or impulse, as he writes down the importance of weighing his options, for his English assignment, in his shared bedroom with the sound of his roommate snoring in the background, Connor can't be entirely sure if he would have made a different choice if given the choice to do it all over again.

- Connor

ryan & stephanie, elliot, part 3, ot7, connor, c ; so don't you worry your pretty littl, emily, 5sentence-fics, aaron & emily, connor & stephanie

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