so don't you worry your pretty little mind [ 1/5 ]

Jan 31, 2016 18:30

Challenge by 5sentence_fics.
prompts / i / ii / iii / iv / v
Completed 5/25 prompts.


Rachel may possess the gift of unlimited imagination, but it didn't mean she had the gift to put it into words. Even if she had the battlefield playing in her mind, it all faded to nothing when going up against the open blank document. What was supposed to happen after the elusive female character finally stepped into the scene to face the person that terrorised her friends just to find her? The odds are he's shot, but does he die in the end, or does he actually get away? Rachel rubbed her face in frustration silently cursing the existence of writer's block.

- Rachel


They were young - barely halfway through their twenties, they don't know what they're doing. People were quick to speak their mind once their engagement was announced, planting doubts in her mind. It got so bad that she once considered calling it off just to get them to stop. But then Aaron came in looking indigniant, huffing about how people can just shove it and they should all mind their own fucking business. The look on their faces were priceless and despite her embarrassment as Aaron declared how strong their love truly was, Stephanie realised whether or not it's on impulse, she truly was in love with the idiot.

- Aaron/Stephanie

out to play.

Months - this wasn't an exeggeration - months of late nights and hours spending pouring over books that were too thick to began with. Long hours spent editing video after video, only to have it all taken apart by professors who was stuck in the ways of the nineties. But now their finals are over and their assignments are all turned in. Aaron found a restaurant that would take in their whole group, while Connor booked a karaoke room they could spend hours in. After so long, it was finally time for them to go out to play.

- Aaron & Connor

risk management.

"It's the basics of risk management," Connor said, barely sparing a glance at the seething blonde. "Judging by the group's sales, it makes no sense to keep working with them, when there are other groups with a larger fanbase we could benefit from."
Stephanie narrowed her eyes at him, calmly asked, "Do you realise how unprofessional you're being by refusing to work with them just because one of the members is flirting with the girl you like?"
"That is unprofessional of you to bring that up, however, given the rumors circling around him and the fact that he already has a girlfriend, only proves that working with this group may lead to a scandal none of us will be prepared for," the bespectacled brunette said, refusing to let his emotions show.
"You're being ridiculous," Stephanie said, knowing the brunette would not budge on this.

- Connor & Stephanie
point of view.

"They're being so close and intimate, I mean, they should just get a room at this point," Aaron said, sipping his red paper cup as he glared at the couple laughing by the fireplace - of all the places in the room, the fireplace.
Connor followed the blonde's view spotting the aforementioned pair together, a little confused, "I think they're just talking."
"They're talking very closely," the blonde said, petulantly.
"I guess, but from my point of view, they have to be a little close to talk with this crowd and besides, there's no direct physical contact between them and there's no way, Stephanie would be dumb enough to hit on a guy who is heavily rumored to be dating someone from his own band."
"You're right, I have to save her from the boring gay guy," Aaron said, charging towards the pair in his drunken stupor before Connor could stop him.

- Aaron & Connor

aaron & connor, rachel, part 1, 5sentence-fics, connor & stephanie, aaron/stephanie, c ; so don't you worry your pretty littl

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