It's been a while since I updated this journal, so hello everyone! Most of you I will have spoken to since my last entry, but for those who don't get regular injections of personal trivia, here it is.
I finally got motivated to see Inception this evening. I was going to go yesterday but the time came and went without as much as a step towards the car, so today was much more successful on the movie-seeing front
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Time for updatery. Well, I have my car back, which is awesome. It came back shiny and smelling good, too, which makes me pleased. It has since got bird crap and mud on it, but it was nice while it lasted
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There has been a general election in the UK. As more or less expected, the parliament is hung, meaning that no one party has 326 MPs, the number required to control a majority share of MPs in the House of Commons and thereby to get anything substantial done. ( Under cut for brevity )