Fic : Demons Part 10

Jan 17, 2007 20:45

Title: When Demons Come a Calling - Part 10
Author: Kimmi
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I only wished I owned Sara and Catherine. Unfortunately CBS does, I’m just borrowing them.
Summary: When Sara’s past comes back to haunt her it arrives with a vengeance.
Spoilers: Up to Nesting Dolls, after that it takes a sharp left turn.
Authors Notes: This is dark, full of angst and deals with themes of rape and torture, although I don’t think I got too graphic. I also do not have a beta so there will be errors.

Extra warning : A little more torture type stuff.

Chapters | 1 | 2-3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7-8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |


Warrick looked nervously between Grissom and Stokes. Tears were falling unchecked down Nick’s cheeks and Gil was just sitting there like a statue. He didn’t think the entomologist had moved in the ten minutes since he had returned to the lab. The man was obviously in a state of shock.

There had been precious little evidence to collect at Sara’s and they had made it back to the crime lab in record time, only to walk into another nightmare. He was worried about Grissom, the man looked completely broken. If he didn’t snap out of it soon he was going to take him to the hospital or something. Nick wasn’t looking too good either and he had definitely never seen his friend cry before. Of course he didn’t think any less of the Texan, hell he had found himself forced to wipe moister away from his eyes on more than one occasion tonight.

Greg wasn’t much better off than the other two. He had hardly said a word on the drive back to the lab and Warrick could see the pain etched deeply into his face. Brown knew about the former lab tech’s crush on Sara, everyone did, but this went deeper. Of course they had probably gotten closer since the team had been split, how could they not? Grissom wasn’t a people person and he really couldn’t see the brunette hanging out with Sofia after shift even if they got along at work.

“Guys I think we just caught a break.” Brass announced as he rushed into the room. “Sara’s car is missing.”

It took a long moment for this announcement to break through the wall of pain that had trapped Gil inside his mind. Ever since the detective’s call he had been living in a pit of despair, he was so blinded by pain. He looked up at Jim with a tiny bit of hope lighting his previously dead eyes. “Any hits yet?”

“Not yet but every cop in Vegas, on duty or off, is looking for it.” The detective noticed for the first time the somber air in the room. “Come on people lets go. We’re not giving up until we find them.”

Right. They couldn’t give up hope. Grissom knew that every person in that room would work nonstop until they had them back. That they might not find them alive didn’t bear thinking. If he let himself go down that road Gil knew he would sink right back into that dark place he had just woken up from and this time he might not come back. “Ok where are we on the trace we collected from the original scenes?”

Before anyone could answer they were interrupted by the last person any of them wanted to see. “Grissom I need to speak to you.”

All eyes were on the two men as Gil followed Conrad out into the hall. They kept their voices low but everyone could tell it was a heated argument. The graveyard supervisor’s face was getting redder by the second and he was gesturing wildly. When he stepped back into the room he looked as if someone had punched him in the gut.

“Ecklie has just informed me that he is pulling all of us from the case. Day shift will be officially taking over. He says we’re all too close.”

A chorus of ‘no way’ ‘bullshit’ ‘he can’t do that’ rang out in the small room. Grissom held up his hand for silence. He knew how they felt, he felt the same way. “Unofficially there is no way in hell we are just going to walk away. We keep working until Sara and Catherine are back here. Everyone go make copies of whatever reports you have and bring the originals to me. We’ll meet in my in office in half an hour.”


Sara hissed as the needle sank into the bruised flesh of her arm. The drug burned like liquid fire through her veins, exploded in her brain, and time became meaningless as she floated in the flames.


Catherine shrank back into the corner of her cold cell as the screams became louder. They were different. Before it they had been full of gut-wrenching agony, now they were of blood-chilling terror. What could he be showing Sara that would frighten the normally stoic woman? She could almost make out words, pleas, prayers, jumbled into the cries, but they were too strangled to make sense of.

Thomas wasn’t physically hurting Catherine but to her, having to listen to Sara’s suffering was torture to her soul. She didn’t know how much more either of them could take.


Consciousness came slowly to Sara as she fought off the last affects of whatever drugs Michael had given her. When the fog in her mind cleared enough for her to be aware of her surroundings she found she was no longer strapped down to the bed. Now she was sitting, tied down to a chair. She didn’t remember him moving her and wondered with dread what else he might have done while her mind and body were helpless.

How long had it been since she had opened her door and let the Devil in? She felt like she had been trapped in this Abaddon for weeks. She couldn’t remember much after he had injected her with hell in a needle but what little she could was worse than anything her mind had ever tortured her with on her worst night.

Her throat felt like she had been chewing on sandpaper but she couldn’t tell if that was an after-effect of the drugs or too long without water. Sara tried to move to see how her body felt but had to stop instantly as pain rippled through her, causing her to groan. Her battered body had been sitting up in one place for to long.

“I was beginning to think I had given you too much.”

The unexpected voice from behind her made Sara jump, she had assumed she was alone in the room. She closed her eyes not wanting to look at him as he walked in front of her. She was afraid of what was coming next. She didn’t know how much more she could take.

“I have a gift for you but you only get it if you’re a very good girl.” Michael set down his equipment and reached out to grip her chin. “Open you eyes damn it.”

The angry tone of his voice made Sara comply instantly with the command. She started to shake when she saw the rage in his eyes. She didn’t think she could take another beating or another round of the liquid nightmare he had given her.

“You will look at me when I speak to you, understand?” He waited until she nodded before he forced himself to relax. “Now I have a cup of water for you but you can’t have it just yet.”

He had watched her for hours as she struggled in the grip of the drugs. Her temperature had risen and she had begun to sweat so profusely that Michael had to revise his plan a bit. Originally he was going to wait another day before giving her any water but she had lost so much that he was afraid to let her go that long. He didn’t want her dead, just broken. So that he could rebuild her.

Sara locked her eyes on the small cup of water. If she hadn’t been so dehydrated she was sure she would be drooling. It wasn’t much but it might be enough to ease the pain in her throat. She didn’t want to think about what he wanted her to do in order to get it though.

She tore her gaze away from the water to the items beside it and wished she hadn’t. A car battery with jumper cables attached sat on the floor. Now Sara knew what was coming next and her body tensed. She had been shocked once by a frayed lamp cord when she was a kid. It had hurt like hell and she hadn’t even gotten a full jolt.

The second thing she noticed was a small assortment of knives. These worried her more than the battery did. Sara looked up into Thomas’s eyes and tried to stall him. “What was in that needle?”

“Don’t worry I want an ally not an addict. Now enough small talk, let’s get started shall we?” Michael hesitated slightly, not sure which instrument he wanted first. After a moment he decided on the battery. He stepped behind her and picked up the bucket of water he had left there. She needed to be wet in order to get the full effect.

Without warning he dumped it over her head and grinned as she gasped at the drenching. The small smile turned into a laugh when he moved back to face her as he saw her desperately trying to collect small droplets of water with her tongue. He simply enjoyed the sight for a few moments before picking up the cables and tapping them together to get her attention.

The first time the electricity hit her, an indescribable pain lanced through her. Sara wanted to scream but she was held prisoner as her body went rigid. The second jolt hit her harder than the first and her already battered body silently screeched. By the third shock she wished she was dead. The fifth was simply too much to take and the darkness mercifully descended upon her. When the light returned Michael was standing over her wiping her brow with a cool wet cloth.

“There now, you did so well I think you earned your reward. You’re much stronger than I thought you know.” Thomas brought the cup to her lips and smiled as she greedily drank it all. “Unfortunately that means we have a lot of work still ahead of us.”

All Sara could do was tremble as he bent to the knives. She didn’t know how much more she could take. Even after she had received a beating from one of her parents they had usually given her time to recover before the next one. He had allowed her no rest, no sleep, except for the brief moments when her body could no longer take the abuse and her brain shut down.

She wasn’t a religious person but Sara found herself praying, begging, for any deity that might exist to help her.

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