Rescue Rangers?

Nov 13, 2011 14:19

WHO: Evveryone!
WHAT: Meet-up to plan a rescue mission. Also? Socialising. Because that's what we do.
WHERE: meal acquisition block Cafeteria, because we are civilised trolls people, coddamnit.
WHEN: At some point following the hostage video
WARNING(S): Threadjacking may occur.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate. )

red medic, prussia, canada, eridan ampora, kanaya maryam, hayato gokudera

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Comments 114

charinjo7 November 14 2011, 12:30:39 UTC
'Prussia' eventually enters, looking somewhat gloomy; Medic might show up, but his search had been pretty unsuccessful otherwise. Perhaps Gilbert and Canada would be able to bring more people.

Looking around, he registers the two others in the room; the alien he spoke with on the com a little while ago, and.. Gokudera simply stares at Eridan for a few seconds. ''How many of you are there?!'' he finally exclaims loudly, looking at the trolls with poorly hidden surprise.


tendtoenunciate November 14 2011, 12:46:05 UTC
"This is Eridan Ampora, a fellow troll as you've noticed," Kanaya says. She's been loitering around by her friend, standing closer to where she thinks the center of the humans' conference is going to be. "At last check there were twelve of our species surviving but -- as far as I've been been able to tell we're the only ones here. There could be more, I can't be quite sure. Eridan obviously contacted me as soon as he found the communicator, seeing that as more sensible than making a mass message to god knows who. If there are others they might be asleep -- our species is generally nocturnal -- but anyway I think for now we're the only ones."


charinjo7 November 14 2011, 16:27:23 UTC
''Right, that makes sense.'' He nods at her explanation, and looks over at Eridan. Not only one, but two aliens.. That was rather exciting actually! He should introduce himself.. ''Hello. I'm Hayato Gokudera, a member of the human race, and also a representative of the small group of individuals trapped in here.'' Yes, that should do; precise and to the point. ''Just call me Gokudera.''

The trolls had introduced themselves with both names so he had accidentally returned the courtesy, but he somewhat prefer the Japanese tradition of being addressed by ones last name. The teen himself usually address others here by using their first name or applying nicknames however; that's partly because he's 3/4 Italian, and partly because he is a rude brat. ''Let me know if you have any questions before the meeting; we'll start as soon as Prussia and Cananda gets here.''


wwrathofangels November 14 2011, 18:41:59 UTC
He sits up and squints at Gokudera before nodding and resuming his slump. "I do hawe one question." The fact that he is slowly trying to slip under the table, hand twitching as if to reach for something, all actually are related to his question. "WWhy is it so glubbin' bright an' wwhere are the fuckin' light swwitches hidden?!" Oops, resumed slump too soon. Oh well, instead of sitting up all the way, he glares over the edge of his arms, though between his sullen attitude and the fact that he can barely keep his eyes open a lot of the intimidating effect he hoped to achieve is lost.


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gewehrundblut November 15 2011, 16:23:49 UTC
"You actually gonna join us? Colour me surprised." That would be Prussia, naturally, finally having given up on finding anyone else to drag into this. He glances over at the other people there so far, before quirking his eyebrows. "Huh. I didn't know we had two of those 'troll' people."


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gewehrundblut November 15 2011, 18:16:42 UTC
"Those people. The grey ones with the horns- Oh hey! That one has fins on its face!" He almost heads over there to go poke at the fins curiously, before pausing and looking back towards Medic. "...Huh, yeah. Well, that's something? Hm. And honestly, you're probably talking the most sense out of anyone, but it was hard enough convincing Gokudera to actually plan a rescue mission and not just blow shit up until he either got results or got us all killed."


tendtoenunciate November 20 2011, 12:35:20 UTC
"Yes, that sounds like a good idea," Kanaya said. She cupped her hand around her mouth to call them over: "Canada, Mr. Beilschmidt. We've come to some conclusions, it'd be fitting to confer about them." Since she'd been busy with Gokudera and Eridan, she hadn't seen Medic at all. Otherwise she'd probably have some questions about the girl with striking clothing and even more attention-getting attitude.


gewehrundblut November 20 2011, 14:39:56 UTC
Mr Beilschmidt, at the least, makes his way over, taking a seat on the edge of the table and propping his feet on a chair. His hands are folded neatly in his lap, though his fingers twitch. "All right, let's hear these conclusions so I can shoot down any stupid ones."


furgotten November 20 2011, 20:09:36 UTC
Canada gets up from his woebegone spot on the floor to go stand next to Prussia, looking at the trolls and Gokudera to wait for them to talk. He's not certain yet he'll be allowed to do anything, or be of any help, but he certainly can't give up yet.


charinjo7 November 20 2011, 22:15:40 UTC
''We're going to backtrack to where Andrea was kidnapped and see if that'll provide us with any leads.'' Gilbert receives a glare that dares him to say that the idea is stupid. ''We don't know exactly which hallway she was captured in, but there's 8 in total so I suggest that we split up into two factions in order to cover ground more quickly, search 4 floors each. I'll be on one team, and Prussia should be on the other one since we're the only ones present who's familiar with this place.''

The kid would probably tag along with Prussia.. Gokudera gives the colony a thoughtful look before continuing. ''We should also search the victims of Medic's little massacre while we're at it, but I can handle that part.'' Sure, Canada might have seen Medic's video already, but there was no reason to expose him to more bloody scenes than necessary.


furgotten November 22 2011, 01:18:45 UTC
Now Canada has two tasks, not only finding Andrea but keeping watch over Prussia, and he's intending to take them both seriously. As Gokudera and Herr Fishy walk away, he draws himself up to be as tall as possible.

"Come on, Mademoiselle! Prusse!" He turns to start heading for the door, Kumajirou at his heels. "We have to hurry."


tendtoenunciate November 22 2011, 01:29:38 UTC
Kanaya walks to Canada, willow-like, still sneaking concerned glances at Gokudera and Eridan as they leave. God she hopes they know what they're doing. "Yes, of course," she says. There's not really much else to say.


gewehrundblut November 22 2011, 01:48:39 UTC
The little nation's boundless energy makes him smirk, shaking his head, and he brings up the rear of their little group. "So, any ideas where we should start? Those two kids never mentioned where they were starting from. Unless Kuma-whatsit has Andrea's scent already?" He's honestly not quite sure how tracking with a bear will work. He knows how it works with hounds well enough, but a bear? Definitely outside his realm of experience.


furgotten November 22 2011, 02:04:29 UTC
"We need start near her room, where her scent is strongest, and follow the trail from there." The method is probably better applied to tracking animals, but he has faith that Kumajirou will make it work. Canada is already rushing towards the ever-too-tall stairs. "It can't be any harder than finding a rabbit."


The mun never specified where Medic killed the terrorists so I'm just guessing here charinjo7 November 22 2011, 08:56:49 UTC
''The others will surely approach the girl's room since they're going to track her so we'll head for the upper floors'' Gokudera explains when the other catch up. ''The dead terrorists are on the 7th floor, but we should do a quick search of the other hallways on our way there just in case, starting with floor 5.''


Well, until he otherwise specifies, it works for me. wwrathofangels November 23 2011, 01:32:10 UTC
"WWhy not just go get the transportalizer fin an' be done wwith it? WWe already knoww they hawe her an' I really don't think any other clues are goin' to be found, but if you wwanna wwaste time wwho the fuck am I goin' an' stoppin' you." Still, since he's not sure if the hallways all look the same, though evidence would say that they do, he follows along like a good little grub for now.

"An' howw is she actually a girl? Eweryfin I'we seen about your race says the person wwe're tryin' to rescue is a growwn man. Unless you guys pupate later an' I'we just newer seen someone do that, but it's a little fuckin' wweird your girls wwould go from lookin' all soft an pretty to... wwhale... that."


charinjo7 November 23 2011, 09:06:49 UTC
''..fine, have it your way.'' He turns sideways to glare at Eridan before entering the stairway. ''It doesn't fuckin' matter to me what we do first so let's look for the transporter, and then scour the hallways if checking the bodies is a dead end.''

''..just humor me, dammit. Look, it's complicated, but you'll understand once we manage to find and fix the respawn system.'' Hopefully they'd be able to get their real bodies back then; walking around as Prussia was still weird. Hell, it'd be scary if he actually got used to it! ''This place is really screwed up.''


wwrathofangels November 23 2011, 09:07:35 UTC
He follows along, slightly annoyed by the fact that his legs are shorter and thus he has to move faster to keep up with Gokudera. Any further caustic remarks that might be made, however, are held back for now due to simple curiousity. "WWhat's a respawwn system?" Though later he will definitely be griping long and loud at the assumption he wouldn't be able to understand without whatever this system is being fixed.


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