Rescue Rangers?

Nov 13, 2011 14:19

WHO: Evveryone!
WHAT: Meet-up to plan a rescue mission. Also? Socialising. Because that's what we do.
WHERE: meal acquisition block Cafeteria, because we are civilised trolls people, coddamnit.
WHEN: At some point following the hostage video
WARNING(S): Threadjacking may occur.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate. )

red medic, prussia, canada, eridan ampora, kanaya maryam, hayato gokudera

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charinjo7 November 14 2011, 12:30:39 UTC
'Prussia' eventually enters, looking somewhat gloomy; Medic might show up, but his search had been pretty unsuccessful otherwise. Perhaps Gilbert and Canada would be able to bring more people.

Looking around, he registers the two others in the room; the alien he spoke with on the com a little while ago, and.. Gokudera simply stares at Eridan for a few seconds. ''How many of you are there?!'' he finally exclaims loudly, looking at the trolls with poorly hidden surprise.


tendtoenunciate November 14 2011, 12:46:05 UTC
"This is Eridan Ampora, a fellow troll as you've noticed," Kanaya says. She's been loitering around by her friend, standing closer to where she thinks the center of the humans' conference is going to be. "At last check there were twelve of our species surviving but -- as far as I've been been able to tell we're the only ones here. There could be more, I can't be quite sure. Eridan obviously contacted me as soon as he found the communicator, seeing that as more sensible than making a mass message to god knows who. If there are others they might be asleep -- our species is generally nocturnal -- but anyway I think for now we're the only ones."


charinjo7 November 14 2011, 16:27:23 UTC
''Right, that makes sense.'' He nods at her explanation, and looks over at Eridan. Not only one, but two aliens.. That was rather exciting actually! He should introduce himself.. ''Hello. I'm Hayato Gokudera, a member of the human race, and also a representative of the small group of individuals trapped in here.'' Yes, that should do; precise and to the point. ''Just call me Gokudera.''

The trolls had introduced themselves with both names so he had accidentally returned the courtesy, but he somewhat prefer the Japanese tradition of being addressed by ones last name. The teen himself usually address others here by using their first name or applying nicknames however; that's partly because he's 3/4 Italian, and partly because he is a rude brat. ''Let me know if you have any questions before the meeting; we'll start as soon as Prussia and Cananda gets here.''


wwrathofangels November 14 2011, 18:41:59 UTC
He sits up and squints at Gokudera before nodding and resuming his slump. "I do hawe one question." The fact that he is slowly trying to slip under the table, hand twitching as if to reach for something, all actually are related to his question. "WWhy is it so glubbin' bright an' wwhere are the fuckin' light swwitches hidden?!" Oops, resumed slump too soon. Oh well, instead of sitting up all the way, he glares over the edge of his arms, though between his sullen attitude and the fact that he can barely keep his eyes open a lot of the intimidating effect he hoped to achieve is lost.


tendtoenunciate November 14 2011, 19:01:32 UTC
"How many times do I need to tell you that humans enjoy light," Kanaya says to him sharply. Jegus Christ, keep it together for the sake of your species superiority if nothing else. She turns back to Gokudera and shakes her head. "I'm sorry. Like I said, nocturnal species. Alternia's sun is caustic so we never learn to stand light. I happen to have an unusual tolerance."


wwrathofangels November 14 2011, 20:46:35 UTC
"I can understand enjoyin' light but this much has to be painful ewen for them!" If anything, he thinks he might be getting a headache from the light. Well, it's either from that or from having to put up with Kanaya. He quite possibly might be grumbling about freakish sun-loving greenbloods under his breath, now.


charinjo7 November 14 2011, 23:34:55 UTC
''It's not painful.'' Kanaya seems to be the most well-informed of the two so he turns to her. ''We can't control the light in here.. Can he learn to tolerate this kind of brightness if exposed to it for a while? We're planning to bust out of here of course, but it might take some time.''


tendtoenunciate November 14 2011, 23:50:04 UTC
"I don't know, back hive we never--" Her hands come up to her face and she lets out a muted hiss. "In all frankness I've never entirely understood seadweller physiology," she admits regretfully. What are those fins on their faces even for, anyway? She's only ever known two of them, after all.


wwrathofangels November 15 2011, 02:05:26 UTC
To protect the auricular openings, of course. They also provide increased hydrodynamics, and are a reliable indicator of emotional state, considering his are currently pressed flat against the sides of his head but fully opened. (Which, in seadweller body language, means he's extremely alert and prepared for action, considering that's also the position for when speed is necessary in swimming.) He blinks, and then looks highly irritated before glancing up at the both of them, eyes looking rather clouded over. "It's wery different from landdwweller biology, since wwe hawe to be able to surwiwe both underwwater an' on land. For one, gills." He taps the side of his neck, pointing out the thin lines where his gills are shut tight ( ... )


charinjo7 November 15 2011, 10:01:55 UTC
Gokudera looks somewhat fascinated as Eridan explains the gills and double set of eyelids; he's been slacking of with his research journal due to lack of interesting material lately, but he should probably jot down a few notes concerning these two.

''Well, keep doing the eye thing then if that helps. Landdweller, Seadweller.. Are there other kinds of trolls?''


tendtoenunciate November 15 2011, 12:36:25 UTC
"That's probabky the most significant difference," Kanaya says. "Of course there's blood color besides that but there are too many possibilities to really divide into 'varieties' of trolls." She glances meaningfully at Eridan, not sure how to communicate what she wants to. Basically she's concerned his opinions about the hemospectrum aren't going to be seen well, because she knows humans tend to place very little stock in it, regardless of the objective accuracy of some forms of distinction.


wwrathofangels November 15 2011, 16:20:47 UTC
Kanaya. You are usually so intelligent, and yet you are expecting Eridan of all trolls to pick up on a meaningful look. Needless to say, but it shall be said for posterity, he completely ignores that look and just goes on ahead with explaining. "WWhaddya mean, you can't divide into warieties by blood color?! A course you can! I think it's pretty obwious wwe both hawe different blood colors." He rolls his eyes, sitting up again. "Mine's purple, wwhich means I'm royalty." Could he look any smugger about that fact?

Yes. Yes he could. But he won't, because he's going to press on with his explanation. "Kan's is just green, wwhich wwould ordinarily make her pretty loww class, but jade green is really rare an' it means she's the most important kind a landdwweller a all." At the end of his explanation, he pushes his glasses back up on his nose.


tendtoenunciate November 15 2011, 17:21:01 UTC
"Yes, yes, a hundred sweeps in the mother grub's brooding caverns, that'll most definitely be enjoyable. It's a detail he doesn't need to now about, you can't expect him to just memorize every rank on the hemospectrum. Besides, I think even you'll admit that for our purposes the distinction between maroon and amber or cerulean and navy is academic." Guh. She looks at Gokudera. Save her. "The jade's where I get my tolerance for sunshine, actually," she adds for his benefit. "But you must not find all this alien biology interesting -- I'm sure you'd much rather be preparing us for whatever attack or whatnot you have in mind."


charinjo7 November 15 2011, 21:58:39 UTC
Looking around, he notices that Medic, Prussia and Canada has arrived too by now. Six people in total.. Well, two people, two nations and two trolls to be exact. It wasn't much of an army, but it'd have to do.

''You're right, we should start focusing on the upcoming attack.'' Gokudera would much rather talk more about troll-related topics, the blood stuff was interesting, but lives were in jeopardy so now wasn't the time sadly. He turns to Eridan. ''I've seen her weapon; do you have one too? Can you fight if it comes to that?'' Coming up with some sort of strategy was easier if he knew what everyone were capable of.


wwrathofangels November 15 2011, 22:34:38 UTC
"A course I hawe a wweapon!" The idea that he wouldn't have one is clearly quite insulting to him. He stands, then, so he actually has room to take out his rifle. As soon as he's on his feet, the Crosshairs are in his hands. One hand adjusts something near the sights, before he raises the rifle and aims at a chair.

Once he pulls the trigger, releasing an energy burst, perhaps the only thing that remains to be said is 'What chair?', but Eridan clearly has other ideas. "If you think that's still too powwerful, I might be able to dial it back a little more."


charinjo7 November 15 2011, 23:04:11 UTC
''Shit!'' Gokudera just stares at the now empty spot for a few seconds, clearly impressed. ''..dial it back? So you're not using its full potential right now?!''


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