Rescue Rangers?

Nov 13, 2011 14:19

WHO: Evveryone!
WHAT: Meet-up to plan a rescue mission. Also? Socialising. Because that's what we do.
WHERE: meal acquisition block Cafeteria, because we are civilised trolls people, coddamnit.
WHEN: At some point following the hostage video
WARNING(S): Threadjacking may occur.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate. )

red medic, prussia, canada, eridan ampora, kanaya maryam, hayato gokudera

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wwrathofangels November 15 2011, 02:05:26 UTC
To protect the auricular openings, of course. They also provide increased hydrodynamics, and are a reliable indicator of emotional state, considering his are currently pressed flat against the sides of his head but fully opened. (Which, in seadweller body language, means he's extremely alert and prepared for action, considering that's also the position for when speed is necessary in swimming.) He blinks, and then looks highly irritated before glancing up at the both of them, eyes looking rather clouded over. "It's wery different from landdwweller biology, since wwe hawe to be able to surwiwe both underwwater an' on land. For one, gills." He taps the side of his neck, pointing out the thin lines where his gills are shut tight.

With a low sigh and a glare that dares either of them to say anything about him forgetting his own body, he continues. "For twwo... wwe hawe twwo sets a eyelids." He 'blinks', this time a side-to-side motion that clears the cloudiness before restoring it. "It's supposed to be for keepin' silt out a the eyes wwhen underwwater, but it blocks light a little too."

Really, if pressed he'd maintain it's not his fault he forgot about the second eyelid, considering he doesn't live underwater and, back on Alternia, would only swim in the waters near his hive where he didn't need to use them as much.


charinjo7 November 15 2011, 10:01:55 UTC
Gokudera looks somewhat fascinated as Eridan explains the gills and double set of eyelids; he's been slacking of with his research journal due to lack of interesting material lately, but he should probably jot down a few notes concerning these two.

''Well, keep doing the eye thing then if that helps. Landdweller, Seadweller.. Are there other kinds of trolls?''


tendtoenunciate November 15 2011, 12:36:25 UTC
"That's probabky the most significant difference," Kanaya says. "Of course there's blood color besides that but there are too many possibilities to really divide into 'varieties' of trolls." She glances meaningfully at Eridan, not sure how to communicate what she wants to. Basically she's concerned his opinions about the hemospectrum aren't going to be seen well, because she knows humans tend to place very little stock in it, regardless of the objective accuracy of some forms of distinction.


wwrathofangels November 15 2011, 16:20:47 UTC
Kanaya. You are usually so intelligent, and yet you are expecting Eridan of all trolls to pick up on a meaningful look. Needless to say, but it shall be said for posterity, he completely ignores that look and just goes on ahead with explaining. "WWhaddya mean, you can't divide into warieties by blood color?! A course you can! I think it's pretty obwious wwe both hawe different blood colors." He rolls his eyes, sitting up again. "Mine's purple, wwhich means I'm royalty." Could he look any smugger about that fact?

Yes. Yes he could. But he won't, because he's going to press on with his explanation. "Kan's is just green, wwhich wwould ordinarily make her pretty loww class, but jade green is really rare an' it means she's the most important kind a landdwweller a all." At the end of his explanation, he pushes his glasses back up on his nose.


tendtoenunciate November 15 2011, 17:21:01 UTC
"Yes, yes, a hundred sweeps in the mother grub's brooding caverns, that'll most definitely be enjoyable. It's a detail he doesn't need to now about, you can't expect him to just memorize every rank on the hemospectrum. Besides, I think even you'll admit that for our purposes the distinction between maroon and amber or cerulean and navy is academic." Guh. She looks at Gokudera. Save her. "The jade's where I get my tolerance for sunshine, actually," she adds for his benefit. "But you must not find all this alien biology interesting -- I'm sure you'd much rather be preparing us for whatever attack or whatnot you have in mind."


charinjo7 November 15 2011, 21:58:39 UTC
Looking around, he notices that Medic, Prussia and Canada has arrived too by now. Six people in total.. Well, two people, two nations and two trolls to be exact. It wasn't much of an army, but it'd have to do.

''You're right, we should start focusing on the upcoming attack.'' Gokudera would much rather talk more about troll-related topics, the blood stuff was interesting, but lives were in jeopardy so now wasn't the time sadly. He turns to Eridan. ''I've seen her weapon; do you have one too? Can you fight if it comes to that?'' Coming up with some sort of strategy was easier if he knew what everyone were capable of.


wwrathofangels November 15 2011, 22:34:38 UTC
"A course I hawe a wweapon!" The idea that he wouldn't have one is clearly quite insulting to him. He stands, then, so he actually has room to take out his rifle. As soon as he's on his feet, the Crosshairs are in his hands. One hand adjusts something near the sights, before he raises the rifle and aims at a chair.

Once he pulls the trigger, releasing an energy burst, perhaps the only thing that remains to be said is 'What chair?', but Eridan clearly has other ideas. "If you think that's still too powwerful, I might be able to dial it back a little more."


charinjo7 November 15 2011, 23:04:11 UTC
''Shit!'' Gokudera just stares at the now empty spot for a few seconds, clearly impressed. ''..dial it back? So you're not using its full potential right now?!''


wwrathofangels November 15 2011, 23:14:25 UTC
"WWe're in space, right?" Eridan gives Gokudera a blank look as he lowers the rifle. "I think blowwin' a gapin' fuckin' hole in the hull wwould be a fuckin' stupid idea." The weapon is put back in his Sylladex for the time being.


charinjo7 November 15 2011, 23:53:49 UTC
''I know; someone tried that already.'' He and Kouki had not succeeded, but Prussia certainly had. ''But there are some rooms in the ship that we don't have access to; maybe we can manage to blast our way in with your rifle.. Long-distance weapons is surely best suited for taking out walls in case we happen to destroy one of the main ones; the risk of getting pulled outside will be considerable less if we keep our distance.''


wwrathofangels November 16 2011, 02:10:33 UTC
"Absolutely not! Ewen if wwe don't get pulled out, all the air wwill. Howw're wwe goin' to breathe?" He crosses his arms once more, tilting his head down. It's actually a far more threatening gesture than Gokudera might think, considering trolls have horns on their heads. "I'm not shootin' at any wwalls that might ewen possibly lead only to space. You can find some other idiot to do it."


tendtoenunciate November 16 2011, 03:32:58 UTC
Oh, be still, her ashen heart. Club. Whatever. It stirs. Her hand twitches, gets a third of the way through the motion toward's Eridan's head to tilt it back up, before she thinks much better of it. Now's no time for flirting.

"In my opinion shooting down walls would be rather drastic. Even disregarding the risk inherent given our location, there's still the question of how the soldiers will react. And the terrorists. And the traitors." She looks at Gokudera, seeming for a moment less like a ragripping battle lumberjacqueline and much more like a terrified kidnapped young girl. "In all honesty I still have very little comprehension of what these factions are doing." Demonstrated by her perception of a distinction between the traitors and terrorists. "If you could clarify I'd really appreciate it."


charinjo7 November 16 2011, 11:13:41 UTC
Gokudera isn't familiar with troll-threats so he just gives an annoyed sigh, pulls out a pen from his pocket and starts drawing on the table due to lack of easily accessible writing materials right now; he's not ready to fully abandon the wall-idea just yet.

''Do you guys have a better idea? We can scan the whole bloody facility one more time before going to drastic measures if that's more preferable? I'm pretty sure that we need to get into the main living quarters in order to find any clues, and no one has been able to find any sort of entrance so far.. Hell, there might not even be one since they mainly use teleportation to get around. Look.'' He points at some crudely drawn lines and symbols on the table. ''This is how we'll do it if the search don't yield any results. Point A is us, and point B is the wall. We stand at the opposite end of the room, outside it even, slam the door shut after we fire the weapon on the distant wall, and wait to see if we hear any sounds before opening it again. The wall should fix itself if its one of the main ones.'' Well, it had done so in Prussia's case anyhow so hopefully it'd do that this time too. ''But I can certainly handle it on my own if you aren't interested.''

''Concerning the other question.. We can roughly be divided into three main factions; us, the soldiers, and the terrorists/traitors etc. We were already trapped here when the terrorists decided to hide in the ship, and the soldiers are out to get them so we are sort of caught in the middle of it all since both parties wants our co-operation. The soldiers have captured three of us, and threatens to torture and kill them unless we murder or bring them the terrorists. They've already started the torture part, and killed one of the hostages..'' 'Prussia's' face darkens, and there's a sudden loud bang as he slams his fist into the table with great force. ''We must act before they kill another one! To put it simply; the respawn function needs to be fixed, the hostages must be rescued, and the soldiers dealt with one way or another.''


tendtoenunciate November 16 2011, 13:05:45 UTC
She stares at the diagram for quite a few moments, folding her hands in imitation of what's been presented. Then it clicks for her. "Wait. You say you're trapped here. In that case, how did you get there? Were you brought by yet another party now out of the picture? Or was there some kind of rift, perhaps?"


wwrathofangels November 16 2011, 18:27:37 UTC
He leans over, studying the diagram and letting Gokudera's words wash over him. The idea of slamming a door shut makes him snort derisively. "Oh, right, 'cause wwe can definitely mowe faster than the blast from my rifle. That's goin' to wwork swwimmin'ly." He would continue, but.

Did Gokudera just imply he couldn't handle a task as simple as taking out a wall?!

He might end up talking over Kanaya in his utter indignance at that notion, because nothing is more important (to him, at any rate) than his pride. "If you're tryin' to say I can't handle shootin' a hole in a wwall then you need to jus'... jus'... shut the glub up! Excuse me for not wwantin' to risk gettin' all a us killed wwhen wwe hawe no wway a comin' back to life that I knoww of! God, are all a you humans complete fuckin' idiots or is that somefin unique to you?!"

The worst thing about all that yelling is that he is flirting. Hardcore hateflirts, to be exact. Of course, without knowing troll body language, there's really no way to tell that this is flirting. Which may actually be for the best.


tendtoenunciate November 16 2011, 20:06:20 UTC
Oh, thank you, Eridan, alienate the humans just like you did every damn troll back home, why don't you. They've been here for two hours but this shouldn't really surprise her considering they were been in the veil for six.

She digs her fingers into his shoulder, half-shaking. "Eridan. This isn't the time. Our entire goal is to escape and if successful we would never even see any of these people again. If you can't even manage to control yourself for a few hours your desired black activity will quite possibly be acquired by means of lipstick so colored." In a sharp lower voice: "And he's ten."

After a deep sigh she begins to speak more broadly. "But his points about the rifle are valid. If we don't know the layout, that means any given wall could lead to the vacuum of space, which even a room away will still be potentially lethal. Which if the footage I saw is accurate has a tendency to lead to death." ...wait, wasn't Gokudera in that footage?! ...not the time to question that. "I'll acknowledge the situation is dire enough that use of force is certainly potentially valid, and we do need to act quickly, but quickly acting to get ourselves thrown into the void isn't much of an answer."


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