Rescue Rangers?

Nov 13, 2011 14:19

WHO: Evveryone!
WHAT: Meet-up to plan a rescue mission. Also? Socialising. Because that's what we do.
WHERE: meal acquisition block Cafeteria, because we are civilised trolls people, coddamnit.
WHEN: At some point following the hostage video
WARNING(S): Threadjacking may occur.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate. )

red medic, prussia, canada, eridan ampora, kanaya maryam, hayato gokudera

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tendtoenunciate November 20 2011, 12:35:20 UTC
"Yes, that sounds like a good idea," Kanaya said. She cupped her hand around her mouth to call them over: "Canada, Mr. Beilschmidt. We've come to some conclusions, it'd be fitting to confer about them." Since she'd been busy with Gokudera and Eridan, she hadn't seen Medic at all. Otherwise she'd probably have some questions about the girl with striking clothing and even more attention-getting attitude.


gewehrundblut November 20 2011, 14:39:56 UTC
Mr Beilschmidt, at the least, makes his way over, taking a seat on the edge of the table and propping his feet on a chair. His hands are folded neatly in his lap, though his fingers twitch. "All right, let's hear these conclusions so I can shoot down any stupid ones."


furgotten November 20 2011, 20:09:36 UTC
Canada gets up from his woebegone spot on the floor to go stand next to Prussia, looking at the trolls and Gokudera to wait for them to talk. He's not certain yet he'll be allowed to do anything, or be of any help, but he certainly can't give up yet.


charinjo7 November 20 2011, 22:15:40 UTC
''We're going to backtrack to where Andrea was kidnapped and see if that'll provide us with any leads.'' Gilbert receives a glare that dares him to say that the idea is stupid. ''We don't know exactly which hallway she was captured in, but there's 8 in total so I suggest that we split up into two factions in order to cover ground more quickly, search 4 floors each. I'll be on one team, and Prussia should be on the other one since we're the only ones present who's familiar with this place.''

The kid would probably tag along with Prussia.. Gokudera gives the colony a thoughtful look before continuing. ''We should also search the victims of Medic's little massacre while we're at it, but I can handle that part.'' Sure, Canada might have seen Medic's video already, but there was no reason to expose him to more bloody scenes than necessary.


1/2 gewehrundblut November 21 2011, 01:03:30 UTC
"Actually, that's not a bad idea. They might have left behind some evidence of at least how the fight went, which would give us an idea of what to expect when we plan the rescue." He taps his chin thoughtfully, while waiting for Gokudera to continue. When he mentions searching the dead bodies, that also earns a nod. "Maybe they'll have some of their technology left on them, right?"


2/2 wwrathofangels November 21 2011, 01:09:38 UTC
He's about to protest that he's not going anywhere alone with either of them, when an idea occurs to him. Now, to hope that Kanaya doesn't shoot it down when she recognises the look on his face. Maybe for once this whole hope thing will work for him. "I oughta go wwith Gokudera. If it's an actual bassacre -glub- sorry, massacre, you're goin' to need someone wwho can handle a lot a blood. An' I think I'm de-fin-itely the most qualified troll for that task."


Re: 2/2 tendtoenunciate November 21 2011, 02:51:53 UTC
She turns to Eridan, opens her mouth, almost raises her hand -- and then alls back both. Wait. If she can trust him alone, there'd be no reason to object, and everything will go smoothly. But either she wrongly lets him go along, makes an explicit solicitation, and ruins everything -- or she objects for good reason, which is still an explicit solicitation ruining everything. Ampora's frickin' wager. Those cards are well played. Let's just hope he actually plays them well once given that trust.

"That sounds acceptable to me," she says after this whole little moment of thought (because she's also missing the opportunity to see some blood). "Shall we get to it, then?"


furgotten November 21 2011, 09:47:56 UTC
Canada is distracted a moment watching the new troll (does he look like a fish to anyone else?) but then it comes all to apparent that no one seems to be assigning him anything to do.

"Kumajirou and I need to help, too!" he says loudly, then, not a shout but not his usual quiet voice either. Just in case they can't hear him. "We know our way around. What can we do?"


charinjo7 November 21 2011, 13:19:32 UTC
''Exactly!'' Gokudera had been ready to defend the plan, but calms down a bit when Gilbert approves of it. He looks a bit surprised when Eridan volunteers to join him however, but assumes that the troll might be trying to shelter Kanaya. Even if she's probably used to bloody stuff since she wields a fuckin' chainsaw..? ''Yes, let's get going.''

''Sure..'' Gokudera fails to see how the smaller nation can be of use at first, but Kumajirou gives him an idea. ''Do you think that that bear of yours will be able to pick up on Andrea's trail? I've read somewhere that bears have a great sense of smell.''


furgotten November 21 2011, 17:00:33 UTC
"Maybe!" Canada nods, convinced already that that'll be how they can help, because he won't let anyone down. "We can try. I know it wasn't too long after she left her room that we got her message that she was in trouble."


gewehrundblut November 21 2011, 19:46:06 UTC
"Awesome! In that case, Canada, you come with my group since all we have to worry about is finding where they took Andrea from. You can keep me out of trouble, right?" He grins, turning to face the boy before hopping down off the table.

Once Canada responds, he'll be glancing over at Gokudera. "And Fräulein Maryam is with us, then, if you have Herr Fishy?" Naturally, Eridan's sputtered protests that his name is not Herr Fishy go entirely unheeded by Gilbert. After all, Canada isn't the only one who thinks the new troll looks like a fish.

((ooc: Or, you know, he can strike out on his own. Whatevs. I have got to stop responding at the same time as Charinjo. ::facepalm:: ))


charinjo7 November 21 2011, 22:09:56 UTC
''Yes.'' Prussia's nickname for Eridan draws a small smile. ''Send a short message through the com if you guys find anything, and we'll do the same; the enemy will surely have access to a couple of communicators too so don't give up any details.''

Gokudera starts walking towards the exit, expecting Eridan to follow.


wwrathofangels November 21 2011, 22:31:56 UTC
The aforementioned Herr Fishy sea troll doesn't quite notice Gokudera leaving, caught up as he is in his righteous indignation at being called a fishy. So when he does, he has to run a little to catch up. Which makes him grumble even more, since he doesn't even have his cape on to look cool while doing it.


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