Header Classes

Aug 01, 2006 20:35

Quick Links:
.header-menu ul, #footer-menu ul
.header-menu li, #footer-menu li
.header-menu a, .header-menu a:visited
.header-menu a:hover


description: Container that holds the title, subtitle and navigation links.
location: Header


description: Title of journal (if you have one defined).
location: Header


description: Subtitle of journal (if you have one defined).
location: Header


description: Journal's user pic, if visible (this is hidden by default).
location: Header - on the right


description: Main container for navigation links
location: Header

.header-menu ul, #footer-menu ul

description: An unordered list that holds the navigation links (also used in the footer).
location: Inside the .header-menu / #footer-menu

.header-menu li, #footer-menu li

description: The individual list items in the unordered list above.
location: Inside the .header-menu ul / #footer-menu ul

.header-menu a, .header-menu a:visited

description: The navigation links.
location: In the header-menu

.header-menu a:hover

description: State of the navigation links when they are hovered on.
location: In the header-menu

No Image

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Header |
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