Page Classes

Aug 01, 2006 20:32

Quick Links:
a, a:visited, a:hover
.pagefooterblock a, .pagefooterblock a:visited


description: The page in it's entirety.  Insert a background or change font preferences here.
location: Everywhere.

No Image

a, a:visited, a:hover

description: General link styles.  Set colors, background, etc.
location: The page in general.


description: This is a container that holds all of the layout components (header, body, footer)
location: Entire Page
note: Altering this class is the easiest way to shrink your layout.

For Example:

margin:0 auto;

Will give the result shown on the right.


description: The footer at the very bottom of the page
location: Bottom of page.

.pagefooterblock a, .pagefooterblock a:visited

description: Links in the footer
location: Bottom of page

No Image

Page |
Header |
Body |
Entries |
Sidebar |
Comment Page |
Archive/Tags Page

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