[Open] She wants to be like the water

Nov 22, 2010 19:06

Guinevere has had plenty of time to recover from her emotions. She's remembered things.

She's remembered her children, the ones she has in another reality, Lleu and Goewin. She's remembered being saved from herself by Sir Kay and another nephew who claimed to have custody of her. She's had dreams.

In her dream, there is a dinner with all the ( Read more... )

guinevere, zz:(dropped)uther pendragon, zz:(dropped)sebastian (ephemera duology), agravain, riku miyagusuku, !open post, melou, iphigenia

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Comments 199

chevalier_boy November 23 2010, 00:48:09 UTC
Riku has been rummaging in the library, looking for a cookbook with directions on how to cook a Thanksgiving dinner, or at least the turkey. He's found a likely book and he's brought it into the common room to pore over it.

That's when he spots a lady who looks a lot like Nerdanel sitting by the fire, and so he takes the book to sit beside her. "Hi there, it's been a while since we last talked."


sissy_queen November 23 2010, 02:10:43 UTC
Guinevere looks up at the boy, her demeanor is kind and patient.

"I beg your pardon, lad?"

She's never met him in her life, she doesn't think.

Or has she? Typist forgets. >.<


chevalier_boy November 23 2010, 03:48:04 UTC
He gets a better look at her and realizes his error: her ears aren't elven. "Oops, I'm really sorry," he says. "I thought you were a nice lady I know here. I'm Riku," he offers.

Nope, they haven't met till now. :: Smiles::


sissy_queen November 23 2010, 15:28:59 UTC
"Oh?" Guinevere inclines her head. "There is no harm done," she says kindly. "I am Guinevere."

She hasn't bothered with her title in a long, long time.


ohmaiden November 24 2010, 13:54:41 UTC
Iphigenia's walking by when she sees Gwen, and--remembers. Or sort of remembers. It's like a dream, where she knows she's seen the face before, but isn't sure where.

Nonetheless, she comes up to her. "Hello?" she says hesitantly, not necessarily wanting to disturb her.


sissy_queen November 25 2010, 15:36:30 UTC
Guinevere looks up, is a little bit confused, because that face is familiar as well, and she can't quite place the lass.

"-- my lady?"


ohmaiden November 25 2010, 15:47:58 UTC
"--I feel like I know you," she blurts out. "I mean, I--um. Sorry to bother you."


sissy_queen November 26 2010, 01:33:14 UTC
"Nay, nay, it's well," she admits, a bit too hurriedly. "If truth be told, I thought the same. Have we not met before?"


daddyissuesjnr November 25 2010, 06:38:38 UTC
Melou's walking through the room, and he pauses when he notices there's somebody else in it. He's about to keep moving, but his hesitation might be long enough for Gwen to notice him, or speak to him, perhaps.

He hasn't, for the moment, realised who she is.

And I wanted to ask if it's still okay for me to send Agravain, because as discussed, it really wouldn't end very well >.>


sissy_queen November 25 2010, 15:34:47 UTC
Guinevere blinks when she sees him - she's seen Melou in the Mansion before, and had a conversation, at the time, about his marriage woes.

"-- Lord Melou?"

Her tone is polite, timid, tentative.

If you want, though as I said, that's okay only if you're willing to have Agravain get caught red-handed by Seb, Mal or someone else, with possible fall-out, I imagine. (If typists aren't available to interrupt, I'll punt Tristan, but it would be a last resort, you know my love of 3-way threads.)

Also, just a reminder that this Gwen is 18, so not very far in age from Melou.


daddyissuesjnr November 26 2010, 03:59:53 UTC
Melou stops suddenly, a little startled that she knows his name. He doesn't remember ever speaking to her.

"Do I know you?"

He still hasn't realised who she is. He has been told that Guinevere is at the Mansion, but he's expecting her to be much older.


sissy_queen November 27 2010, 02:07:20 UTC
"I--- forgive me, it must have been a mistake," she says, a bit thickly.


asshatoforkney November 26 2010, 07:41:54 UTC
Agravain is walking through, with a bottle in one hand, drinking wine as he goes. He drops it when he sees Guinevere, and the contents start spilling onto the floor, but he doesn't care. He doesn't even notice.


His voice is full of anger and loathing.


Keywords! sissy_queen November 27 2010, 02:04:01 UTC
Guinevere startles and pricks her finger. A small pearl of blood comes forth, and her eyes widen like prey's.

"-- Sir Agravain." It's very much a squeak.


XD they are very fitting asshatoforkney November 27 2010, 07:18:32 UTC
"I'm sorry," Agravain says, taking a step forward. He doesn't sound sorry at all. "Did I startle you?"

He somehow turns that question into a threat.


sissy_queen November 27 2010, 23:12:03 UTC
"-- Nay, nay my lord," she replies quickly. "Or only a little, it's naught."

She's trying to be brave. She has nothing to be worried about. Nothing, she keeps telling herself.



comesindreams November 30 2010, 03:56:45 UTC
Sebastian has been sitting outside, soaking up the last rays of sunlight, but he senses her presence at once and stands nimbly, his movement as graceful and fluid as it is ever so slightly unnatural. His eyes are a little overbright, but he seems well, and there is no reason not to be.

He steps inside, just taking a simple and wholly un-incubus-like pleasure in watching her embroider for several moments before he comes over and brushes a hand against her shoulder.

"My lady."


sissy_queen November 30 2010, 04:53:44 UTC
And as always when she feels the warmth of his touch, Guinevere shivers a little, not unpleasantly.

"Sebastian," she whispers, and there's something of a prayer in the way she says his name.

"Art well?"


comesindreams December 1 2010, 05:10:13 UTC
"Yes," he says, "Always, as soon as I see you. And you, Guinevere?" Are you unmolested? But he doesn't quite ask that question. He'll find out in his own way.

He leans down, kisses her cheek, his hands absently massaging her shoulders, without even thinking about it.


sissy_queen December 1 2010, 06:22:45 UTC
"I am well," now that you're here, is the subtext. Whether there was molestation or not, at this point, is unknown to the typist.

She's happy to be kissed, to be touched, though, and leans into his hands without thinking.

"-- Sebastian --" A mild, ineffectual protest. They're in public!


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