all the things she said (she said)

Jan 28, 2009 09:21

Edit: The whole reason I started this post was to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to artistic_sillie! I hope you're having a fabulous day :)

Unpopular fannish opinion: I really, really despise the phrase 'OM NOM NOM'. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard. Just typing it right now is wigging me out. I see it all the time and I am trying to come to terms with it, but it ( Read more... )

requests, scenes from the library

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Comments 100

spoiledjap January 28 2009, 15:09:38 UTC
I hate that phrase too and Rach, though I love her, says it all the time and it gives me the hibbie jibbies. Great I've got them now.

During my online dating days, I actually talked to my friends brothers and was always the go to girl for threesome invites. Then the couple would be disgusted when I say no.

Ficlet request....Nick/Greg, Speed/Tyler, Reid/Morgan or Harlan/Marcus and Lazy day stuck at home because of the weather. Lame I'm sorry.


carolinecrane January 28 2009, 15:11:54 UTC
It's not lame! That is an awesome request.

I think listing myself as bi just opens the threesome floodgates. That's my theory. Though getting propositioned by people you know in RL is even weirder. Goodness.

Sorry for inflicting that phrase on you unnecessarily. I am very glad to know I'm not alone, though, because I hear it so often online that I really thought I was. ::clings::


spoiledjap January 28 2009, 17:06:50 UTC
The snow's turned to rain. So we might venture out to the bank and to go kitchen shopping. We're redoing it, OMG I'm going to be without a kitchen for weeks! I will live off of protein bars and caned soup.

Every time that phrase is on my flist I cringe...why oh why is it used. And why so often?


carolinecrane January 28 2009, 19:53:58 UTC
It's been raining for three days straight, a steady, fine drizzle making the whole city feel soggy. Mostly it's just been annoying, because it means wet raincoats and dodging the weather every time he has to leave the office for another meeting ( ... )


duckduck January 28 2009, 15:40:06 UTC
I am full of unpopular opinions myself lately. For example: facebook is lame and boring! And I had a talk with a third party and AURORA's bad friendship skills were mentioned and it seems everyone is just sick of her shit. I want to DEFRIEND. I want to declare defriending amnesty day at my lj and see if she leaves. The temptation is great. But ultimately she is getting what she deserves, if everyone is noticing, finally, what I've seen for the past year, at least.

The fangirl trip is all that keeps me sane lately. That and seeing my family this weekend.

What's got you so down? Email me if you want.

Um, ficlet request: Bretty Crocker/Avery, Deadliest AU, the morning after, when Avery wakes up. Awkward conversation and possible physical contact, please!


carolinecrane January 28 2009, 15:43:01 UTC
OH MY GOD WHY IS SHE STILL ON YOUR FRIENDS LIST???? I thought you kicked that drama queen to the curb ages ago. Defriend her, just defriend her. You will feel better regardless of any perceived fallout, I swear.

Facebook is lame and boring. Also, my mom and dad are very active on it, and it causes way too much undue high school-related trauma, so mostly I don't even bother.

Oh, I love that request. Except now I am picturing Brett in an apron. Dear God, he hates me.


duckduck January 28 2009, 15:50:01 UTC
See, she never posts, she never replies to anything I write, so I'm pretty sure that while I'm still on her list, she just ignores me or filtered me out.

I think you're thinking of another self-centered attention whoreish drama queen that I kicked to the curb last year after she had a passive-aggressive response to not being invited to my birthday party, even though we didn't talk and hadn't for ages and a lot of her posts were really obvious passive-aggressive whinings about how her old friends weren't really there for her anymore. Why I'M the only one of those people who defriended her after that shit I don't know. If you have an issue with me, fucking SAY SOMETHING DIRECTLY, don't whine and complain in a public forum.

I just might do that. If I finally can grow a pair.

Anyway. I rather love the mental image of Brett in an apron, now that I think about it. Haha!


carolinecrane January 28 2009, 15:53:32 UTC
I think I am thinking of the same emotionally stunted, abusive attention whore that is still on your friends list, I just assumed you had parted ways completely. I'm sorry to hear that she is still hanging around, reminding you of how much she sucks, but since you still have to see each other in social situations I guess she's around anyway.

Still and all, it's messed up. Circles of friends, man. And now I'm going to have fucking Edie Brickell in my head.

Brett in an apron! I don't think I can swing it. I might give him a grease burn from frying bacon, though.


goddessdster January 28 2009, 15:56:06 UTC
I actually ADORE that phrase and use it quite often. But as I respect highly your lack of love for it, so I will refrain from using it here. I cannot promise the same for my LJ, though.

I am ill and feeling terribly sorry for myself and I love your Jim Brass voice, so all I want is some Jim. You can use the prompt 'sick,' because I am that unoriginal.


carolinecrane January 28 2009, 17:07:29 UTC
A lot of people seem to love that phrase, as I see it all the time, and I have zero expectation of anyone curbing their enthusiasm on my account. I do feel better for admitting my distaste for it, though.


carolinecrane February 1 2009, 14:21:48 UTC
I do not think this is what you had in mind, but I don't even trust my Brass voice, so I struggled. Obviously, since yours was one of the first requests, and it's taken me this long ( ... )


ruggerdavey February 4 2009, 00:31:17 UTC
There was nothing there worth holding onto, he figures, if she could walk away so easily.

Oh, Brass. I want to give him a hug. I just - *sniffles*


moonsong42 January 28 2009, 16:15:19 UTC
Um, hi. You don't know me in real life, but I've been reading your fic for what feels like ages and absolutely adore your work. I'm not a big fan of the phrase myself, but I <3 Questionable Content (the webcomic) and they have this really cute t-shirt with a derivative of the phrase.

And Mighty Ducks Bash Brothers, and/or Will/Warren, and/or Cupid/Strife on their first night in their first apartment/temple together.


carolinecrane January 28 2009, 17:10:36 UTC
That *is* an adorable shirt! I love cute t-shirts (today I am wearing the age-inappropriate 99 luftballons shirt from Threadless), so I can appreciate the humor in that one even though I still hate the term :)


ruggerdavey February 4 2009, 01:33:03 UTC
Dude, did you see this shirt at the site linked? Hee.

Also, I totally got myself a "Global Warming Killed Frosty" t-shirt. I am wearing it to school at some point this week, and the bizarre amount of snow outside makes it all the more amusing.


carolinecrane February 4 2009, 01:40:54 UTC
I had not, but that is pretty awesome, I have to say.


innerslytherin January 28 2009, 17:34:07 UTC
I'm assuming you've already been through the lovely experience of having people come up to your desk to ask you out? When I was head of reference in one town it seriously got so bad I BOUGHT MYSELF A RING to wear while I was working the front desk. It was an emerald ring and it fits on my right hand, too, but still.

Hm, you say you can't write in the fandom...but I bet you can. Reid/Morgan and the prompt is hat or shopping.


carolinecrane January 29 2009, 02:24:41 UTC
You may be sorry you asked, but I tried ( ... )


innerslytherin January 29 2009, 02:45:01 UTC
Oh, I LOVE it! :D A tiny slice of their life together! This is exactly what I needed tonight. *glomps you happily*


carolinecrane January 29 2009, 03:12:40 UTC
Yay, I'm glad you liked it! (Thank you for being kind.) In my mind this is part of that series I'm stalled on, but I forgot to mention that when I posted.


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