all the things she said (she said)

Jan 28, 2009 09:21

Edit: The whole reason I started this post was to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to artistic_sillie! I hope you're having a fabulous day :)

Unpopular fannish opinion: I really, really despise the phrase 'OM NOM NOM'. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard. Just typing it right now is wigging me out. I see it all the time and I am trying to come to terms with it, but it ( Read more... )

requests, scenes from the library

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duckduck January 28 2009, 15:40:06 UTC
I am full of unpopular opinions myself lately. For example: facebook is lame and boring! And I had a talk with a third party and AURORA's bad friendship skills were mentioned and it seems everyone is just sick of her shit. I want to DEFRIEND. I want to declare defriending amnesty day at my lj and see if she leaves. The temptation is great. But ultimately she is getting what she deserves, if everyone is noticing, finally, what I've seen for the past year, at least.

The fangirl trip is all that keeps me sane lately. That and seeing my family this weekend.

What's got you so down? Email me if you want.

Um, ficlet request: Bretty Crocker/Avery, Deadliest AU, the morning after, when Avery wakes up. Awkward conversation and possible physical contact, please!


carolinecrane January 28 2009, 15:43:01 UTC
OH MY GOD WHY IS SHE STILL ON YOUR FRIENDS LIST???? I thought you kicked that drama queen to the curb ages ago. Defriend her, just defriend her. You will feel better regardless of any perceived fallout, I swear.

Facebook is lame and boring. Also, my mom and dad are very active on it, and it causes way too much undue high school-related trauma, so mostly I don't even bother.

Oh, I love that request. Except now I am picturing Brett in an apron. Dear God, he hates me.


duckduck January 28 2009, 15:50:01 UTC
See, she never posts, she never replies to anything I write, so I'm pretty sure that while I'm still on her list, she just ignores me or filtered me out.

I think you're thinking of another self-centered attention whoreish drama queen that I kicked to the curb last year after she had a passive-aggressive response to not being invited to my birthday party, even though we didn't talk and hadn't for ages and a lot of her posts were really obvious passive-aggressive whinings about how her old friends weren't really there for her anymore. Why I'M the only one of those people who defriended her after that shit I don't know. If you have an issue with me, fucking SAY SOMETHING DIRECTLY, don't whine and complain in a public forum.

I just might do that. If I finally can grow a pair.

Anyway. I rather love the mental image of Brett in an apron, now that I think about it. Haha!


carolinecrane January 28 2009, 15:53:32 UTC
I think I am thinking of the same emotionally stunted, abusive attention whore that is still on your friends list, I just assumed you had parted ways completely. I'm sorry to hear that she is still hanging around, reminding you of how much she sucks, but since you still have to see each other in social situations I guess she's around anyway.

Still and all, it's messed up. Circles of friends, man. And now I'm going to have fucking Edie Brickell in my head.

Brett in an apron! I don't think I can swing it. I might give him a grease burn from frying bacon, though.


duckduck January 28 2009, 15:57:46 UTC
That's good enough. I'll take what I can get. :)

OT, I am totally on another romance novel kick. God, I love them. They're ridiculous! But of course I haven't written anything in like a week!


carolinecrane January 28 2009, 17:06:22 UTC
I was trying to read a chicklit novel about a librarian witch, but it was so terrible I gave up. Now I'm reading a fake memoir called Death: A Life. No opinion so far.


Good Lord this is so schmoopy. carolinecrane January 28 2009, 20:38:25 UTC
He should be used to the silence, but it feels weird somehow. Maybe it's because Avery's been home for almost twenty-four hours, but Brett's barely seen him. He must have been exhausted, because the second time he went to bed, he stayed there. He's been passed out ever since, as far as Brett knows, and he's spent the past hour talking himself out of going in there just to make sure Avery's still breathing.

Instead he's distracting himself by cooking, bacon sizzling in the big cast iron pan and eggs frying on the griddle and there are even muffins baking in the oven. And he's not sure what he's going to do with all this food if Avery doesn't get his ass out of bed soon, but Avery hasn't eaten since he got home and he's hoping the hunger will catch up with him soon ( ... )


Part Two carolinecrane January 28 2009, 20:38:50 UTC
"It's nothing," Brett answers, yanking his hand back out of Avery's grip and telling himself he imagined the flash of hurt in Avery's eyes. "It's nothing," he says again, voice a little more gentle as he heads for the sink to run cold water on it. "Just some grease. Take that bacon out before it burns, would you ( ... )


Re: Part Two duckduck January 29 2009, 01:05:44 UTC
AVERY! YOU TEASE! You harpy! Oh, I'd bet this sets Brett off on another freakout about oh, God, was Avery that hands on with everyone on the boat? If so, what happened? I mean, they're out in the middle of the ocean, not a woman in sight. Is it like Prison? Was Avery anyone's Bitch? Or did he just get his ass handed to him whenever he accidentally touched someone?

Oh, Brett. Hahaha.


Re: Part Two carolinecrane January 29 2009, 01:08:53 UTC
I had the very same thought as I was writing this. Poor Brett, freaking out about how Avery's all up in his personal space and is that something he LEARNED FROM EXPERIENCE or is he trying to tell Brett something, or what? And Avery's just gotten so used to close quarters that he's like, 'whatever', except he also a little bit wanted to be that close to Brett, even if he had to pretend it was an accident.


Re: Part Two duckduck January 29 2009, 01:11:58 UTC

OMG I'm so bored. It's going to be one of those nights, I gather.


Re: Part Two carolinecrane January 29 2009, 01:13:21 UTC
I have a bunch more ficlets to be working on, but I am watching Ghost Hunters instead. It's a repeat though so it's boring me too.


Re: Part Two duckduck January 29 2009, 01:15:42 UTC
I've found the internet boring, too, lately, so I think I'm just going to wander off and curl up with my book and wait for j to get home so we can EAT SOME GODDAMNED DINNER.

I've decided I'm going to start over with novel in 90 in February.


Re: Part Two ruggerdavey February 1 2009, 16:48:32 UTC
Oh, Brett the happy homemaker. That is totally awesome in a kind of hilarious way. And wanting to punch Avery for being a fucking cocktease - hee. I just, I love getting to see the inside of Brett's head.


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