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Comments 29

carboncopy_baby April 12 2009, 23:19:18 UTC
He knew Envy would play dirty. It was practically a given between the two -- Greed would be the one fighting like a proper, upstanding monster, and Envy would do his all-out best to put his hands where they didn't belong, tearing and knifing at him faster than the other Homunculi could physically keep up with.

"Oi, Envy!"

As he approached the other "Sin," Greed willed his shield up to his neck, already flexing his clawed hands at his sides.

"Let's do this!"


fluidshape April 14 2009, 04:09:42 UTC
Even without stealing another's body, Envy's form was deceptive. Slender, small-- anyone watching the two monsters meet in Times Square would bet against the fragile-looking shapeshifter. But Envy hadn't lived hundreds of years and learned nothing. He was a creature of cunning and trickery. And he wasn't mommy's strongest beast in reputation alone.

He was already deciding how to play this game. His speed was superior to Greed's, and perhaps even his physical strength. But his "brother" had that damned shield-- the perfect defense, no matter how hard Envy hit him-- and one swipe from those claws would leave Envy's soft body twitching and convulsing in regeneration. He couldn't get hit.

"So eager to lose, Greed?" Envy asked mockingly, leisurely stretching his arms, limber as a cat. "Well, if you insist."


carboncopy_baby April 14 2009, 04:50:59 UTC
That cocky little no-account androgynous fuck. Greed's eyes narrowed as his brother-sin closed the distance between them, his arms cast out to each side of his body as he started to pick up speed, boots striking the concrete so hard that it cracked and shifted beneath him. Envy may of had the speed to avoid whatever Greed could throw at him, but he didn't have staying power that the second son had.

"Just cuz you're the oldest doesn't mean fuck all t'me, you ugly piece of shit!"

The shield was his glory: it made Greed impervious to harm, but didn't slow him down in the least, making it so that every movement, even though they had the force of a wrecking ball behind them, came just a fast as any other well-developed human could dish out.

"Come on!"

When he reached Envy, he lashed out with an open-palmed strike, devoting just enough follow-through to it to make it look real.


fluidshape April 15 2009, 12:40:09 UTC
Ugly piece of shit.

Irritation flickered over Envy's face. "Look who's talking," he sneered venomously, "You monstrous fuck."

His shapeshifting cells might have been hiding a face he despised-- the face of Hoenheim Elric's son-- but Greed's flesh was hiding something else entirely. Even to Envy, who had a natural disdain for most things, the Ultimate Shield was an impressive (annoying) obstacle. He could effortlessly crush concrete-- but that shield.

That was a different matter entirely.

The first son bared his teeth faintly, feet light on the ground as he takes one, two steps-- one backwards, then to the side-- to avoid the being struck.

It was a difficult task. First, the smaller homunculus needed to get close enough to use his footwork and physical strength to his advantage, which meant getting past swiping claws without getting hit. Then, there was that fucking shield. Maybe he would go for the eyes. Or instead of trying to break through, he'd just throw the bastard around until he couldn't get up anymore.


willofjustice April 13 2009, 00:57:01 UTC
Normally at this time, Amelia would have been tucked into bed, curled up and dozing under a thick pile of blankets. However, taking Monopoly over to the Elrics' home had proved to be an addictive pasttime, and one they hadn't been able to stop until someone won over most of the board. (There might have been a few arguments involved in that.) Stifling a yawn, stretching her arms above her head, Amelia wanders through the darkened streets on her way back home, her mind flickering over the next day's flower orders in her head.


She might have thought it was a car crash, which would have been enough to send her in that direction in the first place, but a similar sound and the shattering of glass as a heavy object strikes it sends her flying in that direction. "Ray Wing!"

She's not prepared for what she sees -- a miniature chaos of smashed cars and broken pavement, glass glittering on the sidewalk, citizens screaming and darting about. She stares, for a few moments frozen.


carboncopy_baby April 13 2009, 03:20:01 UTC
Greed is. Well. He's running. Envy's shifted into something faster than he can keep up with for the moment and -- well, he won't recognize the other as superior. It's antithesis to who he is; but, and this is key, the homunculus knows when the going is good.

And then he sees the little girl in his way.


Charging pell-knell through the crowd, his armor up to his neck, obviously made him look like a madman. This would not end well.

"Outta my way!"


willofjustice April 14 2009, 00:57:41 UTC
Moving as quickly as he is, trapped in chaos herself, Amelia doesn't yet identify the face. After all, like Lust's was, it was given to her only in a drawing, and therefore she has no personal experience with it. She's spoken with Greed, but never met him. Now there he is, parting the crowd before him like a sea, eyes wild, bearing down on a child . . .

With a yelp Amelia dives for the girl, the force of it driving them both to the ground, her arms cradling head and shoulders and trying to cover as much of the smaller one as possible. "Windy Shield!"

The shield the spell creates around her is strong, spherical. Hopefully they've evaded enough for Greed to only hit the edge on his forward path.


carboncopy_baby April 14 2009, 02:00:34 UTC
There's a moment where he thinks, briefly, that he's going to kill the innocent girl in front of him, and then, well. Greed is flying. Like usual. He simply hits an invisible wall of air at a certain point and then, poof, up is down and down is up and everything he's reaching for seems so very very far from him.

...When he hits the third story window of one of the buildings next to him, however, Greed thinks that flying might've been better than. Ah. Glass to the face. Ouch.


sunrisewolf April 13 2009, 02:23:22 UTC
Nights were more of Yumigami's preference than Amaterasu's. And usually in Nippon, she left matters of illuminating the sky to the rabbit-goddess. However, some nights proved to be too unusual for her to stay asleep. Eyes glowing with determination, the white wolf bolted across the streets, scattering a few trash cans that were in her way.

She senses two humans...no, two beings of some sort in the middle of Times Square, fighting with no regard for their surroundings.

As men, women, and the occasional child darted for safety, she leapt from where she stood to a spot between the fighters and the crowd, growling as a caution to any who were foolish enough to stay and gawk. Get home already, the wolf seemed to say as it ran about, trying to clear as much distance between homunculi and civilians as possible.


tinprodigy April 13 2009, 22:15:03 UTC
Ed hadn't found Al yet. He knew his brother wouldn't just run back home, not when there were people to keep safe. And if Ed hadn't seen him trying to herd the crowd, that might mean that he might be more proactively trying to protect the citizens. Oh christ, if Al got some stupid notion to go pick a fight with the homunculi -

Ed veered towards the growing no-man's land between the actual fight and the onlookers who were too stupid to run away. Scanning around as the crowd thinned, Ed was so intent on finding his brother, he didn't notice the wolf until he heard a low growl and turned to see where he was going. Big, white wolf, dead ahead of him, and growling at him.

He grimaced in utter dismay and skidded to a stop. "Oh crap."


sunrisewolf April 13 2009, 23:06:18 UTC
Distance was becoming more and more of an issue to Amaterasu as the fight wore on. She noticed particularly that both combatants were capable of doing damage to a large area without so much as breaking a sweat. It was that type of fight, specifically, that made the difference between a few accidentally broken ribs and a one-way trip to the grave.

A young man of rather short stature with blond hair stopped short of walking into the widening radius that she made. He had oddly determined eyes, for a civilian.

She jerked her head towards the outermost part of the crowd, beckoning the youth to escape, and prevent getting himself foolishly injured.


tinprodigy April 13 2009, 23:46:26 UTC
When the wolf didn't immediately lunge in to tear at his throat, Ed took it as a good sign. Then it caught his eyes and - oddly intelligent wolf's gaze, staring at him as if measuring him. And then it turned its head in a clear 'get the hell outta here' gesture. The wolf was - it was communicating? What - how-?

For a moment he was eerily reminded of Nina, and he swallowed. And then he shook his head, once deliberately.

"No way," he said, hoping this beast understood words and feeling kind of silly. "I gotta find someone. And maybe put my boot up those two bastards' asses."


tinprodigy April 13 2009, 16:51:37 UTC
Ed was still fuming with frustration over the Monopoly game - the evil mind that had devised the mortgage concept deserved to be dragged into the street and mauled to death by chimera - when he stepped out of the convenience store carrying a twelve-pack of soda. No more of this two-liter bottle crap. It was too liable to spill when things got tense - stupid Al and his stupid Boardwalk with the stupid hotels on it - and that led to late-night 7/11 escapades in this crazy city. Which never ended well ( ... )


carboncopy_baby April 14 2009, 01:40:35 UTC
Greed did his utmost best to keep Envy at bay; but, well. When someone can transform their arms into sledgehammers, a little has to give somewhere. After taking a well-placed uppercut, the Ultimate Shield found himself flying backwards, arms windmilling in the air before his back met the front of some passer-by's unfortunately placed car, the force of his descending arc completely trashing the thing as he slammed into it, denting it inwards all the way to the back seat.



tinprodigy April 14 2009, 02:24:10 UTC
After the decidedly bizarre encounter with the wolf, Ed dove back into the crowd, still searching for Al. He was beginning to worry. If Al hadn't gone home and was staying off Ed's little-brother-radar, it could mean only so many things. None of the options were particularly pleasant, not to mention the fight behind him seemed only to be growing worse. Distantly, he noted a loud wham and a faint rushing sound. That seemed to be getting closer ( ... )


carboncopy_baby April 14 2009, 02:33:14 UTC
There were only so many ways a man could respond to something sharp and decidedly life-threatening being shoved into their vision; Greed blinked tiredly, shaking his head to dispel the blackness clawing at his eyes before he felt the distinct metal-against-stone sound that his last, and final encounter with Edward Elric had imprinted across all of his mind. It was a fairly...disconcerting to come back to consciousness to, all told.

"...Get that piece of junk outta my face, Smelric." Greed half-barked, violet eyes narrowing to slits. "I mean, if ya hadn't noticed--" With a grunt, Greed disentangled himself from the mess of engine parts and upholstery that used to be...whatever it was he had landed on. "--I ain't got time for whatever problem you're bringin' my way right now."

He was already trying to push his way past the shorter blonde once he got to his feet. At least nothing was broken.


alphonse April 14 2009, 00:50:35 UTC
All things considered, the night hadn't been a total loss. Sure, Monopoly had ended in disaster and Amelia was probably weirded out by the Elrics' ability to turn even a board game into a war zone, but the trip to the 7/11 had actually been quite fruitful. This world had once again lived up to its recurring theme of monthly holidays, and the latest had been cause for all sorts of bizarre-looking candy being displayed throughout the store. Al had bought nearly all that remained, and despite suffering through strange looks from the saleslady, that alone made the outing worthwhile ( ... )


fluidshape April 14 2009, 04:19:00 UTC
Where had that bastard gone?

Like a fucking rag doll. How pathetic. For a big guy, Greed was certainly easier to toss around than Envy had expected. But then again, this was the sorry excuse for a monster that had been stupid enough to let himself be sealed for God knows how long. But still, even a blow like that wasn't going to keep Greed down for the count.

That's why Envy chased after where the body had flown-- to finish the job.

But something distracted him.

There was this constant hunger, this perpetual craving that festered like an infected wound inside this homunculus. A twisted coil of hunger for vengeance and the most self-consuming jealousy. He hated all of humanity, wanted to see them suffer and bleed and cry and be crushed beneath each other's feet. But more than that, he thirsted to destroy the children of his bastard father ( ... )


alphonse April 14 2009, 19:02:41 UTC
The recognition in Envy's eyes was unsurprising, even amidst the panicking crowd. Hohenheim's genes were strongly present in Al--in his world, he and his brother were the only other ones to possess the unique combination of strangely colored hair and eyes, though perhaps this Envy had once had them too ( ... )


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