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carboncopy_baby April 12 2009, 23:19:18 UTC
He knew Envy would play dirty. It was practically a given between the two -- Greed would be the one fighting like a proper, upstanding monster, and Envy would do his all-out best to put his hands where they didn't belong, tearing and knifing at him faster than the other Homunculi could physically keep up with.

"Oi, Envy!"

As he approached the other "Sin," Greed willed his shield up to his neck, already flexing his clawed hands at his sides.

"Let's do this!"


fluidshape April 14 2009, 04:09:42 UTC
Even without stealing another's body, Envy's form was deceptive. Slender, small-- anyone watching the two monsters meet in Times Square would bet against the fragile-looking shapeshifter. But Envy hadn't lived hundreds of years and learned nothing. He was a creature of cunning and trickery. And he wasn't mommy's strongest beast in reputation alone.

He was already deciding how to play this game. His speed was superior to Greed's, and perhaps even his physical strength. But his "brother" had that damned shield-- the perfect defense, no matter how hard Envy hit him-- and one swipe from those claws would leave Envy's soft body twitching and convulsing in regeneration. He couldn't get hit.

"So eager to lose, Greed?" Envy asked mockingly, leisurely stretching his arms, limber as a cat. "Well, if you insist."


carboncopy_baby April 14 2009, 04:50:59 UTC
That cocky little no-account androgynous fuck. Greed's eyes narrowed as his brother-sin closed the distance between them, his arms cast out to each side of his body as he started to pick up speed, boots striking the concrete so hard that it cracked and shifted beneath him. Envy may of had the speed to avoid whatever Greed could throw at him, but he didn't have staying power that the second son had.

"Just cuz you're the oldest doesn't mean fuck all t'me, you ugly piece of shit!"

The shield was his glory: it made Greed impervious to harm, but didn't slow him down in the least, making it so that every movement, even though they had the force of a wrecking ball behind them, came just a fast as any other well-developed human could dish out.

"Come on!"

When he reached Envy, he lashed out with an open-palmed strike, devoting just enough follow-through to it to make it look real.


fluidshape April 15 2009, 12:40:09 UTC
Ugly piece of shit.

Irritation flickered over Envy's face. "Look who's talking," he sneered venomously, "You monstrous fuck."

His shapeshifting cells might have been hiding a face he despised-- the face of Hoenheim Elric's son-- but Greed's flesh was hiding something else entirely. Even to Envy, who had a natural disdain for most things, the Ultimate Shield was an impressive (annoying) obstacle. He could effortlessly crush concrete-- but that shield.

That was a different matter entirely.

The first son bared his teeth faintly, feet light on the ground as he takes one, two steps-- one backwards, then to the side-- to avoid the being struck.

It was a difficult task. First, the smaller homunculus needed to get close enough to use his footwork and physical strength to his advantage, which meant getting past swiping claws without getting hit. Then, there was that fucking shield. Maybe he would go for the eyes. Or instead of trying to break through, he'd just throw the bastard around until he couldn't get up anymore.


carboncopy_baby April 21 2009, 21:29:32 UTC
"Rather be a fucking monster--" Greed replied, smirking with as much cockiness as Envy offered venom. "--Than some androgenic mistake."

The first attack missed, of course. Greed had almost expected it; Envy still had his speed, even after all these years, which meant that their playing field would be more even than the second son originally thought it would. Greed grit his teeth, already turning on his heel so that he could put Envy back in his sights, his clawed hand whipping out in nigh-perfect backhand.

Envy deserved as much.


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