WHO: A bunch of magic lamers.
WHERE: Dunwich, Massachusetts.
WHEN: Friday, September 2nd through Sunday, September 4th.
WARNINGS: TBA. There's bound to be something.
Herp derp.
FORMAT: Whatever you feel like!
Appropriate lyrics from Jonathan Richman songs about New England. )
Comments 1304
it's only the first day, but she's wearing something nice and just wandering around before finally entering a buffet-style room. she brightens as she sees Zatanna chilling with oh boy an alcoholic beverage in hand.]
I hope the drinks are for everyone, an' not just you magic folk.
She turns around when she hears the voice and jumps a little (drink in a death-grip, however...).] For everyone invited, yeah. Take as much as you want of... whatever you want. [Her voice is a little slower, richer. Someone's had more than one drink...]
oh she has glowing eyes? of course she does.
anyways, looks like she just found the fan doujinshi though she's glancing up when zee passes.
:3c ]
These are NC-17.]
She has barely been awake two hours, so far, and has managed to trip twice. The first had been when she got out of the shower when her foot got caught up in the bathmat. Her arse is going to be bruised from that she thinks. On her way out of the elevator, her burgundy jacket had got caught. The force in which Tonks had used to jerk it free had sent her crashing into the wall opposite the elevator doors.
It is when she's on way back to her room from breakfast that she trips for the third time.
The smooth sole of her left boot hits something wet and slippery. It slides a full foot forward before Tonks is even aware that she's falling. By the time that she is aware, it's too late. Her right foot joins the first. Her arms go out to the sides and she fails a bit but it doesn't help.
Boom! Down goes the Tonks face first into the floor.
Yesterday, a fan had asked her if she really is that clumsy. The answer? Yes, yes she is. ]
So here he was, at a convention, surrounded by magical people and fans. He was somewhat out of his element, but he was determined to not cause any problems, enjoy himself, and not spend any money.
Basically, Zee would've dragged him here, if he hadn't come with.
She approaches him with some caution, gently sliding a hand over his shoulder and giving it a small grip. "Hey, there."
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